The Protective Billionaire

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The Protective Billionaire Page 13

by Christine Kersey

  How many did he have? How many did one person even need? One was enough for her.

  “But,” he added with a tilt of his head, “I’d prefer if a driver took you.”

  She pictured the muscular man who’d driven them home from the airport. “This driver wouldn’t happen to be one of your security guys, would he?”

  “As a matter of fact, yes. He is.” Cameron’s eyebrows bunched. “Is that okay? I don’t want to overstep, but keeping you safe is kind of the point, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, it’s totally fine. I appreciate you thinking of my safety.”

  He gazed at her like he was thinking of more than her safety. The way he looked at her made her remember their kiss and she wished she hadn’t told him they were limited to just one.

  “What time does her flight arrive?” he asked, breaking the spell. She gave him the flight details and he said, “I’ll make the arrangements.” He glanced at the closet before meeting her gaze again. “I have some business to attend to, but after you get settled, let me know and I’ll fix us something to eat.”

  “Why don’t you let me make dinner?” She needed to contribute.

  He smiled. “All right. And please, make yourself at home. Feel free to wander around so you get familiar with the place.”

  “Thanks.” She watched him turn and leave the room and then she started unpacking. Halfway through, she stopped and considered how surreal her life had become. She’d gone from having a small part on a daytime soap to hiding in a remote cabin to being pretend-married to a billionaire and about to have a co-starring role in a rom-com with a superstar actor.

  Craziness. Sheer craziness. That’s what it was.

  With a shake of her head, Aubree continued putting her things away in the spacious closet as well as the antique dresser which sat along one wall.

  Being neat had never been too much of a challenge for her, but she would have to take extra care to make sure she didn’t leave any evidence that she was staying in this room. If the media got even a breeze of a hint of fakery in her “marriage” to Cameron and then reported on it, and if Tyler found out, everything would fall apart.

  An idea came to Aubree. Something that would help alleviate that chance. She set down the blouse she’d been about to hang up and went to find Cameron.

  Cameron was having a hard time concentrating. How could he when his mind kept going to Aubree and the fact that she was in his house right that second? How he’d convinced such a stunningly beautiful and enchantingly sweet woman to pretend to be married to him, he’d never figure out. But as long as it lasted, he’d take advantage of her company and enjoy every moment he had with her. Something about her seemed so familiar and so right. And that kiss. He shook his head as he remembered the way her lips touching his had completely taken over his entire being. And when he’d looked in her eyes he knew he’d seen at least a flicker of a spark there. Was it possible to brighten that flame?


  He turned to see Aubree standing in the doorway of his office. Feeling like he’d been caught thinking about her, he couldn’t stop a blush from reddening his cheeks. To hide it, he slowly pushed back from his desk before standing to face her. “What’s up?”

  Her eyebrows were raised as she grimaced. “I had an idea of how to make sure no one suspects we’re not sharing a bedroom.”

  “Okay. What’s your idea?”

  “If all of my clothes are in my closet it’ll be obvious I’m staying in that room, right?”

  That was true. And although he had a certain level of trust with his cleaning service, he couldn’t be one hundred percent confident that whomever they sent to clean wouldn’t spill the truth. “Right.”

  “So, I was thinking, what if I put most of my things in your closet? Things I’m not using? I’ll still stay in the guest room, of course, and I’ll keep some things in there, but that way it won’t be so obvious that we’re not staying in the same room.”

  It was a good idea. Why hadn’t he thought of it? Maybe because he’d been too busy thinking about her rather than how to fool everyone. “Yeah. I think that’s a great idea.”

  “You do?” Her face lit up like she was pleased he’d agreed with her. “I mean, I’m just worried that if the truth somehow gets out, then Tyler will dig in his heels even more. About me being engaged to him. You know?”

  “You don’t need to explain.”

  She bit her lip. “I just…I hate to impose even more than I already am.”

  Didn’t she know that he was beyond thrilled to help her? That protecting her fulfilled some inner need that he’d only recently discovered? Which gave him an idea.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  From what Aubree could tell, Cameron really didn’t seem to mind the idea of her practically taking over his closet. So grateful at his continuing generosity, she smiled. “Thank you.”

  He smiled in return, and the way he focused on her, like she was the only person in the world who mattered, made her heart do a little tumble and flip.

  “I have an idea for you,” he said as he kept his gaze steady on her.


  Softly chuckling, his lips curved into a smile. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before, but I can teach you some self-defense moves. You know, just in case.”

  She didn’t want to think about any just in case scenarios, but she wasn’t against learning to protect herself. “That would be awesome.”

  “First lesson tomorrow morning, all right?”

  The more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea of knowing some self-defense moves. “Yeah. That’ll be perfect.” She paused a beat. “Will you show me where you want me to put my stuff? In your closet?”

  He smiled, which melted her heart a little—too much for comfort. She had to reign in her feelings.

  “Sure thing,” he said. “Right this way.”

  With that, she followed him out of his office and down a hallway that led to a huge master suite. He walked into a closet that was bigger than the bedroom in her apartment. Okay, so maybe she wouldn’t be displacing him too much if she added her stuff.

