Shadow Warrior (The Shadow Series Book 4)

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Shadow Warrior (The Shadow Series Book 4) Page 37

by Christine Feehan

  Vittorio cursed under his breath. “Are you certain you can’t change the seating?”

  “I’m sorry, honey, people are already sitting down. The food is being served and the silent auction will start. I wish I’d known.”

  “My mother knew.” Damn Eloisa and her games. She thought she was driving home to Emmanuelle what happened when you allowed yourself to love the wrong person. Vittorio knew the risk was too great to take the chance of Val talking to Emmanuelle. Val had gifts. Maybe the others didn’t acknowledge them, but Vittorio knew the Saldi heir had a voice similar to his own. He could charm and persuade. Emmanuelle was particularly susceptible to his voice.

  Vittorio knew they could lose Emme. She would never betray her family, and she had too much pride to go crawling back to Val, but if she thought she would never be free to love anyone else, she might take her own life.

  They lived with violence every day. It was never easy to get up and face what they did when they were alone. They all tended to live wild in order to combat that terrible emptiness that was always eating away at them. Emmanuelle was sensitive. Compassionate. She was romantic. If Valentino didn’t leave her alone and allow her to find another good man, Vittorio knew their beloved Emmanuelle would take matters into her own hands.

  “This is a bad scenario.” Vittorio voiced his worry aloud.

  “I could easily add Elie in the mix. Would Emmanuelle be upset if I did that?” Grace asked. “I think he’s the kind of man that if you took him aside and explained that her ex is right on the end of the table, he would take Emmanuelle’s usual seat and we’d move her one seat down. It would be difficult for Val to talk over the top of Elie.”

  He liked the plan. Emmanuelle might not, but Elie would do it. He was in the employment of the Ferraros whether he knew it or not. All the businesses eventually were under a Ferraro umbrella.

  “Let’s do that,” he agreed.

  Grace started to slide out of his arms, but he tightened them around her. “Wait until the end of the song. I’ll get us close to Emme and Elie and explain what you’re going to do. You slip away at that point and get it done.”

  She nodded. “No worries. I just have to get to the kitchen and print up a name plate on our fancy gold and silver paper. Give me five minutes.”

  Vittorio shot another glance at Valentino. The man hadn’t taken his furious gaze from Emmanuelle. He clearly was willing her to look up and spot him. Beside Val, his cousin and bodyguard, Dario, was also looking at the couple. It was clear he was angry as well, but his gaze was on Taviano.

  Grace was looking, too. “The man with him seems very upset at Taviano.”

  Vittorio wasn’t surprised that she noticed. She had to be alert and observant when she was constantly worried that Haydon Phillips would show up in her life any minute and take her world away from her.

  “That’s Dario Bosco, Val’s first cousin. He’s Miceli’s son, although Miceli never married his mother. He often bodyguards for Val, although he’s also an heir apparent to the Saldi empire. He has a bit of a thing for Nicoletta. Taviano told him to back off, that he was engaged to Nick.”

  Her eyebrow shot up. “Is he?”

  “Not yet, but he will be.”

  “I love these events,” Grace said. “All the drama and undercurrents of a play or a movie. I should write books.”

  “An exposé on the Ferraro family,” Vittorio said, but he didn’t really feel the humor. He’d had too many years of the paparazzi invading his life and trying to ferret out every secret his family had.

  “Not your family. You’re not nearly as wacked as some.”

  Grace’s voice rang with truth and he was immediately intrigued, looking around the room as if he might spot the craziest of their circle.

  Her laughter should have elevated his mood, but the knots in his gut began to tighten. To magnify. The music faded and reluctantly he allowed Grace to slip from his arms. He preferred to keep her right at his side, but when it was impossible, he had several of their guards with eyes on her at all times. Nevertheless, he texted them to ensure they took over watching the woman he loved.

  He made his way to Emmanuelle and Elie, who were standing on the edge of the dance floor talking in a low tone.

  “I hate interrupting,” he said as they both looked up.

  “Where’s Grace?” Emmanuelle asked immediately, scanning the room.

