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Bayou Devils MC: The Complete Series

Page 228

by A. M. Myers


  Am I hallucinating this?

  He’s standing at such an angle that I don’t think Blaze can see him from his post and my heart races as my gaze flicks from Piper to Blaze before finally turning to Tate. She takes one look at my face and grips my arm as her brows knit together and she searches my face.

  “Rowan, what is it?”

  I try to swallow my fear but I swear, I can feel his gaze in the side of my head and I’m thrust right back into that nightclub as he stalked closer and closer to Travis and me. “It’s him… the man from the club… the one in the mask…”

  “Blaze,” she calls out as she turns to search the crowd. Blaze rushes into the store and walks over with Piper on his heels and when he stops in front of us, Tate sucks in a breath, pointing to the man. “There.”

  Blaze follows her gaze, his entire body tensing. “We need to go.”

  “Fuck no,” she hisses, releasing my arm to reach behind her back and grab her gun. “Let’s end this now.”

  He shakes his head. “Absolutely not.”

  “Why? I’m so fucking tired of this asshole and his shit. I know you are, too.”

  “Tate, put your gun away,” he growls, the command in his voice clear as he levels a glare at her. Her gaze flicks between him and the man in the hall.

  “We have the chance to put an end to all of this right now. Same way I could have ended it at the nightclub if Lincoln hadn’t stopped me.”

  Blaze shakes his head. “There are far too many people here to start shooting and you could just as easily get killed. Not to mention, the police raid and investigation. We. need. to. go.”

  “Fine,” she snarls, shoving her gun back in its holster as I glance back out at the hallway. The man is still there, completely unbothered by the fact that we know he’s there and my heart races as I think about all the things he’s done to the club over the past two weeks and questions bombard me.

  What is he doing here?

  Why is he just watching us?

  What is his plan?

  “Rowan, let’s move,” Blaze says, snapping me out of my thoughts and my belly does a little flip as I nod, unable to take my eyes off of the man. I remember the utter sense of dread I felt the night we all went out to the club and the certainty I had that we weren’t going to make it out unscathed. But we did…

  Blaze goes first, putting a protective arm around Piper andTate does the same with me as we follow them out of the store. I can feel every ounce of tension in the air but it’s such a contrast from all of the normal people around us just finishing up their holiday shopping without even realizing the threat that is right next to them. In the hallway, I glance to where he was standing but my heart stops when I can’t find him.

  “Where did he go?”

  Tate shakes her head as her hand slips behind her back, ready to grab her gun at a moment’s notice. “Just keep moving, Row… and maybe get that taser out now.”

  “Okay,” I whisper, nodding as I pull the taser out of my bag and turn it on. My hand shakes as I grip it tightly, my gaze flicking around the mall and my heart pounding in my ears.

  Where is he?

  “We’re almost there,” Tate tells me when the front door comes into view and I nod, glancing behind us and sucking in a breath. He’s there, walking calmly in the same direction we are and I barely resist the urge to sob as my mind drowns in fear. I nudge Tate.

  “Behind us.”

  She glances over her shoulder and gives me a curt nod before stepping closer to Blaze and Piper. “Pick up the pace. He’s behind us.”

  I swear I can feel his fingertips brushing against the back of my shirt as we all walk a little faster toward the exit but I refuse to look back again. My stomach flips and tears sting my eyes as my heart hammers out of control in my chest. The memory of the way Travis held me in the nightclub, the last time we were in this situation, pops into my mind and I can’t help but wish he was here now.

  “Keep moving,” Blaze calls back to us as we step outside and cold air blasts us in the face. Glancing up at the gray sky looming over us, I can’t help but think it’s indicative of our situation as one single thought echoes through my mind.

  I’m going to die here.

