A Forever Love

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A Forever Love Page 18

by Kelly Elliott

  I looked back at John. “Do I owe you more for the flowers? They are covering the restaurant.”

  He shook his head and glanced behind me. I turned to see Emma smelling all the flowers as she walked around the restaurant. She stopped at a picture and spun around quickly.

  “My parents! Oh my gosh!” Her hands came up to her mouth. “John? Mary?”

  John and Mary both chuckled as they walked up to Emma.

  “Emma Rose, the last time I saw your beautiful face, you were running around, playing princess,” John said.

  Emma smiled bigger. “Oh, I wasn’t even paying attention to the name of the restaurant when we walked up. I was hoping to visit.”

  “Well, your husband here beat you to it. He stopped in yesterday and made all the arrangements for dinner,” Mary said as she hugged Emma. “Let’s get you seated, shall we?”

  Emma nodded her head as we made our way over to a table in the middle of the restaurant.

  Mary placed napkins down for both of us as she began to go over what we would be eating. “I’ve prepared baccalà mantecata with risotto and gnocchi. It’s my mother’s recipe.”

  “Oh my, that all sounds heavenly, Mary,” Emma said.

  She looked at John and smiled as he placed a Bellini down in front of Emma and then me. Emma had become addicted to the drink since having it the first night we’d arrived.

  John cleared his throat. “I’ve been told the bride loves tiramisu.”

  Emma laughed and looked at me.

  “Yes, she does indeed,” I said.

  “Then, I dare say you will have the best you’ve ever had this evening,” John said.

  He and Mary excused themselves and headed to the kitchen.

  Emma took a sip of her drink and raised her eyebrow at me. She placed the drink back on the table. “Garrett Thomas Mathews, this is the most romantic thing ever.”

  I shook my head. “This isn’t your surprise, Em. That is still to come.”

  Her eyes danced with fire as she looked at me. It took everything I had not to touch her right now. I wanted to pick her up and make love to her while surrounded by the beautiful candlelight and the smell of the flowers.

  She looked down quickly but then looked back at me as she tilted her head. “Did you pick the flowers?”

  I looked around and nodded my head. “I did.”

  “They’re beautiful, Garrett,” she whispered.

  “The white daisies represent your innocence. The orchids are for your beauty. The tulips represent our love and passion.”

  Emma quickly wiped away a tear that had been sliding down her cheek.

  “The apple blossoms?” she asked.

  “Good fortune with the ranch,” I said.

  She smiled.

  I took a deep breath and continued, “The forget-me-nots represent our true love. The blue violets are for my faithfulness to you, always and forever.”

  A sob escaped Emma’s mouth. She whispered, “Garrett…”

  “Last but certainly not least, the stephanotis represent—”

  “Marital harmony,” Emma said at the same time as me.

  I nodded my head. “Yes.”

  She began crying more. “Garrett, all these beautiful flowers must have cost you a fortune.”

  I reached for her hand and pulled it to my lips. “I’d do anything to show you how much I love you, Em. If I had to give up the ranch just to show you how much I loved you, I would.”

  Emma started giggling. “I can’t wait to tell Margie and Peggy.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, I kind of just set the bar pretty high for myself in the future.”

  She shook her head and squeezed my hand. “All I’ll ever need is your love. That is the only thing on earth that I need from you. I love you, Garrett.”

  “I love you more, Emma Rose.”

  “I’m never eating again,” Emma said as we strolled hand in hand along the streets of Venice.

  “Did you enjoy this evening?” I asked as I stopped and turned to face her.

  She reached her arms up and around my neck as she stood on her tippy toes. “I’ve never had such an amazing and romantic evening in my entire life. I can still smell all the flowers.”

  My stomach began doing flips as I thought about what was coming up. I wanted to make this trip one that Emma would never forget. It wasn’t just about locking ourselves away and making love. It was about making memories that she would remember for the rest of her life.

