Fallen From Grace

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Fallen From Grace Page 10

by Heather D'Agostino

  After sitting in the silence for a few more minutes, Grace pulled herself from Justin’s arms. She smiled up at him and pressed a light kiss to his cheek.

  “Thank you, for everything,” she whispered.

  Justin cocked his head to the side as she continued.

  “Thank you for being one of the good guys, for being patient with me, for caring, and for understanding…” she sighed.

  Justin nodded in understanding as he stood and pulled the covers back on her bed. After switching off the light, Grace climbed in, and patted the spot behind her.

  Justin grimaced slightly, “Are you sure?”

  Grace only tugged his arm in response and slid over creating a gap large enough for his body behind her. Justin climbed in, leaving space between the two of them, and fluffed the pillow. Without missing a beat, Grace reached back and grabbed his arm, pulling it to wrap around her. She tilted her head and kissed his bicep as she snuggled into his embrace.

  Before he could respond to her actions, she murmured, “I love you, too,” and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 14

  As the days went by, Justin began to devote all of his time to researching Grace’s case. After some thorough convincing, Justin’s supervisor agreed to let him take the case. The DA would support him as long as he could gather enough evidence to prove his case. It was easier said than done, though, as he hadn’t been able to find anyone that was willing to come forward and testify against the Sigma’s. They were one of the most sought-after fraternities on campus. To be given a bid to join was hard to come by. Riley had asked around, but even he was beginning to wear out his welcome. He’d been warned by several brothers to keep his mouth shut.


  “So what’s on the agenda tonight?” Grace glanced over at Justin as they gathered their books and made their way out of the library.

  “I was thinking that we’d go back to my place and I’d cook you dinner,” Justin shrugged.

  “Your place?” Grace cocked her head to the side.

  “Yeah…but we can eat out if you’d rather,” he inhaled deeply and slowly released the breath. “I wanted to talk to you tonight about what I’ve found. I thought we’d have some privacy at my place. My roommate will be there, but he’ll leave us alone.”

  “Roommate?” Grace’s eyebrows rose.

  “Yeeeaah,” he dragged it out slowly. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she snapped. “I just don’t know if I’m ready for people to know yet.”

  “Grace…first off, Riley has been my best friend since I was nine…he wouldn’t tell anybody. Second, we are going to have to tell people. This is going to make the news when we go to court,” Justin had halted her at this point and was staring into her eyes pleading for understanding.

  “The news?” Grace squeaked.

  “Yeah…the most popular frat house on campus with a rape scandal…that’s news worthy,” he sighed as he pulled her into a hug. As she began to softly cry into his neck, he tightened his embrace, “Grace…I’m going to protect you, but this is going to get out.”

  Grace nodded against his neck before pulling away to wipe her eyes, “I know.”

  “Do you really?” Justin sighed as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and began to lead them out the door.

  Grace nodded again, “Yeah. Nothing in my life has been easy since that night. I’m tired of being afraid.”

  “I’m glad you’re going to fight back. Let’s go to my place, and I’ll fix you some comfort food…and then maybe provide a little comfort?” he teased.

  “Justin…” Grace gasped as she smacked his stomach with the back of her hand.

  “What? It got you to smile, didn’t it?” he grinned. “Now…let’s get out of here.”


  When they reached Justin’s small, two-bedroom apartment, Grace stared up at it and took in its appearance. It wasn’t at all what she expected. He lived in a nice area, but the building was older. The black grates over the windows didn’t sit well with her, and she swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat as she scanned her surroundings. The brick had ivy and moss growing on it, and there were several potted plants on the fire escapes that loomed overhead. A lone streetlight lit the sidewalk along the front of the building, and a single door, made out of black iron bars, guarded the entrance. There was no lobby like her building, only an open air pathway that led to the stairs.

  Justin turned to take in her expression, “It’s safe here. This is a nice neighborhood, but you have to remember…I pay my way and work two jobs to be here. This is all I can afford.”

