Bourne Bodyguards: The Complete Series (Books 1-4)

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Bourne Bodyguards: The Complete Series (Books 1-4) Page 9

by Mandy Morgan

  We were lost in each other there in her driveway for I don’t know how long. Finally, I couldn’t take it any longer, and I pulled back with a groan that was almost a growl of need.

  Amelia looked at me with wide eyes that shone under the moon and lips that were raw from our kissing. I’d never seen a more beautiful woman in my life. My heart filled and my erection throbbed at the sight of her.

  I tossed my door open, raced over to help Amelia out of the Jeep, and somehow managed to lead her to the front porch without ravaging her right there in her yard.

  But once we were safely inside, I couldn’t hold back any longer. “Which way’s the bedroom, beautiful?”

  Amelia’s face was flushed. She pointed down a nearby hallway and I took things from there. I scooped her up into my arms and stalked toward her room.

  She squealed in delight as I lifted her up and then she wrapped her arms around my neck. I moaned as she kissed and nibbled on my flesh. I’d never been so turned on in my life.

  “God, what are you doing to me?” I asked as I carried Amelia to her bed and laid her down.

  She just smiled, took off her glasses and set them on her nightstand, and then held out her arms. How could I turn down an invitation like that? Why would I want to?

  I joined Amelia on the bed and let my hands wander over her soft curves. I peeled off her clothes piece by piece, starting with her shirt and bra, so I could free her incredible breasts.

  They filled my hands perfectly and I buried my face between them. I sucked and licked her nipples as I worked on taking off every other stitch of clothing that separated us.

  I was desperate to feel Amelia’s naked body against mine, and when I finally had it in my arms, I groaned in satisfaction. I was damn near high on this woman and I’d barely even begun.

  Amelia moaned as I slid my hand between her thighs and dipped a finger into her wet heat. She cried out as I worked her clit with my thumb and plunged my finger in and out of her sweet depths.

  “Please, Hunter,” Amelia panted as she writhed. “I need more. I need all of you!”

  “Oh, that’s what you’re going to get, beautiful,” I promised her in a rough whisper. “But not until I’m done making you scream my name.”

  I lowered my face to the object of my desire and licked Amelia’s juicy folds. My tongue parted her lips and I sucked her clit into my mouth, making her gasp and moan, but that wasn’t good enough.

  I slipped two fingers inside of Amelia and worked them in and out. My mouth and tongue never stopped working her at the same time and she clenched her full thighs around my head.

  Amelia’s back arched and she cried out my name as she came. Her delectable juices filled my mouth and I moaned into her flesh in pride and satisfaction. But it still wasn’t good enough.

  I wanted Amelia to scream and beg for more. I wanted to fill her up and complete her in ways that no other man ever had. Or ever could. I wanted to make love to her in a way that would make her mine for life.

  I kissed my way up Amelia’s body as she squirmed in pleasure underneath me. After I’d settled myself between her legs, I looked down on her and spoke her name softly.

  Amelia’s eyes popped open. I leaned in to give her a tender kiss. “Are you ready for me, beautiful?”

  “God, yes, Hunter,” she moaned before tilting her intoxicatingly wet heat up to meet me. “Can’t you feel how ready I am for you?”

  I groaned and kissed Amelia again. And then I slid myself into her, slowly pressing myself forward until I was as deep as I could get. It felt like coming home.

  Amelia and I moved together in a perfect rhythm. I rocked in and out of her, making us both cry out, and then I began thrusting into her, showing her with my body how I truly felt about her.

  I hadn’t let myself go totally like this with anyone before and it was like I was drowning. I was lost and found at the same time inside of her. It was blissful perfection.

  Amelia opened herself up even more to me and I didn’t hold back. I drove myself into her until she was screaming my name the way I’d longed for her to do. I growled and lowered myself onto her to nibble her flesh.

  I felt her slick inner walls tighten around me as she came, and that pushed me over the edge. I grunted as I released my seed into Amelia.