  Vittorio knew the moment she spotted Val and Dario at the entrance to the ballroom. She flicked them a quick look and then her gaze went straight to her brother’s face. “You’re here because of them.”

  “Grace and Katie didn’t know to change the table arrangements.”

  Emmanuelle scowled. “I reminded Eloisa.”

  “The reminder wasn’t passed on.”

  Emmanuelle looked down at her feet. Vittorio willed her to come up with the solution herself. He didn’t want to put her on the spot, not if she really was interested in Elie. He knew if she was, and Vittorio forced Elie to sit with her, she would be stilted and standoffish.

  “I’m sorry,” Elie said. “I don’t know what’s going on, but if I could help in any way, I’d be happy to do so. And if you’d rather talk privately . . .” He indicated he would walk away.

  Emmanuelle didn’t drop her hand from where it was tucked into the crook of his arm. She looked up at him and took a deep breath. “I know I’m acting like a coward, but I would very much like it if you would sit at our table with me during the meal. I’m sure Emilio would approve. Vittorio can ask him.”

  Elie’s gaze didn’t leave Emmanuelle’s face. “The reason?”

  Vittorio liked that he didn’t just simply agree. He wasn’t a man to be pushed around. Emmanuelle definitely needed to be with someone strong.

  “I’ve been seeing Val Saldi on and off for several years. Recently, I broke up with him after finding out some very disturbing things. They were facts, I don’t listen to gossip. In any case, he’s been trying to explain things to me and I don’t want to hear his explanations. If you would prefer not to get mixed up in my mess, I understand completely.”

  Elie was silent a moment, studying Emmanuelle’s face. Vittorio knew what the bodyguard saw. His sister was beautiful. Right now, she looked vulnerable, almost fragile. He couldn’t imagine any man passing up an opportunity to help her.

  “It would be a pleasure to have dinner with you, Emmanuelle,” Elie said. “Let’s go find our seats.”


  Vittorio seated Grace beside him at the elegant table with its tropical rain forest centerpiece that included the turquoise flowers from the Philippines. Grace was very uncomfortable and had tried to get out of sitting with him several times. It was their first real argument, and, in the end, there was no way to compromise—he wanted Grace by his side at the family table and she complied with his wishes.

  He understood. She was working. This was one of KB Events’ largest functions. Grace didn’t sit and eat with the patrons, she worked. She made certain everything ran smoothly behind the scenes. He wanted it understood by her and everyone else that she was with him. She was a Ferraro for all intents and purposes and everyone—especially his mother—needed to give her that respect at all times or they would be dealing with him. No matter the argument she used, he refused to budge when he knew she was in terrible danger. He knew she couldn’t be there long, but even a few minutes would establish in everyone’s mind what he needed. Then, he planned to be at her side when she worked.

  He dropped his hand to her thigh beneath the cover of the spun lace tablecloth. She looked up at him, touching the tip of her tongue nervously to her upper lip and then biting down on her lower lip. He leaned down and brushed a reassuring kiss on her mouth. He loved her mouth and was tempted to kiss her the way he wanted, but technically, with her working, he needed to show some restraint.

  He rubbed her thigh over the lace and slip, feeling the heat of her skin and the way the muscles beneath the material jumped and quivered. “Ni
ce solution, gattina. Thank you. I want Emmanuelle to enjoy herself as much as possible.”

  She had added Elie Archambault to the table seamlessly, his name on the elegant foiled paper as if it had always been there. There were five couples at the table and she’d exchanged Eloisa’s and Henry’s place cards for the end of the table nearest the Saldi table and had given Emmanuelle and Elie the two places across from Vittorio and Grace. Anne and Taviano were across from Sasha and Giovanni.

  “Nice arrangement. I approve wholeheartedly.”

  “Eloisa is always very specific about where she wants to sit,” Grace said, looking the epitome of innocence. “Under the circumstances, I knew she would want to help her daughter, so I exchanged her place with Emmanuelle’s.”

