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Compass Page 18

by Deborah Bladon

  His hands cup my cheeks. “You don’t know?”

  “I don’t know what?”

  “Natalie, you’ll keep an eye on the store, won’t you?” Gage glances over at her. “I need to take the woman I love to see her best friend.”


  “Oh, shit.” A smile blooms on Olivia’s lips when looks up from her desk and sees us. “I’m busted, aren’t I?”

  Gage drops my hand and starts across Olivia’s office. “You’re a fucking lifesaver.”

  “I’m a woman who wants the best for everyone.” She stands and embraces him.

  My gaze volleys from Gage to Olivia. “Will someone tell me what’s going on? Does this have to do with us moving to California?”

  That turns Gage on his heel to face me. “You were going to move to California with me?”

  “Of course I was,” I say without hesitation. “I love you. I want to be with you. I’d move anywhere to be with you.”

  Olivia brushes past me to close her office door. “I’m going to interrupt because I know how this looks.”

  “It looks like you want to keep Katie in New York.” Gage moves to wrap his arm around my shoulder.

  “I don’t understand what’s happening.” I look up at Gage before I shift my gaze to Olivia. “Tell me, Liv.”

  She takes a step closer to us. Scooping both my hands into hers, she smiles. “This morning you told Tilly and me that you loved him more than anything.”

  I nod. “I did say that because I do.”

  “You also said that you overheard him talking on the phone yesterday.”

  I blush at her admission. I look up at Gage. “I didn’t mean to overhear.”

  “I’m damn glad that you did.” He leans down to kiss my forehead.

  “I am too.” Olivia gives my hands another squeeze. “You told me that Gage wants to stay in New York and that he wants to raise Kristin here.”

  “I did hear him say those things,” I affirm with a nod of my head.

  “I asked about Madison for a reason.” Olivia drops my hands. “I was a little surprised that you didn’t question me about why I wanted to know her last name.”

  I laugh. “You’re a detail-oriented person.”

  “A few hours ago, I called and asked her to come to Manhattan to interview for a job here at Liore.”

  My breath catches in my chest. “You what?”

  “I know it’s not my place.” She bows her head. “I’m not trying to interfere in anyone’s life or dictate the future. I’m offering an alternative solution that will allow all of you to be in New York. Gage doesn’t have to give up the business he’s building. You don’t have to give up the bridal boutique and Kristin can grow up in this amazing city.”

  I look at Gage. The smile on his face says it all. He’s thrilled that Olivia put herself in the middle of this.

  “I should also mention that Madison is overly qualified for the position I’m going to offer her.” She tilts her head. “She has a business degree. She held a comparable position in Nashville for four years. I expect her to bring good things to the Liore team.”

  “Olivia.” I move to hug her. “I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

  “I didn’t put a whole lot of thought into it, Kate.” She rests her hands on my shoulders. “I admit I’d be lost without you, but I offered her an interview because the position is vacant, she’s qualified and I’m going to need a babysitter for Arleth in a few years and I think Kristin will make my short list of candidates.”

  There are no words to thank her for what she’s done for me, and for Gage.

  I take her back in my arms and pray that everything will work out just as it’s supposed to.

  Chapter 56


  I’ve been waiting for this day for five years.

  I hold tightly to Kristin’s hand as we round the corner. The wind is whipping her hair around her face.

  She took time choosing an outfit to wear.

  She must have tried on everything in her suitcase twice before she settled on a pair of jeans and a red sweatshirt.

  The sneakers on her feet are hot pink.

  She looks like the beautiful nine-year-old child that she is. New York City agrees with her. It’s only her fourth day here and she’s already calling it home.

  I slow my pace as we near Katie Rose Bridal.

  It was Kristin’s idea to come here. I told her that we’d be having dinner with Katie, but she wanted to see the store.

  I called Katie an hour ago to ask if we could stop by.

  She didn’t hesitate for a second. She wants us here.

  “Is this it?” Kristin looks up at the white awning that bears the name of the store.

  “Katie Rose Bridal,” she says quietly. “It’s the prettiest name for a store.”

  I swing open the heavy glass door. “After you, my little lady.”

  “I’m not your little lady anymore.” She giggles. “I’m taller than when you used to call me that.”

  “You’ll always be my little lady.”

  “Is that her?” Kristin tugs on my arm. “That lady with the blonde hair over there. Is that her, Daddy?”

  I look over to where Katie is standing. She’s wearing a simple black sheath dress. Her long hair is cascading down her back in waves.

  “That’s Katie,” I say with a sigh. “Let’s go say hello.”


  “If I ever get married, I’m coming here.” Kristin touches the lace of the train of a cream colored gown. “There are a million dresses in your store, Katie.”

  Katie looks to me. I know she’s on the verge of crying.

  It started an hour ago when I introduced my daughter to her. Katie held out her hand, but Kristin ignored it and went in for a hug.

  Katie clung to her as her eyes met mine.

  It was one of the defining moments of my life and I lost it.

  I had to turn around to shield my daughter from the rush of emotions I felt.

