Steel Sirens

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Steel Sirens Page 29

by Maxx Whittaker

  In the end, it doesn’t matter. They’re chasing, and so I must flee.

  My view of the forest curtains as my eyes close again. I won’t fall asleep again. I won’t.

  Yeah. That’s shite.

  I’ve been running for almost a cycle of the sun. Away from the slaughter in the fields, into the forest. I found a river before long, not deep or wide, but it was enough. Siri and Emeree nudged me upriver, toward Aleska, and I didn’t argue. What followed was a nightmare flight, through the evening of the battle, the night that followed, and now to midday with only quick rests to feed and water the horses. After the caves, the battle after, the execution, the journey through the forest seemed almost designed to wear me down, tear at my sanity. I twitch at every movement, every sound, expect death to descend from above any moment.

  I miss the Fortingall so powerfully that it’s a palpable thing inside me, like my heart. A time before I was running, fighting, coming close to death every day. When I’d spend hours in the mighty trees, doing nothing but existing, part of the forest.

  But more than that, I miss the Sirens. Miss them more than home, which surprises me. And worries me, if I’m honest. Even after days of hell, I wouldn’t give them up to have my old life back.

  What am I becoming?

  Glaer rounds a sharp bend in the river just as I almost lose consciousness again, and I know I must stop. The beach here is wide, inviting, sheltered from the sun. A perfect place for a camp.

  It’s been long enough. We’re far enough from Braemar, have travelled such a branching path, that we must be safe. I hope.

  I haven’t heard from the Sirens for a long time, hours at least, but I’m not worried. The thick cords connecting us are still there, and though I’m not a great judge, yet, I think they feel stronger than they did when I started my flight.

  I just hope they’re ready, because I’m done.

  I try to dismount, and this time, I do fall, clattering to the ground in a clamor of buckles and leathers. Rolling onto my back as Glaer trudges away is almost too much for me. Trees weave lazily in the low breeze, hypnotizing, and my eyes drift shut.


  Pressure, sudden, paralyzing and delicious, snaps me awake. Every inch of me reels, warms, and I gasp a breath that freezes in my lungs. My eyes snap open, almost against their will.

  Emeree and Siri kneel over me, their hands to my chest. Their eyes are closed, faces creased in concentration, as their bonds pulse with life that pushes through me, wringing away weariness and pain. My body is rigid, every muscle taut, as I arch above the ground like a bow, but there’s no pain, only warmth and gentle pressure to my soul.

  And then it’s done. The Sirens take shuddering breaths, leaning back, and when their contact with me breaks, my body relaxes explosively. My lungs empty, and I moan with almost sexual pleasure.

  “Incredible…” I whisper. “Never felt anything...Like that.”

  Emeree smiles, eyes shining. “You have, kind of. When we healed you in the cavern.” She shrugs. “But this was also completely different.”

  “Helpful, and confusing.”

  “You have just perfectly described Emeree,” Siri says, not cracking a smile.

  Emeree rolls her eyes, leaning over me to punch her in the arm. “Seventy odd years, and you’re still a grump.”

  “You missed me,” Siri says, voice low.

  “I did,” Emeree returns, equally banked.

  There’s something to their words, their tone, that smolders like a glowing embers, but I’m having a difficulty concentrating on it.

  Emeree’s still on hands and knees over me, hair falling like a midnight curtain around my face. Her breasts strain against her armor, threatening to spill out, so close I could lean forward to lick them. She glances down, sees my expression, and something mischievous darts across her lean features.

  Gods, she’s beautiful.

  She leans down slowly, face drifting close to mine. Her breath smells like fresh berries as her lips brush mine, light as a fallen leaf. “I missed you, too,” she says, and then she kisses me.

  Her mouth is soft, and her kiss almost chaste. My fingers are in her hair, though I don’t remember moving them, as I kiss her back, equally reserved.

  And then she sits up, breaking contact suddenly. Her face scrunches. “But you smell terrible. Into the river with you.”

  I sit, laughing, amazed at how easy it is. The weariness isn’t gone, nor are the aches, but they’re not all consuming like they were before. “Ouch.”