  Shoving aside a row of neatly hung suits and dress shirts, he said, “Will this be enough room?” Then he laughed. “Just kidding. I know you need more room than this. I carried in your luggage after all.”

  Embarrassed all over again for having so much clothes with her, Aubree said, “I’ll just put a few things in your closet.”

  Giving her a lopsided smile, Cameron said, “No wife of mine will have such a small wardrobe.” With that, he moved all the shirts and jeans on two different racks to another rack, cramming them all in, which left tons of empty space. “There. You can use all of this.”

  He was so sweet to her that she nearly threw her arms around him in gratitude, but she held back. No reason to encourage her heart, which was already betraying her by insisting that she relax and allow herself to fall for him. Nope. She wasn’t going to add the complication of falling for her pretend husband. Not as long as that dark cloud of Tyler was in her mental sky.

  “I’ll help you move your luggage down here,” he said.

  “No,” she said quickly. “I mean, I’ve got it. You do…” She threw her hands out. “Whatever it was you were doing.”

  One of his eyebrows arched, like he was questioning whether she could handle moving all of her clothes from her room to his. “You sure?”

  “Yeah. I’ve got it. Thanks.”

  “All right. I’ll leave you to it.”

  “Thanks, Cameron.”

  He smiled at her, which stoked the flame of attraction, and after he left her on her own, she got to work. By the time she’d finished hanging a good portion of her clothes in his closet, she was ready for a nap.

  “How’s it going?” he asked her when she walked into the family room. He was sitting on the couch, his open laptop on his thighs and Maya stretched out on the floor nearby. “‘Bout ready for something to eat?”

hat’s when she remembered she’d offered to make dinner. “Uh, yeah.”

  “Good. Because it’ll be here soon.”

  “Be here? I thought I was cooking.”

  He closed his laptop, set it on the coffee table in front of him, and stood. “I figured you’d be ready for a break by now and maybe not feel like cooking.”

  Was her exhaustion so obvious? “You’re right about that.”

  He grinned. “There you go, then.”

  Could he be any more thoughtful? In a way she wished he was more of a jerk. It would be easier to shove down her attraction that way. “What did you order?”

  “There’s an amazing Italian place I like to use from time to time.”

  The doorbell rang.

  “There they are now,” he said as he walked to the front door.

  Aubree held on to Maya’s collar to keep her from getting in the way.

  Cameron opened the front door and a man wearing a suit stood on the threshold. “Where would you like us to set up, Mr. Shah?”

  Cameron pointed to the back patio. “Outside.”

  The man nodded curtly, then motioned to someone behind him.

  Aubree watched in amazement as men dressed in suits carrying trays walked through the family room and out the back door. She could see one of them laying a cream-colored tablecloth on the table before platters of food were set down and arranged and empty plates were placed at the places where she and Cameron would be sitting.

  When she ordered carryout, this never happened.

  Hysterical laughter bubbled up her throat, but she swallowed it down, forcing herself to act like this was her normal life.

  Then she remembered that this life was temporary. And it wasn’t losing the luxury of being waited on that bothered her. It was knowing she wouldn’t be with Cameron any longer, of knowing she wouldn’t have someone in her life who was so thoughtful and sweet to her, someone who always seemed to have her best interests in mind.

  Maybe she needed to loosen the stranglehold she had on her heart.

  “All set, Mr. Shah,” the man who seemed to be in charge said. “We’ll be back in the morning to clean up.”

  “Thank you, Lorenzo.”

  Moments later the men filed out the front door and Aubree was alone with Cameron once again. She released Maya and smiled as Cameron approached.

  “Shall we?” he asked as he held out his arm for her to take.

  She looked at her jeans and t-shirt. “I feel completely underdressed.”

  He laughed. “That’s the beauty of eating at home. No need to get dressed up.” He glanced at his own jean-clad legs. “I prefer jeans to a suit any day.”

  As much as Aubree enjoyed getting dressed up from time to time, for the most part she preferred jeans too. Smiling, she hooked her arm through his and let him lead her out to the patio.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Cameron wasn’t trying to impress Aubree—okay, maybe a little. But he was glad he’d guessed that she might not be up to making dinner after traveling and settling in. He held her chair out for her, and after she was seated, he slid into his own seat.

  “This looks wonderful,” she said as she looked over the platters of lasagna, carbonara, and fettuccine, as well as a bowl filled with a green salad and a basket of steaming breadsticks. She lifted her eyes to meet his and he could see she was truly impressed. “What a lovely meal.”

  They served themselves, then Cameron said, “I almost ordered takeout pizza but decided this would be more fun.”

  Aubree’s lips tugged upward. “Pizza would’ve been delicious, but this…” She swept her arms outward. “This is like going to a restaurant, only better.”

  “Better? How so?” Hoping she would say it was better because it was with him, he waited to hear her answer.

  She looked down as if she was hesitant to admit her feelings, then she looked at him square on. “The things you’re doing for me, Cameron…” Her lips formed a soft smile as her words trailed off. “I’m just…I’m not used to it.”

  Not exactly what he’d been hoping she would say, but it was an opening he would use. “You’re worth it, Aubree.”

