Fallen From Grace

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Fallen From Grace Page 13

by Heather D'Agostino

  Matt groaned as he pulled away, and then glanced over at Patrick, “Dude…we’ve got to get out of here…NOW!”

  Patrick tossed his head back as laugher roared out of him, “Alright.” He turned to Katie and placed a kiss to her lips, “Behave…and I’ll see you in our room later wearing a lot less clothing.”

  She blushed as she whispered back, “You can count on it.”


  When the girl’s limo pulled up to Urban Fantasy, Hannah pushed open the door and wobbled slightly as she stood up. The red and yellow neon that outlined the front of the building was casting a slight glow on the pavement in front of them. She grinned as she glanced back at Katie and Grace.

  “This is going to be so much fun,” she giggled as she stumbled slightly in the direction of the door.

  “How much have you had to drink?” Grace reached out to grab Hannah’s arm right before she tripped.

  “Not much, just the shot at the house and the champagne in the limo. I haven’t really eaten much tonight, though,” she hiccupped and slapped her hand over her mouth as she giggled again.

  Katie shook her head and laughed, “Remind me not to let you drink on your wedding day. Matt might not enjoy his wedding night if you do.”

  “Oh shut up,” Hannah smacked Katie’s shoulder. “You know that I never drink. I wanted to cut loose for once in my life and not have to worry about anything. After everything that I went through over the last year, I deserve this,” she scowled.

  “You’re right, you do,” Katie nodded. “Let’s get in there so we can spend these,” she waved the stack of bills in front of Hannah. “Patrick gave me this so we could have a good time.”

  “Well, we wouldn’t want his money to go to waste now, would we?” Hannah grabbed the money from Katie and began trekking toward the door. “You can thank him later when you get back to your room,” she shouted over her shoulder.

  Grace and Katie both shook their heads as they followed after her, each lamenting that it might be a long night for them to keep her in line.

  Once they entered the club, the girls found a table near the runway that ran down the center of the room. A small stage with lights along the bottom illuminated the front of the room. Lights in a deep red and orange were placed strategically around the room, creating a sultry feeling. Grace glanced around nervously, taking it all in. She’d never been to a place like this, and the uncertainty of what was to come, was killing her.

  Men dressed in nothing but black Speedos and black bow ties moved around the room with serving trays as they took drink orders from the patrons. Hannah had been right, only women were there with the exception of the employees.

  “Enjoying the eye candy?” Hannah nudged Grace, bringing her out of her thoughts.

  “Yeah, it’s ok,” Grace lifted a shoulder as a blush began to spread across her cheeks. She was thankful that it was rather dark in the club so that no one could see her face flame, but she could feel it and knew it must be beet red.

  “It’s ok to admit that you think they’re hot,” Hannah leaned in and whispered near her ear. “Enjoy this.”

  Grace nodded as she glanced around the room at all the muscled men. They were hot, each in their own way. Some blond, some dark, some tall and thin, some stocky, some tattooed, some pierced…they each had something that would classify them as mouth-watering.

  After a few minutes, an Emcee came onto the stage, “Ladies…if you’ll turn your attention to the stage, we’ve got quite a show for you. I know we’ve got some bachelorettes in the house tonight…I hope you enjoy the show. We’ve got some newcomers that are debuting their talents, so go easy on them.”

  Hannah stood from her seat and waved her hands in the air, each hand had a wad of ones in them. Grace and Katie laughed as they watched her whistle and shake her hips.

  “We have a contest going on tonight,” the Emcee continued “the performer who earns the loudest applause can earn a spot in our showcase along with a five thousand dollar prize. So let’s hear it ladies…are you ready?”

  As the music began to pump through the speakers, the girls stood to join Hannah by the stage. Katie grabbed some ones, but Grace held back, standing slightly behind them. As a parade of men dressed in various outfits began to strut across the stage, the whistles, and catcalls from the women became deafening.

