Bayou Devils MC: The Complete Series

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Bayou Devils MC: The Complete Series Page 65

by A. M. Myers

  “I can’t make any promises.”

  An idea hits me. “Actually, there is somewhere I’d like to take you.”

  “Okay. I’ll let you decide this time.”

  With a dramatic scoff and a roll of my eyes, I slip off the stool and leave him standing in the living room as I go to the closet. Once inside, I sift through the racks before pulling on a pair of jean shorts and white baby doll eyelet tank top. Back in the bedroom, I grab one of the necklaces on my jewelry rack – a jade green pendant on a gold chain – and slip it over my head. As I slip my flip-flops on, Chance walks in and grins.

  “Ready to go?”

  “Yep. Is that what you’re going to wear?” I ask, pointing to his jeans as I strut over to him and throw my arms over his shoulders. His grin grows and he nods his head.

  “Yes. What’s wrong with it? You taking me somewhere super fancy? You should probably tell me where we’re going so I know what the appropriate attire is.”

  With a huff, I pull away from him and he laughs, hooking his arm around my waist and pulling me back into him. It figures that the one time I try to surprise him, he can’t handle the secrecy.

  “Damn, I love riling you up, baby.”

  I cross my arms over my chest and look away from him. “Keep it up and see how often you get laid, Turner.”

  “Oh, yeah?” He pulls me closer, molding my body to his as his lips hover over mine and I suck in a breath. God damn him. “You think you can last longer than me?”

  “I know I can.” Especially if he’s going to throw down a challenge.

  He laughs. “We’ll just have to see about that. Time to go.”

  He releases me only to grab my hand and lead me out into the living room. I snatch my phone off the counter as we pass the island, slipping it in my pocket before grabbing my purse off the entry table.

  “Are we going to a movie?” he asks as he locks the door and I scoff.

  “Come on. Give me more credit than that.”

  “Are we really going to a fancy dinner?”

  “In shorts?” I ask, glancing down at my bare legs.

  “What about…”

  “You’re never going to guess it so why don’t you just be patient?”

  “I’m not a patient guy,” he says and I laugh as he presses the button for the elevator.

  “Oh, I know but just bear with me for a little bit longer.”

  The elevator doors slide open and he guides me inside as he pouts a little. He steps behind me and places his hands on my hips as his warm breath caresses my ear.

  “Do you remember the first time we were on this elevator together?” he asks, his fingers digging into my skin and I close my eyes, picturing the night of the gala.


  “When you opened your door,” he whispers, sending goose bumps racing over my skin. “And I saw you in that sexy black dress, you almost brought me to my knees and I was struggling to breathe. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen – naked, in jeans and a t-shirt, and all dressed up.”

  “Chance,” I moan, letting my head fall back onto his shoulder and he chuckles, sending another breath over my skin. I want him now and I don’t even care if the elevator doors open to a crowd of people in the lobby.

  “I knew, right in that moment, I was the luckiest man in the world. I love you.”

  “I love you,” I tell him and his lips press against my neck. It steals the air from my lungs. When he pulls away, I stand up straight and the doors open to an empty lobby. With a smirk on his face, he grabs my hand and I realize what he was doing. Damn. I’m all gooey and my pussy is throbbing with need but there is no way in hell I’m going to let him win this little game.

  As he holds the door to his truck open for me, I brush past him, making sure that my ass rubs up against his cock before I jump up in the truck. He shakes his head and shuts the door. I watch him walk around the front of the truck and an idea pops into my head. He climbs in and I fight back a smile.

  “Hey, baby…”

  He glances over at me as he starts the truck. “Yeah?”

  “Just so you know,” I prompt and make sure his full attention is on me before I continue. “I’m not wearing any panties.”

  His gaze drops to my lap and he swallows, hard, as his hand reaches across the cab almost like it has a mind of its own. I shift in the seat, opening my legs a little bit and smile when I see the fire in his eyes. “I thought you were gonna last longer than this.”

  His gaze snaps up to me. “Fuck.”