  Aubree couldn’t stop the blush from coloring her cheeks. To distract herself from all the emotions swirling inside her, she pierced a grape tomato with her fork. Then, deciding to face her growing attraction to Cameron head-on, she lifted her eyes and met his gaze. “I’m glad I ran in to you in the forest that day.”

  He grinned. “Snuck up on me is more like it.”

  She laughed. “True.”

  His expression sobered. “Can I be honest with you?”

  At the look on his face, Aubree’s heart pounded. “Yes.” Then she placed the grape tomato in her mouth.

  “There’s something about you. Something I…” He shook his head as he smiled. “I can’t stop thinking about you. I…” His voice softened. “I think I’m falling for you, Aubree.”

  She almost choked on the tomato. This was getting way too intense. She needed to break the mood. She managed to swallow the tomato, then she arched an eyebrow and said, “Guess it’s a good thing we’re married.”

  His lips curved into a big smile, then he leaned his head back and laughed.

  Smiling at his reaction, she took a moment to delve more deeply into her own feelings. And as she watched him—his sparkling blue eyes and his easy-going demeanor—she knew she was on the edge of falling for him too and wondered how long it would take for her to fall off the cliff.

  Cameron wasn’t sure what he’d expected Aubree to say when he’d told her he was falling for her. Of course, he’d hoped she would say she felt the same, but he’d known that was unlikely. Still, he didn’t regret confessing his feelings, and now that it was out there, who knew where things would lead?

  “Are you excited to start filming on Monday?” he asked as he used the side of his fork to slice off a bit of lasagna.

  “Very. But I’m also nervous. I mean, this will be the first time I’ve worked on a film. And filming with Jason Evanson? Yeah, my nerves are getting a little ragged.”

  “You’ll be awesome.”

  She looked at him with doubt. “You’ve never seen me act so how can you say that with such confidence?”

  She was right, but he had an answer for her anyway. “The producers never would have hired you if they didn’t think you had the acting chops to do it.”

  Her lips turned up like she hadn’t thought of that before. “Good point.”

  Glad he could build her confidence, he thought about the film itself. It was a romantic comedy. Would she be kissing Jason Evanson? Of course she would. Would their kiss be anything like the kiss she’d shared with him? The thought of her kissing another man the way she’d kissed him arrowed a sliver of jealousy right through his heart.

  “What are you thinking about?” Aubree asked as she broke off a bit of breadstick and popped it in her mouth.

  He wasn’t about to admit that an ugly green monster was digging a pit in his gut. “Just, uh, wondering what your mom will think once she meets me.”

  “She’ll love you,” Aubree said, then she looked away like she hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

  Smiling to himself, Cameron nodded. “Good. Gotta have the approval of the mother-in-law.”

  Aubree broke off another piece of her breadstick. “Anyway, I know she’ll support me in whatever I do.”

  “That’s great,” he said as he thought about his late mother. “My mom always supported me too.”

  They talked about childhood memories as they ate, and when they were done, Aubree said, “Thank you for such a delicious meal.” She set her napkin on the table. “Can I help clean up?”

  He shook his head. “The restaurant will take care of it.”

  She nodded. “Okay.” Then she grimaced. “I don’t want to be rude, but I need to study the script. I want to be as prepared as possible for Monday’s shoot.”

  “I totally get it.” He pushed back from the table,
then pulled her chair back as she stood.

  When they were face to face with only a few feet between them, he had to resist the urge to tug her into his arms and kiss her. Yes, they were pretend-married, but that’s all it was. And yes, he’d declared his feelings for her, but she’d demurred in telling him how she felt about him. It was up to him to charm her to see if there was something there.

  “Let’s meet out here tomorrow morning at seven for your self-defense training,” he said as he tried and failed to tamp down his powerful attraction to her.

  “I’ll be here,” she said with a bright smile.

  With that, she turned and walked inside the house.

  Cameron was looking forward to their lesson.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The first thing Aubree did when she reached her room was fall onto the bed. Exhausted yet happy, she sank into the soft and fluffy bedding and closed her eyes. She would pull out the script and study it in a few minutes. First, she needed to talk to Janie. She reached over to the nightstand and picked up her phone. Stretched out on the bed, Aubree dialed Janie’s number.

  “Finally,” Janie said, clearly exasperated. “Or have you been busy with your husband all day?”

  “It’s been a crazy day, that’s for sure.”

  “I guess so. I saw that video of you kissing him and I have to tell you, I’m convinced.”

  The memory of the kiss earlier that day sent shivers of excitement spilling across Aubree’s skin. And when she pictured Cameron’s face when he told her he was falling for her, she couldn’t get the smile off of her face. “I’m glad it was so convincing.”

  “Guess when you’re on a roll, you’re on a roll.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “First, you get the part in a movie, and now you’ve gotten a hot billionaire to pretend to be married to you.”

  “First off, remember it was his idea, not mine. And second of all…” A wide smile curved her lips. “Okay, I guess you’re right. Except the only reason we’re doing this is to get Tyler to either back off or move into the open so the police can deal with him.”


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