The Thing About Us: A MMF Bisexual Romance

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The Thing About Us: A MMF Bisexual Romance Page 1

by Jennifer Domenico

  © Jennifer Domenico 2018

  This book is dedicated in its entirety to my bestie across the pond, Katie Davis. It was Katie who introduced me to a British show whose characters ended up taking on a fictional life of their own in my head, eventually becoming the inspiration that led to Ben, Luc, and Georgie's story. We brainstormed every scene until the book fulfilled our vision of the alternate universe we created in our minds. This book exists because of Katie's enthusiasm and support of my work and my imagination. Much love, you dirty bird. <3

  Author's Note

  Whilst I'm sat here sipping a hot cuppa, I thought it best to make some readers aware that there will be a moment or two in this book where you will think you have spotted a typo, particularly when it comes to Luc. Aha! But, in fact, you have not. Luc is an English bloke, you see, and therefore, uses words and phrasing that might be unusual in an American English context, but are entirely intentional by the author. I do hope you'll enjoy his unique differences and find they add to his overall Britishness. Thank you for indulging the author's British fetish. Cheers!

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 Luc

  Chapter 2 Georgie

  Chapter 3 Luc

  Chapter 4 Ben

  Chapter 5 Luc

  Chapter 6 Georgie

  Chapter 7 Luc

  Chapter 8 Ben

  Chapter 9 Luc

  Chapter 10 Ben

  Chapter 11 Georgie

  Chapter 12 Ben

  Chapter 13 Luc

  Chapter 14 Ben

  Chapter 15 Luc

  Chapter 16 Georgie

  Chapter 17 Luc

  Chapter 18 Ben

  Chapter 19 Luc

  Chapter 20 Ben

  Chapter 21 Luc

  Chapter 22 Ben

  Chapter 23 Luc

  Chapter 24 Ben

  Chapter 25 Georgie

  Chapter 26 Luc

  Chapter 27 Ben

  Chapter 28 Luc

  Chapter 29 Ben

  Chapter 30 Luc

  Chapter 31 Ben

  Chapter 32 Luc

  Chapter 33 Ben

  Chapter 34 Ben

  Chapter 35 Luc

  Chapter 36 Georgie

  Chapter 37 Ben

  Chapter 38 Georgie

  Chapter 39 Ben

  Chapter 40 Luc

  Chapter 41 Ben

  Chapter 42 Luc

  Chapter 43 Ben

  Chapter 44 Georgie

  Chapter 45 Ben

  Chapter 46 Luc

  Chapter 47 Georgie

  Chapter 48 Ben

  Chapter 49 Georgie

  Chapter 50 Ben

  Chapter 51 Georgie

  Chapter 52 Luc


  About the Author

  Other Books by Jennifer Domenico

  Chapter 1 Luc

  As I swing open the glass door to my company, I wave to the receptionist Leah and head down the hall to my office. Just before I get there, Bridget steps in front of me with my coffee I desperately need.

  “You’re a life saver, darling, thank you.”

  Bridget laughs. “I do this every day.”

  “But some days it’s needed a bit more.”

  “Good weekend I take it?”

  “Always.” I wink. “But now it’s time for business. Is Ben in yet?”

  “He is. Already waiting for you.”


  I enter my office to see Ben standing looking out over the city. When he hears me, he turns around. “Morning.”

  I nod my head. “Yes, it is.” Walking around my desk, I sit and push the button to turn on my computer. “Good weekend?”

  “Amazing actually.”



  “Yeah, it was good. We need to catch up. Are you ready to walk through the presentation?”

  “I am. I practiced yesterday too.”

  “Great. Let’s get started. If you pull this off and win the account, it’ll be the dog’s bollocks.”

  Ben cocks his head. “And that’s good?”

  I laugh. “Yeah, mate, it’s good.”

  “Alright then.”

  I sit back in my seat listening intently as Ben tries to sell me our company’s services. Half through it, I raise my hand to stop him. “A bit of advice?”

  “Of course.”