  He turns back toward the wheel and turns the key again, earning a loud screech of protest from the truck and another muttered curse word from him. Blowing out a breath, he runs a hand through his hair and his gaze flicks to my lap as he licks his lips. As he starts backing out of the parking spot, I peek over at him and catch him adjusting a very noticeable erection. I’m fighting back a huge grin. If he wants to play this game, I’ll win. Or, at the very least, he’ll be just as uncomfortable as I am.

  I set the GPS on my phone before relaxing back into my seat. We’re quiet on the drive and I’m hoping it’s because his mind is on my panties… or lack there of but as we get closer to our destination, I start getting nervous. This is a big step and I hope he’s ready for it. Oh, hell, who am I kidding? I hope I’m ready for it. Although, I did warn him that I had no clue how to be a girlfriend, so he has no one to blame but himself if it goes badly. Things have been going so well since we decided to make things official and I don’t want to ruin that. I mean, besides all the stuff with my sister but even that has proven to me how much he means to me. I would be an absolute mess without him and Ivy wouldn’t have a hope in the world.

  I think back to the conversation I had with my mother on the day Julian came into my office and shake my head. She’s been this way since we were kids, but I guess I always thought that somewhere, deep down, she loved us. But how could she when she won’t even acknowledge that Ivy needs our help?

  “This it?” Chance asks, pulling up in front of Aunt Dottie’s house and I nod, my nerves kicking me in the stomach. “You okay?”

  “Um, yeah… just nervous.”

  He glances over at the house. “Why?”

  “Because I’m about to introduce you to my Aunt Dottie and I’ve never done this before.”

  “Shit,” he hisses, rubbing his hands over his black t-shirt. “I would have worn a nicer shirt if you’d told me.”

  And that, right there, is why I love him.

  “You look fine, babe,” I assure him and he nods, looking a little nervous himself.

  “Ready to do this?”

  When I nod, he opens his door, climbs out, and waits on the sidewalk as I jump down. He holds his hand out and I take it as we walk up to the porch and I open the door.

  “Auntie?” I call out and she pokes her head out of the kitchen. I swear, that woman lives in there.

  “Carly, what are you doing here?” Her gaze zeroes in on Chance before dropping to our clasped hands. She fights back a smile. “And who is your friend?”

  Chance steps forward, not releasing my hand as he holds his other out to Aunt Dottie. “I’m Chance, ma’am. It’s really nice to finally meet you. Carly has told me a lot about you.”

  “It’s lovely to meet you, too, dear.”

  “I thought we could go out and get some dinner together,” I suggest and Dottie shakes her head.

  “Nonsense. I just finished cooking up some barbecue pork for sandwiches.”

  “That sounds delicious,” Chance says and Dottie beams. Oh, Lord, she’s smitten already. Not that I don’t completely understand how she’s feeling.

  “Well, have a seat and I’ll have it ready in a minute or two.”

  We sit next to each other at the dinner table and he wraps his arm over the back of my chair, leaning in to kiss my cheek. “I’m going to get you back for the panty thing.”

  “You can try,” I whisper with a smirk and he growls softly in my ear as Dottie walks i
nto the dining room with a dish full of pulled pork and a plate of hamburger buns.

  “Let me just go grab some chips and we can dig in. Y’all want some tea?”

  Chance nods. “That would be great. Thank you, ma’am.”

  Aunt Dottie blushes and I watch with wide eyes as she slips back into the kitchen.

  “I think Dottie likes you,” I tease, trailing my fingers up his leg and he clamps down on them with his free hand.

  “What’s not to like?”

  I shrug, pulling my hand free and trying to skate up his leg again but he stops me. “I don’t know… you’re kind of stubborn.”

  “Pot and kettle, Princess,” he says and I laugh as Dottie walks back into the room. She stares at me for a moment like she’s just seen a unicorn before setting a tray of tea down and shaking her head.

  “So, Chance, tell me how you met my niece?”

  “Uh, it was through Ali, actually. Carly brought her home the day her house was broken into and I was there with the club. She knocked me off my damn feet as soon as she walked into the room.”

