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Bayou Devils MC: The Complete Series

Page 23

by A. M. Myers

  Yours until the end of time,


  “Come home now, Alison,” Logan growls into the phone, and I stand, nodding my head.


  The line is quiet for a moment, and I can almost hear the shit storm going on in his head right now. “Are you okay to drive, Kitten?” he asks, his voice softening, and I love him for it.

  “I think so.”

  “Come straight home, do you hear me? I’ll be waiting here.”

  I nod again even though he can’t see me. My brain is so scrambled right now that I’m not really sure if I should drive. “I’m on my way.”

  “Okay, Baby. I… Just get here safe.”

  I promise him that I will, and we hang up before I grab my bag and walk like a zombie out into the common area where I bump into Carly.

  “Hey, you okay, Hon?”

  “Um…no,” I say, handing the letter to her that I never put down. She reads through it quickly before looking back at me with wide eyes. “I, uh… I need to go home.”

  She nods. “Yeah, I’ll go explain this to Mercedes. She may know what to do but you just get home, okay? Is Logan waiting for you?”

  “Yeah, I was on the phone with him when I opened it.”

  “’Kay. Go before he freaks out.” She ushers me out of the office, and I hurry to my car, parked in the parking garage at the end of the block. I feel like everywhere I go, eyes are watching me as I start the car and drive out of the garage. Even as I drive home, I feel like I’m never quite alone.

  The way he spoke about me in the letter makes it sound like Logan is keeping me prisoner. No matter how much I try to process it all, I can’t understand how I got here. Did I do something to encourage whoever this is into thinking there was something more between us? Or is he just completely crazy and making up an entire relationship with me? The more I try to answer the questions I already have, the more pop up, and by the time I pull up in front of my house, I’m officially losing my shit.

  Logan is sitting on the porch with Bear, and I scramble out of my car as he stands, looking tortured. Bear rushes down to me and leads me back to the porch where Logan grabs me and pulls me into his arms. He buries his nose in my hair and takes a deep breath before kissing my cheek.

  “You okay?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “Let’s get inside.” He reaches down and grabs a black duffel bag from the floor before placing a hand on my lower back and guiding me into the house. We step into the foyer, and all I can see are the open curtains on every window in the house. I feel like his eyes are everywhere, watching me as I walk through the formal living room and sit down on the couch.

  Logan sits next to me, and I wring my hands together, unable to take my gaze off the window in front of me. I jump up and rush over to it, pulling the curtains closed so no one can see into my house anymore before going to the other window and closing those curtains. I think of the windows in the kitchen and family room and rush down the hallway to close the curtains there, too.

  Logan follows behind me and starts helping me close all the curtains. Peeking over at him, I want to cry. I’m acting crazy right now but he hasn’t said a word. He just follows behind me and starts joining in on my crazy. Finally, all the windows are blocked off, and I feel like I can breathe again, sucking air into my lungs as I bury my face in my hands and fight back tears.

  He closes the distance between us and wraps his arms around me, holding me against his body tight as I lose it, my tears staining his t-shirt. After a few moments, I start to calm down, and my breathing returns to normal as we stand in my kitchen, wrapped up in each other. I pull back and look up at him, wiping my nose with a tissue that he hands me.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, peeking up at him sheepishly, and he shakes his head.

  “For what? You’ve got nothing to apologize for here, Baby.”

  “How did you get so perfect?” I ask through a watery smile, and he barks out a laugh.

  “Oh, Kitten, I’m not perfect at all but it does good things for my ego to hear you say that.”

  Dropping my head back, I look up at him before leaning up on my toes and pressing a kiss against his lips. It’s not passionate or hot like any other kiss we’ve shared but it’s deep enough to convey all the things that I’m so not ready to admit out loud to him. When I pull away, he grins, and I spot the duffel bag on the table.

  “What’s the bag for?”

  He looks over his shoulder. “I’m staying with you until this is over.”

  “Logan, I…” I start to say, shaking my head, but he cuts me off.

