Anchored Love (Propositions and Proposals #2): A Fake Boyfriend Romance

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Anchored Love (Propositions and Proposals #2): A Fake Boyfriend Romance Page 12

by Ryan Michele

  With her legs hooked around my waist, I drove into her over and over again. Nails scratching up and down my back, Everly left her mark on me. I pumped into her wildly, the balls of her feet digging into my skin. Sweat dripped down my back, and I wanted behind her.

  I pulled out, mourning the loss of our connection until she rocked to all fours, head down, ass up. The perfect position. I wrapped a fist around one of her braids, tugging her head back so I could kiss her swollen lips.

  We fucked like animals, rolling around the bed in every position. Her riding me, me taking her sideways. I was so damn close, and then the damn condom snapped.

  “Fuck,” I muttered, pulling out and looking down.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Condom broke.” I tossed the useless rubber to the floor.

  “You have another one, right?”

  Dammit. “Afraid not. I didn’t exactly come on this trip expecting to get laid.”

  “Oh my god. This can’t be happening.” Her legs kicked on the mattress, and I chuckled. “Why are you laughing?” Her cheeks flushed as she let out a breath.

  “You’re adorable. In your pigtails throwing a tantrum.” I grinned wider. “Are you on the pill?”

  “An IUD.”

  “I’m clean and haven’t been with anyone in over six months. What about you?”

  “I’m good.”


  “Mhmm ... now get over here and finish what you started.”

  “So bossy.” I loomed over her, lining my throbbing cock up with her pulsing pussy. The moment I slid inside her I had to stop and catch my breath. Everly was the first woman I’d ever gone gloveless with, but she wasn’t just any woman. Safe sex had not only been drilled in my head growing up—it was a damn religion. I never wanted to chance knocking up someone I wasn’t serious about.

  Her warmth wrapped around me, and a shudder rippled through my body. I knew I wouldn’t last long. Not with how damn good she felt. I didn’t want to admit it then, but the woman felt like forever, like home.

  Everly’s eyes rolled back in her head, and I knew she was done for. Body tensing beneath me, she let out a moan, riding the wave of pleasure. I followed behind her, pulling out to slap the head of my cock against her stomach. I came so damn hard my toes curled. Giving her a quick peck on the lips, I grabbed one of my t-shirts off the floor and wiped her belly off.

  Collapsing next to her, I held Ev in my arms, catching my breath. I kissed her forehead and traced lazy circles along her side. I didn’t want to fall asleep. I knew when tomorrow came I’d have to give this up. I’d have to let her go if that was what she wanted. I asked her to give me these last few days, and she never made a promise of anything more. Neither did I.

  Breathing out, she found sleep easily enough. I waited until I knew I wouldn’t wake her and grabbed a shower. My head was all over the damn place. But I didn’t have regrets.

  We had bras, booze, and the ship.

  It’d have to be enough.



  Going Home … Alone

  Coming to, I awoke with two firm hands gripping my thighs, spreading my legs apart. “Um...” I breathed out unsure what to say.

  “Shh, I’m having my breakfast,” Mason’s husky voice fanned over my clit.

  Blinking, I glanced down and found Mason between my legs ready to pay worship to my pussy. I had no idea what time it was. I didn’t care. The moment his tongue swept along my clit I turned to putty under his touch. The man lapped at me like soft ice cream. Fingers thread through his dark silky hair, I jerked his head closer seeking his tongue deeper inside me. Now that was how you woke a girl up.

  “Been wanting to do this for years,” he hummed against my clit. I squeezed my thighs against his ears.

  “Stop talking.”

  He chuckled. “Just for that…” Mason trailed off and pulled away, but I still had my fingers threaded in his hair.

  “Don’t you dare stop.” I gave his hair a good tug. A finger hooked inside me in a come here motion. Back bowed, I flexed my hips.

  The phone rang from the nightstand, and I pulled a pillow over my face to scream.

  “Let it ring,” Mason grumbled.

  I shot up. “What time is it?”

  “Earlyish. I think. I don’t know.”

