I’m convinced more and more ?10 Aug. 1899, in Einstein and Mari´c: 10.
lazy dog Seelig: 28.
impudence 12 Dec. 1901, in Einstein and Mari´c: 67.
He a model student Hoffmann with Dukas: 36.
It gave me the opportunity Clark: 75.
was intrigued rather than dismayed Rigden: 8.
[Einstein] would carefully study Jürgen Renn and Robert Schulmann, in introduction to Einstein and Mari´c: xxii.
three intellectual musketeers Highfield and Carter: 96.
laughed so much Ibid.: 102.
far less childish Ibid.: 97.
Thank you. I’ve completely solved Fölsing: 155.
steadfastness Ibid.: 195.
started from the postulate ‘A Brief History of Relativity’, in Robinson, Einstein: 42.
misdeed Einstein, Relativity: 10.
The stone traverses Ibid.: 11.
If I pursue a beam of light Schilpp, ed.: 53.
We should catch them in a reverse order Einstein and Infeld: 177.
unjustifiable hypotheses Einstein, Relativity: 32.
required abandoning the idea ‘A Brief History of Relativity’, in Robinson, Einstein: 44.
Not only do we have no direct experience Fölsing: 175.
We are accustomed Einstein, Ideas and Opinions: 299.
revolutionary Robinson, Einstein: 52.
Is the world to be described Rigden: 21.
According to the assumption Ibid.: 19.
I just read a wonderful paper ?28 May 1901, in Einstein and Mari´c: 54.
The views of space and time Bernstein: 95.
Since the mathematicians pounced Fölsing: 245.
mysterious shuddering Einstein, Relativity: 56.
‘Analytic’ or ‘algebraically expressed’ geometry Arianrhod: 172.
singularly simple Daily Telegraph, 22 Apr. 1955.
The two sentences Einstein and Infeld: 224.
I was sitting on a chair Fölsing: 301.
the happiest thought Miller: 217.
the idea that the physics in an accelerated laboratory Hey and Walters, Einstein’s Mirror: 270.
You understand, what I need to know Fölsing: 325.
A beam of light carries energy Einstein and Infeld: 234.
When a blind beetle Michael Grüning, Ein Haus für Albert Einstein, Berlin: Verlag der Nation, 1990: 498.
space was deprived of its rigidity Einstein, Ideas and Opinions: 281.
His idea was that mass and energy ‘A Brief History of Relativity’, in Robinson, Einstein: 46.
Matter tells space-time Isaacson: 220.
The examination of the correctness or otherwise Einstein, Relativity: 76–7.
the English have behaved 9 Mar. 1921, in Einstein, CPAE, vol. 12, doc. 88: 71.
The theory of relativity by Einstein Eve: 353. Rutherford made the comment at the Royal Society of Arts in 1932.
The foundation of general relativity Eisenstadt: 250.
Einstein had really offended Clark: 125.
he should not worry Morrell: 401.
How came it Harrod: 21.
he did not show the slightest sign Ibid.: 15.
It was a hot-house Oxford product . . . perfectly futile. Ibid.: 25–6.
No Anglo-Saxon can understand relativity! Eve: 193.
In Cambridge during the period 1905 to 1920 Warwick: 358.
I have not been able so far 20 May 1909, in Einstein, CPAE, vol. 5, doc. 162: 121.
The principle of relativity then does not deny Warwick: 424.
Take electricity out of the world Fölsing: 159.
the whole electrodynamic properties Ibid.: 388.
Quietly obeying the law Cunningham, ‘Einstein’s Relativity Theory of Gravitation’: 355.
The long train of events Clark: 261.
Unlike the case of British electromagnetic theory Warwick: 454.
Far from regarding the theory as a threat Ibid.: 464.
the lies and defamations Fölsing: 345.
create an organic unity Stern: 115.
Why are we hated Fölsing: 366. Einstein’s Swiss colleague was Romain Rolland.
dead, except for a few Indians Stanley: 136.
To assert that it is our religious duty Douglas, The Life of Arthur Stanley Eddington: 93.
I should like to bring to the notice of the tribunal Ibid.: 149.
What will it mean if we get Ibid.: 40.
had he been left to himself Chandrasekhar: 112.
About 1:30 . . . a second plate. Stanley: 106–7.
was a moment which Eddington never forgot Douglas, The Life of Arthur Stanley Eddington: 40.
Through cloud. Hopeful. Stanley: 107.
Oh leave the Wise Douglas, The Life of Arthur Stanley Eddington: 43.
