Into the Apocalypse

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Into the Apocalypse Page 6

by William Dunaway

  “I see. Is there not a way that you can challenge it in your courts?”

  “Chancellor, our country has been decimated as far as modern societies go. We are just starting to rebuild our government.”

  “Well, Barbara, I am obligated only to acknowledge your legal head of state, which it sounds like in this case is Robert Hatch. You know I will do whatever I can to help you, as long as it is within any legitimate framework. You must find a way, through your own laws. Until then, I have the responsibility to look out for our homeland and the EU.”

  “So if I find a way, you will support me?”

  “Barbara, if you find a legal way that will stand up to the world court and the UN, I will support you all I can.”

  “That’s what I needed to hear Chancellor, thank you.”

  “Good day Barbara, and good luck.”

  Two and a half hours later, Sarah entered the room and advised her that Hatch had landed and was on his way in. Bentley immediately told her to find her clothes, that she wasn’t going to meet with him laying in a clinic’s bed. After arguing with the nurse and then the doctor, they finally agreed and Sarah, using a wheelchair, took Bentley back to her office before President Hatch arrived. She then sat at her desk and had Sarah remove the wheelchair.

  Barbara and Hatch hadn’t liked each other for the last ten years. They used to get along as political colleagues that just happened to be on opposites sides of the aisle, but during the primaries and eventual election of President Prescott, Bentley’s party took a hard turn to the left, and before the election of Prescott, her party was dedicated to obstruction instead of governing. From that point on, Hatch and Bentley became true adversaries.

  As soon as the President walked in, she rose, “Robert, how are you?”

  “Barbara, I hear you’re having some health problems.”

  She laughed, “Nothing serious. Some type of bug. Well, we have quite the problem here, don’t we?”

  Hatch, not willing to play her games said, “Barbara, I know you’ve been advised. Now, I appreciate your service, but now I think you have earned a rest.”

  Anger filled her, but she restrained herself, “Yes, Mr. President. I was advised, and I want you to know that I support you one hundred percent. I would like to offer my services as I’m sure you’re anxious to rebuild our government.Under the circumstances, maybe I could serve as your Vice President.”

  Hatch scoffed, “Barbara, I don’t mean to be candid, but I’ve already appointed Rachel Rosetti as Vice President and Theodore Garrison as Secretary of Defense.”

  “Well surely, Mr. President, in these dark times there is some position that I could fill. We do have a country to rebuild.”

  President Hatch sighed, “I’m sorry Barbara, but we don’t see eye to eye on anything, and to be completely frank, I don’t trust you.”

  Anger was on her face now, and she couldn’t hold it in any longer, “Well Bob, you just laid the gauntlet right down in front, didn’t you? I want you to understand that this isn’t over. Don’t get too comfortable in that chair you’ll be sitting in. I will be President!”

  Now, getting upset he said, “Barbara, I suggest you and your staff decide where you’d like to go and we’ll make arrangements to transport you, via military airlift.” Then he called out to one of his secret service agents, “Please escort Mrs. Bentley and her staff to the outer corridor until we can make arrangements for their transportation.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Barbara, I know you’re disappointed, but it’s time for you to retire. The country does have to rebuild, and we do need everyone to contribute but you being a part of our administration is not an option. Take care of yourself.”

  Chapter Five

  Johnson Farm:

  That evening was the scheduled weekly dinner that we had with all the neighbors. Even though the temperature was down in the 50’s, the men played some horseshoes while all the women in our community got together to make the dinner. When dinner was served, Santiago looked as though he was in shock looking at the food layout and he was thrilled that his girls were going to get real milk. Wit and Brandy advised Santiago to make sure that he and the girls didn’t overdo it since they hadn’t eaten a whole lot the last few days.

  For the most part, I kept to myself. I greeted everyone and acted neighborly, but my mind was occupied. Our group knew I was still coping with the loss of Carmen, just as we all are, but it hit me extra hard because I feel I let everyone down. The neighbors didn’t ask too many questions but for anyone that did, Kim and Tag made some excuses for me.