  “No arguments, Ali. I’m staying here, and I’m going to keep you safe. End of fucking discussion.”

  I gape at him as he pulls away from me and grabs his bag. He starts heading for my bedroom, and I follow behind him. “You can’t just say end of discussion and expect it to be done.”

  “I absolutely can with something like this. I’m staying here. End of discussion. I will put a bullet in every single part of his body if this fucker ever tries to come near you again. End of fucking discussion. No arguments because I will not lose you. End. Of. Fucking. Discussion.”

  I try to think of something to say to him but I’ve got nothing. Besides, what he just said might be the hottest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. Can you be terrified and turned on all at the same time? As he starts moving my clothes around and finding space for his own, I have to admit that I like having him here. And not just because I’m scared to even move right now.

  “Fine, Logan. But you leave the toilet seat up and I’ll be the one with the gun,” I say and spin, walking out of the room as he throws his head back and laughs.

  * * * *

  “You want some more food, Babe?” Logan asks, standing up from the couch, and I shake my head, holding my wine glass out to him.

  “I will take some more of that, though.”

  He laughs and takes it from me. “Trying to get drunk tonight?”

  I shake my head as he takes his plate into the kitchen, and I flip around on the couch so I can watch him. In the four days since he started staying with me, I think I’ve gotten used to having him around. He fits in like he belongs here, and I’m trying my hardest to not fall completely and totally head over heels for him, but I’m afraid it’s a losing battle.

  “I’m gonna eat the rest of this. You sure you don’t want more?” he asks, pointing down to the chicken I made tonight. I shake my head again.

  “I’m stuffed.”

  Just as he’s picking up his plate, a sound comes from behind me, and I whip around, half expecting the boogey man to be crouching in the corner. The silence rings in my ears as I look all over for the source of the noise, and my heart starts pounding when nothing is out of place. Bear jumps to his feet and looks at the back door, lowering his head to the floor and letting out a low growl. I turn back to Logan, and he’s already got his gun in his hand as he creeps toward the back door.

  Standing, I rush over to him, and he cradles my cheek in his hand. “Stay in here and do not open this door unless it’s me, you hear?”

  I nod and he pulls me in, kissing me quick before he yanks open the French door and steps out into the night. Slamming the door closed, I lock it and pull on it to make sure it’s really locked before going to the island and curling up on one of the barstools. Bear sits at my feet, his gaze trained on the back door and his body tight. My heart pounds in my ears as I wait for something to happen, and the quiet is the worst thing I’ve ever heard in my life. Adrenaline rushes through my body, and I reach over, grabbing the butcher knife out of the knife block, not taking my eyes off the back door as I move.

  Once I have my knife, I hold it in front of me, ready to defend myself if I have to, and the seconds stretch into minutes and the minutes into hours as I wait for Logan to come back. Oh, God, what if something happened to him? Am I locked in my house with a madman just outside? The doorknob turns, and I gasp and scramble off the ba
rstool, backing up further into the house with the knife held out in front of me. Bear barks, snarling as he gets between me and the door.

  “It’s me, Kitten. Let me in,” Logan says from outside the door, and relief rushes through me as I race over and unlock it. He eyes my knife as he steps inside and sets his gun on the counter. I spin the knife and give him the handle end, and he forces a smile to his face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He shakes his head and looks away from me. “Nothing.”

  “Logan,” I whisper, placing my hand against his broad back, and he shudders, “please talk to me. Was someone out there?”

  “No,” he says, spinning back around. “This is all just bringing up memories, and I’m not fucking handling it well.”

  “Memories of what?”

  He hesitates for just a second before sighing. “This is what I do all the time, protect women from shit like this, and now I can’t even protect you.”

  “It looks like you’re protecting me just fine.”

  “How do you figure?” he asks, motioning around the room. “You haven’t opened the blinds since you got that letter, and anytime you hear a noise, you jump sky high. This should have never happened to you. I should have stopped it.”

