Tiger by the Tail

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Tiger by the Tail Page 8

by Shelley Munro

  “You looked so…tempting I couldn’t resist.” Hari’s hesitation was telling. He’d chosen his words carefully. It was what he didn’t say that alarmed Jake most.

  “I’m not interested in men!”

  “I never said you were.”

  “You’re gay.” Jake winced inwardly at the condemnation in his voice. He didn’t have anything against gay men. He liked Rohan and Kiran well enough. A frown surfaced as another thought occurred. Maybe it was something in the air, but he could think of several gay relationships in Middlemarch. The cop Charlie didn’t make much of a secret of his relationship with the vet. His frown intensified because those two men lived with Leticia. And then there was Saul. He lived with another man too.

  “Stop thinking so hard.” The whisper-soft demand brought a wash of awareness, the English accent clipped and precise. “It can’t be that bad—you’re still on the bed with me.”

  Jake’s mouth fell open in shock, and he leapt to his feet, truth beating him over the head. While Hari’s presence had scared him, it hadn’t occurred to him to put more distance between them. He stared at Hari, taking in his scar, his gold-flecked eyes. His gaze dropped lower to linger on Hari’s lips. The memory of kissing those lips swooped in like an avenging angel, the sensations crowding in on him. He remembered. They’d kissed. A lot. And he’d liked it. Confusion scrambled his brain. His hands shook and, to his shock, his cock started to fill, pressing against the fly of his jeans with unrelenting pressure. The urge to touch Hari, to close the distance between them and kiss him again, jolted him to action.

  “I’m going to take a shower.” Escape. He needed to get away from Hari and his enticing scent. Without another word, Jake turned and walked away. In the bathroom, he closed the door and leaned against the hard wood, waiting until his heart ceased its urgent pounding. How did Hari do this to him? Groaning softly, he scrubbed his hands over his face. It was as if an alien inhabited his body, luring him into temptation.

  With another groan, Jake started to strip, pausing to open the shower door and turn on the taps so the water heated before he jumped in the shower.

  He peeled off the last of his clothes, wincing slightly when the back of his hand knocked his swollen erection. Jake cursed and stepped under the water. Still icy cold, it did nothing to cool the fever pulsing through his veins. How the hell had he landed in this mess?

  Jake heard a thump and his head jerked up. The bathroom door burst open and Hari strode into his view. Unbidden Jake’s gaze slid from Hari’s face and down his naked body. It should have alarmed him—fuck, his mind was in turmoil, yet his body craved Hari’s touch. His eyes widened as Hari prowled nearer. The man was all sleek muscle, unleashed power. Once again, he thought the muscular physique was strange in a man who worked such a sedentary job.

  The door to the shower opened, and Jake’s eyes widened in panic as Hari stepped inside.

  “What are you doing?” Weak. Why wasn’t he telling Hari to fuck off? To get the hell out of his house?

  “I’m not going to let you run away from this, from us.”

  Jake backed into the corner of the shower. “There is no us.”

  Hari kept moving until Jake had nowhere left to retreat. The heat of Hari’s chest against his and the brush of his cock brought a shiver. Jake swallowed, unsure of what to do with his hands. He stood awkwardly, hands fisted at his sides.

  They stared at each other until Hari gripped his shoulders and kissed him. Jake melted under the physical contact, still confused, still wary, yet in an odd way, excited. Jake had no idea what he was doing, but he was willing to experiment a little. The muscles of his stomach flexed when Hari drew him under the water. Warm now, it poured over his head and ran over their bodies.

  Hari ran his hands down Jake’s back until they reached his ass. Jake’s heart lurched painfully. He tensed when Hari drew their groins together. Their cocks brushed as they settled against each other. In the past, Jake would have run a mile or punched Hari in the jaw.

  Today it was the furthest thing in his mind. His breath puffed out. Involuntarily, his hips jerked, the resulting friction sending an intense burst of heat through him. Jake gasped at the sexual sensation. He sought Hari’s gaze and saw he appeared just as startled.

  Jake cleared his throat. “You really haven’t done this before?”

  “Never. I’m working on instinct here.”

  “We shouldn’t.”

  “Why?” Hari countered, his voice rough with none of his normal elegant accent.

