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Treacherous Page 12

by L. L Hunter

  “That is for killing my father,” Frankie growled.

  I screamed as Nathan fired his gun, striking Frankie in the head. They both went down simultaneously. I was left standing in the middle of two wounded men, splattered in blood and brain matter. But before I could react or do anything, I began to feel warm. It was really, really warm all of a sudden, and then the warmth gave way to numbness, and then cold. That was the last thing I remembered.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  He was dead.

  I did it. Charli was safe.


  I should’ve seen it, but I missed it, the flinch. I missed it the last time too, and suffered the consequences. I knew I wasn’t going to get my gun back after this.

  It all happened so fast. I guess I was too damn distracted by her. But I couldn’t take my eyes off her confused face. She was so confused. I didn’t blame her. All this time, everyone had been lying to her and when the truth was finally unveiled, she still didn’t believe it. I knew then she wasn’t going to recover quickly. She would need counselling, and more. Levi’s hand had moved behind his back so fast I barely had time to react, to fire my gun. The blade was in my stomach before I could even breathe. I fired my gun, but the pain was too much. It was so overwhelming that I didn’t see Charli in front of me moving, everything had turned blurry. I thought I had only hit him, but God, I was so wrong.

  As I stood in the middle of the kitchen, the pain overwhelming my body, blood soaking through my shirt. There was so much blood... I heard sirens. They were close, too close. I fell to my knees and barely registered the feeling of arms around me as I blacked out.

  * * * *

  “Nathan. Nathan, stay with us.”

  There were voices. Many voices around me, and arms. Hands strapped things on me, and lifted me. I cried out in pain as they lifted my body up on the gurney. Had they pulled the knife out? I didn’t want to move to look. Only one thing was on my mind.


  “She’s alright. She was shot, but she’ll be fine. Stay calm, Nathan. You’ve been stabbed. We’ll be at the hospital soon.”

  I was vaguely aware of my surroundings. I was in an ambulance. My mind went to my car.

  “Mark. Did you find… he fell…” I managed. The pain wasn’t as bad now. They must have given me something. My body only felt numb.

  “Your colleagues are handling it. Don’t worry.”

  I lay back on the gurney and closed my eyes, and I prayed to God that the paramedics were telling the truth.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Two Days later


  I blinked and immediately shut my eyes tight again. Everything was bright and smelt clinical and a little rusty. Bleach and blood. My eyes sprang apart again as the realisation hit me like a derailed freight train.

  I was in the hospital.

  I had been shot—by Nathan.

  Nathan had killed Frankie.


  Frankie’s real name wasn’t Frankie.

  He called himself Levi.

  Everyone was lying to me.

  Mia wasn’t talking to me. Where was she?

  Nathan is a cop. He has been lying to me, as well.

  My parents had been lying, too. Parents. Dad.

  Dad was dead.

  “She’s awake.”

  Voices. I could hear voices. I opened my eyes again and a blurry face was staring down at me.


  “Hey, honey.” I knew that voice.


  “Yes. You’re okay. You’re in the hospital.”

  “Where’s Nathan? Frankie?”

  “Sweetheart… Don’t worry about them for now. You need to rest.” My vision corrected itself, and I stared up at my mother’s face.

  “You lied to me.” I bet she wasn’t expecting that.

  She wasn’t. Her face showed shock, and also hurt.

  “Honey… Charlotte. You’ve been through a lot.”

  “No! Stop lying to me! Everyone’s been lying to me!”

  “Relax, Charlotte. Okay, well… the truth is… the man you called Frankie was not who he said he was.”

  “Frankie? No.” He couldn’t be. She was saying the same thing Nathan had said. “Are you working with Nathan?” The question slipped out before I could stop it.

  My mother sighed. “No. Your father and I hired Nathan to watch over you.”

  “I don’t need watching.”

  “Yes, you did. You see our family was in danger. Your father… did a lot of horrible things.”

  “Tell me. Is dad okay?” She looked down and fiddled with her wedding ring.

  “No honey. He’s not. He’s dead.”

  “Oh My God! Mum…” I reached out for her and she met me half way, linking her fingers with mine. Tears cascaded down both our cheeks.

  “What…” I swallowed hard. “What happened? What did he do?”

  “Sweetheart, you should rest. That’s a story for another time. I’ll go and tell the Doctor you’re awake. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Okay.” When she got up and left the room, my own private room, I realised, someone else was waiting to come in.


  “Hey, babe. I was so worried and scared when your Mum called me. She told me you’d been in an accident and that you were shot. I came as soon as I could.”

  “Thanks. Yeah, it was scary.”

  “Well, we’re glad you’re alive, and safe. You’ll have to come for a slumber party when you’re well.” She smiled.

  “I’d love that.” I smiled at my one true genuine friend. She was the one person who hadn’t lied to me.

  “Listen, babe. I’m sorry about your Dad. I’ll come with you to the funeral, if you’d like.”

  I swallowed and bit back tears. “Thanks. It’s all happened so fast. I don’t even know what happened.”

  “I think the police are still working it out, you know how they are.”