  I kissed Emma, and thoughts of the first time I’d ever seen her filled my mind. I pulled back and asked, “Do you want to go dancing?”

  She did a little jump. “Have you ever known me not to want to go dancing?”

  We made our way to downtown Venice where the nightlife was really hopping. I’d never seen Emma smile as much as she was tonight. We met another American couple, and we were sitting and talking with them.

  When Emma got up and excused herself, I made my way to the band. The gentleman looked down.

  I asked, “Do you know ‘Unforgettable’ by Nat King Cole?”

  He smiled and said, “Of course. We’re from America, and Jessica has sung it many times.”

  I grinned from ear to ear. “Would you mind playing it? I’m here with my wife, Emma, on our honeymoon from America. This song reminds me of the first time I ever saw her.”

  When Emma walked back out, I led her to the dance floor.

  Before the band played, Jessica asked for everyone’s attention. “I’ve been told we have a couple from America here on their honeymoon.”

  Everyone began clapping as I pulled Emma closer to me. I winked as her face turned a beautiful rose shade.

  “The husband would like for me to sing this next song for his beautiful bride, Emma. He said this is what he felt the first moment he saw you.” Jessica smiled, and those familiar chords began playing.

  Emma attempted to hold back her tears. As Jessica began singing the song, I smiled down at my girl.

  God, how I love her so much.

  Emma buried her face into my chest and held on to me as we danced. Nothing needed to be said between us. I wanted Emma to listen to the words and know how much she meant to me.

  When the song ended, she looked up at me. “No one has ever made me feel so wonderful, like you have tonight. I didn’t think it was possible for me to love you any more than I already do, but…but you just…you keep…” She broke down in tears.

  I slammed my lips to hers, and everyone began cheering as I stood there and kissed Emma with as much passion as I could. We were so lost in each other that we didn’t even realize people were staring at us.

  As I pulled away from her lips, I whispered, “Are you ready for your surprise?”

  Her eyes lit up. “Garrett! There’s more? How could you possibly top that?”

  I threw my head back and laughed. “Let’s go, Buttercup.”

  I took her hand in mine and led her back to the table. We said good-bye to the couple we had met and wished them a safe trip home. We made our way back to the gondolas.

  When we walked up, the gondolier from earlier today smiled and nodded. “Are you ready for your midnight gondola ride?”

  I helped Emma into the gondola and then reached into my pocket for the hundredth time this evening. It’s still there. Thank God.

  As we softly and smoothly moved along the lagoon, Emma stared up at the night sky. I swallowed hard and reached into my pocket. I had no idea why I was so nervous to give her this gift. It wasn’t anything big, but I just prayed she would like it. I pulled back some and turned to look at her. She gave me a sweet smile. She was about to say something when I pulled out the jewelry box. Her eyes moved to the box and then came quickly back to my eyes.

  “Emma, the first moment I saw you in that drugstore, I knew I was going to love you forever. I took everything in about you—how you were dressed, what you smelled like, the pink ribbons in your hair, and your beautiful eyes and how they danced in the light. My God, how your ey
es captivated me from that moment on.”

  She smiled as the tears began to roll down her cheeks. I brushed away the tears from her beautiful face as I smiled back at her. I held the box up and opened it, revealing a white gold charm bracelet.

  Emma let out a gasp when she saw it and looked back up at me. “Garrett, it’s…it’s beautiful.”

  I smiled as I took it out and placed it on her wrist. I moved the bracelet around until I found the first charm.

  “A milkshake?” she asked.

  “That’s what you were drinking when I first met you—a strawberry milkshake.”

  “I didn’t think you noticed me at all since you were talking to Margie the whole time.”

  I slowly shook my head. “I noticed everything about you.”

  I moved on to the next charm—a heart. “Because you stole my heart the instant you smiled at me,” I whispered.

  She began crying harder.

  The next charm was a quilt. “I had to have this one made. I don’t have to tell you the meaning behind it.”

