Gansett Island Boxed Set Books 1-16 (Gansett Island Series)

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Gansett Island Boxed Set Books 1-16 (Gansett Island Series) Page 423

by Marie Force

  He squeezed her nipple.

  Hell, yes, she was prepared for all sorts of natural conclusions.

  Then he was lifting her shirt over her head and replacing his fingers on her nipple with his equally talented lips. She could barely breathe as he worshiped her breasts, moving from one side to the other, as if that was the destination rather than a stop off on a much more significant journey. He seemed perfectly content to stay right there, to torment her with his lips and tongue and even his teeth. God…

  She grabbed a handful of his thick hair and held on for dear life while he kept up the sensuous torture. “Quinn,” she gasped, “you’re making me crazy.”

  “Am I?”

  “You know you are.”

  “What could I do to make you feel better?”

  Incredulous, Mallory raised a brow. “Do I really have to spell it out?”

  “A little direction would be welcome.”

  She reached for his hand and put it between her legs.

  “Ohhh, third base. I’m a big fan of third base.”

  Even though she was insanely aroused, she couldn’t stop the laugh he drew from her. “You’re funny.”

  “Not usually. That’s your influence.”

  Her heart gave a little jolt, knowing he’d had little to laugh about in recent years. “I’m glad to give you a reason to laugh.”

  His fingers found the heart of her desire and began to caress her through her jeans. “You do. I laugh more and smile more with you than I have with anyone in far too long.”

  “If you keep saying things like that to me, I’m going to forget that we’re supposed to be having casual fun here.”

  “What would happen then?”

  “I might get attached to you.”

  “I’d be okay with that.”

  Mallory closed her eyes and released a deep breath. “I’m afraid of getting too involved when I don’t know for sure where I’ll be in a few months.”

  “You said this is the Summer of Mallory, right?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Maybe it could be the Summer of Mallory and Quinn?”

  “That could get messy.”

  A dirty smile unfolded slowly across his handsome face.

  “Stop! You know what I mean.”

  He tugged at the button to her jeans and drew the zipper down slowly, going for maximum effect—or that was how it seemed to her. Laying his hand flat on her abdomen, he said, “What do you say? Should our summer of fun start now?”

  How was she supposed to make a decision like that when his hand was so perilously close to the place that throbbed with desire for him?

  Without moving his hand, he drew her nipple into his mouth, licking and sucking on the tip until Mallory arched into him, all but begging him to make the next move. He didn’t disappoint. He yanked her pants down and drove his hand inside her panties, nearly finishing her off before he ever touched her. Then he made it better by actually touching her and proving he knew what he was doing.

  Mallory grasped his arm, her fingernails sinking into his skin while he kept up the suction on her nipple and coaxed her to an orgasm that had her crying out and thankful there was no one around to hear her—except him, of course. Her pleasure came to a sudden halt when Brutus landed on top of them, knocking the air from her lungs at a critical moment.

  “Damn it, Brutus,” Quinn said, removing his hand from between her legs to fend off the excited puppy. “Your timing sucks.”

  Mallory laughed even as she gasped for air. “He shouldn’t be able to make that jump yet.”

  “There’s a lot of things he shouldn’t be able to do,” Quinn said with a scowl for the dog, who yipped playfully at him. “Spoiled brat.” Looking down at Mallory, he said, “Sorry about that.”

  “No apology necessary.” She glanced at Brutus and then at Quinn. “Is there any chance he might take another nap?”

  “Not for a while.”

  She could see the genuine regret in the way his mouth twisted with displeasure. Letting her gaze travel down the front of him to the bulge in his pants, she licked her lips and then looked up at him again. “I guess I’ll just have to owe you one, then.”

  His eyes heated with desire. “I guess you will.”

  Mallory pulled her pants up and tried to find her shirt.

  He took her by surprise when he cupped her breast and dragged his thumb over her nipple. That was all it took to restart her recently satisfied libido.

  Brutus whined and then barked.