  “I’m with Ambar.” Jake thought of the pleasure they’d shared in the past. The sex with Ambar was good. Very good, and he didn’t understand why he wanted this with Hari when she satisfied him fully.

  There was a long pause. The bathroom started to steam up, and he realized he’d forgotten to turn on the ventilation fan.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Hari’s eyes blazed a light shade of gold when he looked at Jake. “It will work out.”

  “But I’m not that guy,” Jake said. “I don’t sleep around. I don’t cheat on my lovers when I’m with them.”

  Hari nodded. “I know. That’s why I know we’ll work things out.”

  Jake knew he should push Hari away. This was sick, besides he was with Ambar. He tried to enforce his will and raised his hands to push Hari away. But unbidden his fingers curled into Hari’s muscular biceps and he drew the other man nearer. Their lips touched, caressed. God, it felt damn good. Jake opened his mouth, craving more. It was yesterday all over again. The thought crept through his mind, rubbing alongside the confusion that had dwelled in him since their very first kiss.

  Hari pulled away, far enough for Jake to see his face. Jake thought he might see triumph or maybe smugness at the idea of seducing another man. Instead he saw desire and determination along with a hint of urgency.

  Hari kissed his jaw, and instinctively Jake turned his head to give the other man better access, baring his neck. A low growl erupted from Hari, startling Jake a little with its catlike nature. A sharp nip on his lower neck dragged him from his thoughts, his legs buckling under the intense surge of pleasure that took him by surprise. He would have fallen if not for Hari helping him to balance.

  “Damn,” Hari said, burying his face in Jake’s neck.

  The water continued to pour over them, the steamy bathroom like a warm haven.

  “Are you going to have a panic attack if I touch your cock?”

  Jake swallowed. While his body was willing, his mind still protested the situation with Hari. “I don’t know.”

  “Do you want to touch me?”

  Something in Hari’s face demanded the truth. “Yes.”

  “Do you want to go first?”

  Jake barked out a startled laugh. “What is this? Two kids in the school yard?”

  Hari grinned. “We’ve kissed. We’re both still alive to tell the tale.”

  “I’m not gay.” Hell, he sounded like a stuck record.

  “I never said you were. Go on, touch me. I dare you.”

  Jake didn’t take the time to analyze why, but somehow Hari’s challenge made the idea of touching easier. His heart still thudded at a frantic pace and his hand trembled as he curled his fingers around Hari’s erection. He used a firm grip, handling Hari the same way he touched himself.

  Fascinated, he watched the expression on Hari’s face, the deep pleasure before he closed his eyes. Jake pumped his hand, part of him still stunned at the way he was touching another man. The weird thing was that it felt so right and natural.

  Jake’s cock grew harder with each stroke of his hand on Hari’s shaft. A thought occurred and he acted before worry took over. He shifted position, squeezing closer to Hari, and gripped both cocks in his hand.

  “Aw hell,” Hari muttered.

  Oh yeah. A burst of heat struck Jake right away—the naughty, forbidden element doing the rest. Jake gasped as his cock thickened against Hari’s. The tight squeeze of his fingers and a brisk pace pushed them both hard
and fast. A shudder racked his body while Hari moaned his pleasure. Pressure built in his balls until they lifted high. Heat and pressure rampaged through Jake, and he came in blistering waves against the shower wall.

  Hari let out a loud purring sound, his head thrown back as he released in hard spurts. His muscular body shuddered, and Jake watched in fascination. He looked so damn hot—masculine and in control with not a shred of weakness in his makeup.

  Jake kept stroking until Hari ceased his shudders, easing up on the pressure before releasing his grip.

  “I…” Jake trailed off, unsure of what to say and what the hell he thought of jerking off with Hari.

  “Don’t overthink,” Hari warned.

  “But I don’t understand. How can I want two lovers so much? It’s not normal.”

  Hari reached for the soap and lathered his chest before cleaning Jake. His attentions were matter-of-fact, and Jake stood silently while Hari washed him from chest to groin. Bloody weird. Not only was he letting Hari touch him, he was enjoying it. A few more strokes would have him ready to go again.

  “Who decides what is normal? I didn’t exactly plan this.”

  “We can’t do this.”

