Gansett Island Boxed Set Books 1-16 (Gansett Island Series)

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Gansett Island Boxed Set Books 1-16 (Gansett Island Series) Page 369

by Marie Force

  “Hold out your hand.” Alex took Paul’s hand and dropped the ring their father had given their mother for their twentieth anniversary into his palm. Then he closed Paul’s hand around the ring and held it for a long moment. “Since Mom can’t wear it anymore, she’d want you to have it.”

  It had become too big for her finger, and rather than take the chance that she might lose it, they’d convinced her to put it away for safekeeping—and told her that every time she asked about the ring.

  “It doesn’t feel right to give away something that belongs to Mom.”

  “Our mom, the one who loved and cared for us our entire lives, would want you to give that ring to the woman you love. Remember how much she hated waste of any kind? She can’t have valuables where she is now, and she’d say it was wasteful to let it sit in a drawer somewhere waiting for her to die so it can go to you anyway.”

  Paul studied the gorgeous ring that had a two-carat diamond solitaire surrounded by smaller diamonds on either side of it. “Remember how much she loved this ring?”

  “I remember how much she loved that he pulled off such a great surprise without her knowing a thing about it. She loved that even more than she loved the ring itself.”

  Paul smiled at the memory of the parents who’d been so hopelessly devoted to each other. He wanted that. He wanted what they’d had, what Alex and Jenny had. And he wanted it with Hope. “You’re sure you don’t mind if the ring goes to me? You’re the oldest. It should be yours.”

  Alex swept away Paul’s concerns with the wave of his hand. “I’m all set for rings, and besides, Mom has other jewelry that can go to Jenny someday. That ring is for Hope. It’s what Mom would want. I know it.”

  “Thanks for this, for giving me the push I needed.”

  “Any time. I came over to get Jenny’s phone charger, and I’m glad I came when I did. I hate to think of having to deal with you if you let those two get away.”

  Paul hated to think of that, too. “I’m going to wait until after the wedding and then I’ll do it.”

  “I hope you get everything you want and deserve, Paul.”

  “Thank you—and thank you for coming home when I needed you.”

  Alex smiled and winked on his way to the door. “Turned out to be the best thing I ever did.”

  Long after Alex was gone to the new home he shared with Jenny, Paul stared at the ring in his hand, thinking about what he would say to Hope and hoping he could convince her to stay and make a life with him.

  Jenny and Alex scored an absolutely glorious early October day for their long-awaited wedding. Over the last few days, Jenny’s family had arrived from North Carolina and Toby’s family had come from Pennsylvania. Meeting them had been among the more emotional moments for Alex, as he was well aware that their son’s death had made his happily ever after possible. A gruesome thought to be certain.

  However, he took his lead from them, and they’d chosen to focus on Jenny and her happiness rather than the sadness of the past. They were such happy, positive people, and Alex admired them greatly for having the fortitude to go on after their unimaginable loss. He also appreciated that they were genuinely thrilled for him and Jenny, and he could see that their acceptance of him and their marriage had filled her with joy.

  He wanted her to be happy today. They’d both waited a long time to find each other, but after everything she’d been through, he wanted it to be particularly perfect for her. The only thing that wasn’t perfect for him was that his beloved parents wouldn’t be there. He liked to think his father was always watching over him and had no doubt that George would wholeheartedly approve of Jenny for him, and in her rare moments of lucidity over the last year, Alex hoped his mom had come to know how much he loved Jenny.

  Alex waited with Paul and Evan McCarthy in the room provided for the groom’s party at the Chesterfield. Paul was messing with his bow tie, so Alex went to offer his assistance. “Let me.” He adjusted and straightened the tie and picked a spot of lint off the black tux. “There.”


  “Why are you more nervous than I am?”

  “You know why.”

  “So it’s on for after?”

  As his cheek pulsed with tension, Paul nodded.

  “You know what you’re gonna say?”


  “I hope it goes exactly the way you want it to.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Don’t leave anything left unsaid, Paul. Put it all on the table.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  Lizzie arrived with a white rose for Alex’s lapel and burgundy roses for Paul and Evan. Thankfully, she took mercy on them and pinned them on, too.

  “How’s Jenny?” Alex asked.

  “She’s radiant.”

  That was exactly what he wanted to hear.

  “Jared heard from his brother,” Lizzie said. “He’s agreed to come take a look at our fair island. No promises. Yet.”

  “That’s great, Lizzie.”

  “I’m sorry we couldn’t get it done in time to make a difference for your family. But maybe down the road…”

  “Maybe so. No matter how the timing works out, it’s a great thing you’re doing. It’s something we need here.”

  “Fingers crossed. Patience is not my forte, but Jared says if we ease Quinn into the idea, he’s apt to bite.”

  “And if he doesn’t, then I’m sure you’ll find someone else.”

  Lizzie touched her earpiece and then smiled at Alex. “Show time.”