  As if she heard, his sister looked up and blew Grace a kiss. Eloisa and Henry walked up behind Emmanuelle and Elie. Vittorio noted his mother and Henry were holding hands. She scowled as she peered at the names etched in the golden nameplates. Her scowl deepened as she looked across the table at Grace. Vittorio held his mother’s stare, daring her to make a public issue of the change. Henry said something and tugged at her hand. She went with him to the two open chairs at the end of the table.

  Talk swirled around them. Giovanni and Sasha engaged with Emmanuelle and Elie while Taviano and Anne began a lively conversation with Eloisa and Henry.

  “I feel as if the entire event is going to fall apart because I’m sitting here instead of watching everything from a distance,” Grace murmured somewhat rebelliously.

  “Be patient. You hired three extra people to help Katie with just this moment. You have your cell right there. In another few minutes you’ll be able to go around and check every detail for the auction.”

  She glanced at her watch and then nodded.

  He took her hand, noting that it was shaking, and pressed it to his thigh, high up, close to his wayward cock that was already reacting to the close proximity of any part of her. He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand.

  “I love watching you work, Grace. I think what you do is worthwhile and you’re extremely good at it. Bottom line, you’re my woman and when we attend any event, one of yours or someone else’s, you’re going to be by my side or I’m at your side. Either way, we’re together. I don’t mind going with you to check all the details you need to attend to.”

  He didn’t pretty up the demand. He had warned her what he was like. She had known before she ever agreed to really give them a chance. He would dictate in certain matters. This was a big one. He’d said her work belonged to her, and it did, but at any big event such as this one, he would be at her side.

  “I’m well aware that this is something that really matters to you, Vittorio, or you wouldn’t be pushing so hard. I’m giving this concession to you because I want you happy.” She cupped the side of his face. “That’s important to me.”

  Her thumb slid over his lips and he sucked it into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it. She blushed.

  “Vittorio.” His mother said his name in a way that might mean a reprimand, or just a way to get his attention.

  He took another moment to enjoy scraping his teeth over the pad of Grace’s thumb and watching the color rise in her face. He moved her hand higher up on his thigh, so her fingertips touched his throbbing cock just because he loved the color sweeping into her face.

  “Yes, Eloisa? I missed what you were saying, but if it’s about the decorations, I agree completely, the entire thing is beautiful. More than beautiful. It feels like a fantasy land. I especially love the jade plants. The color is amazing and the way they drape down from the ceiling is pure genius.” He turned back to Grace. “Did you think of that, bella?”

  “I love those flowers as well,” Emmanuelle said. “Eloisa, was that your choice? She always chooses the flowers, Vittorio. Her ideas are so good she should be a designer.” The compliment was genuine. Emmanuelle had no idea there had been any problems with the flowers.

  “Eloisa always wanted to be a designer,” Henry said. “For as long as I can remember, she was brilliant at it. Of course, you were never allowed.”

  “Henry.” Eloisa’s tone was different. Almost an admonishment, but not quite.

  Servers were putting plates of food in front of guests. Eloisa waited until they were gone. “Originally, I had ordered a flower called parrot’s beak, but the plane lost an engine. Grace substituted the jade and the color is exquisite. I couldn’t have found a better second choice myself. She’s done enough events for us that she knows my tastes.”

  Grace blushed again, but Vittorio wasn’t certain whether it was from his mother’s unexpected compliment or the way he had picked up her hand, nibbled at the fingers for a moment and then, once again, taken it under the table to place her palm over the burning thickness of his hefty erection. The moment Grace touched him, his cock jerked in response.

  He picked up a fork. The food at the events KB planned was always first class, which was a plus. “Is there anything in the auction lots that you particularly liked, Grace?”

  She sent him a smoldering look of pure reproof, but she didn’t pull her hand away. She picked up her fork as well. She’d had a lot of practice eating with her nondominant hand and did so smoothly. She started to answer him, but she abruptly closed her mouth, pressing her lips together. He laughed. She retaliated by stroking caresses over his aching cock.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Emmanuelle’s gaze go in the direction of the Saldi table. Immediately, his sister looked away, her color rising just a little as if she couldn’t control it. Elie picked up her hand and began absently playing with her fingers.