  I allowed myself to collapse against her soft, full body as she pulled me into her arms and wrapped her legs around me.

  “Don’t leave me,” Amelia murmured as she clutched me to her chest. “Not yet, please, not yet…”

  I pressed my thighs against Amelia’s and held myself inside of her. I moaned softly into the flesh of her neck and sighed with contented satisfaction before pressing a kiss into her sweet skin.

  “I’d live inside of you if I could, beautiful,” I whispered and then lifted myself up to look into her eyes. “I’d love to stay with you, and in you, forever.”

  Amelia gave her own sigh and pulled me back down into her velvety embrace. “Wouldn’t that be a perfect world?”

  We ended up falling asleep like that, and as I sank down into the deepest and most peaceful rest I’d had in a very long time, I knew I would do anything and everything in my power to do this every night.

  And nobody better get in the way. Not now that I’ve made her mine, and she’s done the same for me…

  Chapter Nine


  I woke up feeling sore but utterly satisfied. I was also slightly panicked to find myself alone in bed. Were all the things Hunter had said the night before lies?

  With a little gasp, I sat bolt upright, and grabbed for my glasses, but before I could even think about where to go from there, I heard the deep, rumbling voice I’d grown to love.

  “Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?”

  Hunter was sitting in the armchair across from the bed. He was already dressed and pulling his shoes on. I still wasn’t sure if I’d panicked for no reason or not.

  “I slept very well,” I said with a cautious smile. “How about you?”

  “The same, of course. How could I not, next to you?”

  Hunter’s face was lit up by a big grin and he came over to sit next to me. He took me in his arms and gave me a tender kiss.

  My heart went from frozen with worry to feeling full enough to burst as I sank into his embrace.

  I let myself breath a sigh of relief before confessing my concerns to the man I’d fallen head over heels for.

  “I thought you might have changed your mind…”

  I didn’t have to say any more than that. Hunter lifted my chin with a finger and looked into my eyes. I was lost in his gaze and I could read all I needed to know in it.

  “Nothing will ever change how I feel about you, Amelia, not in this lifetime. I love you, beautiful.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut as I realized I’d finally found what I’d been looking for my whole life. I wanted to shout my joy from the rooftops.

  “I love you, too, Hunter. Oh, I love you so much!”

  Hunter crushed me to his chest and then claimed my mouth with his for a much deeper kiss. We both came up gasping for air and grinning at one another like a couple of kids who’d been given the keys to the candy store.

  “I thought the worst when I woke up alone,” I admitted to Hunter with a shy smile. “And I didn’t know what to think when I saw you putting on your shoes.”

  “Sorry about that, beautiful. I should have known you’d think the worst. I was starving and wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed. I can’t cook, so I was going to run and grab us something.”

  “Breakfast sounds great, to be honest,” I replied and rubbed my hand over my belly and full hips. “You can probably tell I don’t like to miss a meal.”

  “You’re perfect in absolutely every way, Amelia. I don’t call you beautiful for no reason.”

  Hunter’s tone and expression were deadly serious and my face flushed with pleasure. “In that case, bring on the breakfast! It’s the weekend, after all, so we migh
t as well enjoy ourselves in and out of bed.”

  Hunter’s face brightened and he stood. “You stay here and relax. I’ll be back with something delicious before you know it. Then we can plan the rest of our day together. Hell, we can plan all of our days together.”

  I practically purred as Hunter leaned down to kiss me on the nose. After he was gone, I hugged my arms around my chest, and gave a little whoop of happiness.

  Feeling a bit silly, but too ecstatic to care, I climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom to shower and get dressed. A perfect day with Hunter stretched out in front of me like a shining oasis.

  I’d just finished putting on a bit of makeup when I heard a knock at the door. Thinking it was Hunter, I rushed over and flung it open with a welcoming smile.

  Instead of the love of my life, I found Kyle standing on my front porch. He was wearing the creepiest smile I’d ever seen and had a huge hunting knife in one hand.