  First a fireman came waltzing down the runway, then a police officer, next some sort of construction worker…Grace couldn’t believe all the jobs that seemed to become so sexy all of a sudden. Rock stars, a football player, a biker, and finally what looked like a ninja. She couldn’t tell for sure, he was dressed in all black from head to toe, even his face.

  Hannah turned and wrapped her arms around Katie’s neck, “Thank you!”

  “You’re welcome,” she giggled. “Enjoy yourself.”

  As Grace watched the sisters embrace one another and enjoy the evening, she began to slowly relax. Katie and Hannah were right, this was about having fun, and she sure was enjoying the view.

  All of the men went back off stage. As the music changed to “It’s Raining Men” the fireman came back out. He had shed his fireman’s coat and was only wearing the pants, boots, and the hat. Red suspenders held up the pants that he was running his hands down at the moment. Before she knew what was happening, Grace watched him grab the fabric on the front of his thighs and yank. The pants gave way to a yellow speedo that clung to every ridge and bulge that he had. Sweat was trickling down his chest as his skin glowed under the stage lights. Whatever oil he had rubbed on his body before his performance was doing a number on his chest and abs.

  “Holy hotness!” Hannah squealed as she watching him strut down the runway. “Get over here hottie,” she called to him.

  When he turned in her direction, he made his way over to her, kneeled down on the stage, and grinned at her. Hannah grabbed one of the dollar bills, and stuffed the end of it into his speedo. Her cheeks reddened slightly as she bit her lower lip.

  “I can’t believe I just did that,” she swallowed as she turned toward Katie and grinned. “OMG he was FINE with a capital F.”

  “Yeah, he sure was,” Katie fanned herself, pretending to try to cool down. “You want some?” she turned toward Grace and held out some ones.

  “Um, I think I’m just going to watch for now. Maybe later?” she cocked a brow at the two of them as she watched Hannah scowl.

  “Ok, but later…at least once, please?” Hannah begged. “For me?”

  “We’ll see,” Grace rolled her eyes.

  Before the conversation could go any further, the Emcee came onto the stage and announced the next performer. “This is one of our newcomers…he’s only in town for one night, so I hope you ladies enjoy his performance…here’s the ninja.”

  Applause and whistling thundered through the room as the lights turned to illuminate a figure dressed in all black. As Hannah scanned the figure, a look of bewilderment began to cross her face. She could swear she knew the person.

  “What’s wrong,” Grace nudged her as she watched Hannah’s demeanor shift.

  “I feel like I know him,” she shrugged.

  “But you can’t even see him yet…he’s fully clothed,” Katie wrinkled her brow.

  Hannah shook her head to clear it, and then grabbed a handful of ones from Katie, “It must be the alcohol.”

  As the figure began to walk the runway, he reached down and ripped the black pants from his body. He wasn’t wearing the speedos like the rest of the dancers. He had on a pair of mesh shorts underneath like Justin usually wore when they hung out. Grace shook her head, no way was this guy anything like Justin. This guy had muscled legs that were covered in dark hair.

  The figure continued down the runway as he tossed the pants into the audience, and came to a stop in front of the Hannah, Katie, and Grace. He began to pump his hips and swivel around almost like he was putting on a show just for them. He turned so his back was to them as he reached to peel the black shirt tha
t was covering him.

  Hannah’s eyes were glued to the backside of the dancer as déjà vu was coming over her. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she knew this guy. His muscled back flexed as he striped the shirt from his body. When he turned around, she scanned him again starting with his feet. If the black motorcycle boots didn’t give him away, the tribal tattoo that covered his ribs on his right side did. The tattoo was recent but distinctly original. She did know this person.

  Her mouth dropped open as her body collapsed into her chair that was now right behind her. Katie had pushed it up after she’d received the text from Patrick alerting her of the plans for the night.

  The half-naked man on stage jumped down to the floor level in front of Hannah. All he wore were the black shorts and a black hood that covered his face. As he moved up thrusting his hips onto her legs, he leaned over next to her ear and whispered in a husky voice, “You still wanna wait until the wedding to be together?”

  Grace watched the exchange as a small grin crossed her face. Only Matt would think of doing something like this, and only Matt would have the balls to do it.