  “You sound boring as fuck. You need to show some enthusiasm and get them pumped up.” Ben crinkles his forehead. “Listen, guys like Dave Bainbridge get proposals like this all the time. You have to make it different. Compelling.” I stand and slowly circle Ben as his head follows me, effectively pulling him into my orbit. “You have to ignite an overwhelming feeling of desire to work with you.” I pause, locking eyes with Ben. “Make it an easy yes. You can do it. Now, try again.”

  Ben nods, gazing at the floor for a moment as he clears his throat. When he looks up, I see the spark of fire in his eyes I was hoping for. He turns his personality up several notches and it shows. I study his presence- expensive tailored suit, Italian loafers, hefty watch on his wrist. We have a similar style after I coached him a bit, and with our other similarities and constant togetherness, we’ve been mistaken for brothers more than once. We’re the same height and almost identical in build, but when I met him, he seemed unsure of himself. Now, he carries himself with an air of maturity and sophistication. He’s moving confidently, inflecting appropriately, pausing for effect when he should.

  He leans over the table, fixing his strikingly blue eyes on me. I smile, impressed and somewhat intrigued by the allure he’s exuding. “I’m positive you can see the value proposition we bring to the table.”

  After a moment, I nod. “Good, but I would rephrase it so it has to be an emphatic yes.”

  “Give me an example.”

  “How about something like, can you see how you benefit from the value proposition we provide? It’s a question that must be answered. Ideally, it’s a yes which opens the door to the close, but if it’s not, it gives you the space to rebut their objections.”

  He nods. “Yeah, okay, I see that. How was the rest?”

  I stand and brush the lapel of his dark gray suit with my hand. “They won’t be able to take their eyes off of you.”

  “Awesome.” He grins. “So I got this?”

  “You do. Just work on the ending. I know you can manage the close once you get the yes.”

  “Thanks a lot, man. It means a lot you taking the time to mentor me on this.”

  “That’s what mates do.”

  “Yeah. You going to Mike’s going away happy hour on Wednesday?”

  “Can’t. I have a date. You?”

  Ben laughs. “I have a date too.”

  “Nice one. Hope it goes well.”

  “Me too. I’m trying to make the conversion to the bedroom, but she’s a tough one. Tons of attraction there, but she holds back.”

  “How long you been seeing her?”

  “Only two dates so far. Met at the gym.”

  I nod. “Good luck.”


  “About two weeks. I haven’t tried to take her to bed yet. You know I like to toy with my prey first.”

  Ben laughs. “Such a gentleman.”

  I laugh. “We both know I’m no saint, but I find that it goes better for me when I invest a bit of time at first. Get her to trust and then she opens up.” I grin. “In lots of ways.”

  “Fair. Maybe I should try that. I’ve been into the quick hits lately though. I don’t want a commitment.”

  “Who does? I think it makes for a more enjoyable experience if you prep her first.”

  “So you stalk your prey before you move in for the kill.”

  “Exactly.” I sip the last of my coffee. “Try it sometime. It might warm up your target.”

  Ben nods. “Yeah, I’ll try it.”

  After Ben leaves, I turn my attention to my email and start sifting through what needs a response and what is shit. Most of it is usually the latter. I work for a few hours on various tasks before I’m interrupted by Brian at my door. I look up and gesture for him to enter.

  “Hey, Luc. Got a second?”

  “I do. What’s up?”

  “I heard you’re good at coaching on the close. My sales numbers are down, and I’m starting to worry I lost my touch. Would you be open to giving me some tips?”

  “Sure. Look at my calendar and schedule something. We’ll need a couple of hours at least. I’ll want to see you actually present, so be prepared for that.”

  Brian smiles. “Thanks. Really appreciate it.”

  “We’re all in this together. When one of us succeeds, we all benefit.”

  Brian leaves and I lean back in my chair and stretch. I’m glad people see me as a resource. It only increases my value when it comes time for bonuses.