  I grabbed the phone. “Hello.”

  “You need to be packed and ready within the next hour,” my mother warned.

  “We will be.” I ended the call and placed the phone back on the receiver. “As much as I’ll regret this, I’ve got to get in the shower. We’ve overslept, and I’m starving.”

  “You shower, and I’ll find food.” Mason wiped his mouth on the sheets, and I could see the disappointment behind his eyes. Regret already filled me. But I knew if I didn’t get a move on I’d lay there forever with him, and we had travel arrangements to keep.

  It would be a long day, and we both had to be back in the office first thing the following morning.

  Mason went into the bathroom, and I heard the sink faucet turn on. My head throbbed, and the last thing I wanted was to leave the warmth of the bed. The night before had been perfect. I only hoped it wouldn’t make things awkward.

  I rolled from the soft but dirty sex-scented sheets. I tagged the used rubber from the floor with a tissue and tossed it in a nearby trash can. I looked down to realize I only had my bra on and nothing else. I wrapped a sheet around my waist and dug through my bag for clean underwear to wear for the trip home. Mason exited the bathroom and stopped long enough to press his lips to my forehead. He tugged on a t-shirt and shorts then slipped his black leather sandals on.

  “I’ll be back in a few.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You want coffee?”


  He nodded and left. I retreated to the bathroom, eager to get under the hot water and try to rid myself of the nasty tension headache I felt coming on from the tequila and too much sun yesterday.

  The hot water rained down on me. I rubbed my muscles, but I knew I needed to hurry. My stuff was scattered all over the room. Mason’s too. I skipped washing my hair. I’d deal with it when I got ready for work Monday morning. The last thing I wanted to think about was returning to the daily grind.

  I hurried to towel off and pulled on a pair of comfy leggings and an oversized tee along with my tennis shoes. We’d be leaving the warm weather behind on the east coast. I’d miss the sunshine.

  By the time I’d gotten dressed and packed our bags, making sure we left nothing behind and there wasn’t anything to get me flagged by TSA, Mason returned with coffee and breakfast.

  “Thank you.” I eagerly accepted the coffee, desperate for caffeine.

  “You packed for me?”

  “Hope that’s okay. I figured you’d rather eat than pack.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  We sat on the couch and ate quietly. My chest burned as I stared at the tangled sheets. I had no regrets about sleeping with Mason. I wished I’d made a move on him earlier in the week, but I still had a great time and made so many wonderful memories with him.

  Mason carried my bag through the airport, rolling his luggage behind him. Drake and Kelsey were staying a few more nights in Miami, but the rest of us were scheduled to fly back to Idaho. I wished I had a few more days to rest after all the activities we’d done all week. Sure, I was active, but I felt tired deep in my bones and like I could sleep for a week. I missed my bed and my dog. I couldn’t wait for doggie breath and cuddles.

  We checked in and took our seats in the lounge. I sat with my head on Mason’s shoulder, needing to feel close to him. His palm curved over my knee, he kissed my forehead and gave me a squeeze. “I’m going to get something for my headache and a water. You want the same?”

  “Please,” I responded, needing something. Casey went with him.

  Mom had her nose buried in a book, and Herbert was doing something on his cell phone. I couldn’t believe how
little I even looked at my phone during the trip. I liked breaking the habit of being accessible twenty-four seven and spending time with my family and Mason. It was refreshing and a bit of an eye-opener.

  “Something’s different between you two,” Jess observed as she sat next to me, taking Mason’s spot.

  “I have no idea what you mean, and I don’t have the energy to argue or let you dissect me. How’s things with you and Casey? You still not want to get married?”

  “Don’t start. It’s not like that.”

  “I’m not getting on your case. I’m genuinely curious.”

  “If you tell anyone I said this I will kill you, but the idea of marriage, I don’t know… It seems so final and like bam—you’re just stuck with this person forever or until one of you dies.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I was no psychiatrist, but I thought Jess had unresolved issues about our father dying and our mother getting remarried. I wasn’t sure what to do for her. It was something she needed to resolve for herself.

