Into the Apocalypse

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Into the Apocalypse Page 22

by William Dunaway

  For tonight though, I took two Oxy, a headache pill and a sleeping pill just to basically knock myself out so that I could get some halfway decent sleep.

  Mo, Angela, Paul, Mike, Mia, and Brandy had decided to play a game just to burn the time, so they decided on playing UNO.

  “How’s Vince feeling?” Brandy asked.

  “Oh, he’s hurting a bit, but he took a cocktail of meds to help him sleep,” Kim replied

  “I hope he’s not mixing too many things together.”

  “I don’t think he is. He hates putting all those chemicals in his body, but he tried cutting himself off from many of them, and the pain just got too intense. Sometimes, I don’t even think he takes as many as the doctors prescribed. With the Oxy, the prescription is to take two every 4-6 hours but 90% of the time he only takes one. Just enough to cut some of the pain.

  You can tell when he’s hurting though, even when he doesn’t say anything, he’ll start getting grouchy.”

  “Vince? He’s so sweet most of the time unless you’re some scumball. He’s always so nice.”

  Everyone except for Angela started laughing, and Kim said, “Oh, trust me. It took me a while not to take it personally. He’d come out some days and bite my head off for no reason, and we’d have some pretty good arguments out of it until I finally learned that he was hurting badly. Now, most of the time, if he does it, I just ask him if he needs a pill. That usually gives him a pretty good hint that he’s being a bastard.”

  Mo commented, “I remember right before he took his medical retirement how he’d come out and rip the platoon’s head off or run us for miles because of something minor and that’s when the pain was just starting to hit him. So, I can imagine what you went through sometimes Kim.”

  Paul laughed, “Well, he used to rip my head off, and I wish I could say it was because of pain but back then, I just deserved it. I’m glad he didn’t have that much pain back then, or I would’ve really been in trouble.”

  Kim said, “Now Paul, that was the old you. I can tell you that he’s very proud of you. You woke up, and we’ve all seen how you’ve changed.”

  “I hope so. No matter what happens, I’ll never go back to that way of living again.”

  After a few moments, Brandy spoke back up, “Kim, seriously, you need to talk to Vince. I know his headaches are due to his injury, but stress will contribute as well. You need him to quit carrying everything on his shoulders. He needs to quit worrying so much about everybody.”

  “Haaah!” Wit said and looked at Mo, “Remember the time that he hadn’t taken leave for a long time and we talked him into going to Amsterdam?”

  Mo burst out laughing. “Oh yeah. He goes to Amsterdam and I know he was partying his tail off, but he still called us to make sure the platoon was doing ok.”

  Wit shook his head, “Brandy, if he’s the same old Vince, which I’m sure he is, you’re not going to get him not to think that everything is on him. If something goes wrong, he’s going to blame himself.”

  “Yeah, he’s still that way. Brandy, I’ve tried, but that’s like asking a puppy not to want to play. That’s just the way he is.”

  Mia said, “Hey, why don’t we do what Carmen suggested. Let’s throw him a surprise birthday party. It’s coming up in a couple of weeks.”

  “Yeah, Carmen and I talked about that. That just may be the ticket, at least a temporary break.”

  “What are we going to do for gifts? It’s not like we can run to the store.” Mike asked.

  “Oh, you know him, Mike. He doesn’t care about gifts. It was hard enough to buy for him when things were normal. I’d try to get hints of what he wanted, and he’d always say nothing or something like a package of socks or t-shirts.”

  Mike chuckled, “Yeah, that’s true. He would always tell me to save my money.”

  “It would still be nice to give him something, though,” Paul said.

  “Let’s just make him stuff or do something for him. He’ll get a kick out of stuff like that.” Kim suggested.

  “That sounds like fun. I’ll help the girls make something for him.” Angela commented.

  “Oh, I have the perfect thing from us guys. The hardest part is keeping him away while it’s being built but I guarantee he’ll love it,” Mo said excitedly.

  “We’ll do whatever it takes to keep him away. Outstanding idea, Mia. Ok, in two weeks on the 25th. Everyone agreed?”


  When I woke up the next day, the headache was still there, but at least it was halfway tolerable. By the time I got up and around, everybody was already busy doing what needed to be done.

  Jake, finished his project and came up with a pump that could be used on the propane truck to fill the propane tanks of anyone that needed it. Jake himself ended up needing about one hundred gallons as he also had a wood stove, we needed about 150 gallons as we were also using the propane generator. Charlie and Martha only needed to be topped off, and the Akers had a big thousand-gallon tank, so they didn’t need any. Red and Wit who were staying in the Jones house has a large fireplace and a pot belly stove, so all we had to do with them is load them up on wood as well as Jim and Sarah Simpson that had a very fancy wood setup that was basically like central heating.

  Blake was the one that needed the most which was about 200 gallons but luckily since Bob Rowe had just built his house on the neighboring property, he had a full tank. Jake had an old regulator, so we hooked the truck directly to Santiago’s trailer until we could find a bigger tank.