  On Wednesday, I enter the club, glancing around for her. If I’m honest with myself, I’m excited to see her. Her kiss. Fuck, that kiss. When I spot her, she’s sitting on a stool by the bar, sipping a cocktail. Her long dark hair falls in sexy waves down her back. As I get closer, her little black dress, revealing the sexy slip of her thigh, pulls my eye to her, and I’m positive the front view is even better.

  I slide up behind her and nuzzle her hair near her ear. “Hello, darling.”

  She looks up at me with a huge smile. “Hey, sexy.”

  I lean in and kiss her softly. “Good to see you.”

  “You too. Good week so far?”

  “Better now.”

  She reaches up and brushes her fingers across my cheek. “You’re so sweet.”

  “Not so sweet. Just honest.” I step back and allow my eyes to roam over her body. “You look bloody fantastic tonight.”

  She grins, twisting her fingers through mine. “Thank you.”

  “Do you want to grab dinner or just hang—”

  “What is this?”

  We both turn around, and my brow creases when I see the source of the voice.

  “Georgie?” His eyes shift to me. “Luc?”

  “Ben!” Georgie’s eyes shift rapidly between us as she looks like she’s seen a ghost.

  “What the hell is going on?” Ben stares at me in disbelief. “You two know each other?”

  We both direct our eyes to Georgie, who surprisingly slips into laughter. “Oh my goodness. You know each other. This is unbelievable.”

  I grip her arm gently. “Yes, we know each other. We’re mates. Can you explain what’s happening?”

  “Well, see, it seems I made a little scheduling error.”

  “Scheduling error?” I glance at Ben. “You’re dating both of us?”

  She nods. “I am.”

  I shake my head. “Well, this is fucking awkward.”

  Ben crosses his arms over his chest. “So you fucked up and made dates with both of us on the same night?”

  Georgie bites her bottom lip, fighting back laughter. “Apparently.”

  “And you think it’s funny.” He looks at me. “She thinks it’s funny, Luc.”

  “Come on, guys.” She reaches for Ben’s hand and wraps her arm around mine. “It’s a little bit funny. I mean, what are the odds in a city as big as LA that not only did I completely fuck up on scheduling, but you guys are friends?”

  Neither Ben nor I laugh. I was really looking forward to this date tonight. And more. Much more. My brow furrows. “Where does this leave us?”

  Georgie shrugs. “The same place we were.”

  Ben pulls his head back. “Seriously?”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we’re friends. You can’t date both of us.”

  “Funny, I have been. I don’t know why knowing this is an issue.”

  Ben shakes his head. “You don’t think it’s weird that we literally work together all day?”

  “I see it as your problem. Not mine.”

  Ben looks at me with a ‘what the fuck’ expression on his face whilst I try to decide how to handle this. I don’t want to let Georgie go, but awkward doesn’t begin to describe this situation.

  I look at both of them. “I’ll be honest. I didn’t know I was sharing. I don’t want to share. I’m a one woman at a time man, and I prefer only two people in a relationship.”

  “That’s cute, Luc,” Georgie says with pure sarcasm in her usually delicate voice. “But we’re not exclusive. We’ve hardly been dating at all.” She shifts her glance to Ben. “Same to you. If this is going to be too much for the both of you, then sadly, it ends here.”

  Ben and I exchange glances. I have no idea what to do or say next.

  Georgie slides off her barstool standing between the two of us. “I don’t want to come between you and cause issues.” She smiles. “Both of you are really great, and I’m sorry this happened this way. I really am.” She rises on her toes and kisses my cheek before turning to Ben and doing the same thing. “Bye, guys.”

  We watch her leave, both of us stunned silent. After a

  minute, I sit down on the stool. “Want a shot, mate?”

  Ben focuses on me. “Yeah. Why the hell not?”

  I motion for the bartender and order two shots of Jack. “Unbelievable.”

  Ben nods. “How did you meet her?”

  “Getting coffee down on 24th. You met her at the gym?”


  I take the shots and hand Ben a glass. “Cheers?”

  Ben smiles. “Cheers.” We slam the shots back and sit silently for a minute.

