Leather and Chrome

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Leather and Chrome Page 3

by Sky McCoy

  What did he mean? It sounded like an invitation, but did I dare go off with a stranger into the night?

  I wanted to be with him to watch the sunrise. I wanted to be with him to watch every sunrise every morning, whether it was the Grand Canyon or anywhere else. So I said, “Fuck it,” and climbed on the back of his bike.

  We zoomed off into the night with me holding on to him tightly. I lay my head on his back because I was exhausted, and somewhere I closed my eyes. I’d hope it was for a second, but it had to be longer because I found myself parked high in the mountains overlooking a cliff.

  “We’re here, handsome. I’ll take care of you.”

  Lou took out a bedroll and placed it on the ground, then he lay down. “Come here,” he said, holding out his inked muscular arms.

  “I’m tired,” I said.

  “I know, handsome. Just lie on top of me and you won’t get cold. I’ll keep you warm and I promise I don’t want that cute ass tonight, but I’m not promising anything about tomorrow.”

  Lou stretched out so I climbed on top of him and cuddled close in his arms. I felt safe and not alone anymore, sprawled across his body with my head lying on his wide chest. The desire for his wonderful body took hold of me and it seemed that I couldn’t get enough of him. I pushed myself up and unbuttoned his shirt, then my mouth went to his nipple. It was warm and firm, like my length growing in my jeans, because of my desire for him.

  I straddled his waist and unbuckled his pants, then eased down his body. Taking his length out, I saw the enormity of what had filled me earlier. It was magnificent. I lowered my head and opened my mouth wide, swallowing it and taking it to the back of my throat, licking and sucking until I tasted the warm liquid in my mouth. I sucked and swirled my tongue around his cockhead. Lou let out a grunt as my tongue slipped in a circle around his straining cock.

  I heard a moan and then an echo which sent a rumble through my spine.

  “Handsome, I thought you were tired.”

  “I think I got my second wind,” I said, after pulling out his enormous cock from my mouth. Then placing my mouth over it once more, with him punching his hips upward, I sucked him as I stretched out, dry humping one of his powerful legs.

  I dragged my tongue and mouth over and over his cock, until he gave me the last of his cum. Then we were able to sleep that night under the stars with a song playing from the speakers on Lou’s motorcycle handlebars. I’d heard it before and knew the words, but I’d never really heard it until this night as I lay on top of Lou and he sang out of tune.

  “Baby you know it’s true, that you’re mine and I’m the only one for you.”

  “Who’s singing that song? I like it.”

  “Andres Orellana. Now get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow ahead of us.”

  I didn’t feel the cold night because of Lou’s large sleeping bag. I snuggled close to Lou, with him wrapping his wide arms around my waist and my head buried in his hairy chest as the song played in my head. I heard it all night in my sleep, “That you’re mine. I’m the only one for you.”

  The sun rose early and I crawled over and sat up, then turned to Lou. “Look, isn’t it beautiful?”

  “As beautiful as you, handsome.” Lou sat beside me and nibbled on my ear ,then his gaze fell on my lips and he placed his hand behind my head. His eyes lingered on me and I stared at him, wondering what next and would I see him again. He placed his palm on my jean-covered erection and his tongue sliced through my parted lips, plunging down my throat.

  We kissed long. It was a goodbye kiss—the kind where you knew you would never see that person again. He said nothing and rose from where we were seated and mounted his bike.

  He turned to me, “Let me take you back to your hotel room.” I nodded and didn’t say a word, but climbed on the Harley and held on to him as he zoomed down the road to take me back to a life without him.

  When we arrived at the hotel, Lou helped me off as I stood thinking, this is it? He didn’t ask to come to my room, he just leaned in and kissed me lightly on my lips. I stepped away from the bike because I knew it was over between us. I would never see him again, but I would have some damn good memories. He looked up at me with his beautiful blue eyes and said, “Here’s my card. If you’re ever in San Francisco, call me.” His voice soft and low.