  “Why not?” Hari watched him intently, waiting for an answer. All Jake could think about was dragging Hari from the shower and starting to experiment in the bedroom.

  “What about Ambar? I really like her.” Jake paused. “Hell, I’m serious about her. I’ve never dated one woman for such a long time.”

  “I don’t know,” Hari said. “I haven’t known Ambar for long, but she seems like a special woman. I was going to help you again this morning, but how about if I stay here and give you time to think? That is assuming you don’t want me to pack and leave?”

  “No!” Jake stopped abruptly, both embarrassed and perplexed by his certainty. It was one thing he was sure about. He didn’t want Hari to leave. “No, I need the money coming in to keep the bank manager off my back.” A weak excuse and he thought Hari knew it was merely an excuse to make him stay.

  Hari nodded and finished washing himself, rinsing off the last of the soap. “Do you feel like something for breakfast?”

  “You don’t have to cook for me.”

  “I’ve told you before. I like cooking.”

  “I could do with some coffee.”

  “Your wish is my command,” Hari said, and he exited the shower, grabbing a towel off the rack. He dried himself and left the bathroom with the towel wrapped around his waist.

  Jake felt the distance between them immediately, watching Hari until he disappeared from sight. He switched the shower to cold, but the cooler water did nothing to dampen the heat rioting through his body. Resolutely, he gripped his cock and stroked until he came again. How the hell could he face Ambar knowing he’d fooled around with Hari? At least she hadn’t been around last night. Seeing him with Hari would be a little hard to explain.

  * * * * *

  Hari waited until Jake left to shift stock before changing from his jeans into a pair of dress trousers, a business shirt and a jacket. The idea had come to him while he’d made toast and coffee for Jake. He needed to approach Ambar in a formal fashion. His adherence to the traditional ways would give his request credence—it would make Ambar realize how serious he was about pursuing a relationship with both her and Jake.

  Yeah, Hari intended to go courting.

  He wasn’t sure what he’d do if Ambar refused to speak with him. That could be a problem. He frowned. Probably not the first one he’d face either, even if he did get Ambar to listen.

  Stop trying to borrow trouble. Hari grabbed the keys for his rental and strode outside. During the drive to the store, he practiced what he would say to Ambar.

  I had the urge to jump Jake so I did. He snorted. Yeah, as if that excuse would work.

  I fell in love with Jake. Nope, not true—not yet anyway. His feline had decided he wanted to mate with Jake. Love, that was a different story, although intimacy would build with time—if he stayed in Middlemarch permanently.

  Hari pulled up outside the Patels’ store. It was closed. His right hand thudded against the steering wheel in frustration. Damn.

  Well, he wasn’t gonna wait for the store to open. This conversation required privacy, and that’s what he intended to have when facing Ambar. Hari climbed from his vehicle, walked to the door and, after glancing left and right to see if anyone was watching, opened his mouth to drag the scent across his receptors. Once he caught the scent, he started to follow the trail. Lucky for him, the previous night had been clear and nothing interfered with the scent trail.

  He found himself at the front door of a wooden bungalow. Red and yellow flowers bloomed in the gardens running on either side of the entrance. A surge of nerves hit him while he stood there. Even though he’d planned what he intended to say, now that he’d arrived, he wasn’t so sure.

  Before he had a chance to knock, the door flew open and he stood face-to-face with the man who must be Rohan’s mate.

  The other feline growled, long and low, his black hair prickling up into spikes.

  “Kiran, what’s wrong?”

  Kiran stood aside to reveal Hari.

  “You,” Rohan snarled.

  “I’ve come to talk to Ambar.” Hari stood his ground. No way did he intend to back down or show weakness. Instead he’d go with truth. “I want Ambar. Ambar is the reason I came to New Zealand, and from our first meeting I knew my instincts were right.”

  Rohan glowered at him, baring his teeth. “You’ve a bloody funny way of showing it.”

  “I wasn’t expecting my reaction to Jake to be so strong.”

  “Two mates?” Kiran asked, his brows shooting up in surprise.

  Rohan continued to stare, not letting up on his glower.

  “With respect, I need to discuss this with Ambar,” Hari said. “We didn’t get a chance to talk last night.”

  “We all know why,” Rohan said.

