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Sloane Page 2

by D. A. Stafford

  Sloane looked away and bit her lower lip in thought, then whispered, “I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  Sharing a look, they gave each other a small nod. They both started stroking her arms in an effort to soothe her. “It’s all right. You don’t know us very well, and from what Princess Jessie told us, Earth females do not trust easily. We’ll never lie to you, Sloane. We also have plenty of time to get to know and become familiar with one another. Lian and I have waited to give you any physical contact because you’re still gaining your strength. But we’d like to give you a glimpse into the pleasure we can give you.”

  Sloane’s head whipped around to look at them. “Wait . . . what?”

  Lian rose from the bed and started taking off his shirt, while Lyon placed careful kisses along the inside of her forearm. He made sure he kissed his way up her arm to her neck and collarbone.

  Once Lian was shirtless and more comfortable, Lyon helped Lian slip behind her body, placing her nearly bare back to his completely bare chest. It was then Lian’s turn to kiss and nip at Sloane’s neck and shoulders while cradling her slight weight, so Lyon could take off his shirt to get comfortable. They could tell they were affecting her. She moaned her pleasure in being touched, but still fought the intimacy of the situation.

  Once Lyon was bared to her, Lian whispered into her ear, “Let us make you feel good, Sloane. Lyon is ready to taste you. Your alluring scent of arousal has filled the room. We know you enjoy our touch. Will you allow us to bring you pleasure?”

  Slight apprehension crossed her features before she nodded.

  As Lian caressed her fabric-clad breasts, Lyon was at the end of the bed taking in the sight before him. He finally spoke in a lust-filled rasp, “I want to hear you say it, Sloane. Tell me you want this.”

  She managed to rasp out the words, “Please . . . I want you to make me feel good.”

  With those sweet words, Lian shifted her bonding gown up to her waist and gently pulled her thighs apart, leaving her open to Lyon. Lyon crawled up the bed, like an orax stalking his prey. He kept eye contact with her glazed eyes as he made his way up her legs to the juncture of her thighs. He ripped the thin material covering her sex, so he could feast upon his goal. Once it was removed, both men growled in satisfaction at the intoxicating scent. Lyon kissed her inner thighs, when he looked up into her eyes with a questioning expression. “May I?”

  “Oh God, yes . . . please.”

  Lyon didn’t need any further pleas from her. He nudged her legs further apart with his broad shoulders and ever so slowly slid his tongue up her thigh to his goal. Licking his way through her moist slit, he latched onto her clit and sucked. If Lian hadn’t been there holding her, she’d have come up out of the bed.

  “Oh my God. That feels so good. More . . . I need more.”

  “Sweet female, let Lyon give you what you need.”

  With that, Lyon slipped a finger inside her tight channel and murmured, “Goddess, you’re tight. Brother, she’s delectable beyond our imagination. So sweet and yet challenging.”

  Sloane moved her head, seeking Lian’s mouth. Lian was happy to oblige her silent request as their tongues fought for dominance. Lian was a proud Arenian male, but this female could bring him to his knees in a second. Lian repositioned her so she was halfway lying across his lap. He ended up ripping the fabric away from her breasts, then stretched his long arm down to her core. Lyon started kissing her inner thigh and had moved enough so Lian could finger her sweet depths. She was dripping with nectar. He was greedy in his ministrations, all the while rubbing her clit with the palm of his hand.

  “You . . . he . . . both . . . feel so good,” Sloane panted out.

  Lian smiled as he removed his finger and circled her areolas with her juices. As he bent to suck on the plump nipple, Lyon returned to his pleasuring. Lian could feel Sloane coil with tension as he sucked and flicked her nipple with his tongue.

  Lian pinched her nipple and growled into her ear, “Let go, ayah. We’re here to catch you. Come for us.”

  Just like that, she came apart, screaming her release. It was the most beautiful thing they’d ever seen. She was stunning, and they were responsible for her pleasure. Knowing they’d broken down a small piece of the wall she’d erected around her heart, they both grinned with pride at one another.

