Chasing Quinn

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Chasing Quinn Page 4

by M. E. Clayton

  Quinn looked up at me and I counted four blinks before she shook her head and sat back down. I took my seat next to her and threw my arm around the back of her chair.

  She threw me her signature stink-eye. “This game we’re playing is supposed to be played fairly, you jackass. Singing karaoke is not playing fair.”

  I reached for my Seven & Seven and let the taste settled in my throat before I answered her, “I don’t recall ever saying I was going to play fair with you, babe.”

  Before she could respond, Avery was calling Julian out. “You’re the only one left.”

  Chapter 3

  Sloth: Because it’s exhausting chasing this girl when I know she wants me too!


  I looked over at Julian. There was no way, even for Ace, was he going to get up there and sing karaoke. Julian hated people in general; there was no way he was going to thrust himself into the spotlight. He usually sat by, silently, while Nick and I held court. I almost put down a hundred against Avery that there was no way Julian was going to get up there.

  Julez smirked at her. “Not happening, sweetie.”

  The entire table quieted down and remained silent. The only movement was Isabella silently taking a drink of her beer. She tried to cover her smile with the beer bottle, but it snuck out.

  A few seconds later, Julian stood up and stormed off towards Flip-Karaoke DJ Extraordinaire-cursing under his breath. I’d laugh, but I didn’t want to get my ass kicked.

  I noticed Flip paled a bit when Julian snatched the mic out of his hand. Whoever was up next was just going to have to wait. Julian was a big motherfucker and he’s a formidable sight, but an annoyed Julian was intimidating as hell.

  Not looking at anyone in the room but Isabella, Julian started crooning out It Will Rain by Bruno Mars, and you could hear a pin drop in the bar.

  Unlike the rest of the table, Julian could actually sing. He serenaded Isabella like she was the only woman on the planet and he was lucky enough to own her over all the other men in the world. God help any bastard stupid enough to ever try to take Iz from Julian. While Nick was madly in love with Avery, I didn’t know what the fuck Julian felt for Isabella. All I knew was that whatever he felt for her was stronger than the normal love us mere mortals felt.

  As soon as Julez finished, there was a heartbeat of silence throughout the bar and then a tidal wave of applause, whistling, cheering and even stomping of feet filled the bar in a roar.

  Isabella offered him a small smile when he plopped himself down next to her. He reached for a beer before he addressed her. “There’s only one other time I will ever do that again, Dove.”

  “Oh, really? And when will that be?”

  “On our wedding day.”

  Ace held up her beer in a toast. “To our beginnings. I love you losers!”

  We all held up our drinks and toasted with her. Hell, she could toast to clubbing baby seals and we’d be right there with her. That scar down her face didn’t allow for anything else.

  After we all threw back our shots, Avery batted her eyelashes at Julez. “You have a beautiful voice, Julian.” He gifted her with one of his rare smiles and I busted up laughing when all the girls sighed in unison. Nick and I weren’t slouches in the looks department, but Julian with his built, dark looks, scars and dimples was as if he jumped straight out of a romance novel. If he liked people, he’d probably being ruling the world right now.

  “Will you stop doing that?” Nick hissed.

  Julian raised his brows. “Doing what?”

  “Being Avery’s fantasy man, damn it!” The entire table started laughing. Well…except for Nick.

  “How am I supposed to do that, Nick?” He winked at Ace. “I can’t help it if she’s got good taste.”

  Nick rolled his eyes. “Quit smiling and no more karaoke, how about that for starters?”

  Avery leaned into Nick and started placing little kisses down his neck. “Awe, Nicholas. I promise it’s only you and me in the bedroom.”

  Nick finally laughed at that.

  I knew he wasn’t really threatened by Julez. Avery was just never going to live it down how she blurted out her most secret sexual fantasy the first night we met her. It just so happens Julian’s demeanor played into her kinks without him even trying.

  “Besides,” Avery continued, “you benefit from Julian’s dimples too.”

  Nick tightened his arms around her. “Good point.”

