Bayou Devils MC: The Complete Series

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Bayou Devils MC: The Complete Series Page 87

by A. M. Myers

  “Perfect timing,” I say as I swing the door open and his gaze travels down my body before meeting my eyes.

  “You look fucking gorgeous, babe.”

  I glance down at the ripped black jeans and white t-shirt I put on, feeling every bit as gorgeous as he says I am. “You are very easy to please, sir.”

  “Naw, I’m not,” he murmurs, holding his hand out to me and I take it, letting out a squeak of surprise when he pulls me into his arms and presses his lips to mine. His kiss is liquid fire and I moan, reaching up on my tippy toes to wrap my arms around his neck as his arms lock around my waist. My fingers rake through his hair and he groans against my lips as I rock my hips into his. We stumble back into the house and my back meets the cool wall as his tongue teases the seam of my lips.

  “Open up for me, Darlin’,” he whispers, his minty fresh breath caressing my skin and I comply immediately. Our tongues tangle together and it takes the kiss to another level as I whine. I can’t get close enough to him to satisfy this need rocking through my body and I’m about to chuck my rule about not sleeping with him out of the window when he pulls back and clears his throat.

  He meets my eyes, his bright and filled with fire as his chest rises and falls rapidly. My core clenches and I press my hand against the wall for support when his tongue pokes out and slowly runs along the length of his bottom lip, licking up every last taste of me.

  “We should go,” he whispers and I nod because I’m afraid if I open my mouth, I’ll tell him we should stay. I have my rules for a reason and it won’t be long before I give in to this incredible force between us but not today.

  He holds his hand out for mine again and I take it, smiling when he laces our fingers together and leads me toward the door.

  “So, where are we going?” I ask and he smiles.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  I stop, tugging on his arm when he keeps walking. He glances back at me. “I don’t like surprises.”

  “Well, we’re going to help you grow today,” he answers with a laugh and I scowl at him. “You can give me that cute as shit look all you want, baby, but I’m not tellin’ you where I’m taking you.”

  Arching a brow, I rip my hand from his and cross my arms over my chest.

  “That’s the way you’re going to play it?” he asks and I nod. “All right, then.”

  He shrugs before stepping forward and grabbing me behind the knees. I’m half-way over his shoulder by the time I realize what he’s doing and I hit his back with my fists.

  “Put me down, you giant!”

  He smacks my ass. “You gonna stop being a brat?”

  “Yes,” I huff. As much as I don’t want to give in, I want to be carried out of the house like a child even less and he fucking knows it. He sets me back on my feet and takes my hand in his before leading me out of the house to his car.

  As we pull away from the curb, I turn to him and smile. He glances over at me and laughs, shaking his head.

  “No way, Darlin’. Don’t think you can be cute and get me to ruin the surprise.”

  “You know, I’ve got my Taser. I could just torture it out of you,” I tease and his gaze flicks to my bag.

  “Seems like not a very bright idea since I’m driving the car.”

  “Fine. I’ll be patient.”

  He grins. “See. Was that so hard?”

  Rolling my eyes, I settle into my seat as he turns on the radio and reaches across the car to grab my hand. Truthfully, I don’t really care where we go since I just want to spend time with him but old habits are hard to break and I’m not exactly versed in letting other people run the show. It’s something to work on, I guess.

  “Oh, I know where we’re going,” I say a few minutes later when we turn down the road to Lincoln’s house and he grins.

  “Figured I owed you a redo for the weekend I messed up.”

  I squeeze his hand. “You didn’t mess anything up.”

  “You tased me for nothing then?” he asks, humor in his voice and I shrug.

  “Okay, so maybe you messed up a little bit, but look,” I hold up our intertwined hands, “it all worked out.”

  “Yes, it did. You know when I kissed you that night was the first time I realized I had real feelings for you.”

  My gaze narrows and I laugh. “Oh! So, that’s why you freaked out.”