  Both men repositioned her, so she was safely sandwiched between them, then covered her with a blanket. Since this was the first opportunity to show her what their relationship could be like, they didn’t want to give her the opportunity to pull away.

  “That . . .” she chuckled, “that was spectacular.”

  “We’re glad you found your release. We equally enjoyed the experience. I hope we weren’t too rough with you,” Lian said as he thumbed what was left of the bonding gown.

  Lyon spoke up, “Looks like we’ll need to buy you another bonding gown. Would you like a different color this time?”

  Sloane was suddenly on alert. “What do you mean this time? Jessie bought this for me.”

  Both men had a faint flush cover both their faces.

  “I knew it. You said you wouldn’t, but you lied to me! You’re no better than everyone else in my life. Go! Get out!”

  “We don’t understand, ayah. We didn’t lie to you. You assumed Jessie had bought the gown for you. Prince Looch was the one who lied to you. Be mad at him. We just wanted to provide for you and give you things. What did we do wrong?”

  “If you provide for me, I’ll be no better than the money-hungry Arenian females. I can’t be bought.” She chuckled with disdain. “No matter if Prince Looch said it or not, it was a lie by omission. I can’t believe I was so blind. It’s all so clear now. You bought me this gown that conveniently matches your outfits, so everyone would know I was your Earth female. Well, you can get one thing straight. I’m not some prized poodle to be paraded around. When I get my strength back and I’m working again, I’ll repay you for the gown.”

  In retrospect, it was definitely not the best time to chuckle at the absurdity of it, but they did. After that, all Molinka broke loose. With all the strength she could conjure, she nudged both of them off the bed.

  “I said, get out!”

  Lyon was the first to speak. “We don’t want any credits for the gown. Even if we did, it cost more than a month’s wage.”

  With a huge, frustrated sigh, Sloane murmured, “Of course it’s expensive. It doesn’t matter. I’ll figure out a way to repay you. Now go. I want to be alone.”

  “Sloane, we don’t want the credits. We want you.”

  Sloane managed to pick up the glass which had held the nourishment drink. She reared her arm back as if to throw it at them. The men looked at each other in shock. “Surely she didn’t intend to throw the small receptacle at them,” Lian thought, just before the glass whizzed by their heads, missing by a parethian maggot’s ass.

  “That was a warning shot. I won’t miss a second time. I was shortstop for the co-ed and women’s softball city league. You’re both lucky I don’t have a bat. Now get out!”

  They hesitated too long for Sloane’s taste and she followed up her declaration with a second and third projectile being thrown at them, managing to clip both of them in the shoulder. Lian and Lyon had no option except to retreat. Their feisty female had won this battle, but they were certain they’d win the war.

  Chapter 3

  Sloane was pleasantly surprised to hear that the alien equivalent of a treadmill was an advanced simulator. Today she was running through the gardens of the winter palace. In the simulator, she could take in all the plants and animals without risk to her own life.

  As she continued to run, she reflected on her situation and her place on Arenia. She was supposed to be released from therapy soon and Jessie would be back from her honeymoon any day now. Sloane had a lot to catch up on with Jessie. She missed their long talks. Marie was always busy practicing dancing, Riley was working with the scientists here on Arenia, Zara was content being doted on
by her new-found uncle, and, well, Teagan didn’t talk, so that only left Jessie for Sloane to connect with. As if on cue, a cry of “Sloane?” came from behind her.

  She stopped her steady rhythm, then turned to see a glorious, glowing-with-happiness Jessie. She couldn’t help herself; she ran to Jessie and hugged her up.

  Jessie separated from the hug and took Sloane’s hand to lead her to a small alcove with a bench to sit. Looch and Leigh remained and conferred with Lian and Lyon, while Jessie spoke with her. Jessie hugged her again and, with unshed tears in her eyes, she blurted, “I can’t get over how well you look. I’ve always seen you sick, and now you’re jogging, for God’s sake. Your color is back, your hair is healthy and glowing, and most of all, you finally have some meat on your bones, girl.”

  Sloane and Jessie chuckled while tears swam in their eyes. “Honestly, I haven’t felt this good since I was a teenager.”

