Ink's Devil: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #5

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Ink's Devil: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #5 Page 12

by Manda Mellett

  Unconsciously straightening my shoulders, I smile one last time at my mom, then start to walk toward the front door, when suddenly I remember and swing back, snapping my fingers. “Mom, I nearly forgot.” I’d been so wrapped up thinking about Ink, everything else had gone out of my mind. “Has Connor been in touch about coming around again?”

  Mom sighs deeply then shakes her head. “Not yet. But he never does. He just turns up.”

  “He said he might pop in this weekend. I’ll try to be here in case he does. I’ll be back tomorrow by lunchtime.” I don’t like the thought of her being alone with him. I can’t forget how last week things had gotten pretty heated. I’d been afraid for my mom.

  I acknowledge her grateful nod, then I’m tugging my coat around me and bracing myself to step outside. Immediately, I feel snowflakes settle on my face and find I’m battling a wind that seems intent on preventing me reaching my vehicle.

  Once sheltered inside my car, I turn on the engine and wait for it to start warming up, noticing the snow hasn’t been falling long, and the hot air blowing on the windshield means my wipers can cope with what’s settled as it hasn’t yet turned to ice. Thank goodness. I don’t want to have to get out again and scrape.

  I drive out onto the road carefully, but it’s been gritted and what snow is landing is currently melting fast. When the temperature falls further, it will probably freeze, the volume of snow predicted might well settle despite the salt. Hopefully, the roads will have been cleared by the time I drive home tomorrow.

  I don’t mind wintry conditions, I’ve lived in Colorado all my life. As long as you’re careful and try and avoid lunatics driving too fast or as if they were on a summer-dry road, most times you'll be safe.

  It’s fairly quiet, no idiots are out tonight, so I arrive at the compound unscathed. Beaver slides open the gate, stomping his feet and blowing on his hands.

  “Hi, Beth. Park around the back.”

  I know where to go from last week when I came to the party with Mel.

  Today there are more cars. I recognise Mel’s, she and Pyro will have brought that, and there’s a few more that I’ve not seen before. I realise I hadn’t seen any bikes parked out front, but they’re probably garaged or something for the night.

  Once I’ve pulled up the handbrake and switched the engine off, I gather my things together, mentally ticking them off. My overnight bag and my purse I pull to me, then take a moment to check my phone and wallet are safely secured in the zip compartment. Realising I’m delaying getting out of the car, at last I open the door and step out. I rationalise my hesitation was because I didn’t want to subject myself to the elements as snow is coming down more heavily, but truthfully, it’s because I’m feeling nervous. Mel’s warning echoes in my head and I’m uncertain what I’ll be walking into. Find Ink first.

  Taking a deep breath, I turn to face the clubhouse. At least it should be fairly easy for me to spot Ink inside. I wonder how Mel manages, perhaps with the exception of Theo, everyone is taller than her.

  But I needn’t have worried. Immediately after I take my first step forward, I spy Ink, leaning casually back against the exterior wall, paying no attention to the weather conditions, simply wearing a long-sleeved tee, cut and jeans.

  I quicken my pace, suddenly wondering how long he’d been there, not wanting him to become frozen to the spot due to my dallying.

  “Aren’t you cold?” I again pull my jacket tight around me and shiver.

  “Cold? Nah. Not with the promise of you to raise my temperature.” He smirks.

  “Sure of yourself, aren’t you?” I feel my lips curve.

  “Sure of you,” he responds.

  Then he puts his arm around me. “You’re shivering, let’s get you inside where I can warm you up.”

  When he opens the back door and stands aside to let me precede him in, Jeannie immediately calls out, “Shut that damn door!”

  “For fuck’s sake, Jeannie. Got to open it to let someone in. Whatcha expect her to do, fly down the chimney?”

  “Ain’t got no chimneys,” observes Pyro through a mouthful of crumbs. I guess Mel’s been cooking again.

  “What about a window?” suggests Lizard.

  “Still lets the fuckin’ cold in,” observes Judge, rolling his eyes.

  “Yeah, but it’s a smaller area, wouldn’t be so bad.” Liz doesn’t let the inane conversation drop.