  “I think you should talk to Casey about how you feel.”

  “Yeah. I know. I love him, and I’m scared I’ll lose him.”

  “Tell him. He’ll understand. He adores you.”

  “I guess.”

  Mason and Casey returned. I knocked back some water and swallowed down two painkillers.

  “Thought you might want this.” He handed me a candy bar.

  “Thank you.” I squeezed his hand.

  My phone sounded with a new voicemail. My luggage had been found, and I could grab it in Dallas. Great! A day late and a dollar short.

  Before we boarded I sent Samantha a text.

  Ev: How’s Moocher?

  Sam: OMG, are you back?

  Ev: Not yet. Boarding our plane in Miami, then Dallas, and after a two-hour layover I’ll be back.

  Sam: Mooch has been good, but he’s missed his momma. When should I drop him off?

  I glanced at the time.

  Ev: I won’t be back till like midnight, so if you want to wait until after work tomorrow we can catch up.

  Sam: No problem. The booger has kind of grown on me.

  I laughed to myself.

  “Everything good?” Mason questioned.

  “Yeah, I’m just afraid I’ll have to fight Samantha for my fur baby when we get back. She’s been dog-sitting all week.”

  On the flight from Dallas to Idaho, it hit me. This was it. My last moments with Mason before we had to return to the way things were. We hadn’t talked about anything. I didn’t know how he felt about things now. I didn’t want to bring it up, but as the week we shared flashed through my mind I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  We’d shared so many good moments. Our first kiss. Our first everything really. I could still taste him on my lips and feel his touch. I sighed and leaned my head back. His eyes were closed. Exhaustion weighed on all of us. Mom and Herbert were seated in the aisle across from us, and they were both out. I couldn’t see Jess and Casey from where I sat. I felt restless.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” Mason murmured next to me. He took my hand in his, bringing my knuckles to his lips.

  “Just thinking about how it will suck being back in the cold and out of the gorgeous sunshine.”

  “Is that all?”

  “Yeah,” I lied. I didn’t want to face reality yet. I wanted to pretend he belonged to me a little while longer. I curled into his side as best as I could, and his arm went around me. I inhaled the scent of his Dior cologne. God he smelled so good. Too good. He tilted my chin up and placed a sweet kiss on my lips.

  “Too bad the plane is so crowded, or we’d try to join the mile-high club,” he teased, and I wished I had another half hour with him in bed that morning to finish what we had started before we were so rudely interrupted.

  “There’s a thought.” I smiled, imagining exactly that. One of us excusing themselves to go to the bathroom first and five minutes later the other following behind. I’d probably end up like one of those people in a movie getting my foot stuck in the toilet and covered with blue dye or something, or we’d break the sink.

  Everyone on the plane would either clap or laugh once we were caught and had to do our walk of shame.

  Our flight landed, and I could feel the sadness balling up inside me.

  “I had a great time with you, girls.” Mom pulled Jess and me in for a hug. Mason was chatting with Casey, making plans to hangout sometime or meet up at the gym. I didn’t want to burst Mason’s bro buddy bubble, but Casey wasn’t the gym going type.

  “I’m glad we got this time together,” I confessed, even though I hated the idea at first it had all worked out. The ceremony had been so beautiful, but next we’d be planning a baby shower. Knowing my family it’d be extravagant and over the top. I already wanted to go shopping for baby shoes. I couldn’t wait ’til we found out the sex. My shoe obsession was about to hit a new level.

  Everyone said their goodbyes and went our separate ways. Jess and Casey were taking a cab, and Mom and Herbert had their car in the parking lot. I wouldn’t have paid the fee, but it wasn’t my money. More power to them.

  “Share a cab?” Mason offered, but he lived on the opposite end of town from me, and I didn’t want to split a big bill or make him feel obligated to pay. But I found myself saying yes. As exhausted as my body felt, I didn’t want to say goodbye to him yet. Which seemed silly; I’d see him at work soon enough.