They gave a final verdict Clark: 286–7.
I knew all the time that the theory Fölsing: 439.
but, you know, he didn’t really understand physics French: 31.
The result is now definite Fölsing: 440.
The whole atmosphere of tense interest Bernstein: 119.
A very definite result Fölsing: 443.
this result is not an isolated one Chandrasekhar: 116.
Einstein’s theories would dominate all physics Clark: 299.
I was myself a sceptic Ibid.
Professor Eddington, you must be Chandrasekhar: 117. The physicist who approached Eddington was Ludwik Silberstein, author of The Theory of Relativity, London: Macmillan, 1914.
The description of me and my circumstances The Times, 28 Nov. 1919.
He is famous just now Ibid.
and during the lecture the hall Nature, 11 Dec. 1919: 385.
Einstein and Epstein Clark: 301–2.
Its formation was due Ibid.: 307.
All England has been talking about your theory 1 Dec. 1919, in Einstein, CPAE, vol. 9, doc. 186: 263.
[He] gave a moan Warwick: 485.
The time has come, said Eddington Clark: 401–3. The parody was written in 1924. Sadly, there is no record of Einstein’s reaction to it.
People here have been talking of nothing else 26 Nov. 1919, in Einstein, CPAE, vol. 9, doc. 177: 151–2.
thank God, the solar eclipse 12 Dec. 1919, in Lawson: 927. Einstein’s original German letter is lost, but was partially published by Lawson in his obituary of Einstein.
Einstein believes his books Fölsing: 379.
When you send in the matter 22 Feb. 1920, in Einstein, CPAE, vol. 9, doc. 326: 273.
Einstein taught everything is relative Friedman and Donley: 9.
An hour sitting with a pretty girl Sayen: 130.
though that would, no doubt Manchester Guardian, 10 June 1921.
Einstein himself has become Manchester Guardian, 10 June 1921, https://www.theguardian.com/science/the-northerner/2016/jun/10/albert-einstein-manchester-university-doctor-of-science (accessed 7 Nov. 2018).
Lord Haldane tells us Clark: 339–40.
will be found to date back Haldane: 33.
In a post-war Britain Ibid.: 336–7.
the less they know about physics Salaman, ‘A talk with Einstein’: 370.
Lord Haldane was a man Sommer: 382.
I was almost terrified by the commotion Ibid.: 381.
You are in the presence of the Newton Nation & Athenaeum, 18 June 1921: 431. Reports in the Manchester Guardian (14 June 1921) and The Times (14 June 1921) mention applause for Einstein at the beginning of his lecture, but appear to be less reliable. See also the report in Nature, 16 June 1921: 504, and a letter by A. S. Yahuda in The Times, 30 Mar. 1933, which mentions only silence from the audience until the end of the lecture.
It is a special joy for me ‘King’s College Lecture’, in Einstein, CPAE, vol. 7, doc. 58: 238.
My lecture is already a little long Nation & Athenaeum, 18 June 1921: 431.
and surely not least for his courage Letter from A. S. Yahuda in The Times,
30 Mar. 1933.
We welcome you twice Jewish Chronicle, 17 June 1921: 26.
I enclose a note 14 June 1921, in Cherwell Papers, file D53, Nuffield College, Oxford.
They both enjoyed greatly their visit 15 June 1921, in Cherwell Papers, file D53, Nuffield College, Oxford.
The wonderful experiences in England 21 June 1921, in Einstein, CPAE, vol. 12, doc. 155: 113.
There is no doubt that your visit 26 June 1921, in Einstein, CPAE, vol. 12, doc. 159: 115.
A funny lot, these Germans 17 Apr. 1925, in Fölsing: 549.
For the first time, a world-famous German scholar Eisinger: 83.
expressing his hope Ball: 85.
He invented the difference Born and Einstein: 35.
In contrast to the intractable Calaprice: 14.
This, however, was no more than one could expect Ball: 84.
As the speakers went on Clark: 318.
That was most amusing Ibid.
I feel like a man lying in a good bed Fölsing: 463.
Herr Weyland and Herr Gehrcke ‘My Response. On the Anti-Relativity Company’, in Einstein, CPAE, vol. 7, doc. 45: 197–9.
The attacks on Prof. Einstein Fölsing: 464.
goaded Born and Einstein: 33.
Don’t be too hard on me Ibid.: 34.
impudence Einstein and Mari´c: 67.
