Oddity Specialist: World Of The Occult

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Oddity Specialist: World Of The Occult Page 7

by James Courneya

  Quinn nods his head.

  “Alright, people can see you.”

  Veilia seems excited.

  “Okay, then I guess this is the last thing, I have to do.”


  Quinn has a sudden realization.

  “Oh yeah, I almost forgot, here.”

  He hands the girl a business card.

  “A psychologist I would recommend.”

  She examines the card.

  “Isn’t this-”

  “Yep, it’s my mom.”

  She inspects it carefully.

  “Though, this isn’t a nepotism thing and honestly, I wouldn’t dare see her, but she is better with dealing with female clients, anyways. Also, if you ever have a problem like this again, know you can count on me!”

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem.”

  “No really, thank you, for everything.”

  She gives a large beaming smile, as tears swell in her eyes. With that, she turns away, heading into her home.

  “I’m back.”

  Chapter 6: Haunted House

  “There’s been some buzz on social media, about a haunted house. Apparently, some people went to camp out in an abandoned house, that was the site of a murder. The interesting part comes in, with the fact that no one has seen them, since they said there were going to do this.”

  Quinn while in his room, continues to scroll through his feed.

  “Well, what do you think?”

  “What now?”

  “This story, does it seem like it could be tied to an oddity?”

  “How would I know? Besides, what does it matter if a couple kids go missing? It’s not like anyone has seen them enter, or leave this place. They might still be inside, maybe they never even went inside, in the first place.”

  “I still think I’m going to check it out, this weekend.”

  Lucifer gives an unenthused side eye.

  “Another fun filled exploration, hurray… Oh how I enjoy pointlessly monotonous tasks, over doing things of actual substance and importance.”

  “And something you would consider a good use to time, would be?”


  “Even just one thing, you wouldn’t complain that I did?”


  “Anything at all.”

  “I’m sorry, but your little lives are just so insignificant.”

  “The fact you physically can’t be lying right now, makes that comment far worse.”

  “Oh sorry, was that insensitive? How about something like, you’re too small to matter existences, are to inconsequence to merit any type of action.”

  “That is the same sentence, slightly altered; but somehow it seems even worse.”

  “It seems I’m no good at this being delicate, thing.”

  “Keep practicing.”

  “You really think I can improve?”


  “That’s a fair assessment of my character.”

  As Quinn said, that weekend he went down to the haunted house. Though, he found something unexpected there.

  “What are you doing up there, Neri?”

  Having scaled the stone outer wall, the girl was peering in at the old, Victorian styled building. Noticing the boy, she hangs off the wall with her left arm and leg.

  “Ah, Quinn, you’re here.”

  Squinting slightly at the remark. “You’re here, what does that mean? Like she was expecting me? That doesn’t make sense though. Must be an idiosyncrasy.”


  The girl was wearing a grey beanie, white jersey, leather pants and lace up boots. Along with her apparel, was a black sling bag, on her back. “I guess I’ll ask.”

  “I take it you’re interested in the haunted house?”

  “Obviously. You’re here for the same reason, right?”

  “You could say that.”

  “Hm, it doesn’t seem like you’re planning to camp out here.”

  “That wasn’t something I was planning on.”

  “You should be prepared for anything, though.”

  “I’ll try to keep that in mind.”

  The two stand there in silence. After a moment, Neri speaks.

  “Shall we make our way to the gate?”

  “I guess…”

  They start walking to the entrance. “Why are we heading to the gate? How long does she plan to look at the place? Does she actually want to head inside?”

  Arriving at the locked gate, Neri immediately begins climbing it.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Heading inside.”

  “Ah, but-”

  She hops down to the other side.

  “Isn’t heading inside this place kind of dangerous?”


  “Then maybe, we shouldn’t go in then.”

  She sticks her arm through the gate, pointing at the boy’s face.

  “You were planning to head inside though, right? You know what they say, two is a larger number then one.”

  “That is not saying.”

  “We could make it one.”


  Quinn looks up at the gate.


  He proceeds to try and make it over the obstacle. Failing, he slides back to the ground.

  “Hang on.”

  Neri effortlessly scales it, getting into a position to give a boost.

  “Come on.”

  Quinn, embarrassed, gets boosted up over the gate.

  “Alright, let’s head in.”

  On the way up to the door, Quinn asks a question.

  “What made you want to check this place out?”

  “I assume, the same reason as you.”

  “The rumor?”


  Making it to the door, Neri twists the handle, the door opens. “That was surprisingly easy.”



  “The breaking part is half the fun.”

  The boy seems slightly worried, by the comment. “The amount of times you sound like a criminal, is increasing exceedingly fast.”


  Quinn stops in his tracks, turning back he sees Lucifer examining the door. The boy, cognizant of Neri, tries to ask what’s up with his eyes. Lucifer looks down, with his eyes squinted, having the slightest bit of sadness frustration expressed.