  We’ve spent our time since on a tour of the store, drinking soda, and talking about the subjects that Kristin most loves in school.

  English and Math.

  I need to brush up on both if I’m going to help her with her homework.

  “My mom got a job here.” Kristin smiles. “Do you know what that means?”

  Katie taps her index finger to her chin. “It means we can drink soda again?”

  Kristin lets out a belly laugh. “No. It means I get to live with my Daddy again.”

  “Your dad is very lucky.” Katie takes a seat on the bench next to Kristin.

  We’re at the back of the showroom, away from a large bridal party that is swooning over a rack of gowns that Natalie rolled out of the stockroom.

  “Can I tell you something?” Kristin rests her hand on Katie’s knee.


  “My Daddy used to tell me stories about Katie. He loved her with his whole heart.” She leans closer to Katie, her voice dropping to a whisper. “I think he was talking about you.”

  I lean closer to my daughter. “I was.”

  “Do you want to marry her, Daddy?”

  “Very much.”

  Kristin scratches her cheek. “So ask her.”

  “I will one day,” I tell her. “When the time is right.”

  Katie smiles at me.

  Kristin’s gaze volleys from my face to Katie’s. “I think she’ll say yes if you ask now. I saw you put the ring in your pocket this morning.”

  I did put it there so when the moment felt right, I could drop to my knee and ask the question to the love of my life again.

  “Daddy Perry asked me if he could have Mommy’s hand and my hand in marriage, and I said yes.” She reaches for my hand. “I say yes that Katie can have our hand in marriage too.”

  The question has been waiting to be asked since I walked into this store weeks ago and saw my beautiful Katie again after years of being apart.

  I look at Katie for guidance, but
I see my love reflected in her eyes.

  I slide to the floor on bended knee.

  Kristin is on her feet and next to me, before I have a chance to tug the silver band with the blue topaz stone out of my pocket.

  Once the ring is in my palm, I look at the love of my life.

  “Katie,” I say her name quietly. “From the first moment I saw you eight years ago, my heart belonged to you. You are my true north. You are my beacon in the darkness. You are the light that will forever guide me home. You are my everything.”

  Kristin pats me on the shoulder. “Ask her. Say it.”

  “Katie Wesley, will you be my wife?”

  “Yes,” she says in a voice that speaks of the love and compassion that has always lived in her.

  She’s accepted me with all my flaws, through every fuck up and each fall I’ve taken.

  She carried our baby, suffered through the loss alone, and still has a heart that accepts without question.

  I can see the love she already has for my daughter in her eyes.

  It will only multiply when we have our own children.

  Kristin cups her hands around her mouth and screams. “We are getting married.”

  We are. As soon as my daughter is settled into her life in New York and Katie is ready, we’ll say our vows to each other.

  Vows that will last for eternity and will never be broken.


  Six Months Later


  “I’ve got a fiancée to see and a daughter to hug.” I pat Gus on the back. “You’ll keep those young ones in line if I take off, won’t you?”

  Zeke and Callie both flip me the bird.

  Gus lets out a hearty laugh. “I’ve done my time for today, but I’m all for hanging around.”

  Five months ago Gus walked into Tin Anchor.

  It wasn’t fate that brought him to the door. It was the T-shirt I was wearing when I handed him a brown paper bag with a few items in it.

  I had no idea at the time that I had struck up a friendship with Gustav Strand.

  The man is a philanthropist and one of the richest men in the country.

  He started a charitable foundation with his wife, Lois, years before his death.

  He lives a modest existence so he can share his wealth with those who need it.

  He came into Tin Anchor that night months ago to hand me a check to thank me for my kindness. He wanted to ease my financial burden by covering Kristin’s future in college.

  My parents set that up when she was four-years-old, so I asked Gus to donate the funds where he saw fit.

  He took care of it, dividing the money between a homeless shelter in Queens and a community center in Morningside Heights that offers free dance lessons to seniors.

  He’s dropped in on a few classes since.

  Three nights a week he stops by the bar to help out.

  He makes a few drinks, tells a story or two, and keeps an eye on the place when I’m not around.

  Zeke and Callie are qualified to do that, but it gives Gus a sense of purpose that he needs. I consider him family now.

  He’s sat down for a few meals with Katie, Kristin, and I.

  “Go home.” He points at the door. “I’ll lock up the place.”

  I know he will. He’ll take care of it as he’s taken care of so many people in this city. The two people I want to take care of are waiting at home for me, so I grab my winter coat and set out into the snow.


  “Katie and Tilly are going to help me paint my bedroom purple.” Kristin wraps a pink scarf around her neck. “We’re doing it on the weekend.”

  “Tilly is going to help.” Katie adjusts the wool hat on Kristin’s head before she plants a kiss in the middle of her forehead. “I’m going to watch from the sidelines.”

  “Purple?” I raise a brow.

  Katie tugs on the bottom of the large white sweater she’s wearing. “Purple is the best.”