  The day was productive. Wit, Red, and Mo searched the abandoned homes that Billy and Thatcher Lebowski raided. A few bodies were found but quickly buried but even though the Lebowski’s cleaned them out of food and weapons, they left the furniture and beds that we would need, and they found one propane stove, one Franklin Wood Stove and a Pot Belly Wood Stove. Santiago and Tag were able to remove the stove piping, so they set up both wood stoves in the converted carport. One of the sides wasn’t done yet, but since they had the floor in, they were able to go ahead and install the stove.

  For the next few days, we helped Pine City set up a large roadblock that blocked the west, north and east roads that intersected on the north side of town.

  We got a couple of new families in our group. There were only two houses to the south of Bob Rowe, with one of them being at the intersection of M Highway and the first road to the south of our property. Dean and Tammy Crumby, which owned the house at the intersection, were both in their mid-thirties and his job was a bonus for us as he’s a plumber. They had survived as they were both bow hunters. Tammy is better with a bow than anyone I’ve ever seen. She considered competing in competition matches but never did. That was a shame because by what I saw, she would’ve done well.

  They’ve been getting around as they both have horses, plus the benefit of a few head of cattle and several chickens. Soon we traded for fresh eggs.

  Frank and Sharon Adams was the other couple that lived across the street from the Crumby’s but down a private drive. Down a private drive was against our policy but since they were farmers also and their crop this year was corn, instead of soybeans, we made an exception. The only problem was it is field corn and not sweet corn, but the horses and cattle loved it, and we ground it down and use it for food. They’re an older couple, probably around sixty but Frank was built like a bodybuilder. Their children live in Wisconsin, and even though they haven’t heard from them since the EMP, they feel confident that they were alright as they own a big dairy operation.

  We were also able to butcher one of the 800-pound steers. Thank goodness, we had Jake’s engine hoist to use. The cuts weren’t up to a butcher’s standards, but it was beef, so I knew no one would complain.

  The steaks and roasts we froze, but most of the stew meat and half the hamburger was canned. Cash and Duke loved it as they now had some good-sized bones to keep them busy for a while.

  The colder weather lasted for about one week, then it got back into the mid-fifties, and
the wind finally settled down, which made Mia happy as the next day was our scheduled recon flight.

  I walked in the back door and reluctantly asked “Mia, are you ready to try it again? The wind is out of the west, and it’s pretty calm. If it’s this way in the morning, then I say let’s do it.”

  She gave me a split-second smile then a funny look, “You don’t mind if I don’t hold my breath this time, do you?”

  “I know. I know. But be ready.”

  “You know I will be.”

  For dinner, I prepared two roasts from the freshly butchered steer along with canned baby potatoes and Kim made green bean casserole. The roast was a big success. Not having to eat wild game was a nice change.

  Later that night, Mia asked me to get her started on reading the Bible. I told her the best way to start was from the beginning.

  “To know God’s plan, you have to start at the beginning.”

  I gave her the New International version to read as it is put into plain English. So many people lose interest in reading the Bible when they read from the King James Version as it has all the thou and thee type vocabulary in it.

  I did say though, “You have to be careful when reading different versions of bibles as there’s a ton out there. I’m the kind that wants to read the closest to the Hebrew texts, and they say that the revised King James version is the closest. But it’s also the hardest to read. Now you have the Living Bible, The New International Version, the Amplified Bible and so on. Most just put things in plainer English, but some of the new ones really water it down and they use their translation to justify their personal beliefs.

  For example, you know on the Ten Commandments, for years it said, “Thou shall not kill.” They found out that what the Hebrew text really said was “Thou shall not murder.” There is a huge difference between kill and murder. That’s why they came out with the revised King James Version as it has what the Hebrew texts really translates to. So, you want to keep a King James close by to verify things at times. And to be honest, once you read the King James for a while… well did you ever watch the miniseries, Spartacus, that used to be on Starz?”

  “Yeah, I did every week.” She said with a smile.

  “Well, remember how hard it was to understand what they were saying when you first started watching it?” She nodded her head yes with even a bigger smile. “But after watching a few episodes, you understood it without any problem, right?”

  “Yeah, after a while, it just sounded normal.”

  “Well, after you read the King James for a while, it’s kind of like that. But, it is still easier to read it in plain English. I like the New International Version because it seems to be the closest to the King James but just in modern terms. There are a few things that are different, though.

  To give you an example of some that changed it for their beliefs….” I then hesitated because I wasn’t sure what Mia’s family believed in, but I continued, “Now, I’m not saying anything bad about the Catholics, but they have added a lot to their bible and taken out a lot. It happened back in the third century, three hundred years after Christ’s death, but they did do it, and they still go by it. All I’ll say about that is a warning that’s given at the end of the book of Revelation in the New Testament.” I then opened up the Bible and read it to Mia, “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.”

  She got a sober look on her face, “That’s pretty specific. Did they really do that?”

  “Yep. They justify it by saying since they’re the representatives of Christ, that he gave them the authority to. Now, I tend to disagree with that reasoning or belief, but that’s between them and God. Obviously, I’m not a Catholic.”