  Jeannie waves a dish towel. “Will you lot get out of my kitchen? You drive me insane.” But the grinning glance she sends my way shows she’s joking.

  “Beth!” Mel comes in, and bats at Pyro’s hand, and fast directs her attention to her husband instead of me. “You’ve already had a tub of cookies at home. Will you leave some for the others?”

  Unrepentant he rubs his stomach. “I’m eating for two.”

  “It’s Mel who’s fuckin’ pregnant,” Ink interrupts with a disbelieving shake of his head.

  “Yeah, but I’ve got sympathy pangs.”

  “Are they a thing?” asks Judge, giving him a serious look.

  Mel rolls her eyes. “With Pyro it would seem so. The amount he’s putting away, his stomach will probably grow as large as mine is going to get.” She lays her hand on his abdomen and looks up at him with an impudent smile. “He’ll have such a pot belly he won’t be able to ride.”

  “Have to leave the club. No bike, no patch.” Thunder walks in, having overheard. “Best leave those cookies alone, Brother.” The real reason why he’s suggested Pyro refrain becomes clear when he reaches over, picks up the tub, and starts to carry it out. As he passes Pyro, he jerks his chin at him. “Just saving you from yourself. You can thank me later.”

  “What’s it like out there?” Jeannie addresses her question to Mel.

  “Like a Friday night.”

  That seems to be all the information the older woman needs as her face tightens with distaste. I’m, however, none the wiser.

  “Is Vi, Steph or Jay around?” I’d been looking forward to catching up.

  “Nah,” Liz supplies. “As the weather is bad, Vi’s gone home with the prez, the VP’s taken Steph back to their house, and Jay and Pal are having their own private party upstairs.”

  “Which sounds like a very good idea,” Ink whispers into my ear.

  Although having Ink so close to me is immediately turning me on, I don’t want to act like some whore he’s summoned and jump straight into bed with him. I arch my brow. “Can’t a girl have a drink first?”

  For a reply, he takes hold of my hand, leads me out of the kitchen and into the clubroom itself. It is busy. Heavy metal music is playing loudly, a thumping beat that goes straight through me. Wills and Sparky have their heads close to two pretty girls I haven’t seen here before, probably the only way they can hear anything they might be saying. Two of the club girls are dancing, if you can call it that. They’re gyrating and contorting as though advertising their services. One’s wearing such a skimpy dress she’s in danger of… Too late, her boob’s hanging out now, but she doesn’t seem to care.

  Fast looking away, I spy another group of giggling girls by the bar, certainly not dressed for the weather. But then, the amount of bodies around means it is warm in here. Though there’s no way I’m removing my sweater.

  Ink suddenly stills beside me. He catches the sleeve of Mace and uses it to pull him close. “Who’re they?” His head jerks toward two men standing close to the girls.

  “Hangarounds. Not been here before. Cad’s checking them out.”


  “Could be.”

  If I wasn’t almost Ink and Mace’s height, I wouldn’t have been able to hear their conversation, but I am, and I do. Shamelessly I listen, wanting to learn all I can about his club.

  “Want me to have a word with them?”

  “Wouldn’t hurt, Ink. If you don’t mind.” The enforcer spares an apologetic glance at me as if I might have other plans. I do, but I’ve got all night.

  “We were going
to have a drink anyway, weren’t we, Ink?”

  “Come on, then.” Ink leads the way through the throng to get to the bar, my having to sidestep quickly to avoid having a drink spilled over me by yet another strange man.

  Ink growls at him as he passes. “Howard.”

  The man looks sheepish, mutters a quick sorry to me, and disappears into the crowd.

  “Wannabe biker,” Ink quickly explains. “Man likes to talk bikes all day long and loves coming to our parties. Hasn’t even got a ride. But he’s harmless enough.”

  I spy another couple of guys who I don’t recognise. I’m surprised they let strangers into the club.

  “Why aren’t you worried about them?” I speak directly into his ear, pointing them out. “They’re not members either.”