  Quinn took me by surprise when she jumped up. “It’s our turn now.”

  I had to smile in anticipation of what song this chick was going to sing. It was no secret the girls loved hip-hop and rap, and when they got a mic in their hand, they were West Coast gangsta rappers all the way. But I couldn’t help the little pang in my chest when I read the words on the teleprompter.

  The girls’ karaoke tradition was always that Isabella and Quinn got up first and rapped a collaboration of some sort, so Ace wasn’t shocked that they’d go up there without her. But when the first few bars of Ain’t No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye started playing, I looked over to see the confusion on her face.

  Quinn pointed at her and declared into the mic, “This is for you, Ace!” She and Iz started belting out the duet and they weren’t even one chorus in when Avery’s eyes started spilling over.

  As soon as they were finished, Avery was out of Nick’s lap and hugging the girls before they even made it back to the table. I swear, considering the upbringing us guys had, I didn’t think anyone could be as close as we were; but the girls gave us a run for our money.

  Everyone took their seats and I felt that deserved another round of shots. “Okay… we need to definitely toast to that. I’ll be right back.”

  Nick slapped Ace on her thigh. “I’ll go with you and help you carry them back.”

  We headed to the bar where we got lucky when the bartender was able to help us right away. I looked over at Nick while we waited. “So how’s Avery doing?”

  “She’s actually doing really well,” he answered, shrugging a shoulder. “I think I’m the one who’s a mess still. I keep waiting for her to fall apart, ya know? But she seems fine. I wish she’d consider the plastic surgery though. That scar is like a constant stabbing to my soul.”

  I turned my head and saw that our drink order was almost filled. “I know how I feel every time I see her face, so I’m not going to pretend that I have any clue as to how you feel, but you gotta trust her, Sav. She’s wearing your ring. You have to trust that if she does start struggling, you’ll be the first to know.”

  He let out a deep sigh. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

  We gathered up all six shots between us and headed back to the table. Halfway there I noticed the girls were gone. “Where’d they go?”

  Julian finished his beer. “They went to the restroom to do whatever it is they think they need to do in there as a team,” Julian grunted as he reached for a fresh beer.

  I let out a chuckle. “Dude, they’ve been drinking and taking shots. They probably need to break the seal and pee.”

  “All at the same time, Chase?”

  I shrugged a shoulder. “I’m not saying it’s not weird, I’m just saying it’s not unheard of.” I waved a hand. “Besides, I stopped trying to figure out women years ago.”

  Nick sipped some of his drink before chiming in. “Thank God I only have to try to figure out one woman from now on.”

  I shot him an incredulous look. “Yeah, good luck with that. She’s still a woman, dude. You’re setting yourself up for an impossible goal.”

  “Uh, who the fuck are they? And why are they coming over this way?” Julian asked…or growled rather.

  I looked over and saw three women approaching our table. Can we go back to my earlier point of not ever understanding women? Take these three for instance. It’s no secret that we’re not alone. Not only did Nick sing Justin Fucking Bieber to her, but Avery’s been sitting on his lap almost all night. Julian demonstrated his love for I
z with Bruno Mars and hasn’t stopped touching her in some way or another since I got here. And yeah, Q might not technically be mine, mine…but I sang to her and kissed the fuck out of her in front of everyone afterwards.

  There was no way anyone in this bar would think that we were not all couples. And that included these three chicks making their way over to us.


  Why people?

  Here’s the thing about me that only Julez and Nick probably know. I despise cheaters. I loathe the fuck out of them. The reason why is no secret. My father didn’t only scar my mother with his bullshit, but he did a number on me and Kane, as well. I not saying my actions have always been above reproach, but the reason I’ve never had a girlfriend was because I knew I wasn’t ready to settle down and I would never put myself in a position where I was committed to one woman and wishing I could fuck another.