  I watched as he took off down the highway, then placed his card without looking at it in my pocket. For some reason I had no interest in going back to the Grand Canyon without Lou. I had no interest in seeing anyone but Lou.

  Chapter 6


  I’d slept all day and into the next night, waking only when I needed to eat. I felt lost and unhappy and didn’t know why. Well, maybe I had an idea. It was because of the feeling I got knowing I would never see Lou again.

  I thought about getting to San Francisco, only because that was where Lou was. I woke the next morning searching for the card Lou had given me. When I checked around it was nowhere to be found. I gave out a loud sigh and packed my few things. If I got an early start I could see the man who’d hired me sight unseen, only going by my record as a corporate lawyer. It was enough for him. After my interview I could get on with my life of searching for the only man who meant something to me now.

  My clothes and things had arrived in San Francisco and all I had to do was call storage and they would bring out everything. I climbed on my bike thinking about the time I had in the back of the bar with that handsome man and his large cock, and waking to his beautiful smiling face as he held me and watched the sunrise.

  Riding along the road, I had plenty time to think. Since I didn’t have his card to call him, how was I going to get in touch with him when I had only his first name? This is fucked up, I thought. I missed him. It was something about his lip that curled up when he called me handsome that had me reaching for my cock. He was right about one thing, I wouldn’t forget how he had fucked me, filled me like no one ever had before.

  I rode from the Grand Canyon to San Francisco straight through, fifteen hours, only stopping for food, gas, and restroom breaks. When I pulled up to my apartment, I was tired as fuck and couldn’t see straight. It was a good thing that I’d made preparations early for this move, otherwise I’d be completely fucked.

  Opening the door, I looked around my empty small apartment. It cost me a fortune. The move had better be the best idea I’d had since getting on that motorcycle with Lou and waking up lying in his arms to see his handsome face during the sunrise. The thought of Lou’s promising sexy gaze and that incredible morning sent chills down my spine.

  Walking into the large restroom and even larger shower, I dropped my jeans and turned on the shower. The shower heads were what sealed the purchase of this place, but I was too tired to enjoy them. For now.

  Leaning forward with my palm resting on the tiles I thought of Lou. How could I not think of Lou? Riding the entire way to San Francisco, I only thought of him. My mind was so consumed with finding him as soon as possible, that I pulled into the parking garage not realizing I’d traveled over seven hundred miles on a motorcycle.

  The soothing water rained down my back and over my ass as I thought of Lou, how he’d penetrated me with brute strength as he held me close to lessen the pain that shot through my body, unearthing the pleasure it brought to me. I found my hand cupping my cock as I relived the wonderful pain and pleasure I’d gotten from Lou’s iron hard cock as it entered me.

  I reached the base of my cock and started slowly jerking it up to the tip, then down to the root and up again, tightening my hole as if I was being filled with Lou’s rock hard cock. The image in my head had replicated him being behind me sliding in and out, with the pain overcoming me because he was so thick and long. I could still feel him inside me.

  With that picture running around my headspace, I felt my orgasm coming and it was hard. I allowed myself to enjoy every moment of that wonderful orgasm, but there was an emptiness inside me. Lou had filled it for a moment, but it was sti
ll there.

  Now I was too tired to do anything except sleep, but I had plenty to do when I woke. Staying to sleep at that hotel because I was tired after my excursion with Lou, hadn’t given me much time to prepare for work, and now I had something else on my mind. I had to find that handsome tall man with a cock that had me wanting more of him.

  Ready for bed, I entered my bedroom only to realize that I didn’t have a bed and the mattress in a box would have to do. Tomorrow I had to call the movers. There was so much to do and in between I had to comb the city for my man. I’d try a few gay bars, but then I didn’t know if he was gay or not.

  Why the fuck didn’t I give him my number and name?

  Why the fuck did I let him get away?

  Pulling out the airbed, I fell across it without turning off the small lamp at the side of the mattress. Lying there, thinking and looking up at the ceiling, I didn’t know when I fell asleep, but I knew I’d closed my eyes with Lou on my mind, and when I woke he was still haunting me.