The state, to which I belong as a citizen Fölsing: 368.
you know that my darling Letter to Helen Savi´c, ? Dec. 1901, in Mari´c: 79.
the virulent anti-Semitism Rosenkranz, Einstein before Israel: 26.
Herr Dr Einstein is an Israelite Fölsing: 250.
Why are these fellows Ibid.: 489–90.
was Jewish, but wished he weren’t Isidor Rabi quoted in Cassidy: 32.
unjustified humiliations Born and Einstein: 17.
not to be got rid of by well-meaning propaganda Einstein, Ideas and Opinions: 182.
History has shown that Einstein Born and Einstein: 17.
I am neither a German citizen Clark: 379.
It goes against the grain Fölsing: 489.
Naturally, I am needed not for my abilities Ibid.: 495.
lone traveller Einstein, Ideas and Opinions: 9.
they did not make the all-important transition Rosenkranz, Einstein before Israel: 260.
I was fully convinced Seelig, Albert Einstein: 81.
Weizmann’s relationship with Einstein Weisgal and Carmichael, eds: 42.
Einstein and the Zionist movement Rosenkranz, Einstein before Israel: 65.
I was to stir up Einstein . . . Telegram Weizmann that I agree Clark: 465–6.
To the whole world you are today 9 Mar. 1921, in Fölsing: 497.
Despite my internationalist beliefs Ibid.
Recall Einstein’s visit Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1921.
For, I am supposedly among 6 July 1922, in Einstein, CPAE, vol. 13, doc. 266: 212.
The great scholar Albert Einstein Note 170 in Einstein, Travel Diaries: 305.
Harden’s statement is certainly awkward 20 Dec. 1922, in Einstein, Travel Diaries: 253.
enlightened colonialism ‘Historical introduction’ to Einstein, Travel Diaries: 42.
very Wilhelminian 1 Feb. 1923, in ibid.: 211.
English formality Ibid.: 213.
a man of kindly disposition Samuel: 253.
Continue on into the city with Ginsberg 3 Feb. 1923, in Einstein, Travel Diaries: 213–15
The great event has been Einstein Bentwich: 95–6.
Mount the platform Clark: 479.
evidently unfamiliar Samuel: 253.
That evening, well and truly satisfied 7 Feb. 1923, in Einstein, Travel Diaries: 221.
Drive from terraced, very scenic Nazareth 13 Feb. 1923, in ibid.: 229–31.
Political passions Nathan and Norden, eds: 640.
You can do nothing, gentlemen ‘The International Character of Science’, in Einstein, CPAE, vol. 13, doc. 3: 24–5.
I was naturally eager Nathan and Norden, eds: 58–9.
Although I am not clear at all Clark: 430.
the situation here is such that a Jew Nathan and Norden, eds: 59.
I have received your letter Clark: 431–2.
I have become convinced that the League Nathan and Norden, eds: 61.
I fully understand your action Ibid.
the League functions as a tool Ibid.: 62.
I do not hesitate to tell you Ibid.: 66.
an exchange of letters Clark: 441.
Is there any way Nathan and Norden, eds: 188–90.
It seems to me an utterly futile task Ibid.: 90.
I am convinced that the international movement Ibid.: 91.
I feel only contempt Ibid.: 111–12.
Even if only two per cent Ibid.: 117.
The next war will, I think Letter to Herbert Runham Brown, 21 Mar. 1931, in Russell, Autobiography, 2: 202
Quantum mechanics is certainly imposing Born and Einstein: 88.
I no longer ask myself 13 May 1911, in Einstein, CPAE, vol. 5, doc. 267: 187.
I suppose it’s a good thing 15 Mar. 1922, in Fölsing: 512.
I have thought a hundred times Pais, Einstein Lived Here: 57.
I think I can safely say Hey and Walters, The New Quantum Universe: 1.
The strange landscape Rovelli: 72.
it was the law that was accepted Whitaker: 100.
the tremendous practical success ‘On the Method of Theoretical Physics’, in Einstein, Ideas and Opinions: 273.
probably the strangest thing Fölsing: 154.
That sometimes, as for instance in his hypothesis Ibid.: 147.
wholly untenable Pais, ‘Subtle is the Lord’: 357.
If Planck’s theory of radiation Ibid.: 395.
It cannot be denied Fölsing: 256.
It is my opinion that the next phase Rigden: 37–8.
one of the landmarks Schilpp, ed.: 154.
revelation Fölsing: 390.
Einstein was the first to recognise Townes: 13.