  “For a start, we keep everything locked down on party nights. Meeting room, offices, even the bedrooms. So, they can see we have a bar, so what?” I appreciate him taking the time to explain. “As for these two, I know them. They come fairly regularly. Hang around the auto-shop as well. Now unlike Howard, they are hardened bikers, ride in all weathers. Well, except for tonight. Even they’re not as stupid as that. It’s pretty brutal out there.”

  He’s telling me. I just drove in it. My mind’s trying to establish the hierarchy of the visitors. “Do they go with the club girls?”

  He shakes his head. “No, the sweet butts are just for us. Well,” he goes a delightful shade of red, “my brothers for now, anyway. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they manage to go off with one of the visiting girls. I expect you’ve noticed there’s a few around.” I have. And currently one is eyeing up the man by my side. She quickly turns away at my glare and the possessive arm I sneak around his waist.

  Ink narrows his eyes, then turns around. He looks back at me and snorts, with a brow raised. “Come on, let’s get that drink.” The blond he’d all but ignored, stands and watches us stride off, her hands on her hips. I get a warm feeling inside that he hadn’t more than glanced at the pretty girl.

  We get to the bar. Ink orders two beers having asked what I wanted.

  As Karl opens the bottles, Ink leans in. “Any problems?” He jerks his head toward the men standing a few feet down that he’d discussed with Mace.

  Karl shakes his head. “Nah, but full of questions about prospecting and the club.”

  Ink gestures give me more.

  “They asked some serious questions, more about what the experience of being a prospect is actually like. Turns out they’ve both served, and when I’d described it, they likened it to being a new recruit.”

  “You reckon they want to come on board?”

  The prospect shrugs. “Can’t be certain. I did tell them it was fuckin’ hard work.”

  Ink looks worried, and I can understand why. As the prospect goes off to fulfil another drink order, I speak into his ear. “Must be worrying, taking new people in after what happened with Skull.”

  I’ve surprised him. He looks at me sharply, then sighs. “I suppose Mel told you all about what happened.”

  “I was the one who found Skull in Vegas,” I remind him. “Of course, she told me how that had turned out.” I think for a moment. “I always worry whether I should have told her or kept quiet.”

  “Why would you have kept that shit to yourself?” he asks, his eyes wide. “Of course, she, we wanted to know.”

  “She lost the baby.” My voice has gone quiet.

  “And you think that’s down to you?”

  For an answer, I shrug.

  “Jeez. Beth, that’s not on you. That’s on Skull. Motherfucker played her, played all of us. Mel wouldn’t have wanted to carry on mourning him.” Ink looks around, surveying the room which is packed.

  I follow what’s caught his eye then look away fast. I’ve now seen far more of Lizard’s ass than I ever wanted and don’t recognise the girl who’s lying on the pool table with her legs up around him. Mind you, it’s not exactly her face which I had the best sight of.

  “Don’t you need to talk to the hangarounds?” I ask. Realising if this is a typical party, I probably would be more comfortable just with Ink in his room.

  “Yeah. Do you mind? Hey, Karl. Make sure Beth’s okay for a second?”

  The prospect nods. Showing he takes his new duty seriously, after a quick glance to check no members are waiting to be served—visitors can apparently wait—he leans on the bar. “Heard you’re going to have a go riding Beaver’s Sportster.”

  I nod, but glumly. “Had it planned for tomorrow, but with this…” I point in the direction of one of the large windows where large flakes of snow can be seen falling in the light spilling out from the clubroom.

  “Yeah, winters can be crap. There’s always next week. Ink tell you Beaver’s thinking of selling his ride?”

  I raise an eyebrow.

  Karl nods a confirmation, then suggests, “You get on with it, could make him an offer.”

  Have my own motorcycle? That sounds great. I grin. “Think I’ll have to learn how to ride it first.”

  “Sorry about that, babe. Thanks, Karl.”

  Karl, who’d straightened as Ink approached, raises his chin then moves away.

  “All done?” I ask. He hadn’t taken long.

  “For now. Cad will need to dig into their backgrounds, but on the surface, they’re saying the right shit.” His eyes narrow.


  “Never thought I’d be talking to a… woman about club business.”