  Dottie grins, her gaze flicking to me. “You obviously had an effect on her as well. She’s never brought a boy over to meet me.”

  “Auntie,” I hiss, feeling nervous enough already. Chance laughs and pulls me closer as I fight back a smile.

  “Well, it took a little convincing, but I finally won her over. She can be a little stubborn.”

  Dottie barks out a surprised laugh. “You could say that.”

  “See, Princess,” Chance says, glancing down at me with a wide grin on his face. “Everyone knows you’re the stubborn one in this relationship.”

  “Mmhmm, Kettle.”

  Chance laughs again and Dottie’s gaze flicks back and forth between the two of us. “You know, Chance, I have a feeling about you.”

  “I hope it’s a good one, ma’am,” he drawls. Dottie nods.

  “Call me Auntie or Dottie, everyone else does.”

  He nods. “Okay, Dottie.”

  “And I just have to say, thank you.”

  “For what?” Chance asks, his brow furrowed. Dottie glances over at me, her smile softening.

  “For bringing my girl back to life. I was so worried she’d never let anyone in again but even just sitting across from the two of you, I can tell how much she loves you.”

  Chance peeks down at me and I glance up, leaning into his body as he looks back at Dottie. “You don’t have to thank me for that, Dottie. I’m pretty sure I got the better end of the deal here.”

  * * * *

  I wake to incessant ringing and groan as I roll over, burying my head in the pillow. Chance rolls over and I peel one eye open as he grabs his phone off the bedside table.

  “Yeah?” he answers and my breath gets stuck in my throat. I know it’s only been twenty-four hours since I gave Rosie the phone but I’m praying it’s Ivy and we can finally do something to help her. We filled Dottie in on everything last night and after shedding a few tears, she thanked Chance profusely for everything he’s done for our family. I’m pretty sure she’s already planning our wedding. It strikes me that the thought doesn’t cause me any panic like it used to.

  “Shit,” Chance hisses into the phone, sitting up and my gaze snaps over to him. Oh, God, what now? “When?”

  When he sighs and rubs his hand over his face, my heart sinks. That’s not good. My mind races with the possibilities as fear grips my chest in a tight fist.

  “Yeah, okay. Keep me updated.” He hangs up and tosses his phone to the table before turning to me. One look at his expression sends panic clawing at my throat.

  Please tell me my sister is still okay…

  “What is it?” I whisper, pressing a hand to the hollow of my neck as my heart thunders in my ears.

  Tell me she’s okay…

  “That was Streak.”

  I nod, feeling a bit like a bobble head. “And?”

  She has to be okay…

  Blowing out a breath, he grabs my hand and pulls me into his lap. I straddle his legs as he wraps his arms around my waist. “Julian hired more security. Your sister now has three guards if she ever leaves the house.”

  “Has she been leaving the house?” I ask, sucking in a breath for what feels like the first time in five minutes.

  She’s okay.

  He shakes his head. “Not as far as Streak can tell but he can’t keep her locked up there forever. A lot of people in this town know your mother and know the two of you. Folks will start asking questions if she disappears.”

  “How does that help us? Even if she goes out, she has three guards watching her every move.”

  Chance cups my cheek, directing my gaze to his and I sigh, his touch abating some of my panic. “I know it seems bad, baby, but in all his work to keep her prisoner, Julian made one mistake.”

  “What?” I ask, too scared to hope.

  “He hired only male guards for her. They can’t follow her everywhere.”

  My eyes widen and I study him for a second. “A bathroom?”


  “And you think they won’t just storm in when she’s taking a long time? What are the odds that we could get there before they decided to haul her out?”

  “It just depends,” he says and my fear starts creeping in again. This all seems impossible. “There could be a window in the bathroom that she could crawl out of or someone might help her get away. Your sister will figure it out.”

  I shake my head. “How do you know? God, five weeks ago, I was having lunch with her and she was telling me how happy she was. So much has changed in such a short time.”

  “I know,” he murmurs, his hand skating down my thigh in a comforting touch.

