Into the Apocalypse

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Into the Apocalypse Page 41

by William Dunaway

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Ok, well from earlier conversations with Brandy, she won’t go without you. So, if you love her the way you say you do and you want her to be safe, you’re just going to have to accept the idea that you’re going.”

  Brandy started to speak up, Kim interrupted her and asked Brandy, “Brandy, do you love Mike?”

  She looked at him with soft eyes, “Yes. More every day.”

  “You realize, don’t you, that if he stays, he’ll continue to be doing the same dangerous things he is now. How would you like it if you both stayed and then, God forbid, something happens to Mike, and you had to live with the fact that you could’ve prevented it from happening if you just would’ve left with your parents?”

  She broke down crying, “I couldn’t live with myself.”

  I then spoke up, “Mike, I know what we’re saying is cold-blooded, but reality usually is. You know, Brandy is always involved in the frontline actions. Could you live with yourself if you guys decided to stay and the same thing happened to her?”

  “That’s not fair. You know that’s why I want her to leave, so she’ll be safe but how can I abandon you guys? You guys need me here. Dad, all you guys are getting older, and due to your injury, I see your body falling apart at times. Hell, every time a weather system comes through, your body goes through hell. I know that’s cold-blooded also, but it’s the truth.”

  I sat there for a moment, “You’re right. My body is falling apart, and you both are invaluable to all of us, but you guys have a chance to start out a new life together. We’ve lived our lives; now you guys need to live yours.”

  Mike groaned, “We talked to Mia, and she said she mentioned to you that this being the beginning of the Tribulation, things are going to get bad all over. Dad, you’re the one that taught me a lot about Ephraim and Manasseh. Australia is part of Manasseh, right?” I nodded my head yes. “Well, just as bad of things are going to happen to them as well.”

  It surprised me that Mike thought about an argument like this, but after a moment I replied, “Yeah, you’re right. So that’s even more of a reason for you guys to enjoy some relatively normal life before it starts. If you have a month, six months or a year of happy living, I’d say that was worth it….. And who knows, I could be wrong. This may not even be what we think it is.”

  He scoffed, “You know better than that.”

  Kim jumped in, “Ok, fine, so let's go back to the original questions we asked you. Do either one of you want to take a chance on the other getting hurt or worse if you could prevent it?”

  They both stared at one another with love in their expressions and almost at the same time, said no.

  “Well, there you go. The decision has been made. Hopefully, you guys will get married and have me some grandchildren.”

  They both laughed, and Mike announced “Well, speaking of which, we wanted to talk to you guys. We do want to get married.”

  Kim and I both looked at each other with shock. I don’t know why, but I guess we just didn’t expect to hear something like that in this conversation. We both had a flood of joy hit us though, so we started congratulating them and gave them several hugs.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  During the training on Friday, I noticed that several of the group that had never been involved in a military type situation seemed to be very tense. The normal conversations and jokes weren’t happening during break time.

  Mike, seeing this, got together with Brandy, and they decided to announce that they wanted to get married and they wanted to do it before they left, if possible. That seemed to loosen everyone up and they all seemed thrilled with the idea. Congratulations were widespread, and of course, the jokes from the guys were non-stop, giving them both a hard time.

  Paul was really happy with the idea and even made the comment that hopefully, it would be part of his future someday as well. When he said it, I could see that Mia had overheard him and even though she didn’t realize she did it, I saw a smile come over her face. At that point, there was no doubt in my mind that Mia cared for Paul more than she would normally admit.

  We shut down training early that night so that everyone on the team could spend some time with their families, or one another, but all agreed to be ready to be picked up by 8:00 p.m. the following night as they’d be spending the night at our place, as we wanted to arrive at Charlie's at 3:00 a.m.

  Charlie and Martha had been staying at Jake’s the last couple of days, but we made sure we patrolled their place on a regular basis, including checking inside the house and sheds. Charlie was a bit upset that he wasn’t going to be on the ambush team as he was a decorated Korean War Veteran but we felt that neither one of them should be in the area as they were the target.

  When everyone arrived, just like before the Pine City battle, everyone was cleaning their weapons and double-checking the equipment they’d be carrying. We still had the advantage of the SAW, but this time we had the additional weapons of two fully automatic AK-47’s, and one fully automatic M-4 that we had gotten off the Pauley group during their raid at Blake’s, the day we first met Brian. Plus John had his MP-5.

  Once again, I kept with tradition and met with everyone in our group and the others that were part of our team. Besides the normal personal individual conversations I normally had, I also reminded everyone that during an ambush, they’d be laying in weeds, dirt, and leaves for what would seem like forever, even though in reality it would only be for a few hours

  I told them to be glad that we had the cold spell come through as now it would be less likely for us to have to worry about bugs, ticks, and poisonous snakes crawling all over us. I had them think about what it’s like when the enemy’s on top of you, and you just have to let a snake like a Copperhead crawl right up to your face because if you don’t, you could be give away the whole team.