  “Quick bath and you’ll be good as new! Until then…” She plugs her nose and sticks out her tongue.

  I give Emeree a wry glance. She’s spotless, as is Siri. There’s no trace of blood or dirt on their skin, no blemish from battle or hardship. “Well, some of us can’t rely on magical cheating at times like this.”

  “Cheating!” Emeree gasps in mock outrage. “Outrageous. Siri, this will not stand.”

  The massive Siren takes my hand, helping me from the ground. “He must be punished.”

  “Sounds like something I’d enjoy…” I trail off as they advance on me, something wicked in their eyes. “Hey now, if you’re doing that magical talky talky thing, that’s not–”

  They shove me in the river.

  I fall in, sputtering, fully clothed. I try to stay upright, but a stone trips me, and my outraged bellow is swallowed by the river. Sun warmed water envelops me as I struggle with tangled straps and weapons. My bow comes free, and I just manage to snag is before it floats away.

  I sit upright, coughing, to peals of Emeree’s laughter. I wipe water from my eyes, try to glare at them, but I can’t hold back a grin. Siri stands, arms crossed, next to the giggling Siren, and as usual her face is stone, but something like amusement glitters in her granite eyes.

  “I’m starting to wonder if it’s you I have to survive,” I say, lurching to my feet.

  “Don’t pout,” Siri says, digging a bar of soap from her gifted pack and tossing it to me. “Your clothes were filthy, too.”

  Emeree straightens. “Now. Wash,” she sasses.

  “Oh, no. Not while you sit there and crack jokes.” I glance upriver, where a bend in the flow provides a natural shelter from their prying eyes. “I’ll be over there, thanks.”

  “Suit yourself, miss the fun.”

  I’m not sure what she means by fun, but if it’s something along the lines of being submerged against my will while a centuries old woman teases me, I’m good. I set off, chased by a few good-natured jeers about taking good care of my weapon, or that I should walk slower so there’s more time to check out my shapely backside.

  I’m glad I’m facing away from them. I can’t believe Emeree can still make me blush, after everything we’ve been through.

  My leathers are like a second skin, at this point, painted to me with days of blood and sweat. In truth, I don’t blame them for dousing me. I smell awful. I peel away my clothes and set to washing with lavender soap, another kindness from Cook.

  I’m going head back there someday and give that woman my thanks, and a hug.

  I can’t hear the girls anymore, can’t hear much but the forest and the merry burbling of the water. Just ahead are some easy rapids, and the water pouring over the rocks provides a curtain of sound that gives the illusion of solitude.

  After I’m clean, I sit for long moments, let my mind drift. The last few days have been whirlwind, insane. The last time I felt truly relaxed was at Oranna’s tavern, with Emeree. The water is warm, sublime, as it flows around me, and I close my eyes, let its gentle caress wash away the exhaustion and fear.

  It’s been so long since I’ve been truly alone. After years of ruthlessly pushing away the world, of staying distant from friends and even family, the constant contact with the world, and even the Sirens, has worn me down. I love them, love this life in ways I could have never imagined, but still, I’m overwhelmed.

  Even now, the bonds pulse with some steady rhythm, and I wonder if there�
��s a way to shut out the connection, even temporarily. I would never give it up, would rather die, at this point. But my mind is like a tiny room, and no matter which corner I retreat to, they’re inside with me, watching, waiting for my next move. I don’t feel resentment, but just a few moments where I’m truly alone…

  I frown. Speaking of the bonds… They’re twined, red hot, wrapped so tightly around each other that…

  Wait. No way.

  I stand, disbelieving, and cautiously make my way back to the bend.

  I drop the soap.

  Emeree and Siri stand in the river, naked skin beaded with water, arms wrapped around each other. They kiss with a hunger that instantly hardens my cock. They stay that way a long time, still, tongues darting into each other’s mouths as lips brush and suck. Teeth flash in the sunlight as they bite, nipping each other playfully. Their hands roam, tease, explore each other. There’s joyful familiarity and uncertain timidity in their movements; two people who’ve done this before, but not for a long, long time.

  We share everything. I didn’t realize how true Emeree’s words were until now.