  Sucking in a breath, I can’t stop myself from glancing back again but when I peek over my shoulder, he is gone. It should calm me, reassure me that I’m safe now but the only thing worse than seeing Warren is not seeing him because if I’ve learned one thing since moving here, it’s that he is always working behind the scenes, plotting his next move and it usually proves disastrous for us. Turning back to face Blaze and Piper as we near the SUV, I take another deep breath, desperately trying to calm myself but my hands won’t stop shaking and my heart is about to beat right out of my chest. When we finally reach the vehicle, Tate opens the back door for us and ushers me inside first before forcing Piper in next to me. Once we’re inside, she jumps in and Blaze slips behind the wheel and starts the engine, refusing to take his eyes off the parking lot. He locks the door and puts the SUV in reverse as the sound of a motorcycle engine rips through the air. I turn to look out of the window as one races up our aisle and pulls to a stop behind us, blocking us in.

  Oh, God, this is it.

  “Fuck,” Blaze hisses, his eyes hard as steel in the rearview mirror. He backs up as far as he can without hitting the bike and Warren doesn’t even flinch as the bumper of the SUV inches closer and closer to him. When Blaze can’t back up anymore, he puts the vehicle in drive. The spots on either side of us are open as well as the space next to the small truck parked in front of us, allowing him to crank the wheel to the left and slip through the maze of cars without incident. His knuckles are white on the steering wheel as he races down the aisle, toward the exit, and he periodically glances in the mirror to monitor Warren. The sound of the bike’s engine revving fills the air again as lights dance across my vision as I reach down and grab Tate’s hand off of the seat. Her eyes meet mine and despite the bravado she usually walks around with, I can see her fear as she squeezes my hand.

  “Tate, call Kodiak. I want him, Chance, Streak, Henn, and Moose to meet us on their bikes and surround the SUV,” Blaze orders and she nods, releasing my hand to make her phone call. As soon as my brother answers, she fills him in on what is going on and his shouted demands for more information fill the car even though she doesn’t have him on speakerphone.

  “Later, Lincoln,” she snaps, her knee bouncing next to me as she turns to look out of the window. “Just get here now.”

  He says something else to her but it’s too quiet to hear and as she ends the call, I turn to glance behind us. The bike is probably about five car lengths back now but I can tell it’s creeping closer and I just hope the boys get here before he catches us.

  What would he do if he actually caught us?

  The thought sends me into a tailspin and I press my hand against my chest as I turn forward again and flop into my seat as an awful idea about what he could have planned for us flicks through my mind and I struggle to breathe. If everything he’s done so far has just been a warm up to his main event, how bad will it get and will any of us survive? My mind drifts to the note that came with Piper and Wyatt’s wedding present as I shake my head.

  One down, four to go.

  Does that mean he’s only coming after a certain four people and he has no intention of hurting anyone else or are we all just collateral damage in his quest to get to those people? Will he sacrifice everyone and everything to complete his mission?

  “There they are,” Blaze says, pointing to a line of bikes as they roar past us going the opposite way. Flipping in my seat, I stare out of the back of the SUV as they cut across the median and start gaining on us, weaving through the other cars on the road with what looks like reckless abandon but I know each and every one of them is hyper-focused on reaching us before anyone else does. Warren glances over his shoulder as they race up behind him and he falls back, blending into the other traff
ic as the boys reach the SUV and surround it with their bikes.

  “Only a few more minutes to the clubhouse,” Tate whispers and I’m honestly not sure if she’s reassuring me or herself but either way, it’s nice to hear. Settling back into my seat, I turn to the other side and watch Travis as he rides along next to the SUV and I can almost imagine his furrowed brow as he focuses on the road in front of him. A wave of peace washes over me as I stare at him, fighting back the fear and panic so I throw all of my focus on him, remembering the way he held me last night while we slept, like he never wanted to let me go. Shaking my head, I dismiss that thought. This is a high pressure situation and it’s making me overthink things and imagine things that aren’t really there. Travis and I are casual, despite what everyone else says, and it would be monumentally stupid of me to forget that.

