The Moonlight Pegasus, #1

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The Moonlight Pegasus, #1 Page 29

by C. A. Sabol

  “It is good that they don’t,” Cyerra told her. “Let your mother remain in your heart as you recall her, and if you can’t, then her memory needn’t be tarnished by the hurtful gossip that plagues this society. I’ll have you know, princess, that not one Lord or Lady in court would stand the idea of her not giving us you.”

  “That may be,” Selene responded. “But –“

  “No buts about it,” Cyerra interrupted her. “People here love you.”

  “Only for the prophecy.”

  “No, no ... surely not. There are so many good things about you. There is so much good in you,” Cyerra insisted.

  Selene hung her head slightly as she recalled Pegasus’ words about the Dark Plague. Every human had it, he had told her. “Please. Do not say such things. For while I may have good intentions, I am not so good. I know where I stand, and I know where I want to be. That is all.”

  “PEGASUS,” SELENE ASKED as she turned to face him, “What do you do while I am awake?”

  Selene was back in the world of her dreams, and talking once more with her new friend. She loved that he was there for her, waiting for her to come back to him, but she couldn’t help but wonder what he did all the time she wasn’t there.

  “This is a good place to be,” Pegasus answered. “It is not so boring as it would appear to a human.”

  “Really? You’re just here all the time?”

  “Selene ... I am not a human. I am from the dream world, the Spirit. I can be many places at once. And besides,” he smiled at her, “When you are awake in the human realm, you cannot, with those darkened eyes, see any of the dream world.”

  “So you can actually see me all the time?” Selene asked.

  “What do you think?” he asked her. The glimmer in his eye suddenly made her feel very afraid. I wonder if that means he knows all my thoughts, too, she wondered silently.

  “Since the day that you invited me in, Selene, there has been power set into motion, working to create new beginnings in you,” he told her.

  “I don’t remember inviting you in,” she said.

  “But I do,” he replied. “It was the day that you were in your room, and you prayed aloud for someone to help you. I was the one who was sent from the one above to comfort you, and give you peace.”

  “I only had to ask for it?”

  “Yes. And you did. And then you believed.”

  Selene nodded. “I remember now. Later on that day I had my first fight with ... a friend of mine.”

  Pegasus pulled off the path and beckoned her to follow him. She did so, but she was not sure where they were going or why. She continued with her story though, as he remained in expected silence.

  “I was not very nice to him. It was then that I learned that trying to control people that I cared for by being assertive and commanding was not the way to keep their friendship.”

  Pegasus’ eyes glittered. “An important lesson to remember,” he agreed. For a moment Selene just looked at him, and then they both laughed.

  It is so strange, Selene thought as she still laughed, that this was a spirit sent from the world of dreams, and here he is, listening to my problems, laughing with me, acting so ... so human.

  “The next morning I went to find him and apologize,” she finished. “Even though I did apologize, I felt awful that later on, during the attack on the palace, he got hurt. Really bad, too.” Her eyes lowered. She put her hand on her heart, aching for him. “I’m not even sure that he’ll wake up again. I would give so much if he would just be okay.” Two small teardrops fell to the ground.

  She did not move, but she did not hear any movement as Pegasus encased her in his wings. His wings spread out to full wingspan, and then folded her up in their broad warmth. She felt him draw her close to his heart in a tranquil, though untraditional, hug.

  “There is no human on this world that can know the future,” Pegasus whispered down at her. “My precious one, it is important to keep your faith in such trying times. I can only assure you that all things work together for the glory of the Highest. If you long for his will to be, then you shall not be disappointed at the end.”

  Selene nodded into his warm chest, her arms relaxing against him. It had been a long time since anyone had held her with such reassurance of love. Even her brother’s hugs grew short and full of habit, to the point where he rarely gave her any at all.

  “Let not your heart trouble you,” he said. “For I have come, and I will help you bear this pain.”

  “Pegasus ... ” Selene looked up at his face and gave him a tiny smile. “Thank you.”

  THE NEXT DAY, IT WAS raining again. The monsoons were close to being over for Diamond City. They started nearly every year with the coming of the Moonbeam Festival celebration, and lasted for about a month and a half. It was the first time most could remember that the city was almost clear of people, both travelers and even people who had lived there were moving out, more and more by the day.

  Selene was partially disappointed that the season’s rain was nearly over, because she always loved seeing the sky’s water feeding a renewed sense of life into the city’s renowned gardens and plants. She had been away for the beginning of the season, when it always rained hard for several days in a row. She’d been in Silverton then, where there was little to see in the sky but skyscrapers. However, she was glad that the rains were slowly coming to a stop. Dorian had promised her, after she got back on her studies, she could go to see Etoileon on a clear day. So she was hoping for not too much rain.

  She was also hoping that Master Omni would go easy on her, trying to understand the situation Selene found herself dealing with. But as soon as Selene waltzed back into the Palace schoolroom, she knew that Master Omni was not going to feel too sympathetic towards her.

  “Your Highness is late,” Master Omni scolded. He looked down his long nose at her and frowned.