  I lean into him. “And what could you have done to stop it? There are some things that are in your control and some things that aren’t.”

  He looks away again, denying me his gaze but it doesn’t matter. I already know what I’ll find there. This whole thing is bringing up memories of losing his ex, and I feel guilty that I’m putting him through this.

  “Don’t you get it?” he whispers, whipping his head forward to lock eyes with me as he steps into my space and presses himself against me. “I can’t stand to lose anyone else, Baby. Especially you. I can’t fucking do it again.”

  My heart cracks clean down the center for him as he closes his eyes and presses his forehead to mine.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I assure him but instead of pulling away at my reassurance, he holds me closer.

  “I can’t lose you,” he whispers, his voice a broken shell of the one I’m used to, and I grip his t-shirt in my fists, hoping to give him even a fraction of comfort. I grab his other hand and press it into my hip before sliding it up my side.

  “I’m here, Logan. I’m right here.”

  He pulls back, and when his eyes meet mine, I gasp at the raw need dancing there. His gaze drops to my lips, and his tongue darts out, wetting his bottom lip as he looks at me like he wants to devour me whole. Without a word, he slams his lips to mine and fists my hair in his hand, yanking me into his body. His other hand slips around my back and holds me against him.

  This kiss is different than any we’ve shared before. It’s bruising in his frantic need for me, and instinctively I know that he just needs this right now. He needs to take me right now and feel like he’s in control of something so I surrender to him, ready for wherever he takes us. He shuffles us a little and presses my back into the counter, the cold granite making me shiver even through the fabric of my tank top.

  Reaching down, he grabs one of my legs and guides it up around his hip as he grabs the other and pushes me back onto the counter. His fingers brush against my belly as his hand slips up under my shirt, and he pulls it over my head. After pulling away long enough to toss my shirt onto the floor, he’s grabbing me again and pulling me into his kiss. My nipples pucker in the cold air, and I moan when his warm hand closes over my breast.

  “Logan,” I moan again as his hand starts massaging me, and he kisses down my neck. By now, I’m used to his dirty talk and the way he loves to tease but I get none of that tonight as he pushes me back on the counter. The cold stone presses against my bare back, and I gasp as he pulls my lounge shorts down my legs and rips my panties away.

  Before I even have a chance to move or say anything, he’s pulling my legs apart and latching onto my pussy. My hips buck off the counter, and I cry out, my voice echoing a little in this big room. His fingers dig into the tops of my thighs as he holds me in place and laps at me again and again like he may never get enough of me. My entire body is buzzing, sensations stabbing me from everywhere, and I can’t focus on one long enough to enjoy it.

  He growls against my flesh, and it vibrates through me before shooting straight between my thighs, and a breathy moan slips past my lips. Without warning, he pulls away from me and grabs my hand, yanking me back up into a sitting position. Tingles shoot down my spine as he grabs my hair again and claims my mouth, his tongue plunging past my lips. I can taste myself, and I moan which only makes him crazier.

  He yanks his lips away and wraps an arm around my back, holding me up as he stalks into the bedroom, looking at me with the eyes of a predator. Stopping next to my bed, he sets me back on my feet and leans down, kissing me sweetly as he unbuckles his belt. When he pulls away, he shoves his jeans down his legs, and his erection springs free. He grips the base and grins at me.

  “Get on your knees and suck my cock, Kitten,” he rasps, and I can’t drop to my knees fast enough. Peeking up at him, I circle my tongue around the head and watch his face as he sucks in a breath. I like that he doesn’t close his eyes as I sink down on his length, using my tongue to massage the underside of his cock as I suck.

  He groans, and his eyes flutter like they want to close but he doesn’t look away. His gray depths are locked firmly on me as fire dances in his gaze. He threads his fingers through my hair and holds me steady as he pulls out of my mouth before driving back in. He groans loudly, and I plant my hands on his thighs as he does it again. In and out. In and out. Fucking my mouth again and again until his grip in my hair is so tight that I think he’ll pull a chunk out. My pussy is throbbing, and I can’t deny that I love being used like this. Then he releases me and reaches down to lift me off the floor.