  He rolled my luggage to the loading zone and hailed a cab.

  I slid in the back, and before I knew it Mason was shaking my shoulder and telling me I was home. He saw me to the front door and made sure I got in okay before getting back in the cab to go home. I’d thought about inviting him in and asking him to spend the night, but I had too much to do and needed some serious sleep.

  I left my luggage in the living room and set my alarm. Then I cranked up the heat. It was freezing. I had turned the thermostat down before I left, but I should have conned Samantha into coming over and turning it up before I arrived home. And I would’ve had my dog to welcome me home.

  I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth. My head hit my pillow, and it felt good to be home, but a wave of sadness washed over me. I missed the smell and feel of Mason laying next to me. I missed the weight of his body taking up most of the bed.

  I missed him.



  Reality Check Ahead … Beware

  After dropping Everly off and seeing her safely inside, the cab dropped me in front of my building. I paid the fare and got inside, out of the cold. My body hadn’t acclimated yet, and I found myself craving the sunshine and warmth from the cruise.

  I lugged my stuff into the elevator and hit the button for the fifth floor. I didn’t even want to think about the amount of mail and work that would be waiting for me come morning. The elevator dinged, and the door opened. I dragged myself to my door and dug my keys out of my pocket. The hall light buzzed overhead. It was the first time I’d been alone in a week.

  I thought I’d welcome the quiet, but already I missed Everly. I had gotten accustomed to spending every waking moment with the woman. Unlocking the door, I pushed it open. My apartment smelled stale, but at least it was warm. I dropped my keys on the kitchen counter and kicked my shoes off. It did feel good to be home, but a lonely sensation crept up on me faster than I expected it to. My place was too damn quiet. I flipped the TV on; though, I had no intentions of watching it. I needed the sound to fill some of the void I was experiencing after being surrounded by people and noise all week.

  I left my bags in the foyer. I’d deal with them tomorrow after work. I had a two-bedroom apartment, but I lived on my own. I’d had a roommate, but Mike had accepted a job in California and had been moved out for nearly a year. I had thought about taking on another roomie, but I often thought about letting the apartment go and getting a house. I wasn’t getting any younger, and I wanted to settle down.

  Drake wasn’t the first of
my friends to get married and start a family.

  I trudged into the bathroom to take a leak in my own toilet and get ready for bed. The one thing I wouldn’t miss about the ship was the small shower, but as I stared at the empty sink I missed seeing all of Everly’s girly shit spread out all over the place. I stripped to my underwear and tossed my dirty shit in the hamper.

  I desperately needed a shower, but it could wait till morning. I climbed into my king-sized bed and stared at the other side, wishing that Everly was in it with me; which was crazy. We’d spent a week together.

  We weren’t even dating. I glanced at the clock and wondered if she was awake and if she missed me too. My cell phone was plugged in and laying on my nightstand. I glanced at the battery percentage and found my fingers scrolling through my contacts until I reached her name.

  I set her picture to one I had snapped of her wearing that sexier than sin red string bikini she had borrowed from Jess. I’d captured the perfect shot of her kicked back on one of the deck loungers getting her sun on. Her skin glistened, and her ocean eyes sparkled as she smiled. Her tits on display.

  I shot off a quick text.

  Mason: Hey, not sure if you’re still awake, but I was laying here and thinking about you. I don’t know where you stand, but I wanted you to know I had a great time with you on the cruise, and I wondered if you’d want to grab dinner one night this week after work or something?

  I watched the bubbles move across the screen then stop. Fuck.

  I started to type something else, but then they started to move again, so I waited before I made an even bigger ass of myself. Just because we’d had sex didn’t mean she wanted more.

  Everly: I’m still awake, and I confess that the other side of my bed looks and feels a little too empty without you in it. Dinner would be good, but I’m not sure it’d be the best idea. You’re practically considered my boss, as far as the chain of command goes in the office. I know you’ve worked so damn hard to get to where you are. I would never want to jeopardize that for you. If anyone even knew you were on that cruise with me it’d probably be an issue and called fraternization.


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