Ink's Devil: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #5

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Ink's Devil: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #5 Page 3

by Manda Mellett

  He holds me to him, one strong arm across my stomach, trapping me so I’m imprisoned against him. He’s already close, already aroused by my mouth. There’s no finesse now as he reaches down and rubs at my clit.

  “You gonna come for me, babe?”

  I try to answer, but he’s touching all the right spots. My body does my talking for me. As my muscles tense and I reach my peak, he releases into the condom.

  When he gently lets me go, I fall forehead first onto the soft bed, but he doesn’t pull out immediately. Instead, with his dick softening inside me, he gathers up some of my wetness and rims my asshole.

  I tense.

  “Ever had a cock in there?”

  “No,” I say with determination. I never will either.

  “Should try it babe,” he encourages, as if realising my reluctance. “Hmm, the things you’re missing out on. Ever thought of having two cocks inside you? One where my cock is now, and another… here?” As he speaks, he pushes his finger more firmly against me.

  Two cocks filling me? There’s not enough room.

  “I think you’re enough by yourself.”

  “Never say never,” he says, at last pulling out. “Life’s too short to be missing out on all those experiences. If you change your mind, I’m sure I can find one of my brothers who’s up for double-teaming. Hmm, Mace, perhaps?”

  He’d fuck me with one of his brothers? Perhaps that doesn’t count as going back twice. For a moment I even give it consideration, then shake the idea out of my head. One biker’s a lot to handle. Two? Far too much.

  He gives me a little longer to recover this time, then he’s up for more. Slowly those condoms on the bed do indeed disappear. It must be the early hours of the morning when at last he flops over and lies on his back.

  “Think you’ve totally drained me, little girl. Hope you got what you were looking for.”

  I did. Boy, did I. And more. “It wasn’t too much of a disappointment.” I try to make my voice nonchalant.

  He laughs. “Fuck, babe. I think more would have killed you. Not that it would be a bad way to go. Talking about going, you got your own room here?”

  He knows that I have. It’s a not too subtle hint I’m no longer welcome.

  I turn on my side and run my hand over his chest. He traps it in his and stops me. His eyes harden slightly. “Told you how this was going to go. I’m not one for cuddling, and I always sleep alone.”

  I knew what I was walking into, I can’t pretend I didn’t. This was nothing more than a biker fucking, something he’s done many times before, even if it’s my first such encounter. I can’t act disappointed, he’d set out the terms and I agreed to them.

  I got what I wanted and more. No regrets, I tell myself fiercely. I can’t complain, he certainly delivered on his promise, and I’d had the night I’d hoped for.

  I try to sound casual. “Something to be said about doing the walk of shame in the night, rather than in the morning.” I gaze at his handsome face for one last moment, then slide off the bed. I put on my panties and bra, then pull my dress over my head. “Zip me up?”

  “Come here.” I perch on the edge of the bed as he performs the action I’d requested. I feel a feather light touch to my neck. A caress of his lips, and his warm breath touches me.

  Play on it? Turn around and try to kiss him?

  I harden my resolve and stand. “Thank you, Ink,” I tell him, without turning around.

  As I collect my purse and walk to the door, I hear him say, “The pleasure was all mine, little girl.”

  He’s got that wrong.

  Chapter Three


  Back in my room, I awkwardly twist to reach the tricky zipper and remove my dress once again, then slip into the PJs I’d brought to sleep in. It’s after four am, I notice, seeing the digital numbers on the radio by the side of the bed.

  Climbing on top of the covers, I pull up my knees, folding my arms around them.

  Well, I’ve done it. For months I’d badgered Mel to introduce me to her biker friends, and today—yesterday, I correct—I’d met them.

  Will I come to look back on last night with regret?

  That’s one question that’s hard to answer with my body still humming from the pleasure he gave me. One thing for certain is I’ll never forget how good sex with Ink was.

  I snuggle down, hugging the pillow to me. Did I make him feel good too? Or was it just another fuck to him? Had there been nothing to distinguish me from the hundreds of women he’d probably been with?