  Finally, after what feels like an eternity, we pull to a stop in front of the gate to the clubhouse and Lincoln jumps off his bike before punching in the code and standing back to let us all in. As soon as Blaze has the SUV parked in its usual spot, Tate opens the door and we all spill out of the vehicle. Before I can even get two steps from the door, Travis runs up to me and scoops me up in his arms, lifting me off of my feet as he crushes me to his body and buries his face in my neck. His entire body is shaking and his chest heaves as he struggles to catch his breath but he still doesn’t release me until both of our heart rates have slowed.

  When he finally sets me back on my feet, his eyes meet mine before scanning my body methodically, checking for injuries as his hands smooth over my skin. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” I whisper, my voice still shaky as I nod and he releases a breath before pulling me back into his arms and presses his lips to my forehead.

  “Fuck, baby. I was so scared…”

  I nod because he doesn’t need to explain. Just like the other night when we laid under the stars, I can see and feel everything he is trying to say in his eyes and in his touch. His hand slips into my hair and he begins massaging my head as he shakes his own and presses another kiss to my forehead. Our connection wraps us up, cocooning the two of us in our own little world as he releases another sigh - one that tells me how happy he is that I’m safe and just how worried he was that he was going to lose me.

  “I’m never going to let anything happen to you, Rowan,” he whispers and I nod because I already knew that. When I’m with him, I’m safe. He blows out a breath and kisses my forehead again. “I’d rather die.”

  Me, too.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Rain pelts against the windows of the clubhouse as thunder rumbles in the distance. It’s totally indicative of my mood these past few days. Sighing, I cup my hands together in front of me and let the water from the showerhead fill them up before releasing it and watching it fall to my feet. Turning, I step back into the spray and let the water trickle down my body. It’s Christmas Eve and almost everyone else is gathered here in the main room, wrapping presents for all of the kids to open tomorrow morning but I haven’t really been able to get into a festive mood this year and I’m terrible at trying to fake it. Especially with what happened at the mall four days ago. I’m not sure how they can all sit around drinking eggnog, wrapping presents, and acting like Piper, Tate, Blaze, and I weren’t just stalked through a mall by a madman. Travis has barely left my side since we got back to the clubhouse four days ago and we’ve spent the last few days lying in bed and watching movies in an effort to distract ourselves from how terrified we are of everything that is going down around us. I haven’t even really been down to my room except to grab a clean set of clothes every day and at this point, Travis might as well clear out a drawer for me.

  Sighing again, I turn and rinse my hair, closing my eyes as the warm water cascades down my back and I yawn, desperate to crawl into bed with Travis and pass out. Nightmares have been plaguing me every night since seeing Warren in the mask again, seriously limiting how much sleep I get, which is one of the reasons Travis was so insistent about me spending every night with him in his bed. He wanted me to feel safe enough to get a full eight hours but that hasn’t happened yet.

  The shower door opens, startling me, and I jump as my eyes snap open and my heart climbs into my throat. Travis steps inside before closing the door behind him and pulling me into his arms.

  “Sorry, Princess. Didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “I’m okay,” I tell him as I shake my head but the words sound hollow. “Something I can do for you?”

  “Nope. I’m here for you,” he answers, pressing a quick kiss to my lips before he turns me to face the showerhead and I scowl, glancing back at him.

  “What does that mean?”

  He moves behind me and grips my hips as he leans down and presses a soft kiss to my neck. Goose bumps race across my skin and I sigh as my eyes flutter closed. I lean my head back against his shoulder and he nuzzles into my neck, kissing me a few more times.

  How in the hell did he know this was just what I needed?

  I swear, I’m beginning to wonder if the boy is telepathic.

  “I’ve got something for you,” he says as he plants a few more kisses against my skin, leaving a trail of heat in his wake as he molds his body to mine and wraps his arms around my waist. His cock jerks against my lower back and I wiggle, grinning to myself as he groans in my ear.

  “Is it that?”

  His lips stretch into a grin against my neck. “Maybe later.”