  “Fuck you, Lou,” I murmured when I woke. “Why am I still thinking about you?” And I remembered what he’d said. I would always remember him because of how he’d fucked me. I’d remember that night until I was old and had no memory of anything and anyone.

  He wasn’t wrong, because I knew I would never forget that night and him. I had a hollow feeling inside and I would have that feeling forever if I didn’t find him.

  AFTER MY BELONGINGS were delivered and the movers set up the furniture where I wanted, I felt as if I was home, because all my personal possessions and clothing were with me. The only thing that had changed was the apartment, the city, and me.

  I cruised gay bars on Saturday and even Sunday night, and still no one knew of a tall handsome man, with wide shoulders, and muscles everywhere, who spoke softly, rode a motorcycle, wore leather and went by the name Lou.

  Today was my big day. I had to be interviewed by the head of the law firm, Summer and Healy. Mr. Summer, no doubt, would interrogate me about my gay status. I didn’t make it a secret in a town where being gay was not looked down on, and this was a city of lots of gay men who had rights.

  I had my speech prepared about being a hard worker and that I was a proud gay man. If he had problems with that he could go fuck himself. Well, not the last part. I’d been applying for a position at Summer and Healy since I first got hired in Phoenix. I guessed the old man finally decided to hire a few younger men. Looking at the profile of the company, until recently, the majority of the men working there were in their fifties and sixties.

  I sat anxiously, waiting to be called into Summer’s office. I wasn’t nervous, I just wanted to get this over with so I could concentrate on finding the man of my dreams.

  When a young woman strolled up to me and introduced herself, I stood. She held out her hand and said, “I’m Mr. Summer’s secretary, Faith.” I smiled. “I know, save it for later,” she said. “Mr. Summer has been rather pensive lately, so don’t mind him if his mind wanders a bit.” I thought that wasn’t unusual for a man in his late seventies. “Everyone loves him at the firm, and they wished he would find a loving partner.” She looked at me, “Someone who can make him happy. You know the old adage, happy wife, happy life.”

  My thoughts exactly, only add husband instead of wife, I thought, turning to follow Faith to the boss’s office.

  We walked past a large open door where people were sitting in a conference room. I stopped to look inside. It had an elongated impressive table that seated more than twenty-four individuals and at each end leather armchairs. I assumed they belonged to Summer and Healy, who hadn’t arrived yet. It appeared to be a working breakfast from where I stood. Waiters walking around serving coffee and taking orders, filling them from the buffet table.

  I could have used some coffee to wake me up, but when I glanced over at Faith, standing by a large wooden door at the end of the hallway with her hand on the handle, I raised my hand to let her know that I was on my way.

  I caught up, then she opened the door and leaned inside. “Mr. Rae is here to see you, Mr. Summer.”

  “Thank you, Faith, and would you close the door behind you. I don’t need you just yet.” His voice was all business.

  “Mr. Rae, have a seat. Not on the sofa.” He’d anticipated my actions. “In front of my desk, please. I don’t want to have to raise my voice. I like looking over the city early in the morning. I know you can’t see much this time of the morning with the fog, but it makes me feel better seeing the lights of ships navigating fog. Sometimes you can hear the foghorns from here.”

  Although his voice had a business tone to it, I could hear the sadness of a man looking for something. I felt the same way too. I’d been melancholy since leaving the Grand Canyon, and especially since Lou rode out of my life.

  “Have you ever navigated through fog?”

  What kind of question is s that anyway? I thought, as I watched the tall man standing with a dark blue suit that fit his body perfectly. His body reminded me of Lou. And when I thought about him, my cock twitched. I sure was glad that Mr. Summer had his back to me, where he couldn’t see that my hand had fallen to my crotch, just looking at his impressive frame.

  My breath hitched as I found my voice, but I didn’t answer his question making the assumption that it was rhetorical, and he wasn’t expecting an answer, but nonetheless I answered with a no and, “I thought you would be older, Mr. Summer.” He didn’t turn around he just stood staring out his large window that dwarfed his tall statue.