  Mentally I slap myself around the head. Of course, there wasn’t. He took what I offered without making any promises. That’s it, it’s over. The sooner I come to terms with that the better.

  I went into this with my eyes open. If my eyes are watering, it’s just because I’m tired.

  Turning over, I try to sleep. After tossing and turning, finally my exhausted and well-used body drags me into slumber.

  I wake with tender ass cheeks and aches in muscles I couldn’t remember having felt before. Ink had made good on his promise that I’d have trouble moving this morning. A hot shower eases the worst of the aching and helps in my effort to not walk bowlegged.

  Carefully, I pick my discarded bridesmaid’s dress up off the floor and fold it reverently even though it will have to go for dry cleaning. Mel was thoughtful, letting us choose styles which meant we could get more than one use out of our dresses. Though, when I’ll wear it again, I’m not sure. I’ll treasure it, knowing whenever I see it hanging in my closet it will remind me of the night I took my chances to have sex with a biker. Even if the only result is having made some memories to fuel my time alone with my vibrator.

  Pulling on my comfortable jeans and a light sweater, I open the curtains and look out of the window. Last night it had been snowing, but now the weather has warmed, and already the ice is melting. Traffic is moving freely, and as I look out, I hear engines roar and see half a dozen motorcycles heading out.

  Is Ink one of the riders? I can’t be sure, they’re too far away and any of them could be him or not.

  After I watch them disappear from sight, I continue to put away clothing and cosmetics I’d brought for my overnight stay and check around to make sure I haven’t left anything while musing I’d gotten exactly what I’d come looking for.

  Or, had I?

  I sit back down on the bed, putting my head in my hands.

  In the sober light of day, my rash decision last night doesn’t seem so sensible. Had I been swept away by the emotional environment of Mel’s wedding?

  I’d been shocked as hell when my sensible friend had first hooked up with a biker, having heard rumours the Satan’s Devils were criminals and walked on the wrong side of the law. Mel had had the same concerns at first, but she’d taken time to learn about the club. I look up to Mel and respect her views. When she said, far from being into illegal things, they were a band of men who loved the freedom of riding motorcycles and the camaraderie of their club, I’d believed her. That they kept to themselves and lived by their own rules rather than the laws of the state, well, who could blame them as long as they stayed clear of breaking citizen ones.

  If Mel saw no problem with her association with the Devils, then who was I to argue? Then I’d seen with my own eyes just how they were when I met both of her boyfriends.

  Mel’s first biker was Skull. That had been bad business. I bite my lip as I remember, still feeling guilty for how that had turned out. Skull was so protective of Mel and so demonstrably loving of her, it was hard to believe he had been lying the whole time. But rather than being a criminal, he’d turned out to have been an undercover cop. It was actually his failure to find any evidence of illegal activity that confirmed my view the Satan’s Devils weren’t into that kind of thing. No drug running, no guns, and no prostitution.

  Skull had been the epitome of a handsome, caring, strong and protective lover. Despite him being half a foot shorter than myself, I had, briefly, wished his handsom
e and attentive eyes had fallen on me instead of Mel. But he’d known what he was after, a woman who’d be accepted by the club and who could gather information he hadn’t been able to find out himself. When he’d disappeared and was thought dead, she was left devastated and pregnant. She lost the baby after I had seen Skull very much alive in Vegas.

  Pyro stood by Mel when Skull vanished, supported her when he reappeared. They’d grown close and it had come as a surprise to no one when they ended up married.

  Two bikers and one woman. I had lived vicariously through her.

  I shake my head as I compare my past boyfriends to Mel’s. The men I tend to meet are decidedly boring. Accountants, government workers like myself, and even one disastrous date with a lawyer whose favourite topic was himself. None of them looked at life in the same way as Mel’s men. None of them were exciting.

  Mel tried to protect me from her new family. She didn’t think I could handle a biker of my own. Perhaps she was right, I muse. After last night, it’s hard not to feel used and dirty.