  “Yeah.” My mind wandered off to thoughts of Nathan.

  “And speaking of… where’s your hunky police officer friend? Your Mum told me he’s somehow involved.”

  “Yeah. I don’t know where he is. I’m hoping he’s somewhere in here. I… I hope he’s okay.”

  “Yeah. He was hot. When this is all over, you know what you should do?”

  “Yeah, what?”

  “Hit that.”

  “Hey!” I smacked Rochelle on the arm, and we both burst into a fit of giggles. “For your information, I have already ‘hit that.’”

  “I know. I meant again. After all, he did rescue you.”

  I smiled.

  “You’re right.”

  A little while later, I woke up to more voices. Rochelle was gone now, and my Mum was talking to someone out in the corridor. I could hear her with another female and a male voice outside my room, and the conversation wasn’t pleasant.

  “Mrs Jayne, why don’t you come with us so we can discuss the findings of the autopsy?” Autopsy? It must be the Medical Examiner.

  “No, I can’t leave my daughter. She’s all I have left. I didn’t pay you so you could keep me waiting. I asked that you give me the information before you told the police. Now will you please tell me what happened to my husband?”

  Someone sighed. “Very well. Your husband was shot twice at close range by a nine-millimetre handgun. Once in the chest, and another in the head, which was the kill shot. Mrs Jayne, if the authorities find out I gave you this information first…”

  “Don’t worry, Alex. I won’t tell a soul. Is there anything else?”

  “Yes. He was also stabbed several times in the abdomen after he was dead. Looks to me like someone really hated your husband.”

  “Yes, but my husband dealt with criminals on a daily basis. In our profession, it’s not hard to make enemies. Thank you for telling me.”

  There was silence and then the sound of footsteps and the door to my room open
ed. Good thing my curtain was closed so my mother couldn’t see that I had been listening.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  One week later


  It felt good to be home, in my own bed. Everything was over. I finally had room to breathe, but I couldn’t. Why was it I still felt claustrophobic and lonely? I felt even more damaged now than before. As I stared out my bedroom window, watching the birds flit from branch to branch, I heard voices coming from downstairs. My mother had invited someone inside. I hoped they weren’t here for me; I didn’t want to see anyone. I can’t see anyone.

  “Mrs Jayne, good morning.”

  “Officers, how can I help you?”

  “We’ve come with news about your husband’s murder.”

  My heart fluttered in my chest. I don’t know if I want to hear this. I threw my blankets off and slid my feet into my slippers. I opened my door as silently as possible and lowered myself to the floor. I crawled out into the hall and leaned against the wall near the top of the stairs so I could hear what was going on.

  “Come in, gentlemen.” I didn’t dare peek, but I heard the officer’s thank my mother as she let them in. She offered them tea and showed them to the sitting room. Thankfully, the sitting room was off to the side of the foyer so I could still hear the conversation.

  “Now since our suspects in this case are deceased, there’s no need for a trial as I’m sure you understand. Mrs Jayne, were you aware of the large sum of money your husband transferred over to our suspect? Fifty thousand, to be exact.”

  “I was not aware, no. You do know I can’t testify against my husband, don’t you? Now, since there is no trial, there is no need to interrogate me about this. I thought you were coming over here to tell me about my husband’s murder?”

  “My apologies, Ma’am. But, we do need to lay charges somewhere.”

  “Officer… Riley, I understand you are only trying to do your job, and I know you guys love to lay charges left, right, and centre, but this case is closed. Correct?”

  Go Mum!

  “Yes, Ma’am. I apologise.”

  “Thank you. Next question.” I heard the clink of china as my mother picked up her teacup to drink and set it back down again.

  “Okay, on to your husband’s murder.”

  “Yes, who killed him?”

  “We had a statement from Constable Nathan Wright telling us that Courtney Vella killed your husband.”

  “Courtney Vella?”

  “Yes. She had been using the alias of Mia DeStella on campus so she could be-friend your daughter, Charlotte.”

  “Mia. Oh my God. I let that girl into my house! I knew something was wrong with her from the moment she inserted herself into my daughter’s life. She was a bad seed.”

  “Yes. Now, her relationship with our main suspect, Levi Jack Chandon went back many years. They met when they were fourteen. Miss Vella’s family were friends with Levi’s family.”

  I couldn’t believe my ears. Levi and Mia… I mean, Courtney, had known each other since they were fourteen? I was glad that they were both dead, because I was more than mad. I felt cheated, in the worst way possible.

  “Now, we found chat and text transcripts between Levi and Courtney detailing how they planned to target your family. Because Stephen was representing Levi at the time, three years ago, he had access to Levi’s entire medical and personal history. We believe Stephen held onto information that would incriminate Levi and cause a re-trial. This we believe is the reason he had your husband killed.”

  I wanted to look then. My mother was stunned speechless, and so was I.

  “And the money?” she asked after a few moments.

  “Your husband paid Levi off as a bribe to stay away from your daughter. But it didn’t work. We also believe Nathan was in danger, also.”