  Moaning, Quinn dropped his head to Mallory’s chest. “That means he has to pee.”

  While laughing at his distress, she caressed his hair. “Your baby needs you.”

  “My baby is a pain in my ass.” Quinn found her shirt and handed it to her, his regret apparent. “Come on, Brutus. I’ll take you to the beach.” At the word “beach,” Brutus leaped off the bunk and headed outside. “You want to come?”

  “You guys go ahead. I’ll stay here.”

  He gave her a quick kiss. “Be right back.”

  Chapter 14

  Mallory watched him go, noting the way his jeans molded to his sexy ass. She’d wanted a moment to herself after the earth-shattering orgasm. She hadn’t experienced anything like that—with a guy, anyway—in years. It was nice to know it was still possible. The kind of craving desire she’d experienced with Quinn reminded her of being with Ryan. It had been like that between them from the start, and she’d never had that kind of physical connection with another man, until now.

  That was kind of scary to acknowledge. She’d only recently met him, had spent time alone with him exactly three times, and already she recognized feelings she’d had only once before. The idea of having what she’d had with Ryan and potentially losing it again made her entire body cold with fear.

  She put her clothes back to rights, sat up and smoothed her hair with trembling hands. If there was one thing she knew for certain, it was that she couldn’t possibly survive that kind of disaster a second time. She’d barely survived the first time.

  Being with Quinn was fun and exciting, but it was also risky, and she needed to keep her eye on the ball where he was concerned. Protecting herself and her damaged heart had to be paramount. Brutus had actually done her a favor by interrupting them before things went any further.

  She needed to take a step back, to really think this through before she got any deeper into a relationship she hadn’t expected to have. The Summer of Mallory was about having fun, not getting serious, and this thing with Quinn, whatever you might call it, had serious written all over it.

  By the time he and Brutus returned from the beach in the dinghy, Mallory had regained her composure and her determination to consciously control whatever happened next rather than going with the flow and being sucked unwittingly into his alluring web. If she was going to end up in that web, she would do so intentionally, not because her hormones went spastic whenever he kissed her.

  Brutus came bounding up to the cockpit well ahead of Quinn, who moved slower and more carefully as he went from the smaller boat to the bigger one.

  Mallory put all her focus on the puppy, who licked her face with an exuberance that made her laugh. He was so damned cute.

  “He’s salting on my game,” Quinn muttered.

  “What does that mean?”

  “He’s getting what I want.”

  “Which is?”

  “More of you.” Reaching for the hem of his T-shirt, he pulled it up and over his head, revealing a spectacular man chest, chiseled abdominal muscles and tattoos that banded around his biceps that she hadn’t noticed the first time she saw him shirtless the day they met.

  Mallory went stupid in the head as she took in the perfection before her and quickly forgot her resolve to be deliberate and intentional where he was concerned.

  Screw that.

  Quinn saw the way she looked at him, and it had a predictable effect on him. Goddamned Brutus. If it wasn’t for him, Quinn might still
have his hands and lips on her naked body. But maybe Brutus had done him a favor interrupting them before things got completely out of control.

  He hadn’t been with a woman since he lost his leg, and he wasn’t sure he was ready to let someone see his stump, to make himself that vulnerable, even if Mallory would be the ideal person to be the first. She was a nurse. She’d seen it all. Nothing about his injury would be new or particularly revolting to her.

  Even knowing all that, he wasn’t sure he was ready to go there. It was ironic, really, when you considered his sex-addicted past when the notion of being afraid to have sex would’ve been so foreign to him as to be laughable. He used to get laid so much and so often that he’d forget who he’d slept with and who he hadn’t. He certainly wasn’t proud of that chapter in his life, but he’d learned through a lot of therapy to own it as part of his history.

  He’d put that version of himself so far in the past that he no longer bore any resemblance, except physically, of course, to that guy. Mallory made him want to be the best version of himself, and he was determined to be that for her, which meant taking it slower than he ever had before with a woman.