  Grace suddenly felt bad for the way she was reacting. She didn’t come from money either. If it wasn’t for Hannah and Mr. Montgomery, they wouldn’t be living where they were. She’d worked over the summer and saved all of her earnings just so she could afford to cover her expenses. Now, she felt like she was judging him for something that he had no control over.

  “No…it’s nice. I just wasn’t expecting it, that’s all,” she blushed.

  “Come on,” Justin tugged her arm. “I’m on the third floor.”

  After making their way up the stairs, Justin unlocked the door to the apartment and led Grace inside.

  “Honey, I’m home,” Justin teased as he called out to Riley.

  Grace gave a confused look as she glanced around inside. The apartment was cozier than it looked from the outside. A soft leather couch and a matching recliner formed an L shape in the living space. A galley kitchen was along one wall that opened to a small wooden table and chairs set. The appliances were older, but it was clean. A narrow dark hallway was off to the left that Grace assumed led to the two bedrooms. A window was open across from them that led out to the fire escape, where a guy was leaning against the building. Before Grace could respond, the body began to turn and climb in through the window.

  “Hi…” the guy began and then stopped. He stood there halfway through the window as he took in the girl standing in his apartment. There was something about her that he couldn’t place, but he knew he’d met her before. “I’m Riley,” he flicked the cigarette butt from his fingers and sauntered over to where Grace was standing.

  “Grace,” she smiled shyly up at Riley and then scanned her eyes down his shirt, pausing at the Greek letters that adorned his chest.

  “Well, I’m glad you two finally met,” Justin smiled as he turned toward Grace. When he noticed the frightened expression on her face, he dropped his coat and pulled her into him, “What’s wrong?”

  “I just…” Grace couldn’t finish. “I mean…I feel like I know him,” she whispered in Justin’s ear.

  Riley shook his head as he took in the exchange and then dropped down onto the couch as his memory began to come back to him. All of it…rushing to the surface…

  “Oh my god, it’s you!” he gasped as he looked up at her with a pained expression. “I…” he trailed off.

  Grace’s eyes flashed wide as the pieces began to fall into place, “Why didn’t you help me?” she cried as she pointed a shaky finger at him. “You just stood there and did nothing! You could have stopped it!”

  Justin’s head whipped back and forth between Grace and Riley, “What’s wrong? I don’t understand.”

  “He…” Grace stammered as the tears stopped and white hot anger boiled to the surface. “He walked in when it happened, and he just stood there! He could have stopped it! He could have helped me…and he did nothing!” she began to crumple to the floor.

  Justin grabbed her around her middle and sat down with her on the couch, “Wait…you were there?” he glanced at Riley.

  “Yeah…” Riley swallowed. “But I didn’t know that that was what I saw. I mean…”

  Justin didn’t give Riley time to finish, “You were there and you didn’t do anything?” he growled as he stood and pulled Riley up by his shirt. “How the hell could you not know?”

  “I’m sorry,” Riley lifted his hands trying to free hims
elf from Justin’s grip. “I didn’t know…I was really drunk that night. I was looking for a place to crash…I went up-stairs, and opened the door…he was laying on top of her. I thought it was consensual. I mean…I saw them making out and rubbing all over each other that night.”

  Justin released his hold, “It doesn’t matter what they were doing before…if she said no, then it meant no.”

  “I didn’t know that she said no,” Riley shook his head.

  Both men were so wrapped up in their own conversation that they failed to remember that Grace was still in the room. She was curled into a ball on the end of the couch trembling as the memories assailed her once again. Having Riley stand there and recount the entire night, including how she and Greg were making out most of the night, was bringing back the shame and embarrassment ten-fold. Tears began to drip from the corners of her eyes and her chest tightened in response to her discomfort. She reached up, placed her hands over her ears, and squeezed her eyes shut as she shouted, “Stop! Please just stop!”

  Justin halted right in the middle of what he was saying and whirled around to face her, “Oh baby…I’m so sorry. I didn’t…” he dropped down on his knees in front of her. “Please look at me,” he begged.