  Chapter 27

  Surely this day has to be a dream, Jenny thought as she exchanged vows with Alex on the wide veranda behind the Chesterfield. Because nothing could ever be this perfect and still be real. Even though this ceremony was a mere formality, that didn’t stop a tight knot of emotion from forming in her throat as Alex whispered, “Told ya so, it’s all good” as promised and once again pledged to love and cherish her forever. She would never get tired of hearing those words or of the way his fierce brown eyes went soft with love when he said them. They lit the third candle for Toby, sharing a meaningful private smile as they paid tribute to the man she’d loved and lost, which only made her love Alex more than she already did.

  Her family, Toby’s family, Alex’s friends and their Gansett Island family were all there to watch this time, which somehow made it that much more official.

  With Sydney and Erin standing by her side, this wedding bore little resemblance to the one she’d planned so long ago. Then, her sisters would have been her attendants, but life and years had changed the dynamic between the three of them, and when it came time to choose attendants this time, there’d been no doubt about who she wanted standing with her today.

  Sydney had been the first to reach out to her when she arrived on Gansett hoping for a fresh start. They had bonded initially over their shared experience with tragedy and loss, but their relationship had become a friendship Jenny treasured. They’d moved past that early common ground, with both of them finding a second chance at happily ever after while continuing to honor the ones they’d loved and lost.

  And Erin… In the years since Toby’s death, Erin had become a sister of Jenny’s heart. She was thrilled to have Erin here on Gansett, especially today.

  Having Toby’s parents here had also made the day extra special. Knowing they were happy for her and that she had their love and support meant the world to her.

  As the day unfolded with military precision thanks to Lizzie’s unwavering attention to detail, Jenny thought of the secret she and Alex had decided to keep to themselves for the time being, until they were through the critical first trimester. But knowing their baby was part of the wedding made the day that much sweeter.

  And when Alex gathered her into his arms to dance to the song they’d chosen to summarize their love, Jenny knew a moment of pure bliss as she danced to “At Last” with her gorgeous new husband.

  “Happy?” he asked.

  “That’s not a big eno

ugh word to describe how I feel today. You?”

  “Same. There are no words.”

  “I’m sorry your mom couldn’t be here.”

  “I am, too, but it’s for the best. She’s getting what she needs, and we’ll see her tomorrow.” They were spending tonight in the honeymoon suite at the Beachcomber before heading for the mainland to see Marion on their way to a honeymoon in Hawaii.

  He had, at some point in the last few days, come around to accepting the fact that it truly was in Marion’s best interest to move her into the facility where she could receive more intense care. It pained them, however, that Marion’s move had put Hope out of a job. They’d come to care for her and Ethan tremendously, and it would be hard to say good-bye to them when they left the island.

  “I feel so sad for Hope,” Jenny said, her gaze finding their new friend sitting at a table full of friends but seeming so painfully alone.

  “Don’t feel too sad,” Alex said. “Paul’s going to pop the question tonight.”

  “Oh my God! He is? Really?”




  “It’s just… What she said that day… How she’d never get married again. He heard her say that, right?”

  “Yeah, he did, but he’s going to ask her anyway.”

  “Why do I suddenly feel insanely nervous for him?”

  “He’s nervous enough for all of us.”

  “What if she says no?”

  “Then we’ll prop him up as best we can and get him through it.”

  “God, I hope she says yes.”

  “Me, too.”

  Paul took the microphone that Lizzie handed him and made a big production of clearing his throat to get the happy couple to stop kissing long enough for him to do his duty as best man. “If you crazy kids could come up for air for a few minutes, the best man has a few words he’d like to say.”

  Alex rolled his eyes and signaled for him to proceed.

  “On behalf of Alex and Jenny, I’d like to welcome you to their wedding. It’s a day we’ve all looked forward to since last summer, when Jenny and Alex met during the hottest stretch of weather we’ve had here in decades. They’ve been hot and bothered ever since.” The line drew a big laugh, especially from the bride and groom. “And trust me, I know. I’ve had the misfortune of living right next door to them, and I’ve learned to sleep with headphones and music. Loud music.” More laughs.

  “All kidding aside, however, I’ve also had the unique perspective of knowing Alex before Jenny and after Jenny. I’ve got to say I much prefer post-Jenny to pre-Jenny, even if I’ve sacrificed quite a lot of sleep in the post-Jenny era.” While everyone laughed, he sought out Hope, who watched him with a wistful look on her face that made him feel more optimistic about his plans for later. She looked so beautiful today in a clingy, sexy dark gold dress. He held her gaze as he said, “It’s a rare thing, a miracle of sorts, for two people so incredibly well-suited to each other to find one another in this chaotic world, and it’s even more special when they both deserve the kind of happiness Alex and Jenny have found together.

  “Although our parents always loved me better than him,” Paul said to more laughter, “they’d be delighted to welcome Jenny into the Martinez family, and on their behalf, I say to Jenny that the Martinez family is lucky to have you—and so is Alex. I love you both and wish you a lifetime of the kind of happiness you’re sharing with all of us today.” He raised his glass to them, and when he saw tears in their eyes, he decided he’d done his job. Then he shifted his gaze to Hope and caught her dabbing at her own eyes.

  Alex stood and took the microphone from him. “Thank you, Paul, and for the record, Mom and Dad always loved me best. They frequently said they should’ve quit while they were ahead.”