  Mel had tried to explain that most of the bikers enjoy their single status, that the club even keeps whores for them to use. It would take a special woman to tempt them away from the life they had chosen and get them to see the merits of being faithful. Had I thought one night with me and then Ink would see me as someone he couldn’t get enough of? Hell, maybe. Doesn’t every woman think she can change a man, when really, I just gave him exactly what he wanted? A chance to get his dick wet.

  It’s hard to believe there’s a someone anywhere out there for me.

  It’s not self-pity, it’s fact. I’m an introvert hiding in an extrovert’s body. I look confident because of my height. Because I tower over most people, they expect me to take charge, expect me not to be scared, when underneath there’s an insecure woman inside. That’s why I needed alcohol to push me to take what I wanted last night. If I was sober, I’d have waited for a non-existent man to come over. Ink liked my confidence, that I appeared to be a woman who went after what they wanted.

  But I’m not her.

  He wouldn’t like the real me once he got to know her.

  I’ve never known what it was like to feel protected, loved, safe and coveted, but for a moment last night, I had felt like I was.

  A dream, that’s all. I give myself a shake. Good while it lasted, but now I have to put it behind me.

  I stand. I close the zip on my bag and give the room one last look over. There’s nothing left of me here. As for Ink, the aches and soreness will soon go, and his loving will be a memory I’ll replay on those long, lonely nights.

  I’d found myself a biker and enjoyed the experience. Any admission I’d lied when I said that was all I was after will never be spoken out loud.

  Mel warned me Ink would take if I offered.

  But he’d given as well. I had had the best sex ever. I had found that I enjoyed being bossed around in the bedroom; Ink had been so different from men who politely ask what I need, or worse, and fumble until they get it right. I grin to myself. I hadn’t needed to fake anything. Yes, Ink’s kind of loving was just what I was looking for, but doubted I’d ever find. That’s what I’m missing, that’s why there’s an emptiness inside me. It wasn’t the man, it was the experience itself.

  But it hadn’t been just sex. No, there was more, there was easy laughter and joking.

  Don’t go there. We fucked, or in his words, Ink gave me his cock several times. That’s all it was.

  Picking up my bag I walk to the door. Little girl. My lips curve slightly as his words echo in my head. Little, I’m most certainly not, but for just one night, I enjoyed being ordered around, and being made to feel small and protected.

  I want more. I want more with Ink.

  No. I don’t, can’t, want what’s impossible to have.

  Making a concerted effort to leave any regrets behind in this room, I pull open the door and step out.

  Although I know there will be breakfast provided, I’m really not in the mood. Mel will want to know how I got on with Ink, and it’s far too soon to share or even decide whether I’ll be revealing any details at all. I need time to process last night on my own without dissecting it with anyone else. One day I’ll tell her, and we’ll laugh about it. The spanking and how much I enjoyed it, I’ll keep to myself. But I’ll probably let her know I did indeed get the full biker experience.

  I also want to sneak out unseen just in case Ink’s still around. How do I face him today? Not without blushing, that’s for certain. And how will his biker companions react? Will there be sniggers, laughs and pointed remarks? That wouldn’t surprise me.

  So, I wheel my little carry-on case down the hallway, then hold my breath when the elevator dings and the door opens on the ground floor. I can hear raucous laughter from the restaurant, but thankfully there’s no one I recognise in the lobby. Handing in my key card, I tap my fingers impatiently on the desk while they check me out and print my receipt.

  At last I’m free to escape, letting out a heartfelt sigh when I reach my car unimpeded.

  After that, my drive home seems anti-climactic.

  “You looked beautiful yesterday.” Mom comes and hugs me when I walk in the front door. “I was so proud of you.” She’d been one of the wedding guests, but since she wasn’t part of the bridal party, she hadn’t stayed at the hotel.

  I shrug her comment off with an embarrassed grin. “I don’t know why. All I did was stand there and look pretty.”

  “You did that so well. I’m proud of what I made.”

  I giggle. But I suppose she did have a part in making me and how I turned out.