  “Aren’t you going to invite me in, sis?”

  Everything slowed down to a crawl. I opened my mouth to scream and went to slam the door in Kyle’s face, but I was too slow, and he shoved me back into the living room.

  “I should have known you wouldn’t be happy to see me,” Kyle snarled at me with a sneer. “You never liked me, did you, Amelia?”

  All I could do was blink at him and back away. I darted my eyes around, looking for a means of escape, but I couldn’t find one.

  Kyle had closed and locked the door behind him and he was brandishing his knife at me. There was nowhere for me to go without risking a stinging slash. Or worse.

  My ex-stepbrother forced me backward until I bumped into the couch. I landed on the cushions so hard that I bit my tongue. My eyes watered and I was jarred out of my shocked silence. I got pissed, dammit.

  “You need to get the hell out of here, Kyle! You’re right, I never liked you, and I want you out, right now.”

  “Oh, that is not happening, sis. Not until I get what you owe me.”

  “I don’t owe you a thing! What’s wrong with you?”

  Kyle bared his teeth. “You owe me everything…”

  Chapter Ten


  I was smiling and whistling as I carried the bags full of breakfast up the stairs to Amelia’s front door. It had been a long time since I’d felt so happy and free.

  I’d been known as the Peacemaker amongst the other members of BPS for years now. Mostly because of my love of old Westerns. But also because I’d always been the diplomat of the group.

  The truth was, I’d never really felt peaceful on the inside. Not until I’d met Amelia and made her mine. It was like some part of me had been missing, and when I became one with her, it slid into place.

  I couldn’t wait to have her back in my arms and spend the whole day enjoying each other. But as I juggled the breakfast bags to knock on the door, I heard something that wiped the joyful smile off my face.

  There was a male voice booming from inside of Amelia’s house. A male voice that sounded angry. A male voice that didn’t belong to me.

  My vision went red and my hands curled into fists, sending the food I’d bought to share with the woman I loved tumbling to the ground.

  I reached for the revolver I always kept tucked into the waistband of my pants. When my hand came up empty, I hissed a curse, and realized I’d left my gun in Amelia’s bedroom.

  I’d been floating on a cloud of contentment after our night of passion, and I’d gone out into the world without any firepower. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t ready to fight to the death to keep Amelia safe.

  With a deep breath, I reared back and kicked the front door in and barged into the living room. I had years of hand-to-hand combat experience from my time as a Ranger, and I was ready to take on any challenge.

  Amelia was sitting on the couch with her hands knotted together in her lap and her eyes wide. There was a scuzzy looking asshole standing in front of her with a hunting knife clutched in one hand.

  “Well, if it isn’t Kyle Tyson, in the flesh,” I growled in a low voice.

  “Who the hell are you, busting in here like the police?”

  Amelia’s ex-stepbrother sneered at me and turned to point his weapon my way. That was exactly what I wanted, so even though I was full of rage, I stayed calm and quiet as I drew his attention away from Amelia.

  “I’m your worst nightmare, dirtbag,” I said with a cold laugh. “Why don’t you save us all some time and get out of here before you get hurt?”

  “Tough talk from someone without a weapon,” Kyle said as he tossed his knife from one hand to the other.

  “I am the weapon, dumbass.”

  I closed the space between me and Kyle in a flash, grabbed his wrist, and twisted it hard enough to make him scream and bring him to his knees in front of me.

  “Let go of me, man! You’re gonna break my freaking wrist!”

  I ignored Kyle’s wailed words and kicked his knife away. “You’re such a disappointment. I was hoping you might make this more fun for me.”

  Kyle groaned and tried to wiggle out of my grasp. I shook my head at his pathetic attempt and turned to check on Amelia. She was watching me with an open mouth and shining eyes.

  “That was amazing,” she whispered in awe. “And it all happened so fast!”