  “Yep,” he answers. “Kissing you shocked me more than the Taser.”

  I place my hand over my heart. “That might be the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”

  “Don’t joke.”

  “No,” I say, shaking my head. “I’m serious. That Taser packs one hell of a punch and besides, kissing you kind of knocked the wind out of me, too.”

  Our eyes meet across the car and he smiles before turning back to the road.

  “Now I’ve got to know,” he muses as he pulls into his driveway. “Have you really been tased?”

  “Yeah. My mom insisted that Theo and I experience it ourselves if we were going to carry them around to protect ourselves.”

  His eyebrows shoot up. “Wow. Your mom was…”

  “Intense?” I interject. “Yeah.”

  The trees open up, revealing Lincoln’s house and the pristine lake in front of it and I sigh. It’s so peaceful out here that you can just forget everything and truly relax.

  “Was she like that all the time?” Lincoln asks as he puts the car in park in the garage and I nod.

  “Pretty much. She was a complicated woman.”

  “Wait there and I’ll come get you,” he instructs as he opens his door and I roll my eyes.

  “What did I say about that chivalry thing?”

  He pins me with a stare. “Your ass leaves that seat before I get there and I’ll spank it.”

  “I might like it,” I shoot back and he grins.


  He rounds the back of the Camaro and opens my door, holding his hand out to me and I grab it as I stand up. We leave the garage and go up to the porch. I turn and look out at the water as he digs in his pocket for his keys, peace settling over me. This is exactly what I needed after that creepy phone call last night and sleeping in the safe room.

  “Tate?” Lincoln asks and I spin to find him waiting for me with the door open. “You okay?”

  I nod. “Yeah, sorry. My mind started to wander.”

  Taking his hand, I let him pull me inside the house and I gasp at the gorgeous, rugged interior that matches him so perfectly. The wall that faces the lake is full of windows, flooding the room with light and I picture curling up on the sofa on a cool day and reading a book.

  “This is amazing,” I tell him and he smiles.

  “I forgot you didn’t get to see the inside last time. Do you want the tour?”

  When I nod, he grabs my hand and starts leading me through the house, pointing out various rooms. The middle of the house is one large open space that houses the living room, kitchen, dining room, and office and there’s a master suite on either side. The office is in the corner by the hallway and sectioned off by three large logs that go to the ceiling. It’s packed with bookcases full of books and I grin as I run my fingers along the titles.

  “You like to read?” he asks and I nod.

  “Do you not remember the boxes of books you hauled down from my apartment for me?”

  He sighs. “Ah, yes. How could I forget? I nearly put out my back.”

  “You did not, you liar.” I laugh, smacking his ass and he growls, spinning me around and wrapping his massive arms around me.

  “Careful, Darlin’.”

  “Why?” I ask, heat creeping up my cheeks as I quietly gasp for air. “I think I can handle you.”

  “Why don’t we test out your theory?” he whispers, leaning in until his mouth hovers above mine and I reach up on my tippy toes just as his phone rings and he closes his eyes, letting out a breath. “I’m sorry. Just give me a minute.”

  He pulls his phone out and presses it to his ear.

  His gaze snaps to me.

  “Right now?”

  Worry creases his forehead and I step forward, laying my hand on his arm.

  “No, I can’t.”

  He nods.

  “Yeah, let me know.”

  When he hangs up, I tilt my head in question and he sighs.

  “Sorry, babe. Club business. Did you already eat lunch?”

  I nod, wishing he’d share what’s going on with me but I understand the need for secrecy with the work that they do. If his silence keeps someone safe, I’ll deal with it.

  “Yeah, I ate before I left the diner.”

  “We can start with the movie then. I’m pretty sure I still owe you for last night as well.”

  “Sounds good, but I’m not stripping down to my underwear. That was a one time deal and you missed it.”

  “I think I might be able to talk you into it.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t count on it.”