  So, when a woman approaches me when I’m already on a date-and it doesn’t matter if Q is actually my date or not, because I kissed her for fuck’s sake-I didn’t feel flattered. I actually felt insulted as fuck because that meant she thought I was the type of guy who would hurt and disgrace my date by allowing another woman to turn my head. It meant she thought she was hot enough to turn me into a cheating scumbag.

  Fuck. That. Shit.

  These women were approaching the wrong table.

  Even if Avery wasn’t already wearing Nick’s engagement ring and Julian wasn’t out of his mind over Iz, we didn’t mistreat women. Whether they were casual dates or the loves of our lives, we didn’t work that way.

  I was just going to have to find a way to let these girls down easy before Julian lost his mind on them. Isabella was not to be upset under any circumstance. It drove Julian slightly insane when she was.

  They finally reached our table, and self-respect aside, I had to admit they were pretty hot in that plastic, store manufactured way. Funny how that use to be enough for me, but now, after hanging out with Quinn, Avery and Iz, it wasn’t anymore. “Hey, fellas, we just wanted to come over and tell you guys how great you guys were up there singing.” Julian just grunted while Nick took a drink of his whiskey preventing him from having to verbally interact with them.

  The redhead was eying Julian, while the quiet blonde was sizing up Nick. I guess they had picked their prey before heading over here. The greeter kept her gaze on me, and three months ago, we probably would have all gladly partaken in what they were offering, but not now. My, oh my, how so much can change in a couple of months.

  “Well, thank ladies, we appreciate the compliment.” I winked to ease the tension waving off of Julez and Nick.

  The second blonde wasn’t so quiet after all. “So are you guys here with your girlfriends?”

  Nick responded coolly, “Fiancé actually.” He looked pointedly over at me. “I guess I need to get her a bigger ring if no one can figure that out by the one she’s wearing now.”


  Before anyone could reply to that, Julian spoke up, “Love of my life, mother of my future children, soulmate…yeah. Girlfriend, not so much.”

  Double ouch!

  The leader looked directly at me and the knowing look in her eyes told me she was very aware that her two friends had just struck out. “What about you? Are you here with your girlfriend?”

  I wanted to say yes. I wished I could say yes. But I wasn’t a liar and Q had my hands tied with her indecisiveness where we were concerned. So, I answered honestly, “I don’t have a girlfriend, but-”

  “We’re gone for five minutes...” I winced as I heard Avery’s voice behind me and I knew I was fucked.

  Why the fuck do women all need to go to the restroom at the same time any damn way?


  He’s not my boyfriend.

  He’s not my boyfriend.

  He’s not my boyfriend.

  Maybe if I kept chanting that in my head it would keep me from breaking open an empty beer bottle and stabbing him with it.

  After I beat the shit out of some fake bottled blondes and a tacky redhead.

  And to make things worse? These stupid bitches kept standing there facing us the fuck down.

  Yeah, Chase may not be anyone important to me, but there was no mistaking Ace and Nick’s relationship or the obvious affection between Julian and Izzy.

  Before anyone else commented on Avery’s assessment, Julian had grabbed Iz by her hand and yanked her into his lap.

  God, that man was just so…so…wow.

  Avery walked over and sat in Nick’s lap shaking her head. I couldn’t hold in my snort as Nick filled Avery in on their conversation. “These ladies were just pointing out how I need to buy you a larger engagement ring. This one isn’t noticeable enough.”

  Avery didn’t miss a beat. “Maybe it’s not my ring that’s the problem. You haven’t worn a ring since the night you married me at Xavier’s.”

  Nick’s eyes sent her a look so scorching; it made us all take notice. “Say the word and I’ll let you put a ring on my finger tofuckingnight. Fuck a wedding, Imp. Fuck .A. Wedding,” he growled.

  Nick’s and Julian’s blatant show of love and respect for my friends had gone a long way to cool the heat in my veins at these bitches. At least it had until the blonde checking Chase out opened her mouth again. “Maybe you should listen to your fiancé,” her voice seeped syrupy venom. “I mean, do you really want to walk down the aisle with that,” she made a gesture to Avery’s face, “ugly scar running down your face? What would your wedding pictures look like? My God!”