  “Hey, Sis. That you?” a voice booms from the living room, shortly followed by the man himself. It’s my little brother, Connor. Well little refers to age, not size. He’s an inch taller than me, both of us towering over our parents.

  “Con!” I tell him, genuinely delighted. “I’ve not seen you for ages. What have you been up to?”

  His shoulders rise and fall, while I eye him intently. He’s lost a bit of weight since I last saw him; his face no longer has its baby roundness and is now angular like a man’s. He looks harder too. Connor lives with our dad up in Denver.

  Patsy, our mom, and our father had separated when we were young, she ended up with sole custody of Connor and me. Dad hadn’t bothered to have anything to do with us, never remembered our birthdays or Christmas. It was only six years ago when Connor turned sixteen that my brother wanted to know more about the man who sired him. Apparently, when he’d tracked him down, it turned out they’d gotten on, and Connor moved out to live in Denver with him when he was eighteen. Mom had protested, but as he was then an adult, she could do nothing to stop him.

  That was four years ago. My doubts that my father has been a good influence, possibly going so far as to turn Connor against our mom, seem to be spot on, though he and I still get along. It’s rare he comes to visit. I can’t remember seeing him for almost twelve months. I’m delighted he’s here, but also, suspicious.

  “To what do we owe this pleasure?” I ask him.

  Another raise and dip of his shoulders. “Had some business in town, thought I’d say hello while I was here.”

  “You going back to Denver later, or do you want to stay?” my mom asks with a tinge of optimism. “I can get a pot roast or something going.”

  “Nah, I’ll get back.” His face tightens. “Wouldn’t want to put you out, Mom.”

  He turns away when she brushes off his comment, almost cutting her off when she says it’s no trouble. He addresses me instead, “So where were you yesterday that you stayed out all night?” He looks pointedly at the overnight bag I’ve let drop to the floor.

  “At Mel’s wedding.” I gratefully take the cup of coffee Mom’s just poured for me and blow on it to cool it down. “A friend from work,” I add, in case he doesn’t remember.

  “So, did you hook up with someone? Is that why you stayed out? No thanks.” The last is to my mom offering to f
ill a cup for him.

  “No,” I deny fast, shocked that he thinks he can walk back in after months away and start questioning what I get up to. “They booked rooms for the bridesmaids and bridal party.” As if it’s any of his business, I think to myself. I also keep quiet that the whole of the Satan’s Devils MC also stayed. I decide to get the conversation away from me before any thought of last night can show on my face and betray that I’ve just skirted around the truth. “So, do you still work with our dad? What business are you in now, Con?”

  He seems as eager to talk about what he does as I am to discuss the details of last night. “This and that,” he says dismissively. Then glances at the clock on the wall. “Well, I best be off. More snow is forecasted for later and I don’t want to get caught in a storm. Nah, Mom, I’ll see myself out. Oh, and I’ll be down here more often, and I’ll pop in again.”

  “That will be nice, Connor,” Mom replies eagerly, but she’s speaking to his back and the dismissive wave of his hand.

  The front door closes behind him with a bang.

  Mom needs a hug, I can see that. “Mom…”

  “No, don’t make excuses for him, Bethany. We all know what went wrong.”

  Yes, we do. Connor discovered his father, and from that point on, he’d changed.

  Growing up, I hadn’t been very curious about the man who’s responsible for giving me life. I was more angry that he’d abandoned me and that I had never heard from him. It was only later I’d begun to ask questions. Getting the details out of Mom had been difficult, as they came in bits and pieces. The older I became, the more information she thought I could handle. Eventually she’d told me everything.

  Phil, my dad, had been an accountant when he and Mom married. He’d been caught cooking the books but was let off with a slap on the hand. Lost his job though. From then on, he started wheeling and dealing. Mom never knew what he was up to, but she thought it had to be shady, the amount of money he was bringing home. Having prepared herself for him to go to jail once, she was just waiting for him to be arrested again. She decided, in her own words, if she was going to be left alone, she’d rather be so on her own terms. So, she left him, or, rather, asked him to leave. Without needing much persuasion, eighteen years ago, he did.


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