  “Can’t we just call the police?” I ask, my voice hollow as I contemplate the almost insurmountable task in front of us. Julian has an endless amount of money and he could stop us no matter what we try to do. Plus, we still have no clue what’s really going on.

  “We have, Sweets. We’ve talked to Rodriguez, a detective we work with, but until your sister is ready to leave, there’s nothing they can do. They aren’t going to drag her out of there just on our word.”

  Sighing, I rub my temples. I can feel a headache coming on already. “But they could go there and she’ll tell them that she wants to leave.”

  “Would she?” he asks, his gaze softening as he stares up at me. “With Julian staring at her, will she be able to tell the truth and get herself out? Asking for help and actually walking out the door are two very different things. I hate that these fuckers have so much power over their victims but until she’s gathered the courage to walk out the door, nothing we do will matter.”

  A tear slips down my cheek and I swipe it away before wrapping my arms around my waist. “There has to be something more we can do. I can’t just leave her over there on her own.”

  “You haven’t, sweetheart. Rosie gave her the phone and she knows help is here as soon as she’s ready to go. She knows you’re doing everything you can to save her.”

  “Am I, though? Maybe I should just go over there and refuse to leave until he sends her out.”

  He tenses, his gaze hardening. “You will not. I’m willing to do just about anything to get your sister back, Carly, but you will not put yourself in that kind of danger. It’s not an option.”

  “Don’t think you can tell me what to do. If I want to go over there, I will,” I snap, meeting his glare and he slips his hand into my hair and pulls me forward until my forehead presses against his.

  “I fucking love you and I wouldn’t survive losing you so please don’t fight me on this,” he whispers and the agony in his voice breaks me. I understand because I couldn’t lose him either. It would destroy me.

  “This is torture,” I whisper, my voice cracking as more tears build in my eyes. His eyes soften again and he rubs his hands up and down my arms before leaning in and kissing my forehead.

  “I know, babe, but you’ve just got to have a
little faith right now.”

  I wilt in his lap. “I can’t.”

  “You can and when you can’t, I’ll help you. I’ve got you, Princess. Always.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Chance sinks into the chair in the corner of the clubhouse and pulls me onto his lap. I let out a squeal and as I turn a playful glare to him, he grins and claims my lips.

  “Jesus, it’s getting too cutesy in here for me,” Smith says, looking from me to Ali, splayed out on the couch with her head in Logan’s lap. He curls his lips in mock disgust and I snort as Ali laughs.

  “Be careful or you’re next,” she teases and he recoils.

  “Now, why the hell would you put that on me, woman? I’ve got too much shit to deal with to meet a woman.”

  Ali shrugs, a smile teasing her lips. “I’m just saying.”

  “Yeah, well, next time don’t,” he grumbles but I catch the hint of a smile teasing his lips before he turns away. The more time I spend with these bikers, the more I’m beginning to think they’re just big teddy bears. Unless, of course, someone they love is in danger and then, there’s no length they wouldn’t go to.

  “So,” I prompt, glancing over at Ali. “How’s wedding planning going?”

  She shrugs. “It’s not, yet. Nothing concrete anyway.”

  “Except that it is going to happen,” Logan interjects, pinning Ali with a hard stare and she laughs.

  “No one ever said it wasn’t going to. Relax, caveman.”

  “Now there’s the name we should have given him,” Kodiak says, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. He’s been so quiet that I’d almost forgotten he was here. Guess he’s not much of a morning person.

  “I’ll keep my name. Thanks.”

  Logan flips him off and Kodiak throws his head back and laughs before turning to me.

  “Glad y’all could make it last night. I know it must be hard to get out with what’s going on with your sister.”

  I nod, a lump in my throat. It’s been almost a week since I gave Rosie the phone and we still haven’t heard anything from Ivy. My only hope is that she’s okay and looking for her way out. At first, it was hard to leave the house or do anything else but worry but after a little while, life has to start going back to normal… or as normal as it can be right now. I’m always worried about her, but I can’t just sit by the phone day and night, either. It’s been a hard lesson to learn and some days, Chance has to teach it to me all over again but nights like last night help.


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