  “I’m sorry,” Selene responded at once. She had been busy this morning, rummaging around to find all the books she was supposed to bring. In addition, she had brought along the silver bedtime book, because she had been meaning to read more of it of late. “I had to sidestep a few passageways because of the repairs on the palace,” she explained further as he continued to look at her in his unpleasant way. She feared that he would go on about her lack of discipline in punctuality, but he looked back down at his papers and waved at her to sit down.

  Selene sat at her usual desk, front and center to the room. When Etoileon had come with her before, he had been allowed to sit down as well. Since it was only going to be Selene and her handmaidens, the extra desks for her ladies in waiting had been moved the respectful distance away. She pulled out her notes and her extra data sheet, hoping that he was going to go easy for the first day.

  It turned out the Selene was tuned out by his second lecture.

  She had tried to pay attention during the mathematics speech, but her mind just would not remain still. She thought about several things (mostly food) until her thoughts centered on Pegasus.

  She missed him already, she realized. How she longed to take a nap and see him. He was becoming so important to her so quickly. She suddenly remembered Obsidian’s warning about Pegasus leaving her without telling her. Was it true? She wondered. How could it possibly be true? There remained some doubt about that, but she didn’t think it was anything to worry about. She was sure that if Pegasus did leave, he would tell her why. That was, if he left her at all. Selene, for her part, did not see any reason that would get in the way of her seeing him again.

  She loved him. There was no mistaking it, the feelings in her that were produced when she thought of him. He was so gorgeous, she thought, such a striking white coat, and his enchanting wings! And his wisdom! Such profoundness she had never heard before with such simplicity. His voice, his eyes, his gentle expressions and his sincerity ... she loved all these things about him, but most of all she loved his voice. It caused a sense of peace in her, one of comfort, even when she did not want to b
e comforted.

  Selene had to admit that she’d never felt such a connection before in all of her life. Not with her brother, nor any of her handmaidens. Certainly not her parents, or Aura. Not even Etoileon’s friendship or her secret feelings toward him caused this same rapture of the soul. She felt so much more of herself, yet less of herself; she felt like she could love herself more, yet she hated more of herself as well. Though the feelings in her were complimentary in a positive and negative way, both sides could be true. Such a change he had brought upon her, in such a short time. Such things can only be described as miraculous.

  As she thought about his messages to her, she began to scribble down on her datasheet her thoughts and tried to start a poem about it, she was so inspired. As she sat there thinking, she barely noticed that her handmaidens had arrived silently and Master Omni had begun asking questions.

  Suddenly Master Omni’s voice sliced through her reverie. “Your Highness, can you tell me what the basic theorem helps one to accomplish?” Selene felt her face flush red and her head jerk up to look at the teacher once more.

  “Uh ... well,” she started to say something and then gave up. “Um ... what was the question again?” she asked.

  Master Omni was clearly irked by her question. “Your Highness, if you cannot pay full attention to me while I am attempting to teach you in the necessary ways that you will need to know someday in order to be an enlightened monarch, you will fail to prove capable in the eyes of the court and the general public.”

  She looked back down at her datasheet and mumbled, “Sorry.”

  “Sorry is not going to allow your shortcomings to be overlooked by your subjects, Highness,” Master Omni scolded, his words stinging. “Now, I will explain this once again. Basic theorem allows one to grasp the logical fact that in mathematics there is always a particular and individual answer as an outcome for a unique mathematical function.”

  Selene nodded, her brain already going blank as she tried to comprehend what her teacher was saying to the full extent. She sighed inwardly. I wish things were as easy to understand as Pegasus explains them, she thought. Although, she admitted silently, her friend had not told her everything about himself. She had enough sense to realize that he was not from this world, and he had told her that he had been sent to her from ‘the one above’. Did that mean the Guardian? She couldn’t be sure about that. And there were always the words of Obsidian to plague her mind. I wonder, she mused, if knowing Pegasus is part of my destiny? Could he be the one who would bring peace to the world, through her? she wondered. “I’ll have to ask him,” she muttered subconsciously.

  “Ask who, Your Highness, about what?”

  Once again Selene found herself at the end of a cold stare from her teacher. She looked away, ashamed that she had once again allowed her mind to stray so easily. “I’m sorry, Master,” she apologized once again. “I guess I’m still not quite ready to study about all this in light of the war and my recent injuries,” she tried to excuse herself in a logical way.

  Master Omni looked skeptically at her, and then frowned more. He was not satisfied with her answer. “Your Highness, I beg that you forgive me for this, but I can see no reason why you would not be able to perform what is expected of you. You are so far behind already in your teaching, and I can see for myself quite clearly that you have not so much as looked at the books I asked His Majesty the King to have you study beforehand. I am your teacher, and I am responsible for your education. I realize that the war going on would affect you somewhat, but that is all the more reason to study. It is through study that you will learn how to effectively deal with the problems of the world war at hand. It is also very important for you to have a sense of normalcy and of routine while the war is going on. That is the main desire of the King.”