  They both wiped their tears away. “Whew. Now that that’s over, let’s get down to business.”

  Sloane didn’t like the sound of that, so with caution, she asked, “What do you mean?”

  “We’ve been back at the palace since yesterday. Since then, my husbands and I have been in meetings with the queen and kings. They’ve been filling me in on not only your progress but political and social goings on within the planet.”

  “Really? I haven’t seen hide nor hair of them. How would they know about my progress, and more so, why would they care?”

  Jessie smirked, and her eyes briefly darted to her husbands, who were still talking to Lian and Lyon. Sloane noticed they looked upset about something the princes were telling them.

  “Sloane, I’m going to be brutally honest with you. I don’t have a lot of time to talk, because my new mother-in-law has my entire month planned out. Listen to me carefully. You’re always welcome in the palace for as long as you want to stay; you know that, right?”

  “You know I can’t do that, Jessie.”

  With a smile, Jessie responded, “I thought you’d say that. So, here’s what I’m proposing. You know how in China, girls are kind of less than desirable children?”

  “Yes, it makes me furious.”

  “Me, too.” Jessie looked a little sheepish. “Well from what I’ve learned, it’s kind of the same thing here on Arenia, but with boys.”

  “I’m sorry, but what the ever-loving fuck?”

  Jessie bristled over Sloane’s words but trudged on, “I thought the situation might get your attention. I’m not condoning this by any means, but hear me out.”

  “Fine,” huffed Sloane.

  “Here on Arenia, there are so many males that some families choose to give up their boys so they can keep trying for a female.” Jessie raised her hand to cut her off before she could interrupt. “There are financial benefits to a family who produces a female. So, if a woman is willing, she’ll pop out eight to ten children just to try to get a female.” Jessie sighed. “Most of the boys are given to orphanages because the family can’t support that many children.”

  “That’s horrible. Why, Jessie? Why would the crown support such crap? Those poor boys. Their souls must be crushed knowing they were passed over for money.”

  Jessie put on a watery smile. “This is where you come in.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I want you to be a teacher for the boys at one of the orphanages. Sort of like a chancellor at an all-boys school.”

  Sloane laughed humorlessly, then looked at Jessie’s cool-set demeanor. “You’re serious?”

  “Very much so. These boys need you, Sloane. From what I’ve been told, most of the boys have seen a female only once or twice in their lives. They’re out in the middle of nowhere, being taught menial jobs by former orphans who made the sacrifice to stay on to care for them. I can’t stress enough how much they need you.”

  Sloane shook her head back and forth in disbelief. “What am I supposed to teach them? US History? Earth’s solar system?”

  “You’ll give them the one thing they crave, but don’t have: a mother’s love.”

  Sloane stood and placed her hands over her stomach. Jessie was giving her the opportunity to be something she’d never be on her own—a mother. That’s all it took. “I’ll do it.”

  Jessie shot up from her seat and screeched, “Yes!”

  The princes ran over with Lian and Lyon close behind. “Are you all right, ayah?”

  Jessie beamed. “Better than all right. Sloane’s willing to go to the orphanage. Those boys will be so happy.”

  Lian and Lyon both gasped. “No.”

  Looch and Leigh snickered and clapped Lian and Lyon on the back. “The choice is yours.”

  Sloane wasn’t sure what that meant, but she didn’t have long to think about it because Jessie was right in her husbands’ faces. “I’m glad you find this amusing, because I’m personally escorting Sloane there to make sure everything is on the up and up before I leave my friend by herself.”

  Sloane noticed both princes pale. “The orphanages are no place for a princess. The queen will not allow it,” Leigh said, gaining bravado by the end of his declaration.

  Jessie gave them both a menacing chuckle. “My dear, sweet husbands, that’s where you’re wrong. You see, I’ve had some private time with my new mother-in-law and convinced her she should visit not just this orphanage, but all the orphanages on Arenia. She’s informing the kings as we speak.”

  If it was possible, Sloane thought the princes paled even more. Lyon piped up, “Our decision has been made. We’ll go with Sloane.”