  My heart fluttered at the mention of his name. I craved to see him again, but I was also afraid.

  “Nathan was not only seen as a romantic threat to Levi where your daughter was concerned, but he was also the one who shot and killed Levi’s father.”

  “So, it was revenge?”

  “Yes. But he’s safe now, everyone’s safe now. Levi and Courtney are both dead.”

  I heard sniffling. My mother must have been crying. “I’m so glad it’s all over.”

  So was I.

  My mother showed the police officers to the door, and soon after went back into the sitting room, but not for another cup of tea. I heard the clink of glass and the slam of a cabinet door. I knew she was drowning her sorrows. I decided to drown my sorrows the only way I knew how. I crawled back into my room and shut the door with my foot.


  After knocking twice, the front door opened and Susan appeared looking worse for wear. The past few months have been hard for Susan Jayne.

  “Thank you for coming, Nathan,” she said, letting me in.

  “It’s no trouble. How is she?”

  “She still won’t talk to me. I was hoping you could…”

  I placed a reassuring hand on Susan’s shoulder. “I can’t promise you anything, but I’ll try. Thank you for calling me.”

  “It’s no problem at all. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  “Still healing,” I shrugged.

  It had been nine days since the confrontation at the Catherine Hill Bay house, and everyone was still in a frenzy. The Australian Federal Police were still working on the case tying up loose ends, but the case was more or less closed. The bright side to all this is there would be no trial or court case.

  I could tell Mrs Jayne was on the verge of breaking down again. I felt for her. She had lost her husband and had almost lost her daughter all in the space of a few days. Susan shook her head as if to say don’t worry about it as she pointed towards the stairs.

  “She’s in her room.”


  When I approached Charli’s door, I paused outside and listened for movement on the other side, but there was only silence. I rapped softly three times. When there was no answer, I opened the door and stuck my head in.

  Charli was sitting on her bed, back against the headboard and knees pulled up to her chest. Her arms were wrapped around her calves and her head was rested sideways on her knees. She was staring out the window.

  “Charli? May I come in?”

  When she didn’t reply, I let myself in and shut the door behind me.

  “How are you?” I asked, stopping beside the bed. It was then she looked at me. Her cheeks had inky black mascara tracks on them and tears still remained in her eyes.

  “How do you think I feel, Nathan?”

  “I think you’re feeling betrayed, hurt, and angry about what happened. And that’s perfectly fine. But you need to talk about these things. It helps, trust me.”

  “Are you a shrink now? How could you possibly know what I’ve been through?”

  “You’re not the only one who has been betrayed by those you love.”

  She glanced up at me. Her eyes travelled down my body then back up to my face. I was dying to know what was on her mind.

  “What do you mean?”

  I sighed and sat on the bed beside her. “When I was a boy, my Dad cheated on my Mum and then walked out. When I was in high school, my so-called best friend slept with my girlfriend.”


  “Yeah. But that’s not all. Working in the fraud division, I’ve seen a lot of horrible things. All the things people can do to other people—you name it, I’ve seen it. And believe me, Charli, your case wasn’t the worst I’ve seen.”


  “Seriously.” I breathed a sigh of relief when she finally smiled.

  “Thanks, Nathan. For everything.”

  “You don’t have to thank me.”

  “Yes, I do.” She turned towards me, placing her hands on top of mine on the bed. “If you hadn’t come bursting in that room, guns ablaze, I don’t think… I can’t think…”
she stopped, choking on her tears. Finally, she was no longer in denial.

  “Ssh.” I reached out and pulled her closer, enveloping her in my arms. She didn’t resist and only threw her arms around me, pulling me closer. “It’s okay. I’ll never let anyone hurt you ever again.”

  I rocked her back and forth against me as the tears fell.

  I knew in that moment, how true my oath was to her, to protect her with my life.

  She pulled back after a moment and stared at me.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “You’re a cop.”

  “Yes. I was meaning to tell you… I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” Her eyes trailed over my body once more, making me feel vulnerable. “You’re in uniform,” she added, smirking.

  I glanced down at my fully uniformed and medal- adorned chest. “I was at a funeral.”

  “Oh? Whose funeral?”

  “My partner’s. Mark.” She took my hand in mine.

  “I’m sorry. I heard the Medical Examiners and police talking to my mum about what happened at the house and to my dad. Mark was killed trying to help you, wasn’t he?”

  “Yeah.” I swallowed back my own tears, but some escaped my eyes. “He was an honourable man. We gave him a State funeral, hence the fancy dress. It was what he deserved.”

  “Mia, too? She was killed too, wasn’t she?” The way she was looking at me now… oh, my heart broke for her. From that moment on, I vowed to never keep a secret from her ever again.

  “Yes. I’m sorry, Charli. She’d been working with Levi. I had to kill her.”

  Charli nodded. She didn’t talk for a long time. She only wrapped me in her arms again.

  After ten minutes of being close to her, she whispered.

  “It’s my father’s funeral tomorrow.”

  I lifted my head to look at her. “I know. I’ll be there.”

  “I don’t want to go.”


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