  That evening we had quite a bit of drama as Mo, Kim, and I had decided that since Mike, Brandy and Red would be leaving for Australia, that maybe it would be best that they stay out of this particular mission. Well, that didn’t go over well at all. All three got very angry and had quite a few choice words to say about what they thought of that idea. I stuck with my guns as long as I could, but finally, all three of them got together and informed us that unless they were allowed to be a part of the mission, they would NOT be leaving as planned. Whether they truly meant it or not, I’ll never know, but deep down inside, I knew we needed them. I had never seen Mike so mad before, and Red acted as though he was ready to physically fight us.

  Brandy was the one that really got me to change my mind. I had never talked to her much about God or prophecy, but apparently, she had been listening when I talked to Mia about it as she started quoting some of the things I said. Finally, she reminded me how both Kim and I always talked about having faith. She said that in her opinion if we didn’t apply that to this situation, we were just being hypocritical. Even though I had a few arguments with that statement, I had to admit that she was right. We had to have faith and just pray that God’s will be done, so we agreed to let them be part of the operation.

  Finally, after talking to everyone, and before I went in to spend my private time with Kim and try to get what little sleep I would get, I had to go pray. I had noticed that I hadn’t been praying like I knew I should have been. Sure, I said my short little prayers and I’d give thanks before meals but lately, I hadn’t really touched base with God, so I excused myself and went out to the fence where I always seemed to pray.

  I decided to start my prayer with the Lord's Prayer. “Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

  Father, it seems as though it has been some time since I really came to you and prayed in a proper w
ay. Of course, like so many times in our lives, it’s only when we need you most. I’m sorry for doing what man has been guilty of so many times. We seem to neglect you until we need you, then we beg for your intervention and protection. Father, that wasn’t my intent, and I’m sorry.

  Lord, once again, we are going into battle. This time it is on an ambush mission, which to many is almost appalling. Even though it is to protect ourselves, when we actually attack, we’ll be mowing down our fellow man. I pray, Father, that I’m making the right decision. If not, if this is against your will, I ask that you’ll hold me responsible and not those that are following me.

  Father, I think back to when you ordered the Israelites to go into battle, and at many times told them to show no mercy, and every time that man didn’t obey you in this, there was always a severe penalty that affected generations. I ask for your inspiration, and I pray we’re doing the right thing. You know what’s in our hearts father, and that we feel that if we don’t do this, there is a possibility that we’ll just be picked off one at a time.

  It worries me, Father that many that we’ll be slaughtering may not have hate in their hearts. To them, maybe this is just their way of trying to survive. So many times in history, the evil was in the leaders, and the soldier that actually fought the battles were just following orders. That’s why I pray that if this is wrong, you hold me responsible and not those that are following my orders.

  Now Father, I also ask that you’ll place your guardian angels around Mike, Brandy, Red, Santiago, Laura, and their children, as very soon, they’ll get to leave this curse that humanity has brought on itself. Even if it’s for a short time, I pray that you’ll bless and protect them, and allow them to experience a relatively normal life again.

  Also, as you know, Mike and Brandy want to get married. When they do, I pray that you’ll bless their marriage and that they’ll truly be one and find happiness and peace with one another.

  I also ask that Red will find his family and they’ll also find happiness with one another.

  Father, I also ask for your protection with those that have never truly been in battle before. I have a lot of doubts about allowing them to be involved. Kim, Mia, Jake, Ben and the Crumby’s. We’ve trained them the best we could, for the short amount of time that we had. I know they’re capable but am I doing the right thing putting them in harm’s way?

  Please help us all to have faith in our Lord and your son, Jesus Christ, and we pray that Christ’s return will be just as soon as possible. If all of this is the beginning of The Great Tribulation, I know humanity has to face it to learn that when we turn our back on you, we would actually end up destroying ourselves unless you intervene.

  Even the elect will have to live through many of the horrors we bring upon ourselves before they’re gathered up. The sad thing is, there is so many of them that don’t realize that they’ll have to face part of it. So many churches have watered down your word and taught the people that the elect would be gathered up before the tribulation, but your scriptures show that’s not true.

  Now, father, I want to thank you for all your blessings. So many are suffering in ways we can’t even imagine, as you have blessed us with such a great life under the circumstances. Without you, father, we may have all turned out like those Mia, and I saw laying on the highways or those still alive, starving to death. Again, Father, we pray that “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth and in our lives and hearts, as it is in heaven.

  Now we ask all these things in the name and the authority of your son and our savior, in Jesus name, Amen.”

  When I walked back to our bedroom and opened the door, I found Mia there talking with Kim. I could see both of them had a worried look on their face.

  “Are you guys alright?”

  “Vince, I’ve never been so scared in my life. I think I’m more scared than I was when we landing in the soybean field the first time. I just wanted to talk to Kim and see if she felt the same way.”

  “Listen, I have second thoughts about putting you two on the firing line, so if you have changed your minds and don’t want to be a part of it, I have no problem with it whatsoever.”

  “No, that’s not what she’s saying, Vince. I’m scared to death also. I guess what we’re both asking is if that’s normal?”