  Hannah swallowed as all the pieces began to fall together, then she discreetly reached between them and gave his package a light squeeze before whispering in his ear, “Yes… we’re going to wait, and you better take care of this or you’re going to be in a lot of pain.” She giggled and then pushed on his chest as she stuffed a handful of dollars down the front of his shorts. He moved back toward the stage and jumped back up, before heading to the back as the music began to fade to the next dancer’s themed song.

  Hannah grinned as he disappeared from the stage before she turned to glare at Katie, “Did you know about this?”

  “Not until about ten minutes ago,” Katie lifted her phone and showed Hannah the text she’d received from Patrick. “Didn’t you enjoy it?”

  “Oh yeah,” Hannah fanned herself as she took a sip from her drink. “This is the best night ever!”

  “So far, you mean…right?” Grace grinned, finally letting go of her inhibitions for the night.

  “Huh?” Hannah turned toward her.

  “Well, once you get married, you can do that in the privacy of your home,” Grace shrugged “With a lot less clothing,” she added.

  “Oh yeah,” Hannah nodded enthusiastically.

  As the night wore on, Grace began to let loose and finally feel again. Excitement, desire, and appreciation for the evening coursed through her body. It was beginning to feel like nothing had ever happened. Even though she knew she’d have more times to convince herself to let go, this was a beginning…a beginning to the end.

  Chapter 18

  6 weeks later…

  As she stuffed another pair of shorts into her suitcase, Grace turned, and scanned her room one last time. She was determined to make sure she didn’t forget anything that she might need for the next seven days.

  “If you missed anything, we’ll buy it while we’re there,” Justin sighed from the doorway.

  “I don’t want to have to do that, though,” she shook her head as she stood in front of her closet.

  “It’s not a big deal,” Justin chuckled. “Did you pack something nice for the wedding?”

  “Um…yeah, I’m in it, remember?” she grinned as she pointed at the garment bag hanging on the closet door.

  “Yeah well, I know you ladies always need tons of stuff for the smallest things,” Justin smirked as he watched her turn and face him with a scowl on her face.

  “Alright you two, no more flirting. Are you ready to go? Our ride is here,” Hannah called as she walked down the hall.

  Grace glanced around the room one last time. Deciding that she had everything, she grabbed her purse, and made her way out to the living space.


  “This is going to be such a nice getaway,” Grace sighed as she leaned into Justin.

  Since they were all staying at the house Austin had rented for the wedding, they had decided to ride together. Justin and Grace were snuggled in one corner, and Hannah was sprawled out on the bench seat across from them. Matt, Katie, and Patrick were meeting them there since they were coming from Boston.

  “I can’t believe you’re getting married in the Hamptons,” Grace craned her neck to glance out the window.

  “Yeah…my dad said whatever I want. I figured I’m only doing this once, so I better pull out all the stops,” Hannah grinned as she shifted in the seat.

  “Yeah, but the Hamptons?” Grace raised her brow “only rich people get married there.”

  Hannah cleared her throat, “You do know who my dad is, right? I mean you’ve read the articles that have been in the papers, and seen the news.”

  Grace sat there silent as she watched Justin dart his eyes between the two of them, “Your last name is Montgomery, right?”

  “Yeah,” Hannah nodded as she opened the mini-fridge in the limo they were riding in.

  “Your dad is THE Austin Montgomery?” Justin sat up a little straighter.

  “Um hmm,” she murmured as she opened a bottle of water and took a sip.

  Justin glanced at Grace and swallowed, “He’s like the third wealthiest man in Boston.”

  “Yep,” Hannah rolled her eyes as she popped the P. “Please don’t be weird around my family,” she begged.

  “I won’t,” Justin assured her. “I deal with money all the time in my job.”

  Grace shrugged as she watched Hannah fidget, “What? I’m not weird around you, I just thought you’d want something a little more-low key.”

  “It will be, that’s why the Hamptons. If it was in Boston, I’d be in the papers. Austin Montgomery’s only daughter marrying and all,” she waved her hand in the air.