  “You’re incredible, Gorgeous,” he whispers, giving me another sweet kiss that melts me faster than any other. “Now get on all fours on the bed.”

  My heart jumps, and a grin stretches across my face as I climb onto the bed on my hands and knees with my head facing away from him. He runs a hand from the base of my neck to my ass and groans.

  “Put your shoulders flat on the bed,” he commands, and I do it, dropping my head and shoulders down to the bed. His hand skims over my ass cheek, and he groans again as he smacks it.

  “Yeah, just like that, Kitten. You ready?”

  I moan in response, and the head of his cock presses against my entrance. Holding my breath, I push back into him a little, and he surges forward, filling me up and stretching me out perfectly. I moan, fisting the comforter by my head as he pulls out and slams in again. He leans over me and slides his hand into my hair, pushing my head into the bed. It’s animalistic, the way he’s fucking me, and I eat it up, moaning every time he enters me and trying to back up when he retreats.

  “Ali,” he groans, kissing my back as he continues his strenuous pace, working us both to an orgasm that will knock us on our asses.

  “Yes. Fuck me,” I hiss, taunting him a little, and he growls as he pulls back and drives home harder than before. It steals my breath. I pull on the blanket in my hands, my mouth wide open but no sounds coming out.

  “Stop being a brat, and come right now or I’ll spank your ass raw,” he whispers in my ear. It’s my undoing. My back arches, and I cry out into the room as my pussy clamps down on his cock. He groans and stiffens behind me before releasing my hair and collapsing on top of me with a sigh.

  I giggle. His head pops up, and he looks down at me, all the worry from earlier completely forgotten.

  “Thanks, Baby. I needed that.”

  “Anytime,” I reply, winking at him, and he laughs again as he rolls to my side and pulls me into his body.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I glance up from my laptop, watching as a couple of the guys sit at the bar drinking beer while two others play pool off in the corner. Logan had a job tonigh
t, and he refused to leave me alone, so after a little bit of arguing I agreed to wait for him at the clubhouse. It’s different than I imagined it but it fits. As soon as you walk in the door, there’s a bar to your right and couches off to the left. Behind the bar is a door that leads to a pretty large kitchen that looks like it could feed fifty easily. The back corner has two pool tables set up, and on the other side is a staircase that leads upstairs to the rooms. I haven’t been up there to check them out at all but Logan gave me a quick tour when he dropped me off.

  “You mind if I sit?” one of the guys asks, looking at the empty spot next to me, and I grab my notebook, shaking my head.

  “Not at all. Go ahead.”

  He smiles as he sits next to me, and I rack my brain, trying to remember his name. “I’m Chance, by the way.”

  “Ali. It’s nice to meet you,” I say, holding out my hand. Logan talks a lot about the club and the guys here so I recognize his name instantly. Chance has been his best friend since they were kids.

  He takes my hand, his kind smile permanently in place. “Yeah, you, too. But I think I should be thanking you.”

  “Why’s that?”

  He looks out at the two men still at the bar and sighs before turning back to look at me. “He’s different with you, ya know?”

  “That’s what everyone keeps telling me.” I can’t help but think back to Blaze telling me the same thing on my porch after the break-in.

  “He’s happy again, and he hasn’t been happy in a damn long time.”

  “Since his girlfriend died?” I ask, and his eyes widen.

  “He told you about Fi?”

  I scowl in confusion. “Fi?”

  “Yeah, that was her name – Sophia, actually. He told you about her?”

  I nod. “Yes.”

  “Wow. I guess I didn’t know if he would ever tell you. He keeps all that pretty private. I mean, none of us were even allowed to mention her name for the first couple years.” I fidget in my seat, feeling uncomfortable talking about this behind Logan’s back. If he wants me to know more, then he’ll tell me.


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