  When Grace opened her eyes, and saw his pleading face, she released the sob that she’d been holding back, “See” she pointed at Riley. “Even he thinks I wanted it. How are you going to make this go away? Nobody is going to believe me,” she choked out the last part as she buried her head in her hands.

  “Don’t you see Grace? This is what I’ve been looking for…somebody that was there,” he looked over his shoulder at Riley. “We’ve got a witness now.”

  Riley swallowed and slowly shook his head, “Dude, I don’t know if I can do that. I mean…turn on the house? They’re my brothers…I can’t just hang them out to dry. They’ll kick me out for sure.”

  Justin’s mouth dropped open as he listened to Riley, “Are you kidding me right now? You’d let an animal do that to her, and then turn the other cheek like it didn’t happen? How can you protect them after they did this? What if it was your sister? Would you still feel that way?”

  Riley covered his eyes, “You don’t know what you’re asking me to do. You want me to turn on the only family I’ve got around here. You’re wanting me to go up against one of our most powerful alumni.”

  “Riley…seriously, listen to yourself right now. This is not my best friend talking here. I just don’t understand what there is to think about. Maybe you’re not the man I thought you were,” Justin shook his head. “Come on,” he stood and grabbed Grace’s hand to pull her into a standing position, “We’re going to go back to your place. I can’t stand to be here right now.”

  As they began to move to the door Justin mumbled into Grace’s ear, “I’m sorry.”

  “Wait,” Riley called just as they reached the door, “I’ll do it.” He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, “You’re right. I’m better than that. I’ll do whatever you need me to. Greg Neely was always a prick to me.”

  Justin gave a tight nod and glanced over at Grace, “Do you want to stay or do you want me to take you home?”

  “I’ll stay,” she sighed. “I’m hungry and you promised me dinner. Can you do me one favor, though?”

  Justin smiled at her as he cocked his head to the side, “What’s that?”

  “Could we not talk about this anymore tonight? I’d like to have a night off from it,” she rose up on her tiptoes and placed a light kiss to his cheek.

  “Sure…anything you want,” he smiled as he pulled her back over to the couch. “Have a seat. I’ll start working on something,” he nodded in the direction of the kitchen.

  “Well I…um…I’ve got to get out of here,” Riley mumbled as he grabbed his coat out of the closet and stuffed his cigarettes into his pocket. “You guys have a nice evening,” he gave a quick wave as he headed to the door. When he got there, he paused, and turned back toward Grace, “I really am sorry…about everything.”

  Grace nodded and offered a small smile as she watched him exit, and close the door behind him. Neither of them knew at the time, but Riley was just the break they needed. He was going to be the one to put Greg Neely exactly where he belonged.

  Chapter 15

  After fleeing from his apartment, Riley went to the only other place he could ever find solace…the Sigma’s house. It had been like a second home for him for the last four years. Now after hearing Grace’s story, it felt foreign. The men that greeted him at the door had gone from being “brothers” to being enemies. He had no idea how many of his friends knew about what happened that night. Greg was famous in this fraternity. He was the guy they all looked up to. He was the one who would sit in the living room the day after a party and brag about his conquests. Riley shuddered as he thought about all the mornings he sat there grinning like a fool listening to the stories. He’d never thought about the women being like his sister. He’d never really thought about them in any way other than a nameless, faceless, roll in the hay. Greg had always made it sound like they wanted it. Like the fact that he had even gotten two girls in the same night was an accomplishment.

  As Riley moved into the kitchen to grab a beer out of the fridge, he glanced around and noticed Darren, one of his brothers, sitting at the table eating. Darren was not the typical frat guy. He never participated in the activities at the parties like the others did. He was always the first to volunteer for the job of DD, designated driver, on party nights. Riley always wondered why he even joined the fraternity. Deciding that now was as good as time as ever, he walked over and took a seat in front of Darren.

  “So,” he placed his beer down in front of him and glanced over at Darren, “What made you decide to be a Sigma?”

  Darren’s head lifted and confusion began to spread across his features, “Where is this coming from?”