  “It appears, to not matter at this point.”

  Quinn gives an innocent, little smile. “What hell does that mean? My spine literally dropped out of my back, when you yelled out. What do you mean, it doesn’t matter? Don’t say things, that sound like we are about to die horribly.”

  He takes another step, walking through the door way. “Huh, what’s this odd feeling?”

  “Get a look at this place.”

  Neri is pointing all around the room.

  “It seems dilapidated.”

  “Apparently, it caught fire before it was abandoned.”


  Quinn observes the run-down, entry room. “I wonder how she found that out? Google? Maybe I should have looked this place up as well.”

  “What exactly should we do now?”


  “Alright, I guess.”

  Neri leads the way, down one of the hall ways. “It does make me wonder. How am I supposed to know, if this place has an oddity or not? Though, given the reactions upon entering the place, it’s safe to assume there is something going on here. More than that, if this place has an oddity, then…”

  He stares at Neri, from behind. “She has been around for a majority of them. Is that a coincidence? If oddities can be attracted to people, can people be attracted to oddities?”

  Going through the various rooms, they find old furniture, ample amounts of dust and plenty of property damage.

  “That seems to be everything, downstairs.”

  Neri looks around.

  “You know, this is less fun than
I thought it would be.”

  “What did you expect?”

  Neri glances to Quinn, tightening her gaze.

  “I didn’t really know, what to expect.”

  Making their way back to the entrance way, the two stop in their tracks.

  “Hey Quinn, you see that right?”


  The windows seem to have been covered, with flat planks, of pitch-black wood. “Okay don’t freak out, there could be many totally safe explanations, for what’s going on.”

  Neri make her way over to the front door. She twists the door handle; the door doesn’t open. She uses more force; it still doesn’t open. She slowly turns back to Quinn.

  “The door won’t open.”

  “Well, that isn’t good.”

  “It sure isn’t.”

  After approximately point two-three-eight seconds, Quinn begins to freak out. Rushing over to the door, trying to force it open. When that doesn’t work, he turns around and leans up against it, slowly sliding to the floor.

  “We’re stuck in here.”

  “Seems that way.”

  Quinn rubs the bridge of his nose.

  “Do you have any ideas?”

  “Hmm. At the moment, not particularly. Not on getting out, at least.”

  Quinn looks out towards the stairs. “Alright, if this is an oddity, that means that its something’s will, to keep us here. At least to keep the things that enter, from leaving. Minimally, before taking some sort of action. What? How? And why? Though, I suppose when dealing with oddities, the why is more important than the how.”

  Quinn looks up to Neri. “The question becomes what’s safer. Do we stick together, or do I have her wait here?”


  Neri starts heading towards the stairs.

  “Wait, what?”

  “I’m going to keep looking around. See if I can figure something else out.”

  “Ah-uh, wait for me.”

  He gets up and quickly tries to catch up; the girl turns back to him.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to wait by the door?”

  “w-What? No, if anything…”

  Quinn let’s go of the thought, refocusing himself.

  “We don’t know exactly what’s going on. For the time being, we should stick together.”

  “Okay, that seems like a reasonable enough assessment. Still, I do wonder about one part.”

  “That is?”

  “Do neither of us know, what’s going on?”

  Quinn is surprised by the question. Neri has a bit more of a serious look.

  “I don’t think we do. Do you think we are overlooking something?”


  Upon reaching the second story, it was clear something was off.

  “Hey Neri, this was a two-story building right.”


  “And that’s a staircase going higher, right?”

  “Seems to be.”

  Brushing past the initial encounter, the two keep going. “Maybe it’s goes up to the attic?”

  Searching through the left-wing doors, they find much of the same that was on the first floor. That is, until they make their way back.

  “Hm? Quinn did you leave this door open?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Neri pops her head into the room and looks around, before proceeding to shut the door.

  “Okay, then let’s check out the other side.”

  Having similar results on the other half of the second floor, they make their way back to the staircase. When they do, Neri tugs on Quinn’s shirt, then points to the now open door.

  “…Perhaps it’s broken.”

  “Didn’t seem broken to me.”

  Quinn keeps his eyes on the door. “Yeah, it didn’t seem that way to me either.”

  “Let’s head upstairs.”

  Quinn having a dreadful feeling, tries his best to advance, all while not letting the doorway leave his sights. That was, until they reach the top of the next set of stairs. Neri stops suddenly at the top, causing Quinn, who was looking back, to bump into her.

  “Ah, sorry.”

  Neri turns back with a puzzled expression, pointing forward at the room.


  Quinn looks around. “It couldn’t be…”

  They are standing on the second floor, once again. “The door’s still open and everything.”

  “Should we try going up again, or head back down? Or…”

  Neri starts contemplating their next move.