  She giggled as she wiped away her tears.

  I moved on to the next charm. “Daisies because they are your favorite.”

  The next charm caused her to laugh. It was the University of Texas symbol. “Attending college with you was some of the best years of my life. I’ll never forget that time for as long as I live.”

  She nodded her head and barely said, “Neither will I.”

  I smiled when I showed her the next charm.

  “A sock?” she said with a giggle.

  I nodded and said, “For the sock hop. When we danced, it was the first time in my life that I truly felt happy. I knew the second I took you into my arms, I would never want to let you go. Plus, you love dancing so much.”

  I watched as she wiped another tear from her eye. I moved along the bracelet and held the dog charm. She looked completely confused and tilted her head. The moonlight was catching her beautiful eyes just right, and I had to swallow hard because all I wanted to do was take her in my arms and kiss her.

  “A dog?” she asked as she raised her eyebrow at me.

  I laughed. “My favorite movie will always be Lady and the Tramp. Always.”

  Emma threw her head back and laughed. “Only you could make me laugh and cry at the same time, Garrett Mathews.”

  I winked at her. “One more.” I spun the bracelet around and held up the cow. When I looked back up into her eyes, they were filling with tears again.

  “My dream was to take over my father’s cattle ranch and make it even better. You have no idea how much it means to me that you will be by my side, Emma. I’m looking forward to our future together.”

  She began sobbing harder as she threw herself into my arms, and I held her. The gondolier smiled as he began singing. I wasn’t sure how long we just sat there, but with her in my arms, I had never felt so at peace before in my life.

  When she finally pulled back, she began looking at all the charms. “I can only think of one other charm that will need to be added someday,” she whispered.

  My heart dropped in my stomach at the idea of Emma carrying my child someday. I pulled her back in and gently brushed my hand up and down her back.

  “Garrett, I love you so much,” Emma said as she looked into my eyes.

  “I’ll love you forever, Emma.”

  Her eyes burned with passion as she smiled. “Our love is a forever love,” she whispered.

  I placed my finger under her chin and brought her lips up to mine. “Yes, it is.”

  January 1965

  I stood at the kitchen sink, looking out the window, while Garrett was talking to her. If he winked at her one more time, I was going to go out and kick him in the shin. The screen door opened, and David walked in. I turned around and attempted to give him a smile.

  “Did y’all get all the cattle vaccinated?” I asked. I turned back around and stared at the brunette veterinarian, who wouldn’t stop placing her hand on Garrett’s arm.

  “We did. Seems like the new doc might have a bit of a crush on Garrett,” David said with a laugh.

  I spun around and glared at him. I made my way across the kitchen and out the door where I stood on the porch and watched the rest of their encounter play out.

  Garrett was laughing and having a grand ole time talking to her. I looked her up and down. She wore her pants about three sizes too small and her shirt even smaller. Her breasts were practically falling out of her shirt.

  Garrett finally reached his hand out and shook hers. She waved good-bye and got into her truck.

  David walked out and stood next to me. “I think I’ll be taking off for home. Now, don’t be hard on the boy, Emma Rose. He loves you more than life itself.”

  I slowly nodded my head. “Tell Mama I said hi and that I’ll be making an apple pie tomorrow. I plan on making a few extras.”

  He shook his head and made his way to the barn but not before stopping and saying good-bye to Garrett. When Garrett turned around and smiled at me, I gave him a dirty look and headed back into the house. I quickly walked over to the stove and began stirring the beef stew. When I heard the screen door open, I took a deep breath and tried to calm my breathing. I had no idea why I was so jealous.

  “Em, is everything okay?” Garrett asked.

  I turned and said, “Oh, I don’t know, Garrett. Did you enjoy your time with the good doctor? It sure looked like you were.”

  He let out a laugh, but when he saw I was being serous, his smile dropped.