  “This isn’t how I expected the evening to go.”

  “Same. I was going to try your advice and romance her a little.”

  I laugh softly. “I was going to try to get her back to my flat.”

  Ben shakes his head. “Sorry, man.”

  “Same.” I glance around the club for a moment. “I liked her. She’s cool. Not clingy, not odd. Doesn’t talk babies and white picket fences.”

  “That’s why I like her too. That and the fact that she’s fucking gorgeous.”

  “Beyond gorgeous. Tonight…that dress. Whew.”

  “Yeah. Kind of wish she didn’t fuck up and we stayed in the dark. Ignorance is bliss, right?”

  “Right. What do you say we drown our sorrows in a bottle of Jack?”

  “You’re on.”

  Chapter 2 Georgie

  Sitting in the cab on my way back, I stare out the window disappointed and completely pissed at myself. How did I manage to fuck up so royally? I had the two hottest men in the city, and I fucked it up. Big time. I don’t even know what to do. Do I apologize? Would they in this situation? I grab my phone and text Sophie.

  Bestie brief: fucked up. Booked dates with Luc and Ben at the same time. Send help.

  A moment later, she responds.

  Hold the phone. You did what?

  Can you talk?

  Give me a minute. I’ll call.

  I wait, staring out the window. Since she and her boyfriend moved in together two months ago, she doesn’t have as much time for me. It makes me sad, but hell, at almost thirty, settling down is what we should be doing. I’d personally rather climb the Hollywood sign ass naked.

  My phone rings as the cab stops in front of my place. I pay quickly and climb out.

  “Hey, girl.”

  “What did you do?” Sophie asks.

  “I told you about those two hot boys I’ve been juggling?”

  “Yep. The British snack and the yummy treat with the blue eyes.”

  “Right, Luc and Ben. Somehow I arranged to meet them both tonight in the same exact place.”

  Sophie laughs. “I told you to get a pla

  “You did. It gets worse.”

  “How could it?”

  “They’re friends. Fucking friends.” I unlock my door listening to her silence. “Sophie. Did you hear me?”

  “Wait. You’re dating two guys who happen to be friends and you scheduled dates with them both on the same night?”


  “Wow. Even for you this is pretty epic.”

  “I know.” I kick off my shoes. “I don’t know what to do. I like them both a lot.”

  “Well, what happened?”

  I sit on my couch, dragging my fingers through the length of my hair, then studying the ends. “I tried to play it cool. Suggested we could pretend this slip didn’t happen. They weren’t having it of course. So I left. Told them I didn’t want to come between them.” I exhale. “But now I’m sad.”

  “Hmm. This is a dilemma. Did you like one more than the other?”

  “I’m not sure. I was dating Luc longer, but Ben is sweet. Luc is like ultra-sophisticated and charming. Ben is cocky with this underlying sweet edge.”


  “Both of them are out of this world. They’re both about, uh, six two-ish maybe. Fit, like they spend time working out, but not overly so. They both have dark brown hair, but Luc’s is like milk chocolate and looks like silk, while Ben’s is more chestnut and wavier. Luc’s eyes are honey brown, and he has the most sensuous mouth. Ben’s eyes are the brightest blue I’ve ever seen, and his mouth is basically a perfect heart. Luc usually has a light beard, perfectly groomed. I’ve only seen Ben three times, and he’s had more of a scruff like he didn’t shave that day.” I exhale. “They’re gorgeous.”

  “They sound like it. Whatcha gonna do?”

  “That’s what I’m asking you.”

  “Do you want to keep seeing them?”

  “I don’t see how that’s possible. Should I apologize?”

  “Yeah, I think you should. You feel bad. They probably do too. They lost you.”

  I smile. “Always my biggest fan.”

  “President of the club. Don’t beat yourself up too much but let this be a good lesson going forward.”

  “I’ll buy a fucking planner tomorrow.”

  Sophie laughs. “Good girl. You gonna be okay?”

  “Yeah. Thanks for talking.”

  “Of course. Are you free next Tuesday?”


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