  “You fucking cunt!” I was two seconds away from reaching her when I felt a band of steel wrap around my waist, holding me back. “Let me fucking go, Chase!”

  “Q…” he tried to reason, but I was beyond reason. Even if I hadn’t been drinking, this bitch just got stupid with my best friend.

  No one gets stupid with my friends. I didn’t give a fuck if Izzy and Ace could defend themselves. That shit didn’t go down with me around. “I said let me fucking go, Chase!”

  While my gaze was on the uppity blonde, I could see out of the corner of my eye that Isabella was already on her feet, seething, and Julian was standing in front of her, blocking her.

  Avery instantly stood up and Nick followed suit standing next to her, grabbing her wrist and holding her back. “You ladies need to leave. Now. Even if we weren’t spoken for, we’re not into fake, plastic bitches.”


  I’ve never seen or heard of Nick treating women with such contempt, but then this was Avery they were attacking, so….

  The leader just flipped her hair and they all turned like choreographed Barbies and headed back to their table.

  One by one everyone sat back down. First, Julian with Izzy on his lap, and then Nick with Ace on his. Chase and I were the only ones left standing and his arms were still wrapped around me. I finally grabbed at Chase’s arms so that he’d let me go, and he surprised me when he gave me a quick squeeze before opening his arms and letting me step out of his hold.

  I sat down and tried to calm myself, but it was a struggle. The table was completely quiet, but I knew. I just knew the girls were thinking the same thing I was.

  Fuck. Those. Bitches.

  And like the fine-tuned trio we were. We jumped up in perfect sequence and darted off towards them whores.

  I made it the farthest, actually clearing the table before I felt Chase pulling me back against his body. I was flailing about like a crazy person, and as I thrashed my head looking around, I saw that the girls looked just as immature as I did.

  We looked ridiculous with Nick, Julian and Chase holding us back, while we were stretching and kicking trying to break free. “Let me fucking go, Chase, before I kick your ass!”

  He turned me around, still flailing about, and nodded towards Nick. “It’s your call, Nick. Avery’s yours. Do we let them go and post bail later or do we leave?”

  And because Nick would do anything for Avery, I heard him sa
y, “It’s up to you, Imp. You want to go kick their asses or do we leave and you can take out your aggression on my dick?”

  My anger instantly subsided and I started laughing when Avery immediately stopped wrestling in Nick’s hold at the word ‘dick’.

  “Uhm….we can leave,” she announced rather quickly.

  I looked over at Izzy and she had stopped struggling as well, but the look on her face had me fearing for those bitches’ lives. I had no doubt that if she told Julian to walk over there and put a bullet in them three whores, he’d just kiss her on the cheek before jogging on over to fulfill her wish.

  My assumption was confirmed when Julian asked, “What do you want to me to do, Isabella?”

  “Let’s go,” she snapped. “But I expect you to do everything in your power to make me forget those stupid bitches.”

  Julian leaned down and whispered God knows what in her ear, making her blush something fierce. I almost promised a kidney to find out what he said to her.

  I watched as Julian and Nick let go of the girls and allowed them to gather their purses, ready to leave, but Chase still hadn’t let me go. “I’m fine, Chase. You can let go now.”

  He slowly unwrapped himself from around me, but didn’t step away. I didn’t bring a purse, but I reached over the table anyways. I wasn’t going to let the fresh round of shots go to waste and I announced as much. “I’m not leaving these here. Either you guys down yours, or I’m about to slam six tequila shots.” The entire table followed suit and we all downed our shots. “Does anyone have a standing tab we need to close out?”


  “Nu uh.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Me, neither.”

  “I don’t.”

  Avery, Nick, Chase, Julian and Izzy all answered me perfectly. “Alright, let’s go ladies.”

  We filed our way through the crowd until we found ourselves outside on the sidewalk, breathing some fresh air. God, I hated it when I lost my buzz. It’s like all that drinking was for nothing. What a waste. And I didn’t like to be wasteful.


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