  “Do you know why I hired you, Mr. Rae?”

  “I’d like to think because I’m the best man for the job,” I said, going along with the usual bullshit, wishing he would stop being personal and turn around to face me so I could read more than body language.

  “Yes and no,” he said, “because you’re gay and we need more gay men in this firm. My father retired and now I’m the head of this firm. It is time to make changes. We like diversity and gay men are underrepresented here. I thought you would understand what they’re going through in a society where the majority of this country is straight or claim to be.”

  “Like you, Mr. Summer. Are you straight? And are you trying to clear your conscience?” That got his attention. I saw his large hands clench at his sides and I expected anything. Most of all I wanted to see his face when he answered me. I didn’t think about the results of my questions, or whether he would fire me on the spot for being a dick. I was standing, waiting for him to order me out of his office.

  He took his time, but eventually he swiveled around on his heels and stared at me. When he turned to meet my eyes, I met his sad blue orbs with a smile.

  “What the fuck, handsome, what are you doing in my office?” He strode around his desk and met me halfway. Then Lou grabbed me around my waist and sat me on his desk. “Why? How?”

  I leaned forward and reached for him, my palm behind his head, and brought him to me, slipping my tongue through his parted lips with a kiss that had me hard and missing his cock inside of me.

  Pulling back I said, “Baby you know it’s true. I’m the only one for you.”

  Lou breathed into my greedy mouth. “I missed you, handsome.”

  “I can tell,” I said as I swirled my tongue around his mouth, cupping his hard cock through the soft expensive fabric of his pants, then unhooking his belt.

  “Wait,” he said. I thought he meant that someone could walk into his office at any time, but he gathered me into his muscled arms and carried me in the direction of another room. “We’ll be safe here.”

  He laid me down on a bench near a cabinet, then reached over and pulled out a condom and a bottle of lube that smelled like strawberries. As he stood over me, he toed off his shoes and slipped out of his suit jacket, then his shirt and pants, dropping them to the side on a chair.

  By the time he leaned over, I’d undressed and thrown my suit and shirt on another chair.

  “Handsome, where have you been all my life?” And Lou opened
my legs, leaned over me to kiss me, then sucked my nipples as I threaded my fingers through his hair. He lifted my legs to rest on his shoulders, splashed lube on my tight ring of muscle, which wasn’t that tight anymore, and after looking at me with that same intense hungry gaze I’d seen in the back of that bar, he aimed his hard cock at my hole and tunneled inside me.

  I had to catch my breath and said, “Fuck me, you’re harder than you were before.”

  “I intend to fuck you all day.” He slowed his hips. “What are you doing tonight and for the rest of your life?”

  “I think I will be busy.” Lou’s face changed and his forehead furrowed, “You see, I have a boyfriend and he’s into leather and chrome. You know, leather pants and vests and motorcycles. He’s into suits also, but I think he’s more into me.”

  A wide smile crawled across his face and when he punched his hips forward and drilled into me, Lou said, “You bet I’m into you. That will never change.” He moved back never taking his cock from my hole that was tight and belonged to Lou, because he’d stretched me to fit him. I was happy with that, because I wanted and needed him, and he was mine.

  “I love you, handsome.” He leaned over me with a curious stare. “What is your name, handsome?”

  “It does help to know the man’s name you’ve fallen in love with. I know your name, Mr. Luca Summer. My name is Ethan Rae, but you can call me handsome...” I said, waggling my eyebrows, “...when I’m in your bed. So what’s in a name? When you know it’s true, that you’re mine and I’m the only one for you.”

  “That sounds like a song,” Lou said smiling. He sniffed my flesh. “And you Mr. Rae, smell like my handsome boy I met in an alley behind a bar, and today I’m going to fuck you until you tell me to stop and you’re all mine.”

  I didn’t tell him to stop and he went on fucking me. I hoped for a lifetime.


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