  After dinner, I came out and said my goodbyes as everyone was leaving. Red volunteered to drive anyone home that wanted a ride and then headed to Jake’s to continue trying to make contact with people on the ham radio.

  I spent some alone time with Kim, but when it was bedtime, I told her I was going to stay up on the night shift for a while as I wanted to monitor the shortwave.

  I tried never to deceive Kim about anything, but I knew that if I told her what I really had planned, she’d have a fit and try to stop me from doing it.

  “Well if you’re going to stay up, I really wish you would talk to Mia. Every time I’ve tried, we ended up crying, and it didn’t do any good. I know Brandy tried talking to her also, but this has changed Mia. All she talks about is finding her family.”

  Kim loved Mia, and I could see she was really worried about her but I knew I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to talk to her.

  “I plan on talking to her, but I’m not ready yet. You said yourself that you couldn’t make it through a conversation. Do you really think that I’ll be much better?”

  “Please Vince, you’re the only one that she may listen to. If anyone can get through to her, you can.”

  After a long pause, I said, “Alright, I will.” then I reached over and gave her a kiss goodnight.

  When I walked out to the living room, Mike and Mia were already sitting around the shortwave trying to pick up any news. Red, Paul, Brandy, and Wit were in the kitchen playing cards. Mo, Angela, and Lulu had already headed out to their bus and Santiago and the girls also had gone to bed in the mobile home.

  I approached Mike and Mia, “Any news that I’d want to hear?”

  Mike responded, “Well, the BBC is reporting that a Cargo ship arrived in Savannah, Georgia with food from Europe and it was suppose to be enough to help several cities. European Troops were set up for security, and before all was said and done, the troops ended up firing on the crowd. Supposedly, there was only so much food allotted for the Savannah citizens themselves, and when the crowds only got enough for one day, a large group decided they were going to rush the food center set up. Once the small crowd started rushing, everyone else followed suit. Apparently, the ship had to be moved out of port before the food allotted to that area could be unloaded. Then, once word got out that there was food at the Savannah port, more people showed up and started rioting.”

  I shook my head, “Mob mentality does it every time. I understand that there are people starving, but that’s exactly why they aren’t going to just turn over a week’s worth of food. They were probably going to set up feeding centers and have doctors available, but the mob mentality ruined that. That’s just a wild guess, but I’ve seen that before in other countries.”

  “Well whatever caused it, the EU troops ended up firing on several hundred people when they were rushed. Ft. Stewart troops were called in, and somehow a firefight started between our troops and the EU troops. That’s basically what the BBC is saying anyway.”

  “Damn European troops fired on our troops? That will light the fuse.”

  I just stood there shaking my head thinking, “Here we go.”

  Mia just sat there, not saying a word. I went over and nudged her, “Well, how are you doing?”

  “Fine,” she said in a distant manner and kept staring at the radio as though it was a television.

  Mike looked up at me with an expression like “T
his is how she is anymore.” while shrugging his shoulders.

  “Mia, why don’t you and I go outside and talk? We haven’t had a chance to since…. You know.”

  She jumped straight up and in a harsh tone yelled, “Talk! Everyone wants me to talk! I don’t want to talk! There is nothing to talk about!”

  It was so loud that Tag and Brandy got up and looked around the corner to see what was going on.

  “Listen, I know it’s hard but…..” I couldn’t even finish the sentence before she looked at me with a hateful look and interrupted, “I said, I don’t want to talk!” She then sat back down and mumbled, “I don’t want to talk to anyone.”