  “Just curious…you aren’t like them,” Riley tilted his head in the direction of the living room where a rousing game of beer pong was going on.

  Darren released a breath before mumbling, “I’m a legacy.”

  “A what?” Riley wrinkled his forehead.

  “A legacy…my dad and brothers both pledged. It was expected that I do it, too,” he set the sandwich he was eating down on the table and rubbed his eyes. “I don’t know why I’ve stayed…I hate it here.”

  “The things we do for our parents…right?” Riley offered a pained smile. “You got a minute?”

  “Sure,” Darren shrugged. “What’s up?”

  “Outside?” Riley jerked his head in the direction of the back deck.

  “Ooookaaaay,” Darren dragged out the word with complete puzzlement.

  Once outside, Riley glanced around to make sure they were truly alone. He shifted on his feet nervously as he dug into his pocket and pulled out his cigarettes. After placing one between his lips to light it, he took a deep drag, and held the smoke in before releasing it in a large cloud above his head.

  “Dude, what’s up?” Darren turned to face Riley and leaned against the railing of the deck. “Are you in trouble?”

  “No,” Riley shook his head. “I’m about to ask you about something, though…and I don’t want you to repeat it. Got it?”

  “Yeah…whatever this is…it’ll be ok,” Darren nodded. He was always the level headed one in the house.

  “No,” Riley shook his head. “I don’t think it will.” He sighed again and began to pace the deck, “How well do you know Greg Neely?”

  Darren rolled his eyes, “We went to grade school together, why?”

  Riley continued to stare at the ground, “You ever known him to force himself on anybody?”

  “What?” Darren gasped. “He was always a jerk, but I’d never think he could do that. Girls always flocked to him. He never even had to ask them out. Shoot, there’s a story that when he went to prom…he took one girl and left with another…the girls didn’t even care.”

  Riley’s eyes flashed up t
o meet Darren’s, “But have you ever seen him do any of these things that we’ve heard about over the years?”

  “Well…he was back here for Homecoming in the fall, but he just retold all the stupid stories we’ve all already heard,” Darren rolled his eyes. “After he graduated last year, I figured he’d be hitting some corporate tail.”

  Riley shook his head and curled his lips in disgust. He hadn’t realized that Darren knew Greg as well as he did. Greg had a mouth on him that was for sure. He was always bragging about something or what some girl had done to him.

  “Do you remember the big party we had after the soccer team made the playoffs? I know it’s been two years, but do you remember anything about that night?” Riley turned and offered Darren a pained expression.

  “Why do I suddenly feel like I’m about to get kicked in the gut?” Darren swallowed and shook his head. “Yes…I remember that party because of a girl. A girl I watched stumble off the deck and pass out only to wake up and freak out on me.”

  “What’d she look like?” Riley mumbled as he took another drag off his cigarette.

  “Tall, long blonde hair, fair skin, but the eyes…I’ll never forget the eyes. She had these bluish green eyes that seemed so scared,” Darren moved to sit on the rail as he began to recount the night.

  “It was late, and I was sitting on the porch waiting for all the drunks to come stumbling out. I was sipping a water, and all of a sudden this girl comes flying out the door. She was holding a hand over her mouth like she was ready to hurl. I jumped up hoping to catch her before she got to a car. When I got closer, she gripped her coat tighter around herself and began to back away from me like I was going to hurt her. I remember…she had mascara streaking down her face, and her eyes were wild and frightened. She yelled at me several times that she was fine before she fell to her knees and threw up in the grass. When I tried to help her up, she passed out. I figured she was just so drunk that she was developing alcohol poisoning. When she awoke, I tried to help her home, but she wouldn’t let me. After that night, I tried to find her on campus just to check up on her. I figured I’d remember her well enough to pick her out of a crowd. No such luck though. I gave up after a few weeks. I questioned the other brothers in the house. Greg had mentioned that his date couldn’t hold her liquor and had left early. I figured that was her, and she was just another one of his bimbos,” Darren sighed. “I’ll never forget those eyes though.”


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