  He laughs, throwing his arm over my shoulders as he leads me to one of the bedrooms. There’s a king-size bed against one wall and it faces a huge TV mounted on the wall.

  “We’re going to watch in here?”

  “Yeah. It’s impossible to have a TV in the living room with all those windows. Why? Is that going to be a problem for you?”

  He’s got a wicked grin on his face and I turn away from him, examining the bed and trying not to picture the two of us naked on it. Oh, hell… How am I supposed to spend two hours sprawled out on a mattress with him? My willpower is never going to last.

  * * * *

  “Watch your step,” Lincoln whispers in my ear with his hands clamped over my eyes and a shiver races down my spine at his warm breath on my neck. I was right about my willpower not lasting long and it only took ten minutes for me to shed my pants and curl up between Lincoln’s legs. It’s not my fault, though. I just hate pants. After our movie, we laid in bed and made out like a couple teenagers but thankfully, things didn’t get past heavy petting. Or not thankfully… I don’t know anymore. When it comes down to it, I already know that what Lincoln and I have is special so why am I still waiting? I guess the truth is that I’m scared. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with anyone and while I was once very promiscuous, that’s not who I am anymore.

  “There’s a ledge right here,” he says against the shell of my ear and a breathy moan slips past my lips before I can stop it. I wrap my fingers around his wrist and step forward gingerly, feeling for the ledge and stepping over it. Once things cooled down between us, Lincoln started making us dinner and banished me to the room so he could set up yet another surprise. I was serious earlier when I said I didn’t like surprises but a girl could get used to this. Especially with a man like Lincoln.

  “You ready?” he asks and I nod.


  He presses a kiss just below my ear and all my nerve endings spring to life. “When I pull my hands away, you can look, okay?”

  I nod, breathless. “Okay.”

  He pulls his hands away and my eyes flutter open, drawing a gasp out of me. Candles line the railing of the front porch and he brought one of the tables and a bench up from the yard.

  “Just one bench?” I ask, eyeing the blanket strewn over the edge. He grins.

  “You’ve lost your damn mind if you think I’m letting you get more than an arm’s reach from me.”

  I glance down at my bare legs. “Do you have neighbors?”

  “Do you really think I would have brought you out here in your sexy little panties if I did?” he asks, wrapping his arms around my waist and gripping my ass cheek. “Mine.”

  I wrinkle my nose. “Don’t go all caveman on me.”

  “Don’t act like you wouldn’t like it,” he whispers, leaning in and claiming my lips as I sigh. Damn it. For being such a strong independent woman, he sure makes me weak.

  My stomach growls and he pulls back and points to the bench.


  My brow arches. “Excuse me?”

  “I said, sit.”

  “Oh, I heard you, macho man. I was giving you a second chance to change your answer. Don’t order me around like a dog or you’ll see how big of a bitch I can really be.”

  His lips twitch as he fights back a smile and I growl. “Even worse than the Taser?”

  “Yes, even worse than that.”

  Rolling his eyes, he lets out a dramatic sigh and gestures to the bench. “Would you like to sit down now, dear?”

  “Don’t be a smartass,” I hiss, grabbing his face in my hands and glaring at him He barks out a laugh and wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground as he walks over to the bench and sits down with me sitting across his lap.

  “Beast,” I grumble and he laughs again.

  “You want the blanket, babe?”

  I nod, a shiver racking my body. “Yes, please.”

  As he wraps the blanket around his shoulders and swallows me up in it, I look up at the stars as peace settles over me. Not once since we got here have I thought about all the shit at home.

  “Thank you,” I whisper, laying my head on his shoulder. “This is exactly what I needed.”

  “Everything okay?” he asks, handing me one of the pork kabobs he whipped up for dinner. I sigh and nod.

  “Yeah. You don’t need to worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

  He cups my cheek, guiding my gaze to his. “Well, I do worry about you because I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you and you saying you can handle it does nothing to ease my concerns. Spill.”