  At first, I was completely stunned. In the four years that we’ve known Mia, we had cross words only once. Mia had posted an item praising and defending elitists and then another post supporting Bentley for President. The elitist post is what really bothered me, and I called her and gave her my opinion. I believe that was a time that she was starting to be a bit brainwashed by those in Hollywood. She had to put up a front for so long out there, that eventually, she slowly started thinking like them. After we had exchanged some mildly heated words, she realized what she was saying and removed the post. Trust me; if Mia hadn’t realized that post was completely different than what she really believed, she would have never removed it. You couldn’t force Mia to do anything if she believed in it. That’s one of the reasons I respect her so much. Nine times out of ten she won’t fold to peer pressure.

  As far as Bentley goes, she supported her because she would have been the first woman president. I gave her my opinion and told her that it wasn’t because she was a woman that I didn’t like her, it was due to her policies and all the corrupt things she’d been involved with. After that, she was split. Mia is really big on women’s rights, but she did realize how corrupt Bentley had been. She knew I voted for the Republican but I never asked her who she ended up voting for.

  But that disagreement with her was never hateful towards one another. It was just us not agreeing on issues. But to hear Mia with the tone she had this time wasn’t anything like her.

  With my frame of mind though, I snapped back, “Fine, be that way! You want to be a bitch, go ahead!” and I started storming off myself. By this time, all four that were in the kitchen were looking around the doorway. Finally, I stopped with anger and went back over to Mia and leaned down next to her right ear, while simultaneously, putting my left hand on her left shoulder. When I did, she started to jerk away but using my left hand; I pulled her back to a position that I could whisper what I wanted to say.

  “Listen, either we can go outside or into your bedroom but one way or another you’re going to talk to me and if that means I have to pick you up and throw you over my shoulder and carry you there, I will.”

  She turned to give me a stern look, but when she saw my look, she saw how serious I was. She looked at me for a moment and then sarcastically but softly said, “Fine, “ and she got up and walked into her bedroom.

  I looked at Mike, and he me gave a look like, “Good luck.”

  I turned and followed her into the bedroom. When I walked in she was standing across the room glaring at me. Mia wasn’t the kind to put up with anyone’s shit, so in a way, I was surprised she did what I said. But Mia and I had enough respect and love for one another, I think that had a lot to do with it.

  I looked at her, “Mia, I know you hate me right now. I hate myself. I allowed Carmen to die. I failed her and everyone else.”

  Her glare changed from a look of rebellion to a shocked look. I then looked down, almost with shame and with tears in my eyes.

  “Vince, do you think I’ve been this way because of Carmen’s death?”

  “Well, isn’t it?”

  “NO! I mean, of course, I’m devastated that Carmen died. It breaks my heart, but that’s not why I’ve been messed up. I don’t know how to explain it. I guess in a tiny way, her death did set it off, but I think it was because I realized that no one was safe anymore. Anyone of us could go at any time. That made me think about mom and dad. You know how I fell apart the first time I thought about them? It just came rolling back on top of me.”

  “All I know is I failed Carmen. Maybe if I hadn't become so close to her, she wouldn’t have gone running up there. Her feelings for me got her killed.” I mumbled.

  “You need to stop. Are you crazy? First of all, Kim would’ve still gone up there and who knows, if Carmen wouldn’t have gone up, Kim may have been killed.” she paused a few moments and continued, “Vince, you don’t realize how important you were to her. So much, that she was willing to give up what she would have wanted with you under different circumstances, just to have what you could give her.”

  “And that's supposed to make me feel better?”

  “No, you aren’t understanding me. Carmen was happier than I’ve seen her for the six years I knew her. All she wanted was to be around you. I’ve never told you or Kim, but she even told me that she was thinking about moving back here permanently and the only reason she didn’t was that she really wanted to move out here to the farm and she didn’t have the guts to ask you guys.

  There were times when she became a real bitch with people out in California because she was realizing she wasn’t happy out there anymore. She was only happy around you guys. She adored you, but she loved and adored Kim as well, and she wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. So she made the decision and the commitment, that she was going to accept whatever restrictions she had to…. to be around you. She was completely happy with her decision. And as crushing as it may be, she died shortly after looking into your eyes and holding your hand.