  “Wait, you have a little sister, and Katie,” Grace wrinkled her brow.

  “Yeah, but trust me…the press treats me differently…has my entire life,” Hannah sighed. “Don’t know why, and don’t care. I just want to get to the beach, marry my man, and go on our honeymoon.”

  “I hear ya,” Justin nodded as he pulled Grace closer to his side and settled back into his seat once again.

  As the limo cruised along the crowded streets of New York, the trio tried to relax. As Grace watched the scenery outside the car go from Urban to trees and grass, a comfortable silence settled in the car. The farther they got outside the city, the more relaxed everyone seemed to be. The even vibrations of limo and rhythm of Justin’s beating heart under her cheek as she leaned against him, caused Grace to drift into a peaceful sleep. She was sure to need the rest for the coming week’s activities.


  As the limo pulled into the driveway of a two-story pale yellow house, the inhabitants of the vehicle began to rouse. After the last several weeks of preparing for finals, going through graduation, and then trying to decide what to do with the rest of their lives, they had failed to realize how tired they truly were.

  Hannah had accepted a job at Beantown Animal Hospital as Dr. Henderson’s partner. She’d worked there for the past two summers, and figured it would be an easy adjustment. She’d yet to move back to Boston, though. She had plans after her honeymoon to move back and into Matt’s apartment.

  Grace had yet to find a job, and had gone back to waitressing. She’d held the job during the summers to save money, but now that school was out, and she needed to start paying her loans back, she figured she better start doing something. The more time she spent searching the want ads, the more she began to rethink the whole Biology degree. Hannah had told her with her degree, she could easily work for her as a tech. She’d help her move into veterinary medicine if she wanted. Grace had to decide what she wanted. She knew that she wanted to be with Justin, but he was in New York. She didn’t want to leave New York or him. She felt like she was in the center of a tornado. Everything around her was spinning by, and she was watching it while she tried to figure out what to do.

  Justin had been given a permanent position in the DA’s office. He
was the newest assistant district attorney. So far, he was the youngest assistant DA that the firm had ever hired. Justin’s attention to detail, desire to please the client, and exuberant attitude made him stand out in the crowd. His supervisor had taken notice, and pushed the rest of the firm to hire Justin on full time. The time between passing the BAR and graduating law school seemed to all blend together. He slipped into the role of career attorney as if nothing changed.


  The house that stood before them looked like something out of a magazine. The soft yellow paint was trimmed in white. Plantation shutters adorned the windows, and lattice work covered the bottom half that was raised off the ground.

  Hannah climbed out of the limo and stretched as she glanced around, “It’s pretty, huh?”

  “This is awesome,” Justin grinned as he pulled Grace into his side. “Your dad rented this for the wedding?”

  “Yeah,” Hannah nodded. “We used to come here on vacation. We haven’t in years though. Dad was actually going to buy it at one point. Come on,” she motioned as she took a step toward the house, “I’ll show you around.”

  As they carried their bags up the stairs and into the main living area, Grace glanced up into the open space. There was an open staircase that led to a landing above their heads. Hannah began to head up the stairs, dragging her bag behind her, “Any of these rooms are fine.” The landing had soft white carpeting that stretched from wall-to-wall. A light oak railing ran along the landing, allowing you to see down toward the front door. Justin and Grace glanced around not saying a word as they took in the luxury. Six doors lined the walls all leading to individual bedrooms with attached baths.

  As Hannah disappeared through the last door on the right, mumbling something about putting her things away, Grace opened the door in front of her. When she stepped over the threshold, she couldn’t believe her eyes. A large canopy bed was placed in the center of the room with soft sheer curtains hanging from the top. The walls were painted a soft blue and trimmed in white. The bed looked like a cloud floating in the sky with the colors that the owner had decided to use. An oak chest of drawers and a free standing mirror were in one corner, and a flat screen TV was opposite the bed hanging on the wall. Directly across the room from the door, was a set of French doors that led out onto a balcony.


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