  “I’m not proud of the way Ambar found out. I didn’t set out to do it that way.” Hari lifted one shoulder in irritation. “I didn’t plan on any of this.”

  Rohan moved closer, only halting when Kiran grasped his arm.

  “We should let Ambar and Hari sort this out,” he said.

  “He hurt her,” Rohan said, his eyes narrowing. “He made Ambar cry.”

  Hari swallowed on learning she’d cried. The last thing he wanted was to hurt Ambar. From the moment he’d seen her photo, he’d felt an attraction. That hadn’t changed, despite their current problems. “I’m sorry I hurt her. All I’m asking is a chance to speak with Ambar.”

  Rohan stood aside. He hooked a hand behind Kiran’s neck and tugged the man to him. They kissed, their interaction making Hari think about Jake and the kiss they’d shared when they’d parted earlier. Lust speared him, ending in a tingling rush at his groin. Ambar had to listen to him. Somehow, he had to make this work between the three of them because he needed Ambar as much as he wanted Jake. Both he and Jake needed Ambar in their lives and in their bed.

  He cleared his throat. “Can I go in?”

  Rohan lifted his head. “If I hear a single growl coming from Ambar, I’ll attack first and ask questions later.”

  “Noted.” Hari hadn’t expected anything less.

  “And we’re running on a schedule here. Ambar and I need to get to the store. Ten minutes.”

  With a decisive nod, Hari followed the trail, discerning Ambar’s slightly sweeter and more familiar scent from the two males who lived in the house with her. He reached a closed door, knocked once and entered without waiting for a summons.

  Shit! She’d been crying all right. Her eyes appeared red and swollen. Hari hesitated, taking half a step back to lean against the door, the truth pounding him in the gut. Seeing them together had upset her badly.

  “What are you doing here?” Her voice caught toward the end of her sentence, her anguish twisting Hari’s heart. She wore underwear—a turquoise bra and matching pan
ties—and nothing else. With her hair flowing loose around her shoulders, she had never looked more beautiful. A pair of black trousers and a polo shirt sat on the bed, ready for her to don. “I don’t want to see you. Or Jake.”

  “Why did you run? We could have hashed this out last night.”

  “I didn’t want to be a third wheel,” she snapped. “You two looked mighty cozy. I didn’t think you required my presence.”

  “Not true.” Hari welcomed the flash of fire in her eyes and the bite in her voice because it meant she retained her fight. The sight of them together hadn’t dulled every ounce of feeling in her. Her anger meant she cared just a little at least. “Jake is my mate.”

  “Your mate?” All the color faded from her face and she dropped onto her bed. “But I thought…”

  “Thought what?” He needed to make her consider the possibilities, think outside what most people considered the norm.

  “That Jake and I had a chance together. We were happy.” She nailed him with a glare. “Until you came along.”

  “But you didn’t think you and he were mates?”

  “Not everyone finds a mate. My parents had an arranged marriage and it worked for them.”

  “My parents did too.”

  “What will your parents think about you hooking up with a male?”

  “I don’t know. They died when I was a kid in a pileup on the M4. My aunt and uncle took me in after the accident.”

  “I’m sorry.” Ambar refused to meet his gaze, her fingers plucking at the ruffled bedcovers.

  “We don’t have much time to talk. I know you need to get to the store.” Hari hesitated before deciding upfront and honest would work best. He needed to know if they might have a future together. “Can I kiss you?”

  Her eyes widened in horror. “What do you think Jake would say about that? Did you make love last night? No wait!” She held up her hand, color flooding her cheeks. “I don’t want to know. I’m damn well not taking Jake’s leftovers.”

  “I’m not leftover anything. Jake and I…we kissed—mainly.” Hari recalled the sense of rightness and the pleasure that came with Jake’s touch. Knowing she was likely to dodge his request if he didn’t take action, Hari crossed the space between them, grasped her hand and tugged her to her feet. He wrapped his arms around her and lowered his head to kiss her. She fought his touch at first, opening her mouth to cry out. Desperate to prove his point, he used every bit of his expertise, coaxing her to respond. Her taste and scent flowed over him, and his feline writhed beneath his skin. His hands glided over her semi-naked body, reveling in the silky skin and her barely concealed curves.


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