  I guarantee her biggest concern was for everyone else's welfare. Do you know, when she said goodbye to me, her biggest concern was the pain she felt she gave you by getting shot. She wasn’t concerned for herself. All she wanted was for you to be proud of her.

  I wish I could find the love and happiness that she had found with you, as incomplete as it was. But have no doubt, she loved you and was happier than I’ve ever seen her and she knew without a doubt, that you loved her.”

  I looked up at her, “But maybe I encouraged it. If I wouldn’t have, she’d still be alive.”

  “Vince, you need to stop. I know for a fact that if she was able to appear in front of you right now, she’d chew your ass out for thinking this way.

  Vince, don’t you understand? You and Kim gave her happiness. She could have had anyone she wanted, but she chose the restrictions and found happiness being with you. I honestly believe she woke up just to see you one more time before she died. Some may think that’s impossible, but I don’t. If there had been a way, she would have found it, and I think she did. Take away the emotions you have for a second and think, isn’t that the kind of death you would want if you had a choice?”

  I sat there and stared. She walked up to me and put her arms around me, “Vince, you guys saved her life. If you wouldn’t have been as close as you were to her, she may not have come out here with me and just think of the hell she would’ve gone through if she stayed in California.”

  After holding her for a couple of minutes, a calm came over me. I was still devastated that Carmen was gone, but I understood what Mia was trying to say to me.

  “You’re right. Thank you.”

  She gave me a kiss on the cheek and then started to walk out of the room, but I stopped her.

  “Wait a minute. You know, we came in here to talk about you.”

  She rolled her eyes but then smiled a bit, “Ok.”

  “Mia, don’t you think all of us are worried about our family members? We can’t dwell on it though, or it will drive us all insane. Think about how Kim’s kids are just fifty miles away and right now it might as well be a thousand miles. Don't you think that drives her crazy? But she knows she has to put it out of her mind the best she can. Hopefully, things will get better, but until they do, we have to have faith that our families are alright. I know you aren’t relig
ious, but I know you believe in God. You just have to pray for your family and trust him.”

  This time she sat there, staring at nothing. Then she said, “You know, talking to you about Carmen actually brought me out of my funk a bit. You’re right. My folks would just want me to be safe. I know they’re concerned about me more than themselves and I know they’ll be ok where they’re at. I know I have to have faith, but I have to find out some news or something. If not, I need to go try and find them.”

  I looked at her with disbelief, “Are you crazy? You know Mia, obviously, these aren’t normal times where you can go jump in your car and drive wherever you want. Just how in the hell do you think you’re going to do something like that?”

  “I don’t know, but I’ll find a way.”

  “Mia, you’re talking insane. Even if you had a full tank of gas in your plane, you wouldn’t make it up there without refueling. You can’t carry enough extra fuel on board, even if you could find a place to land to refill it, plus we don’t have access to any aviation fuel anyway.”

  “I know, I’ve thought about that, but we could find some car and Red could check it out for me.”

  I stood there dazed and shook my head side to side in disbelief and said sarcastically, “Oh, ok. Well, I’ll tell you what, let me grab the keys to the car, and we’ll drive you down to the car dealership, and you can pick out whatever car you like. Maybe they’ll offer special financing.”

  “Fuck you, Vince,….you know what I mean!”

  “No, I don’t. What you’re saying is just crazy. Let’s say we find a car for you and Red gets it running great. Sure, we can give you the fuel to make it all the way. Do you realize what’s out there? The Pine City group were mild compared to what you’d run into. I’m telling you, a lot of the people out in the world have turned into animals.” I then took my forefinger and pressed it against her forehead and while talking very sternly and cold-blooded, I continued, “and they wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet in your pretty little head to get a hold of the vehicle, and that’s if you’re lucky. They may just trap you somehow and then take turns raping you, one person after another. Then after they’ve fucked you over and over again, they may just turn you into their next meal.”


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