  But I did have her read II Timothy 3: 1-5. I told her that it might just inspire her as it describes how people will be right at the beginning of the Tribulation.

  “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.”

  After reading that, she thought for several moments, “That describes exactly how people were. That’s all I knew in Hollywood, and really that’s how most people act anymore.”

  “I know. That’s always stood out to me. The problem is though; we’ve all become that way. Maybe not to the degree of many but more and more people have been living and thinking that way. It’s all about what we want or can out of life.”

  “I’m really looking forward to this now. Will you help me understand things if I run into anything that doesn’t click?”

  “I’ll point some things out to you and maybe even give you my opinion, but like I said, you need to figure most out for yourself. People always want others to tell them what something means, instead of doing the research themselves, and that’s how the truth gets watered down so much.

  Mia, I don’t know if you pray or not but if you’re going to do this, you need to pray and ask God to give you understanding. Ninety percent you’ll understand just by reading the story, but when it gets to prophesy, unless God opens your mind to it, it’ll probably just bounce off of you. I’ve studied prophecy my whole life, and there is a ton which the best I can say about it is my personal speculation.”

  “Why did God make it so complicated?”

  “Because he says in several places in the bible it isn’t for everyone. Right now, he’s talking to his select few, his chosen, and that’s not as many as some people think. Christ even said, that most will think they are, but they won’t be.”

  “Do you think you are?”

  “No, not with the life I have lead. Do I think God is in our life? Yes! But do I think I’ll be one of those that are gathered up and won’t have to experience the worst part of the Tribulation? I doubt it seriously. All we can do is try to do the right thing and ask that his will be done. We’ll sin, but we need to repent of those sins, which means put them out of our life. Without his help, that’s impossible.”

  “That’s scary. Some people might ask, why try?”

  I chuckled, “Well if you think that way, even if he does give you a chance, you won’t even notice. You have to live in faith, Mia. We don’t know what his plan is for us. But I can tell you this; it’s all on an individual basis. It’s not as a family, group, or even a church. What purpose God has for us is as individuals. Just like in acting, everyone has their own part to play. Now, I’m not saying that a family, group, or church is not protected by God, but our salvation is based on our individual faith.

  Mia, as Ephesians says, our battle isn’t against flesh and blood but principalities and against the spiritual wickedness in high places.”

  Mia thought for a moment and asked, “That means the devil, doesn’t it?”

  I was shocked when she asked that. For most, that just bounces off of people.

  I smiled, “Very good. I’m impressed. Yes, we fight against the influences of Satan and his demons. That’s why we need God’s protection.”

  “How does Satan attack us?”

  “Well, you’re getting pretty deep there girl, but he does it many ways. He influences us through anger, lust, greed, desire, ambition, hate, revenge, jealousy, bitterness, self-righteousness, and even sexual desire. Then Satan and his demons, also influence people into watering down God’s word.

  Anyway, they send out constant waves trying to get all people to fail and the harder you work at doing the right thing, the more they’ll attack you to try to discourage you.” I then chuckled, “Kind of like the dark side on Star Wars.”

  She laughed, “That makes sense.�

  Then after a pause, she then turned very serious and reluctantly continued, “Maybe she shouldn’t have told me, and I probably shouldn’t bring it up, but Kim said that you were really worried about your thoughts when you killed Lebowski. Is it because you did it more for revenge?”

  That question hit me like a load of bricks as it really hit home with me. I think she could see the stunned expression on my face and she said, “I’m sorry Vince. I shouldn’t have asked that.”

  “No. There is nothing wrong with you asking or Kim telling you. I know you two talk about everything, and I think it’s a good thing.

  Yeah, that worries me. For justice and safety sake, he needed to be executed, just like the guy at Pine City did. But with Orville, that wasn’t my only concern. I was full of hate, and I wanted revenge. So, yes, that does bother me. A lot.”

  Mia started to respond, but I jumped in, “Mia, I think you’re going to do well at this and enjoy it. As I said, we can discuss any questions you have but feel it in your heart and pray for understanding, ok?”

  She smiled “Ok,” and she grabbed the bible and walked towards her bedroom, then stopped, “Vince, can you give me the King James Version also?”

  I had a big smile come over my face and got it for her.

  “Mia, I want you to know you’re very special to both of us and I am very, very proud of you.”

  All she could do was look at me with a very sweet smile, and tears came from her eyes. I handed her the Revised King James Version, and she mouthed the words, thank you, and turned and went in to study.

  Shortly, Kim and I decided to go to bed. I wanted to hit the sack early as I was anxious to go on the flight in the morning.

  The minute we walked in the door and I started to get undressed, Kim said, “I told you Mia was asking a lot of questions. She’s really interested in it.”

  “Yeah, she is. She surprised me with some of the things she asked. I have to admit; it really made me feel good.”

  Kim smiled, “That’s because part of Mia is like a daughter to you. To be honest, I think, initially, your feelings for both Mia and Carmen were as adopted daughters; the daughters you always dreamed about having. Then Carmen’s feelings grew and that kind of changed things with her; but you still have that relationship with Mia.”


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