  I chuckled, “I’m scared myself. Every time I’m involved in any situation or firefight, my guts in a knot, my mind won’t stop worrying, and I’m even jumpy. Anyone that says they aren’t scared is a liar or has a serious death wish. They’ll probably end up getting killed or getting someone else killed. Fear is completely normal, and if you keep control of it, it will keep you sharp.”

  “Really? You get scared like that? You don’t show it.” Mia questioned with surprise.

  I laughed, “Yeah, I do. Kim has seen me scared. I just show it in several different ways. Sometimes it’s with anger and sometimes other ways.”

  Kim agreed ,“That’s true. Even in the past, before all this happened, I’d see Vince get mad about something, and then I realized it was because he was worried.”

  “I guarantee you that every one of the guys is scared and worried. Mo is worried about if something happens to him, what will happen to Angela and Lulu.

  I guarantee Red is scared something could happen to stop him from seeing his family again. Hell, every time something comes up, and there’s a chance I’m not coming back, I worry about how Kim will do and what she will feel.

  Trust me, even though I’d give my right arm for you two to change your minds and not do this, what you’re feeling is completely normal. I’d worry if you weren’t scared to death.”

  “Well, that makes me feel better, and I guess you’ll get to keep your right arm because I’m not backing out of this,” Mia remarked with a bit of a chuckle and showing some relief.

  “I’m not either. Sorry babe, you’re stuck with us.”

  I sat down on the bed, “Listen; the worst part will be while you’re laying there waiting for all of it to start. Your mind will go wild. You’ll probably see things that aren’t there and hear noises that are just the sounds of the woods. When that happens, just remember, it’s happening to all of us in one degree or the other.

  Also, when the whole thing starts, just concentrate on your targets, don’t do anything stupid like leaving your position and just make sure what your shooting at. I promise you that once it starts, it will be intense, but it’ll be over before you know it. Oh, something else. When it seems like it’s over, don’t assume anyone is dead. That can be one of the most dangerous times. Just make sure and keep your eyes moving at all times to make sure there is no further danger.”

  I then hesitated as I wasn’t sure I wanted to say this because I didn’t want to scare them to death but I knew it needed to be said.

  “Now listen to me, you can’t worry about this but you have to keep it stored in the back of your head. If things go really bad you can’t ever mentally give up, because when you do and you quit doing your job, the whole game is over with,…… and when you lose in this game; defeat means death or worse.

  After a few minutes of thought, Mia started laughing, which got us to laugh a bit.

  “What are you laughing at?”

  “Oh, I was just thinking how a year ago, all I was worried about was getting my next part, and now I’m basically a soldier. I should be doing this in some movie.”

  What she said was funny, but I could also see a little sadness in her eyes. I walked up to her and gave her a hug, “Mia, we love you, and you’ve come a long ways. Like I told you before the Pine City incident, I can’t imagine what life would’ve been like without you being a part of it. I’m very, very proud of you.”

  When I pulled back from her, her eyes were full of tears, and she said, “I love you guys,” and then walked over to Kim and gave her a hug also. “Well, I better try to get some sleep,” and she started walking out.

  “Mia…..Say a prayer for all of us.”

  She chuckl
ed, “Trust me, I will and have been. Goodnight,” and she left the room.

  I then looked Kim in the eyes, “You know, I’m completely serious, I would prefer that you stay here.”

  Kim smiled, “No way dear. You’re stuck with me.”

  I grunted and then got undressed and climbed into bed. To be honest, I was scared as well. Scared that even though it was well planned, something was going to happen to Kim, Mia, Mike, Brandy or Red. Really, when it came down to it, I was scared for everyone but especially them, except for Kim and Mia, they were going to have a chance to escape what we were all in, at least for a while anyway.

  I had full intentions of making love to Kim, but instead, we just held each other and fell asleep.

  When I got up at 1:30 a.m., Red, Mike, and Tag were already up and preparing for the day.

  “Why are you guys up so early?”

  Mike replied, “Just like before Pine City, I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Hey, you know me, you told Tag and I to train everyone and plan this little adventure, so I’m going to make sure it goes down, hopefully, without a hitch,” Red responded.

  I was about to tell Red that if he bowed out, I would promise that no one would think twice about it but knowing Red, he would probably take a swing at me for suggesting it again.

  Soon everyone was up. Once again, I left the propane generator on so that we would have the lights, plus for anyone that wanted to use the microwave, as the ladies made breakfast burritos for everyone to have before we left since they wouldn’t have time to cook. They made them out of homemade tortillas, powdered eggs, canned chicken, and the last of the canned cheese sauce. They turned out really good. There were a few that didn’t want to eat, probably out of nervousness but I insisted, as if they didn’t, they would regret it later.

  Mo had already hooked the trailer to the jeep, plus some were going to be riding on the ATVs and motorcycle. We left at 3:00 a.m. Even though it wasn’t really that far to Charlie's house, it was going to take a while since we’d be going down very slowly, so that the engine noise would be as low as possible.


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