  “It’s just more of those prank calls,” I admit, picking at my dinner and he studies me for a moment before sighing.

  “Let me handle it, baby. The guys and I will pay a little visit to Reed and put an end to this. I hate seeing you so stressed.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t want him to know that he’s getting to me. I’m stronger than this.”

  “Tatum,” he growls and my head jerks up as I meet his eyes. “You are, without a doubt, the toughest, most badass woman that I’ve ever met but you’re still human. It’s okay if this bothers you.”

  “If he just came at me, I could deal with him no problem but I hate the mental games.”

  “We’ll handle it, okay? I’ll take a few guys over there and we’ll put the fear of the devil into him.” He grins at his own joke and I laugh.

  “Did you practice that one?”

  He shakes his head. “Naw, it just came to me.”

  “It was good,” I answer with a grin but my mind is back on Reed and the phone calls. Maybe I should just let Lincoln handle this. I mean, what’s the point of having a big strong biker as a boyfriend if he can’t scare the shit out of little asshats from time to time.

  “I’ll think about it, okay?”

  He nods, holding a cube of potato in front of my lips. “Good. Now, eat before it gets cold.”

  I grab the potato from his fingers with my teeth and the hunger in his eyes intensifies as he meets my gaze. With his eyes locked on mine, he starts trailing his hand up the inside of my thigh and I suck in a breath.

  “I think we need to save this food for later,” I whisper and he nods.

  “Couldn’t fucking agree more, Darlin’.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  We crash through his bedroom door, a mass of fumbling hands and desperate, crazed kisses as he slams me against a wall and braces his hand next to my head. His knee shoves between my thighs and I hook a leg around his hip as he groans, scraping his hand down my skin. Shivers rack my body and he groans, gripping my thigh as he pulls me closer but it’s still not close enough and I’m beginning to think I’m not going to be happy until his cock is seated inside me.

  “I’m going to fucking destroy you in the best fucking way, baby,” he whispers, his nose nuzzling into my neck before he presses his lips to my skin. My core clenches and I arch my back, rubbing my breasts against his chest.
br />   “We’re not having sex. That’s still off the table.”

  He jerks back, looking equal parts confused and ravenous. “Then what are we doing?”

  “Anything else,” I breathe, trying to convey the urgency that I feel pumping through my body with each rapid beat of my heart. My nerve endings spark, sending electric currents across my skin as a wolfish grin spreads across his face.

  “I can get down with that.”

  Both hands dip under my t-shirt and span across the entire width of my back, making me feel so small but also so protected as he claims my mouth again, his tongue hungry for another taste of me. My nipples pebble and ache as they brush against the material of my t-shirt. I wish it was his broad chest instead. Balling his shirt in my hand, I tug on it, trying to get it over his head but he’s too damn tall. He laughs, letting his hands fall away from my body long enough to reach behind his head and rip the shirt off. All his tattoos come into view and I suck in a breath as my fingers skate over his skin.

  “You keep touching me like that and I’m going to lose control, baby,” he warns and I smile.

  “Who said that was a bad thing?”

  The thin white t-shirt is torn over my head and he pulls me against his large body as his lips find mine again, need pouring out of both of us. The air is thick with it, enveloping us in a world where he and I are the only two people who exist. There’s nowhere I have to be, no one to see because everything begins and ends with the two of us losing ourselves in each other for the rest of the night. His hands fist my hair and he kisses me so hard that I’m convinced he’s breathing for me.

  “I’m going to spend hours eating your sweet little cunt, Tate, and only when you lose count of the amount of times you’ve come will I let up.”

  I shudder, my pussy clenching as I grab his forearms. “Lincoln.”

  “You want to know the best part of living out here?” he whispers, leaning in and dragging his lips down my neck. I shake my head. “I can make you scream as loud as I want to and no one will ever hear you. Are you going to scream for me?”


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