With this, the light quanta Fölsing: 392.
leaves the time and direction of the elementary process Ibid.
Were it not for Einstein’s challenge Jammer: 220.
I find the idea quite intolerable Born and Einstein: 80.
if one abandons the assumption Ibid.: 162.
Einstein’s moon really exists Peat: 166.
It was quite a shock for Bohr Whitaker: 217–18.
wave, or quantum, mechanics Pais, ‘Subtle is the Lord’: 515.
The conviction prevails Einstein, Relativity: 158.
Ten more papers appeared Tilman Sauer, ‘Einstein’s Unified Field Theory Program’, in Janssen and Lehner, eds: 281.
like the hermits of old 5 Jan. 1929, in Fölsing: 604.
Large crowds gather Pais, Einstein Lived Here: 179.
to obtain a formula Jammer: 57.
Could we not reject Einstein and Infeld: 257–8.
no trace remains Steven Weinberg, ‘Einstein’s Search for Unification’, in Robinson, Einstein: 108.
He himself had established his name Abraham Taub, quoted by Christopher Sykes in foreword to Whitrow: xii.
There are two different conceptions Tagore: 531–2.
we ought to be concerned solely Heisenberg: 68.
wrong to think that the task Pais, Niels Bohr’s Times: 427.
Man defends himself Tagore: 532.
I have never been able to understand Einstein Born and Einstein: 151.
Theory fed on observation Powell: 97.
a spacious castle in the air ‘Einstein’s Role in the Creation of Relativistic Cosmology’, in Janssen and Lehner, eds: 241.
not justified by our actual knowledge Clark: 269.
totally abominable Christopher Smeenk, ‘Einstein’s Role in the Creation of Relativistic Cosmology’, in Janssen and Lehner, eds: 255.
Many theorists saw the phenomenon O’Raifeartaigh: 31.
biggest blunder Gamow: 44.
did not go away so easily Weinberg: 178–9.
Every man has his own cosmology Douglas, ‘Forty minutes with Einstein’: 100.
Doctoral ceremony in large hall 23 May 1931, in Einstein, ‘Diary Notes, April–June 1931, Berlin and Oxford’, Einstein Archives, Jerusalem: 29–142.
You are the only sort of man 2 Dec. 1924, in Einstein, CPAE, vol. 14, doc. 387: 595.
Everybody knows that Einstein Russell, The ABC of Relativity: 9.
Nature and Nature’s laws John Collings Squire, Poems in One Volume, London: Heinemann, 1926: 218.
I think you are the youngest 5 Nov. 1925, in Einstein, CPAE, vol. 15, doc. 102: 183.
makers of universes Jewish Chronicle, 31 Oct. 1930. The speeches by Shaw and Einstein at the dinner can be heard on Albert Einstein: Historic Recordings 1930–1947, London: British Library, 2005.
I looked out from the window Griffiths: 5.
More than any other people Nature, 26 Mar. 1927: 467.
If your father were not Mendelssohn: 168.
was a man of intuition Entry on Lindemann, ODNB, 3 Jan. 2008.
The Prof., so it went Harrod: 48.
He was an out-and-out inequalitarian Entry on Lindemann, ODNB, 3 Jan. 2008.
Like many scientists Einstein Daily Telegraph, 22 Apr. 1955.
It has often been asked how Fort: 200.
It is a disaster Fox: 2.
The university and the trustees desire 29 June 1927, in Einstein Archives, Jerusalem: 32–654.
How gladly would I accept Undated but probably July 1927, in Cherwell Papers, file D54, Nuffield College, Oxford.
During the holidays 28 Aug. 1927, in Cherwell Papers, file D54, Nuffield College, Oxford.
The movement to induce Prof. Einstein Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 26 Dec. 1930.
two blackboards, plentifully sprinkled The Times, 18 May 1931.
an account of his attempt to derive Nature, 16 May 1931: 765.
the discourse should be in English Manchester Guardian, 28 Apr. 1955. Einstein’s remarks were recalled by Mrs K. Haldane.
l’affaire Einstein Chapman to Lord Lothian, 10 June 1931, in Rhodes Trust Archives, file 2694(2), Rhodes House, Oxford.
he had since discovered 9 June 1933, in Rhodes Trust Archives, file 2694A, Rhodes House, Oxford.
The lecture was indeed well-attended 16 May 1931, in Einstein, ‘Diary Notes, April–June 1931, Berlin and Oxford’, Einstein Archives, Jerusalem: 29–142.
Einstein on the Run Page 28