  Siri arches, hands cupped around Emeree’s ass, as her fellow Siren wraps her lips around a dark nipple, and by the gasp of pleasure and pain that it elicits, teeth follow closer after. Emeree continues, lips wandering in long paths across the sleek landscape of her partner, until she settles on her knees between long legs. She buries her nose in Siri's thatch of red hair, then moves lower, sucking.

  Siri moans, so loud I’d be surprised if they didn’t hear it in Braemar. She falls backward, legs still in the water but the rest of her on the shore, and Emeree chases her, never breaking contact. She licks, sucks, runs her nose along Siri's clit, and when she pulls a wracking orgasm from her partner, she redoubles her efforts.

  I stand, poleaxed, as hard as I’ve ever been. Do I join them? Is this something they need from each other? Am I welcome? A thousand questions run through my mind as I watch Emeree’s little rear bob up and down out of the water, as rivulets of water run the length of her delicious pussy.

  There’s a tug at my soul. So strong it almost pulls me forward. Impatient, desperate, hungry. The message is clear. What in the hells is taking you so long?

  My legs are moving before my mind can process the signal.

  I come up behind Emeree as she continues to devour Siri's pussy. The huge woman whimpers, moans desperately. One of her hands is buried deep in glossy black hair, pulling Emeree closer, deeper, as her other hand digs furrows in the sandy shore.

  Emeree arches her back, catlike with need. Fuck me.

  I fall to my knees, and in one, smooth stroke, I bury myself to the hilt in her hot, velvet pussy.

  For the first time since her tongue touched Siri's clit, she breaks contact, head rocking back as she moans, deep and long. “Oh, Gods, yes,” she whispers into a muscled thigh, turning her head just enough to watch me as I withdraw, then thrust again. Her eyes close and she whimpers, and I don’t stop this time, taking her slowly, letting us both feel every inch. She’s so wet, so hot, that it’s effortless, and the little lips of her pussy draw out along my shaft with each withdrawal, only to disappear into dark folds as I slide back in.

  Siri grunts with impatience, and with both hands she seizes Emeree’s head, pulling her back between her thighs. Emeree’s giggles send new tremors through the axe girl, and she collapses back, eyes rolling back. Thick fingers quest upward, cupping one of her breasts, and Siri pinches a nipple so tightly it blanches pale before Emeree does something with her mouth that sends her arm back out to grasp at the shore. Her firm tits bounce, glistening with sweat as I fuck Emeree, the motion of our three bodies rocking us back and forth. She bites her lip hard enough to draw blood as another long moan escapes her, and I curse the fact that I can’t see through the back of Emeree’s head.

  At the thought, I feel something twitch in my bond with Emeree, a pull that I’ve never felt. Something new, different. It’s tinged with amusement and invitation, urging me to follow.

  I close my eyes, and do.

  Siri's pussy. I can taste it, feel her rough lips against my tongue. Mine darts out in little strokes against her engorged clit, and I can feel her shudder against my face when she cums. Thighs strong enough to shatter wood cup the sides of my head, squeeze as Siri's body judders against the ground before relaxing.

  I reach...No, wait. Emeree reaches up, sliding a finger deep into Siri's pussy, stroking upward. But I do, too. It’s not visceral, imperfect, like I’m watching this all happen through a dark veil, but still, I can feel what Emeree feels, taste what she tastes. I can even feel my own hands grasping Emeree’s ass, my cock as it fucks her pussy. But I feel them as her, from the other side.

  This is unbelievable. And freaky. It’s too much, overwhelming, and I start to lose my sense of self. Of where I begin and she ends.

  Then Emeree does something, snaps apart the connection, and I return to myself, gasping. “Holy...Holy shit…”

  Emeree’s head turns again. She bites her lip, eyes hooded as she takes me in. “Yes. Just a taste, though. We don’t even do that with each other, for long. It’s too much.”

  “But we’ll teach you. There’s more,” Siri says, laying prone against the ground, almost boneless after cumming over and over.

  “I can’t wait to learn,” I grunt, punctuating my last word by slamming my cock deep into Emeree. My balls slam almost painfully against her clit, and she shrieks, fingers digging deep against Siri's thighs. Water splashes between my legs and her ass as I take her ruthlessly, and she’s powerless, now, can’t control herself enough to pleasure Siri anymore. But she does, anyway, accidental, as makes low animal sounds into the other woman’s pussy, and Siri moans, rolls her head from side to side.