  “Wait here.”

  Quinn starts walking up the next set of steps.


  Slowly, he makes his way up, reaching the top; with Neri standing there, waiting for him. “Sigh. It seems this is more complicated, then I initially thought.”

  “Well, at least we figured out that we’re looping.”


  Quinn tenses up. “Why is it she seems fine, with this situation? Isn’t this beyond the realm of believability, at this point? What are you hiding from me? Do I perhaps, confront her now?”

  Neri starts walking towards the open door.

  “Uh, wait!”


  “I- Uh, don’t have a good feeling about this.”

  “We have to check it out eventually.”

  “Yeah, but maybe I should be the one to head in.”


  Quinn winces back. “How do I explain that? Because I might, or might not be, more durable then a regular person. I couldn’t really get a clear answer, when I asked.”

  “At least, let’s head in together.”


  Her face scrunches a bit. She turns sides ways and gets ready to walk into the room.

  “Then hurry up.”

  “This wasn’t what I meant, by same time.”

  Quinn and Neri stand face to face and proceed to side step through the door frame. Looking around the room, it seems the same as before. Neri points towards the closet door, she then nods her head. Slowly proceeding to walk forward; Quinn gulps and follows. “There was nothing in here before, right? So obviously, nothing will be in here now. Right?”

  Creaking across the floor, they make their way to the door. Neri places her hand on the sliding panel door; quickly, she throws it open.


  Inside the closet on the ground, was a girl consumed by fear. Her hazel eyes, looking up at the two, with great worry. Neri swiftly drops down to her level and talks to the girl, in a calm voice.

  “It’s okay, we aren’t going to hurt you. Are you alright?”


  She lets out a soft, almost weak sounding voice. Her brown curly hair, had a wavy bob cut. She was wearing a white, ruffle trim, sleeveless shirt, with a black, button up, suspender skirt. Along with white sock and black loafers. She appears to be about either fifteen or sixteen, years in age.

  “Can I help you up?”

  Neri reaches out her hand. The girl hesitantly takes it, being lifted to her feet.

  “I’m Neri and this is Quinn.”

  The boy gives the girl a nod.

  “I’m Phoebe.”

  “Nice to meet you, Phoebe.”

  Neri glances at Quinn. “Got it.”

  “What were you doing in the closet?”

  The girl thinks for a moment.


  “Hiding from what?”

  “I uh, I’m not really sure. Something bad. I-”

  The girl starts to panic. Neri, with a reassuring voice.

  “It’s alright, we’re here now. You should be a lot safer.”

  Not wanting to apply to much pressure, right away, they escort the girl out of the room. Quinn then asks.

  “How long have you been here?”

  “Here? What do you mean? I live here.”


  Neri interjects.

  “You live here? In this abandoned building

  The girl looks around.

  “Oh, no, sorry, this must not be my home. Though…”

  “What is it?”

  “It seems awfully familiar.”

  Quinn gives a fake cough, to get the dazed girls attention.

  “Have you seen anyone else in here, besides us?”

  “No, I don’t think so. Oh! But you shouldn’t be in here, it’s dangerous.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I don’t seem to be able to recall exactly, it feels like we can’t leave this place, though.”

  Neri stretches to the side.

  “It does seem that way. I take it, you haven’t been able to leave?”

  She shakes her head.

  “Alright then, that’s fine, three heads might end up being better than one.”

  Quinn glances away. “Yeah, three. Maybe a certain swindler has something to say on this; but if I want to have a conversation with him, I’d need to separate from these two, for a moment. Bathroom break perhaps?”

  “We are going to need more information. Let’s split up and look for clues. Me and Phoebe, will check out the front door again. Quinn, see if you can figure out these stairs.”

  Neri bolding exclaims. “Huh?”

  “Split up, why do that now?”

  Quinn closes his eyes and tilts his head back. “Though, that is what I had wanted.”

  “We can cover more ground that way.”

  “Yeah, but…”

  “Plus, now that there is three of us, we have achieved gang status and obviously the villain won’t appear, until the mystery solving gang separates.”

  “If there’s a villain, why do we want them to make a move?”

  “We can’t just wait around forever.”

  She motions to Phoebe.

  “Make sure to stay close to me.”


  As the two walk down the stairs, Quinn stays conflicted about the situation, until realizing something.

  “Hey Phoebe.”

  The girl turns back.


  “Were you the one who kept opening the door?”

  “Opening the door? No…”

  She seems like, she is mulling some information over.

  “What is it?”

  “Oh well, it’s just I don’t remember the door being shut.”

  Quinn finding this comment strange, doesn’t push further on the subject. “She didn’t see it shut? Why would that be?”

  While Quinn checks upstairs, Neri and Phoebe begin searching downstairs. While checking the rooms, Neri asks.

  “Do you remember anything, that could be useful about this place?”


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