  I swelled with pleased pride and smiled at Amelia before telling her to get the police on the phone. “It’s time for this idiot to go back to jail where he belongs.”

  Amelia nodded and hurried into the other room. My focus switched back to the cowering scumbag at my feet. I discovered I was more curious about him and his motivations than I probably should be.

  Guys like Kyle rarely thought things through before jumping in and acting. But I had some time before the Scarlet Springs PD showed up, so I figured I’d take a shot at picking what little brain he had.

  “What’s the deal, Kyle? Why are you messing with my woman?”

  “Amelia owes me,” Kyle spat. “She owes me a lot.”

  “What could she possibly owe someone like you?”

  Kyle twisted his head around as best he could with his wrist pressed in between his shoulder blades. “Her bitch of a mother left my father. She broke him, man.”

  I couldn’t help from laughing. “If he’s anything like you, it’s no wonder his ass got dumped. And what in the hell does that have to do with Amelia?”

  “She’s just like her damn mother! We were a family, but Amelia never accepted me as her brother, or acted like she gave a crap about me.”

  Amelia had come back into the room and was looking at the mess of a man on her carpet like a wild animal that had been caught in a trap.

  “That’s because you were a horrible person back then. Turns out, you still are, Kyle.”

  He started to yell curses at Amelia, but I gave his arm a vicious twist. “Keep your mouth shut, unless you want me to add a gag into the mix, asshole.”

  Kyle’s voice dwindled to barely understandable mutters. Amelia looked at me and shook her head sadly, and I wished I could take the curvy beauty into my arms, but there was no way I was letting Kyle loose.

  “He’s out of his mind, isn’t he?”

  “It sure seems that way, beautiful,” I replied as the sound of police sirens rose in the distance.

  “But you never have to worry about him ever again,” I continued with a smile. “Or anything else, for that matter. Not with me by your side for the rest of your life.”



  It had been three months since Hunter had saved me from my unstable ex-stepbrother. Things were not only back to normal, but better than they’d ever been before.

  Kyle had been sent to jail and then to a secure facility for the mentally ill. I was glad he was off the streets and getting the help he so desperately needed.

  My mother and I had never really been close, but I’d reached out to let her know what had happened, and she’d told me Kyle had struggled with bipolar disorder
for years.

  I’d been shocked and saddened to hear about Kyle’s issues, but my mother had assured me she would talk to his father about how to make sure something like that never happened again.

  Come to find out, she and Kyle’s dad were still on friendly terms, which made the whole situation even weirder, and made me even more grateful for having Hunter in my life.

  If it wasn’t for my bodyguard, I don’t know how things would have turned out, and I couldn’t believe I’d almost decided work was more important than giving myself the freedom to connect with Hunter.

  Luckily, I’d had a little help from Luna in the form of her insistence upon us going to the Cloud Nine that fateful night. The rest was history, as they say, and Hunter and I were deeply in love and already talking about marriage.

  Of course, we thought it would be best to wait until after Lily and Brock’s wedding, which all of us had attended last week. It was a beautiful affair, and you could barely see the baby bump under the bride’s dress.

  Luna, Blair, and I had teased Lily mercilessly about Brock not being able to keep himself in check long enough for the ink on the marriage certificate to dry, and she’d given it right back to the three of us.

  “Who are you all to talk?” Lily had exclaimed as she rubbed her growing belly at the wedding reception. “It seems as if two of you are already living with a couple of the other Bourne Protective Services men.”

  Blair and I had the good graces to blush, but Lily hadn’t been finished, and turned to look at Luna. “As far as I can tell, there’s only one holdout in this group…”

  Luna had just smiled. “I’m happy being friends with Wyatt. Neither of us wants anything more, to be honest.”

  We’d all laughed and teased Luna about how it was only a matter of time. I’d hugged my best friend and told her we all loved her. But the odds were against her.

  “There’s just something about the men of BPS,” I’d said with a shrug and a smile. “And the ladies of All Saints Hospital can’t seem to help themselves.”


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