  Vittorio gazed directly at Val, hoping to warn him off with a look. Val was watching Elie’s fingers moving over Emme’s with a look of something close to pain. He started to rise, and the woman seated next to him put her hand on his arm and leaned in, her breast resting on his arm as she whispered in his ear. Val didn’t turn to look at her, he kept watching Emmanuelle and Elie and now there was anger.

  Elie wasn’t overdoing his part. He didn’t kiss Emmanuelle or act as if they were intimate lovers; rather, he acted like a man extremely interested in the woman he was with. Val wasn’t doing either with the woman he’d brought. He was acting like a jealous ex-lover who wasn’t about to let his woman get away without a fight—and that worried Vittorio.

  He shot a look at his brothers. All of them had noted Val’s expression. Normally, Valentino Saldi wore an expressionless mask, or he looked cool under fire. He wasn’t a man to show emotion, but he made it clear he didn’t like another man near Emmanuelle and he didn’t much care who was observing him.

  Trouble was coming, and they all needed to be ready for it. Grace was up and handling all kinds of details. Vittorio stayed at her side, but kept silent, watching her work, admiring her skills in fixing every problem that came up.

  Throughout dinner and the auction, where Vittorio dumped a ton of money, reports came in continually. No one had seen Haydon Phillips. Ricco and Mariko were with Francesca and Stefano at the penthouse, along with their cousins. Lucca, Gino and Salvatore had come at their call, just as always. Even though all of them were trained shadow riders and should be able to adequately protect Francesca, Vittorio didn’t like the fact that he wasn’t there as well.

  Haydon should have made his move by now if he was going after Grace. Grace had spent the first couple of hours going from the kitchen to the ballroom to the patio, ensuring everything was perfect. She walked without an escort on several occasions, although bodyguards were close. Vittorio joined her only after she signaled that she had gotten most of her work well under hand.

  During the time when Grace was doing her job, no one had spotted anyone who even was a possible for Phillips. While he was glad that Phillips had stayed away from Grace’s function, it meant that the odds of him attacking Francesca had gone up. That didn’t mean that they would be less alert at the Midnight Madness event; in fact, Vittorio wanted his security force
to double their vigilance.

  With dinner and the auction over, the dancing started again. Grace glanced down at her phone and whispered to Vittorio she needed to check in with Katie. She had to make certain everything was functioning properly in the kitchen. He turned to go with her when there was a disturbance behind him. Catching her arm to prevent her from leaving, he turned back.

  Val Saldi came up behind Emmanuelle the moment Elie stepped away from her to check in with Emilio to see where he was to be stationed. Grace was the prime target and Vittorio wanted the bodyguards positioned heaviest around her, but Phillips had made it clear he would kill any of the people helping her or befriending her. Emilio, as head of security, had a different view. Riders were always their first priority. Vittorio and his family were number one on that list.

  Val caught Emmanuelle’s arm, pulling her to a halt. “I want to talk to you.”

  “That’s not going to happen.” Emmanuelle’s chin went up and she tugged gently at her arm but refused to make a scene by yanking it away. “Let go, Val. I think I made myself more than clear.”

  “This isn’t just about us anymore,” he hissed. “Don’t you see what’s happening?”

  Vittorio let Grace slip out of his grasp, but he glanced at Eloisa. She nodded and shadowed Grace as his woman hurried toward the kitchen. “Valentino, let go of her.”

  Taviano gently put Anne to one side. Giovanni did the same with Sasha. Sasha slipped her arm around Anne’s waist. The two women stepped back at Sasha’s urging, to give the men more room as Val’s bodyguards moved into position to defend their boss.

  Val ignored Vittorio, his eyes on Emmanuelle’s face. “I’m asking for a few minutes of your time, for a chance to stop a war between our two families.”

  Emmanuelle held up her hand to stop her brothers from closing in. “That will be the only thing we talk about, Val,” she decreed.

  She moved a few feet away from her brothers, but sent them an imploring look, making certain they were close in case she might need them.


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