  Dorian wants me to keep busy so I won’t be a bother is what he means, more likely, she thought. “I pray that you will forgive me then, Master, as I fail to see what mathematics have to do with ending the war,” Selene retorted. She was getting irked herself. “And furthermore, maybe if I felt I was learning something that would help the war end, I would not be so apt to not pay attention.” She was angry with him for not caring, but she was also angry with herself for not trying as hard as she could have to stay on task.

  Master Omni had never been shocked to the point of speechlessness before, and now was no exception as he sputtered out nonsensical sounds as his mind reeled in trying to get out a reply that would not be considered treasonous to the crown. “Your Highness,” he finally managed, “Why don’t we learn what is in front of us now, and see if it is so useless later? You might be surprised at how helpful some of this could be to you. And besides –“ he nearly glared down at her as he finally recalled the most forceful mediator he could use in regards to the princess’ behavior—“You know that Dorian will not allow you to go and see your little friend in Silverton if your behavior and your prudence in my classroom does not improve quickly.”

  Selene eyes shot up to meet his, and he knew that he had hit his mark. She lowered her eyes and reluctantly said, “Let us get on with the lesson, then.”

  “That’s the spirit,” Master Omni praised her. “Now, as I was saying, the basic theorem ... ”

  Selene did not allow her mind to wander off as she took notes. Master Omni had proven to be a formidable opponent when it came to arguing. He had given her the correct motivation that she needed in order to place her daydreams aside.

  DORIAN SIGHED AS HE glanced out the window as it began to rain again. Though he longed to see the sunlight, he couldn’t help but feel that the weather matched his mood. He stood up from his desk and began to pace, letting the progress of the war mull over in his mind.

  His troops were gaining ground, and fighting off the enemy forces quite well on the land. But on the seas it was a different matter. Dorian had issued firmer training on the naval forces, but they were no match for those who were more familiar with the surrounding waters. Still, he had no doubt in his mind that taking down this Aemon character would be nothing too difficult. It was only luck that Aemon had managed to elude being captured by the royal armies.

  He heard a knock at the door and looked up, surprised to see a familiar face poking through his doorway. It was one of Selene’s handmaidens, the one he had met with before. Instantly, he put his worries behind him and replaced the look of quiet contemplation on his face with one of happy surprise. “Lady Yana,” he greeted her. “Do come in, if you wish.”

  “Your Majesty,” she acknowledged, bowing low before him. When she looked up at him, she said, “I have come to tell you of the princess’ progress.”

  “Oh, I see,” Dorian said. “Well, tell me then, how is my dear sister?”

  Yana perceived a bit of a smirk on his face as he bid her to inform him. Yana gave him a small smile before saying, “She is sleeping almost all her free time.”

  “Good, good,” the king said, sitting down at his desk. “Her doctor told me that she should rest up as much as possible.”

  Yana hesitated before asking, “Is Your Majesty quite sure that she is supposed to be sleeping as much as she is? Lady Aura is quite concerned about her.”

  “Well, that would be something new for Aura, I’m sure,” Dorian said playfully, “But Selene is considered an adult, now that she is of age to be married. I’m sure that she is capable of taking command of all her senses.”

  Yana slowly nodded. “Yes, Your Majesty.” She paused here, and Dorian motioned to her to continue her reports. “Her Highness is actively pursuing her studies with an unusual enthusiasm, but her color and her vital signs have all been checked out with the on call medical staff here, and they informed us that she is normal in all areas.”

  “That is wonderful then,” Dorian nodded. “I was worried that she would not be doing as well as she really was. Selene is quite strong, but I know that she can be frail at times. She is so careful not to draw worry to her, showing an illusion of strength to her public.” />
  “She certainly has enough excuses,” Yana agreed.

  “Well, that is good enough to hear for now.” Dorian stood up and nodded to her. “Thank you, Lady Yana. Might I say that you are a gift to have around here? I would not be half as glad to hear of my sister’s recovery if it was from anyone other than you.”

  Yana blushed. “Thank you, Your Majesty.” She bowed and turned to leave, but before she walked out the door, Dorian called out to her.

  “Lady Yana!” He came around from his desk and took a couple hurried steps up closer to her.

  “Yes?” She turned around to face him. “What is it, Your Majesty?”

  “Uh ... well, that is ... I will need to watch over Selene’s progress over the course of this period of war,” he said thoughtfully. “I do not want to have her affected by the fighting.”

  “I understand that, Sire,” Yana agreed. “As one who is also participating in Master Omni’s classes, I can relate to how hard it is to stay on track with new information coming into the castle every day.”

  “Yes, well, I was thinking that it would be a good idea then, for me to assign a ... a reporter of some kind. What I mean to say then, Lady Yana, is that I would like it if you would inform me of how she is doing in her subjects and tell me of any other problems and such that she may be having.”

  “You mean, like a spy?” Yana frowned. “Your Majesty, I could not.”

  “No, it’s not like that,” Dorian tried to reassure her. “I just want to know –“

  “What she is doing, how she is doing it, and so forth?”

  “No. Yes. Sort of. Not in the interest of spying on her for my own benefit, if that’s what you are wondering. But I mean in the interest of her education, her surroundings, and for the future of our people. You would not want her to rule the people with an unsatisfactory education, would you?”


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