  “The best.” Kristin gives Katie a big hug before she wraps her arms around me. “I’ll be back tomorrow after school.”

  “I’ll be waiting for you by the steps of the school.” I lean down to kiss my daughter’s cheek. “Be good to your mom tonight.”

  “I’m always good to her.”

  A knock at the door sends Katie in that direction. She swings it open.

  “Hey, Kate.” Madison looks at my fiancée with a smile before she locks eyes with me. “Thank you for the extra time with her tonight, Gage. I know I promised she could stay over, but she wants to braid hair tonight.”

  Our custody agreement is clear.

  Kristin spends half her time with me and the other half at her mom’s apartment four blocks from here.

  We don’t follow a schedule. It’s fluid. We let Kristin decide where she wants to be. She’s mindful of how much we all love her, so she splits her time up evenly.

  “Things are good with you?” I ask Madison the same question I always do.

  “Really good,” she answers with a smile.

  She’s happy. She’s working hard at Liore. After she took the job, I told her about Katie’s friendship with Olivia. She didn’t care how she got the position. She was grateful for the opportunity to work for the largest lingerie chain in the country.

  Her divorce is still a work-in-progress, but she’s been shielding Kristin from the details.

  Our daughter is set to leave in two weeks to spend ten days with Perry. Madison is taking the trip with her. She’ll be hanging out in London working on Liore business.

  “I love you guys,” Kristin says as she follows Madison out of the apartment and into the hallway.

  “We love you too,” Katie and I say in unison before I close the door and turn to the woman who owns my heart.

  We haven’t set a wedding date yet, but we will.

  After Katie moved in with me, life settled into calm perfection.

  We cherish every moment we have together. Katie spends her days at the bridal boutique. I’m at Tin Anchor as much as I need to be.

  We love our daughter completely and each other fiercely.

  “What’s on your mind?” I tilt my head and study her face. “There’s a secret brewing in there?”

  Her hands fist in front of her. “Why would you say that?”

  “I know you.”

  “You love me.”

  “Endlessly,” I say back.

  “Make love to me.”

  “Is that a request or a demand?” I laugh.

  She shrugs her shoulder. “Both?”

  I go to her, taking her beautiful face in my hands. I study her eyes. Those expressive hazel eyes can’t hide anything from me.

  I’ve known for weeks what she’s holding inside, but I know that her past is dictating her present.

  She’s scared.

  She doesn’t have to be.

  Her body has changed since fall has turned to winter. Her hips are softer, her face fuller. Her breasts are heavier and her stomach has the slightest bump. It’s just enough that I know that a new life is growing inside of her.

  “Will you marry me in summer, Katie?”

  She nods. “Summer will be perfect, love.”

  “We’ll invite your family and mine. Gus and Natalie. Zeke and Callie.” I kiss her softly. “Kristin will be my best person. Tilly and Olivia will fight over who is the matron of honor.”

  She laughs. “They’ll both be matron of honor.”

  “Arleth will be the flower girl.”

  Her eyes lock on mine. “Someone else will be there.”

  I swallow past the lump in my throat. I can finally celebrate the fact that I’m going to be a father again.


  She casts her eyes down. “I know that you know who.”

  I tilt her chin back up with a touch of my finger. “I want you to say it and I want you to understand that I know why you’ve waited to tell me.”

  She bites her bottom lip. “Our baby, Gage. Our beautiful little baby
will be there too.”

  “Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl, Katie?”

  She points at a plain white envelope on the dining room table next to the vase of yellow roses I brought home for her yesterday. “I picked that up today. It will tell us if it’s a boy or girl. I wanted you to open it.”

  I march across the room with shaking hands and pick up the envelope. “You didn’t peek?”

  “I went for a sonogram this morning to make sure everything was okay.” She pats her stomach. “I’m almost fourteen weeks now. They could tell the gender of our baby.”

  I rip the fucking thing open and yank out the folded piece of paper.

  I knew this day would come when we agreed that she’d stop birth control. I admit I was disappointed when she didn’t get pregnant the first month we tried. Jesus, did we try.

  We haven’t talked about it since, agreeing to let nature take its course.

  “I don’t give a shit if it’s a boy or a girl.” I turn to face her. “If it’s healthy that’s all I care about.”

  “It’s your child.” She kisses me. “It’s going to be healthy, and strong, and wise. It’s going to have a kind heart and I hope it has your beautiful green eyes.”

  I look down at the paper. “Are you ready?”

  “Ready.” She gives me a brisk nod.

  I unfold the paper, slowly and with purpose. I read the text; my eyes clouded with tears that reach beyond pure happiness.

  “It’s a boy.”

  “Our baby boy.” She launches herself into my arms. “I can’t wait to meet him.”

  I can’t wait either. Hell, I can’t wait for every tomorrow.

  Fate put Katie Wesley in my path eight years ago. Love will keep me by her side today and forevermore.

  Preview of Versus

  A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers Romance

  I chose the woman I brought home with me last night for one reason and one reason only.

  She looks like her.

  It's the same with every woman I bring home with me.


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