  I’m close, so close. Emeree can feel it, in how I speed up, in how my fingers clench her perfect ass. And she can feel it through, at how desperately the bond it’s strung between us, a rope pulled so taut it’s feels like it’ll snap.

  I watch, as my length disappears over and over inside of her. The little pucker of her asshole bounces back and forth, pink and inviting. On impulse, I wet a finger, and then place its tip against the tight hole.

  For the first time, Emeree stills. I wait, don’t speak. Then she arches even higher, spreading her cheeks further apart, grinding against my finger.

  “Oh, yes,” Siri says. “She’ll like it.”

  I don’t need to be told twice. I push, slowly at first, waiting for the little fist of her ass to blossom for me. It resists, at first, and then suddenly, all at once, releases, and I slide in deep. Emeree almost shrieks at the pain and pleasure of it, a noise so desperate I almost pull away.

  “No, no, no. Don’t you dare stop,” she grunts, and though I can’t see her face, she sounds absolutely feral.

  Siri's staring at me in with challenge. That will be a battle, too. My heart gallops as she climbs to her knees, stands, watching, and I start again. I slide into Emeree, over and over, and stroke down with my finger. I can feel the length of my cock through the walls of her ass, can massage it, and it heightens the pleasure in a way that’s unbearable.

  A rough hand grips my balls from behind. Siri. I’m so into my rhythm I didn’t even notice her crouch behind me. She grips the entire area, balls, the base of my shaft, and squeezes, massages, guides me in and out of Emeree. The pressure is intense, almost painful, but not quite, and I grunt, over and over, at how incredible it feels.

  It’s all too much, my finger in Emeree’s ass, my cock deep inside. Siri's hot breath, biting my neck and ear, as she lays one fingers along my length, a finger that fucks Emeree along with my cock. I cum, harder than I’ve ever cum, body arching against Siri's long muscles as I empty inside Emeree. I pump deep inside as she shudders, cums so hard that she can’t even make a sound, just buries her face in the sand and shudders against me.

  We stay like that for long moments, recovering, trying to find lost breath. Then Emeree crawls forward
, sliding off me, trailing thick white ropes of my cum. She turns over, and my eyes feast on the delicious lines of her lithe, dancer’s body as she watches me with hooded eyes. “Gods damn,” she breathes as she slides her hips beneath the water, letting its flow clean her.

  I follow suit, not able to speak yet. That was incredible, unimaginable, so intense that speaking seems almost profane.

  Siri helps Emeree stand on shaking legs, and they turn to me as one. Siri's eyes still hold a challenge.

  Oh, Gods. They can’t really…

  Emeree licks her lips.

  They can.

  Somehow, impossibly, my cock throbs, is still hard as stone.

  “Come on,” Emeree says, sauntering to where I still crouch beneath the water. “We’re not done with you yet.”

  Siri bends, and I stare avidly at her thick ass, the full lips of her pussy as she lays out our bedrolls side by side. Then she straightens. “Down,” she commands.

  I have no choice but to obey.

  I lay on my back, almost in shock that this is happening, that I’m a part of this. It’s so far beyond anything I’ve ever done, ever hoped for, that I can only exist, let it happen. Experience every incredible moment.

  Siri stands over me, crouches slowly. She comes forward, and her lips fall over mine, wet and delicious. She tastes like blood, and sex, and she kisses me so hard it sends waves of pain into my lips. She bites, equally hard, and our blood mixes, little rivulets coating our tongues as we swallow each other. I don’t know why a sword can’t pierce her skin, but her teeth can break her lip, and I don’t care. Her hunger, her ferocity, are incredible, and I can only grip tight and hold on.

  Then she sits back, and as she does, takes me in one long motion. There’s no preamble, no warning. I gasp into her mouth as her pussy, still wet from Emeree’s tongue, slides down my cock. Her rear impacts my legs, bounces my balls, painfully, but I welcome it, want more.

  She leans back, watching, waiting for me to fight, to fuck.


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