  “Emma, are you…jealous of her? What? Was I not supposed to talk to her? She’s possibly going to be the new vet and—”

  I let out a laugh. “Oh, how all the ranchers will love those tight-ass pants and her breasts spilling out from her shirt. You couldn’t seem to wipe the smile from your face, Garrett.”

  I saw the anger in his eyes, and I instantly regretted saying what I had. Garrett and I had never once had a fight, not in all the years we had been together, and I wasn’t sure what was coming over me right now.

  “I don’t really like what you’re accusing me of, Emma. I was being polite to her. Did I notice her clothing? Yes, I did—along with every other guy helping today. I won’t lie to you about that. Did I stare at her or try to talk to her because of it? No. I’m surprised by your childish behavior, Em.”

  I let out a gasp. “Childish? You’re an asshole, Garrett Mathews!” I screamed.

  Garrett tilted his head. “You really want to do this over something so stupid, Em?”

  I knew he was right, and that pissed me off even more. “Fuck off, Garrett.” I spun around and put my hand up to my mouth. Oh my God. What am I doing? Why am I picking a fight with him? I knew how much Garrett loved me and how he would do anything for me. I was just being a jealous little brat.

  Garrett walked off to our bedroom, and I sat down on the chair and quickly wiped the tears away.

  A few minutes later, he walked in, and when I glanced up and saw his suitcase, a sob escaped my throat. I slowly stood up.

  “I’m going to go stay the evening with my parents. I’m not sure why or how this got started, but I think it’s best if I just leave before something is said that we’ll both regret,” he said before turning to leave.

  I placed my hand on my stomach and instantly felt sick. I watched as he walked to the door, and I began crying harder. I tried to talk, but nothing would come out. When he opened the door, I finally was able to say something. “Garrett!” I called out.

  He turned around, and when our eyes met, I slowly started to slide down to the floor.

  I whispered, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Please…please don’t leave me.”

  Garrett dropped his suitcase and had me in his arms before I even knew what was happening. “Emma, I’d never leave you—ever. Our love is forever. Don’t you know that?”

  I frantically began kissing him. “Yes! God, yes, I know that. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

  I quickly began trying to pull Garrett’s shirt up and over his head. Then, he began taking off his pants.

  He pulled me against his body. “Emma, I only have eyes for you. I only love you,” he whispered against my lips.

  I reached under my skirt and pulled off my knickers. I kicked them off to the side as I said, “I know. Oh God, Garrett, I know. Please…I need you.”

  The instant he slipped inside me, I let out a moan. We’d never had such raw, passionate sex as we did that afternoon. Garrett took me hard and fast against our kitchen counter, and then he carried me into our bedroom where we made love two more times.

  We lay in bed, wrapped around each other, for the longest time before either one of us spoke.

  “I promise you, Garrett, I will never let jealousy into my heart like that again. I just don’t know what happened. It was so weird how upset I was.”

  He rolled over onto his side and pulled me closer to him, so we were facing each other. “Emma, I want to have a baby. It’s been a few years since we got married, and I really want to have a baby.”

  I let out a sigh and smiled so big. “I do, too, Garrett. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to tell you, but I was so scared that you weren’t ready, and well…maybe that is where my behavior came from today. I don’t know.”

  Garrett smiled. “A woman has the right to have her moods, just like a man does. Let’s not ever let it go that far again though, okay, Em? I never want to see that look on your face again—ever.”

  I leaned in and sucked his bottom lip into my mouth. I gently bit down on it, and he let out a moan.

  I let it go and said, “I promise. Never again.”

  He gently pushed me onto my back and crawled onto me as he smiled. “I think we should start practicing for that baby.”

  I let out a giggle and nodded my head quickly. “I like that plan.”

  I let out a sigh when he slipped inside me and began moving oh-so slowly. I was quickly swept away by his lovemaking. Deep in my heart, I knew that we were making something amazing.

  As I closed my eyes and snuggled up against my husband, I whispered, “Garrett, you should probably start looking for that charm.”


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