  “Oh, no, you won’t!” Sloane snapped.

  Jessie tried placating Sloane, but leveled a stare at the two men. “Sloane, I want Lian and Lyon with you, but I told Looch and Leigh to leave the decision up to them, as they’d be giving up very prestigious positions within the palace.”

  “I don’t want you to give up your positions. You’ve both worked too hard to have it screwed up by someone like me. I don’t want your family to resent the Earth females any more than they already do. I don’t need either of you helping me on the next phase of my life.”

  Both men scrunched their lips together in a thin line. Lian even arched a brow at her. “As the Earth vernacular goes, tough excrement. We’re going with you. The decision is not yours to make; it’s ours.”

  Before Sloane could pipe up, Jessie cut her off. “That’s settled, then. We leave in the morning. I’ve asked the queen for some clothing and food to be loaded on the transport. I’m tasking those things to Looch and Leigh, so you and Lyon can prepare your things. Sloane, I’ll help you pack and tell you everything I know about the orphanage. Once we get there, we may need things like building materials, beds, or linens, but we’ll address those things when we arrive.” Jessie finally took a breath. “I suggest we all get a good night’s sleep. Come on, Sloane, I’ll help you pack.”

  Jessie grabbed Sloane’s hand and started out the door. Sloane looked back at the four stunned men. She had to chuckle, because they certainly hadn’t accounted for Princess Jessie taking them to task.

  Chapter 4

  The next morning, the three women sat on one side of the transport talking and carrying on, while the men sat in brooding silence on the other side. Sloane could tell by Jessie’s puffy eyes and leering looks to her husbands that she’d argued with them about going to the orphanage. She also noticed that Queen Maya was obviously a seasoned veteran at disagreements with her husbands, so she was no worse for wear.

  All the men sat on the transport with their arms crossed over their chests, glaring at their respective women. It reminded Sloane of little boys having their favorite toy taken away. She was sure in Jessie and Maya’s case that the men’s toys had told them they could not be played with last night.

  When they finally arrived, Queen Maya rose from her seat. King Raiden and King Taavi immediately flanked her sides. She smiled at each of her husbands and gently gave them a peck on each of their cheeks. Sloane could see the men’s reso
lve melt along with their anger.

  Jessie got up, looking a little weary. Prince Looch and Prince Leigh immediately were by her side, comforting her. They, too, were there to help support her. Jessie looked back and gave her a reassuring nod as she and her husbands stepped off the transport.

  Lian and Lyon came to Sloane and helped her up. They obviously could scent that she was extremely nervous. Although Lian and Lyon were by her side, she was thankful they gave her a wide birth, so she could do what she needed to do.

  When she exited the transport, she saw dozens of boys in front of a big white facility. It looked utilitarian in nature. No flowers or greenery adorned the building to make it inviting or homey. A middle-aged man stepped forward from the boys, bowing to the royal family. He turned around to the boys and, in unison, they bowed as well. The man bowed again, then addressed the queen and kings, “Queen Maya, King Raiden, King Taavi, we are so pleased to have you. My name is Cloray, and I’m the master of this orphanage. We cannot express enough how much we appreciate your generosity and interest in the children.”

  “You may thank Princess Jessie for illuminating me on the subject of the abundance of males, and the necessity of the orphanages. As you may or may not know, an influx of breeding-compatible females have come to Arenia. After speaking with Princess Jessie about the situation, she’s come up with several suggestions to help ease the burden until it’s lifted. Jessie?”

  Jessie stepped forward, not toward the director, but the boys. Looch and Leigh grabbed her arms, urging her to be careful. “It’s all right. Let me do this.” They both reluctantly let go and nodded. Jessie walked up to the dozens of boys and said as she smiled, “On my planet, we have something called foster care. It’s similar to what this place is to you, but with one twist. A foster family usually has a male and a female taking care of three or four children. My friend over there-” Jessie pointed to Sloane, “is going to be kind of like a foster mom to you. She was a teacher on our planet. Although she doesn’t know much about Arenia, I think she’s more than willing to learn from you, if you’re willing to learn from her.”


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