  “Maybe,” I scoff because he and I both know he’s a sure bet every single day of the week. Turning in his arms, I lay my head against his chest. His large arms wrap around my body, holding me close as the water trickles down my back, and he presses his lips to my forehead. This is the only damn place I feel completely safe since the incident at the mall and if I could get away with it, I don’t know that I would ever leave his arms. Right here, right now, is my happy place. As he presses another kiss to my forehead, he drags one hand up my back and cups the back of my head before massaging my scalp with his fingers. Moaning, I lean into his body as my eyes close and a shiver runs down my spine.

  Oh, hell, that feels so good.

  “Oh my God, Travis,” I breathe, every muscle in my body relaxing with his touch while goose bumps simultaneously race across my flesh. He groans, spins me back toward the showerhead, and slips his hand between my legs as he nips at my neck.

  “Is this what you need, baby? Want me to take your mind off of everything else?”

  I nod, arching my body against him. “Yes.”

  His fingers find my clit and he circles it slowly, again and again as he reaches up with his other hand and wraps his fingers around my neck. My head falls back against his shoulder and I moan, slapping my hand against the shower wall to keep myself from falling as my legs shake.

  “You gonna come all over my fingers?” he asks, his voice full of gravel as he nips at my earlobe and my nipples tighten as my back arches more and I nod. He strums over my clit and I gasp as I rock my hips with him, pressure building in my belly. The hand around my throat releases as he grabs my tit, his fingers digging into my skin as he growls into my neck but the bite of pain only adds to the pleasure. Grinning, he presses a kiss to my skin and pulls his fingers away from my pussy but before I can protest, his slips them inside me.

  “Travis,” I cry out as his fingers thrust in and out of me and the heel of his hand rubs against my clit. My body trembles against him as I reach up and thread my fingers into his hair. His hard cock presses against my back and I reach back with my other hand, wrapping my fingers around his length and he groans in my ear. His cock jerks in my hand and I moan again, remembering how it feels when he thrusts inside me as my pussy clenches around his fingers.

  “There it is,” he growls, curling his fingers inside me and hitting the perfect spot to send me flying. I grip his hair and give it a tug as an orgasm rocks through me, wringing pleasure from my body as my entire body shakes but before I can come back down, he
spins me into his arms and slams his lips to mine. He grips my jaw in his hand as we stumble back into the shower wall and it doesn’t matter that I’ve already come because in an instant, I want him again. His kiss is fierce, demanding, and everything I need right now and I am putty in his very capable hands. His tongue tangles with mine, teases and exploring my mouth with the promise of more as I hook my leg over his hip and grind into him, desperate for some friction. One of his hand slips down my body, stopping to grab my tit before he pinches my nipple between his fingers and his other hand grips my ass, pulling me into his body.

  “Oh, God,” I whisper, dropping my head back as he thrusts his hips, rubbing his cock along my slit as he drags his lips down my neck. My nipples ache for attention and I cry out when he leans down and sucks one into his mouth. His tongue toys with the sensitive little bud and I slip my fingers into his hair as I lean back against the shower wall and reach down to wrap my fingers around his cock. He groans, scraping his teeth over my nipple and my body jerks as everything south of my belly clenches. “Travis.”

  “Fuck,’ he groans softly, straightening to his full height and thrusting into my hand as his lips find mine again. He reaches behind my head and grabs my hair in his fist, forcing my head back as he gives it a tug and bites at my neck. I wiggle against him, my entire body tingling with a need so fierce that it’s stealing the air from my lungs and wiping every thought from my mind - every thought except him. His hands glide over my body, giving me just a tiny taste of what I need, before he grabs my hips and spins me around to face the wall.


  Planting my hands on the wall in front of me, I arch my back and glance back at him as he presses his cock against my entrance and meets my gaze, sinking into me slowly. My lips part in a silent gasp as he stretches me, filling me completely with his length and his eyes hold me captive as he grips my hips and his fingers dig into my skin. The bite of pain sends a shiver down my spine and my heart hammers in my chest as he slowly pulls back before sinking into me again.


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