  He had many good reasons to take his time with her. One, she wasn’t sure if she’d be staying after the summer, and he was committed to being here for at least the next couple of years. Two, he hadn’t been intimate with anyone since he lost his leg. And three, he refused to fall into old habits of letting his dick do the thinking for the rest of him.

  So while his dick was very, very interested in the amazing, sexy Mallory Vaughn, the rest of him needed to take a pause and not let things get out of control the way they had earlier, until he was sure he was ready to take the next step—and that she was, too. Underneath her enthusiastic response to him, he’d sensed her reticence, even if her actions had indicated interest.

  They both had a lot on the line and carried deep scars they didn’t need to make worse with a summer fling gone wrong.

  He’d taken his shirt off because he was hot, but now he recognized his error in the hungry way she studied his bare chest. Her hungry stare had his dick standing up to take notice of her. Stand down, he ordered his wayward appendage, grimacing when said appendage told him to fuck off and surged to full mast. Naturally, she noticed that, too.

  Sighing, Quinn sat next to her in the cockpit.

  She drew her legs up and wrapped her arms around them, the protective pose not lost on him.

  “Speak to me,” he said, nudging her with his shoulder.

  After a long silence, she said, “That got kind of intense before.”

  “Good word for it.”

  “I’m not sure that’s the best idea.”

  Quinn wanted to say it had felt like a pretty damned good idea to him, but he didn’t. “How come?” He had his reasons for taking a step back, but he wanted to hear hers.

  “I’m in this really weird place right now with so many things up in the air, and getting serious with someone is the last thing I ought to be doing until I figure out the other stuff.”

  “So let’s slow it down.”

  “Define ‘slow it down.’”

  “We hang out without tearing each other’s clothes off every chance we get. For now, anyway.”

  Mallory laughed at his blunt statement. Her infectious laughter made him smile. With her face resting on her folded arms, she looked over at him. She could’ve passed for twenty-something in that position, and he found himself incredibly drawn to her. “And you’d be okay with that?”

  “Sure, I would. I’d be okay with anything that gets me more time with you, even if it’s hands-off platonic time.”

  “I feel like I’m being hot and cold with you, and that’s not my intention.”

  “I know that.” He reached for her hand and linked their fingers. “So what do you want to do now?”

  “Can we maybe sail some more? That’s really fun, especially when you help me stay on course.”

  Quinn smiled at her. “Sure, we can do that.”

  Quinn dropped her off at home around five o’clock, leaving her with a platonic kiss on the cheek and a promise to “hit her up” later. The sailing had been spectacular, as had the company. They’d settled into fun, flirty banter for the remainder of the afternoon, and Mallory had been relieved that they were on the same page with taking it slow.

  She’d loved her first time on a sailboat. Quinn had been a patient teacher as he showed her the secret to keeping the boat on an even keel. If only it was as simple as a small correction here or there to keep the rest of her life on an even keel. Mallory had been “heeling” hard since her mother died, with her orderly life tipped upside down by the discovery of her father and his family. She’d only begun to right the ship when she lost her job and her footing once again.

  Now that she was settled into her little cottage on the island for the summer, she could begin to make the subtle adjustments that would put things back where they belonged.

  Here she was at nearly forty, trying to reinvent herself once again. The last time she’d been forced to reinvent herself and her life, she’d been shattered by grief that she’d tried to numb with alcohol. This time, she was facing reinvention stone-cold sober and eyes wide open to the many possibilities. Those possibilities certainly included Quinn, but she would proceed with caution with him.

  As she showered, she thought about how easy it would be to say to hell with caution and dive headfirst into what was sure to be a thrilling… something… with him. An affair? A relationship? A summer sex fest? Twenty years ago, she wouldn’t have had a second thought about jumping into whatever it turned out to be. Now she knew the pain of heartbreaking loss all too well and was wise enough to protect herself from ever having to feel that pain again.