  I smile at the way he stopped himself from calling me a bitch. Progress? Maybe. Then I frown. “I’m sorry if I spoke out of turn.”

  “Nah, babe.” His eyes stare into mine. “Won’t be able to share much with you, but if there’s stuff I can, don’t think I’d mind talking it over. Them?” He jerks his head behind him to the men he was just speaking to. “Maybe a woman could sniff out if they carry a bad smell.”

  “Mel didn’t.” Then I rethink. “Actually, yes, she did. She tried hard to stay out of Skull’s clutches at first. She should have gone with her first instinct.”

  “She should’ve.” He raises his hand to my face. “Now, enough about Mel, those assholes behind me and anyone else. Have you had enough socialising and want to come upstairs?”

  Oh, God. Over Ink’s shoulder I catch sight of Thunder pawing at a girl… he’s got her breasts out. He’s licking her nipple in full view. Her head’s thrown back, clearly into it…

  When I turn back to Ink, my face burns.

  After spinning around to see what I’d noticed, Ink turns back with a smirk. “I take it you’ve seen enough.” The sight of his brother seems to have affected him in a very different way as his voice has dropped an octave and his pupils have dilated.

  Turning my head in the other direction, I quickly swing it back having caught the sight of one of the young girls on her knees in front of the much older Rusty, her head bobbing up and down in his lap.

  Again, Ink follows my line of sight. “You could get down on your knees for me, doll.”

  “What?” I squeak. He can’t be serious, can he?

  Oh shit. Now to my side I can see one of the club girls sitting with her legs either side of Sparky’s thighs. Describing what she’s doing as a lap dance would be far too tame. The way he’s thrusting his hips…

  “Yeah, doll.” Ink’s voice challenges me.

  The air has become heavy as musk mingles with the smell of cigarette smoke. Wild horses wouldn’t have dragged the confession out of me, but the full-on orgy that appears to have started is indeed turning me on. Though not to the extent I’m prepared to give my man a blow job in public.

  Swallowing rapidly, I glance back at the expectant man by my side. “I will, but not here.”

  “Chicken,” he leans in to tell me. Then he removes the drink I’m still holding from my hand and places it on the bar. “If I’m not getting my cock sucked here, it’s time to move this party upstairs.”

  I swallow again, then nod, and make no protes
t as he wraps his arm around me and takes me to the stairway which leads upward to his room. After he turns the key in the lock, I follow him in.

  Closing the door he leans his back against it and immediately instructs while pressing on my shoulder, “Down.”

  Heaven help me, but I do. Spurred on by what I’d seen downstairs, the competitive side of me wants to give him a blow job of the type he’s never experienced before. I undo his belt and carefully pull down the zipper taking care not to trap his uncovered cock in the teeth. Then I lick the head, making him suck in air.

  But he’s not leaving me in charge. I might be the one with my mouth near his cock, but he takes control. Fisting his hand in my hair, he again issues an instruction, “Open.”

  I do. He takes advantage, thrusting inside, so far and so fast it makes me gag, but he’s relentless, and pulls out a little, only to thrust in again. I choke.

  “Fuck, babe, so good.”

  This is how he wants it?

  He must have been turned on by his brothers getting their needs met downstairs. My hands rise to caress his heavy ball sac, but then fall to my sides as I realise this isn’t me giving him pleasure, it’s him taking what he wants. As he continues pumping his hips, my eyes are watering, I’m gasping for breath, trying to breathe but his hold on me is so tight I can’t pull away. I slap his legs with my hands, but to no effect.

  “Fuck, woman. Your mouth is heaven.”

  I wish I could say that about his dick.

  I feel him start to swell and wait for him to pull out, but he’s giving me no option. He’s moving faster and I can’t do anything to stop it. Suddenly my mouth is filled with his cum.

  I swallow and gag, then swallow again until at last his cock shrinks and finally he pulls out, his grip on my hair relaxing simultaneously.

  “Jeez, little girl. Jeez.” He seems to have lost the ability to form sentences. “Fuckin’ amazin’.”

  He’s used me. Just like a whore to satisfy his needs.

  Chapter Thirteen


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