  Paul punched his brother’s arm and returned to his seat.

  “I want to thank you all for being here today. Jenny and I are so thrilled to share our special day with you. I’m sure you must be wondering why there’re bowls of tomatoes on your table. This was a little surprise I orchestrated for my lovely bride, who introduced herself to me by chucking tomatoes at me the day we met. It was true love from the second that first tomato hit me square in the back after my gang mower woke her up during last year’s heat wave.”

  Jenny hid her face behind her hands as she shook with laughter.

  “Don’t let her fool you—that sweet exterior and soft Southern accent hide a steel magnolia on the inside, and she set the tone from the beginning by letting me know I wasn’t going to get away with anything. She’s been keeping me in line ever since, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He held up a flute of champagne. “To my beautiful wife, Jenny. Getting hit by your tomato was the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you forever.”

  As Jenny wiped up tears, the rest of the gathering laughed and clapped at Alex’s story.

  Paul had heard about the tomatoes many times before, but hearing it in this context made him more determined than ever to throw a few tomatoes of his own—if that was what it took—to convince Hope that the only place in this world she and Ethan belonged was with him. One way or the other, they were going to get their happily ever after.

  Torture. That was the word Hope would use to describe the last few days as she packed up her belongings and Ethan’s while searching for a new job that would take them away from Paul and the people who’d become like family to them. She’d had a promising second phone interview yesterday, and they were eager for her to come to the mainland to meet in person. She should be relieved to have a hot job prospect, but it had been a very long time since Hope had felt at home anywhere the way she did in her cozy cabin, across the yard from the Martinez house that had also begun to feel like home, and she had absolutely no desire to leave. So rather than feeling relieved, she felt despondent.

  Paul and Alex had done the right thing to move Marion when they did. As a medical professional, Hope had fully supported their decision and had done everything she could to make it easier for them even as her heart broke into a million pieces at the implications for herself and Ethan. And Paul…

  Other than the night he’d intervened with Ethan, Paul had respected her wishes and kept his distance. The more he stayed away, however, the harder it was for her to respect her own wishes. She lay awake night after night, fighting the desire to leave her bed and go to him. Only Ethan sleeping across the hall kept her where she belonged.

  The sight of Paul in a tux today hadn’t helped her resolve at all. Her mouth had watered at the first glance of him decked out in formal attire. He looked so sexy, and she wasn’t the only woman in attendance who noticed. The punch of jealousy and the sharp sting of desire between her legs was a reminder that it would be a very long time—if ever—before she “got over” Paul Martinez.

  She’d received the message he’d sent her in his speech loud and clear. What they’d found together didn’t come around every day. She certainly knew that, but she’d like to think she’d learned from the mistakes of the past and couldn’t gamble her future—or Ethan’s—even for something as wonderful as what she had with Paul. She would never again allow herself to become financially dependent upon a man, no matter how much she loved him or suspected he loved her.

  Her gaze took in the room full of happy people and found Ethan at a table with Seamus, Carolina, Kyle and Jackson. The three boys were giggling at something Seamus was saying to them, and her heart ached all over again at the thought of taking him away from his new friends. Ethan had thrived here, and having to tell him they were leaving had nearly killed her.

  He’d been furious with her ever since, which had only made a difficult situation worse.

  A tap on her shoulder had her spinning around to find Paul standing behind her, extending a hand to her. “Dance with me.”

  She noted that the request wasn’t made in the form of a question but rather a plea. Powerless to resist him, she took his hand and let him lead her to the dance
floor. Of course the song had to be Elvis Presley singing “Can’t Help Falling in Love.”

  For the first time since the last time she’d been in his arms, the ache inside her subsided and the longing intensified.

  “You look so incredibly sexy today,” he whispered in her ear, setting off a whole other reaction.

  “That wasn’t the goal,” she said with a nervous laugh.

  “You’re effortlessly sexy.”

  In all the years she’d been married, her husband had never said anything like that to her. Everything about this man was different from the man she’d married, but even knowing that, she couldn’t seem to throw caution to the wind and forget the many lessons she’d learned the hard way.

  She’d thought about his sweet offer many times during sleepless nights and had been tempted more than once to say to hell with lessons learned. What did they matter if it meant having to live without him? But then she’d remember what it had felt like to be desperate and alone and deeply in debt, and the fear would trump the desire every time.

  “Ethan is spending the night with Seamus and Carolina,” Paul whispered in her ear. “After the wedding, I need a few minutes of your time.”

  Surprised to hear of plans she’d known nothing about, she said, “Wait, since when is he staying with them?”

  “Since I asked if he could. They were happy to have him. Seamus said he’s good for the boys because he makes them laugh, and they need that right now.”

  “Why did you ask if he could stay there?”

  “Because we need to talk, and I want you all to myself when we do.”

  Though every part of her wanted to hear what he had to say, her better judgment ruled the day. “It’s not a good idea, Paul.”

  “How do you know that?” he asked, his dark eyes dancing with amusement. “You haven’t heard what I have to say yet.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t let this get any worse than it already is. These last couple of weeks…”


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