  Mallory dried her hair and took note of the slight windburn that colored her cheeks and nose. She dressed in jeans and a sweater and grabbed the brownies she’d baked earlier before heading out to Janey and Joe’s house for the welcome-home dinner for Evan and Grace. She was also looking forward to spending more time with Grant, Stephanie, Dan and Kara, all of whom had spent the winter in Los Angeles, but were home now for the summer.

  After just a couple of days here, it was already apparent that her personal life on Gansett was going to be much busier than life in Providence had ever been. Every night, or so it seemed, there was something going on in her family and their group of friends. That was fine with her. The more she got to see of her siblings, their families, her cousins, uncles and, of course, Big Mac and Linda, the happier she was.

  Every time she was with them, she learned something new about her family, whether a funny old story from when her siblings were growing up, or something Big Mac and his brothers had done when they were young men. She added each new detail to her growing list of information about them. Sometimes she still felt like a voyeur who didn’t actually belong among them. But that was her hang-up, not theirs. They’d never been anything other than completely welcoming to her.

  On one of her earlier visits, she’d made a point of figuring out where everyone lived. Janey and Joe’s house was located less than a mile from Mac and Maddie’s. The Cantrells’ big contemporary home was lit up with interior and exterior lights. Cars, pickup trucks and a random motorcycle that she recognized as Evan’s were parked outside the house.

  Mallory gathered her jacket, purse and the plate of brownies and went up the walkway to the front door. She wasn’t sure if she should knock or let herself in, but after having witnessed the way the others walked right into each other’s homes, she twisted the knob and stepped into chaos.

  Though she was used to the McCarthy family volume by now, it still came as a surprise to someone who was raised without siblings or cousins. Life with her mom had been like being raised in a church compared to what it was like to be with the McCarthys.

  “Mallory,” Janey called, “you made it. Come in!”

  She hung her coat and purse on one of the hooks in the entryway and headed for
the kitchen, which was where all the noise was coming from. In addition to their immediate family, Ned and Francine Saunders were there, as were Luke Harris and his pregnant wife, Sydney, who was seated on a chaise in Janey’s family room, and Grant’s lawyer friend Dan Torrington and his fiancée, Kara Ballard. Joe’s mom, Carolina, her husband, Seamus, and their boys Jackson and Kyle, came in shortly after Mallory arrived.

  Big Mac intercepted Mallory after she said hello to everyone. “Good to see you back on dry land,” he said with a kiss to her cheek.

  “Did you get my text that we were back?”

  “I got it, and thank you for that.” His brows furrowed. “You were out there a long time.”

  “Oh, um, were you keeping tabs on me?” she asked, secretly pleased by his obvious concern.

  He looked at her with an “are you crazy?” expression on his face. “Of course I was.”

  “Well, I’m fine, and we had a great time.”

  “You liked sailing, then?”

  “I loved it. Quinn said I had a good feel for the boat, whatever that means.”

  “That’s high praise from someone who knows what he’s doing.”

  “You aren’t harassing Mallory, are you, dear?” Linda asked when she joined them.

  “I am not ‘harassing’ her,” he said with a wink for Mallory. “I’m simply inquiring as to how her day on the water was.”

  “You had fun?” Linda asked.

  “I did.”

  “What’s going on with that doctor fellow?” Big Mac asked.

  “Mac!” Linda said. “Leave her alone.”

  “I’m her father. I can ask her what’s going on.” To Mallory, he said, “Can’t I?”

  Hearing him say that, even after all this time, was like being a kid on Christmas. “You can certainly ask, and I can certainly decline to reply.”

  Linda laughed while he scowled playfully. “She’s got you figured out, my love.”

  “What do we know about this guy anyway?” he asked, brows furrowed.

  Amused by his paternal bluster and moved by his protectiveness, she said, “We know that he served his country, moving from enlisted to trauma surgeon in the army, for twenty-one years before retiring due to injury. We know he’s one of five kids, his brother is the billionaire Jared James, and he’s been hired to be the medical director of the new long-term healthcare facility here on the island. The next time I see him, I’d be happy to ask if I can reserve a room for you for when you need it.”


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