Level Up

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Level Up Page 11

by Nikki Karma

  I leaned closer. “What, what did you just say?”

  “Some dude was at your house today. Your mother said he was a friend. He even took your moms to her doctor’s appointment and everything. He seemed nice and I thought he was cool. Why? Something wrong?”

  I stood up and started pacing. “Are you saying to me that this man was in my house and that he has my mother?” I paused. “And you just telling me this now? After we’ve been together all this time?”

  “What?” She shrugged. “He ain’t your friend? Because that’s what he said when I came in. He was already there and everything.” She shrugged again. “Brought food and some more shit.”

  “Tiff, why wouldn’t you tell me when I came over earlier?” I placed my hand over my heart. Trying to stop the thunder. “We stopped by the store and everything! At no point did you think to tell me that he had my mother?”

  “My bad, Crystal.” She stood up and walked in front of me. “I mean, did I do something wrong? I’m telling you it didn’t seem that serious when I was there. That’s why I didn’t tell you.” She shrugged again. “So I guess I’m telling you now.”



  I was lying in Carmen’s bed and she was on top of me. We just finished fucking and I wanted her to get up so I could think about my next moves. But she’s big on cuddling after sex and does this all the time. It’s her way of trying to never let me go.

  Carmen is a cute short redbone with long black hair. She’s exactly the opposite of Nikki and I like it that way because it gives me variety. Back in the day I was only attracted to dark skin girls with big asses and small facial features like Nikki. But as I got older it became all about the conversation and who gives me less drama.

  After me and my sister got into it earlier tonight I could’ve called Nikki and went over her house, since she lives alone, but she asked too many questions. Plus I don’t feel like talking about my sister right now and that’s all she wants to do. Use our fights to bash her.

  For the most part Carmen is easy goin’, although she has a sneaky side too that I haven’t figured out yet. I been dealing with her off and on for months now and never had a major problem because she seemed low-key.

  “What’s on your mind, Tasha?” She asked. “Because you look like you somewhere else when you need to be here.” She paused. “Plus I’m tired of having to compete for your attention.”

  I squeezed her ass cheeks and she fingered my short curly hair. “What you need to be asking is what’s up with that pussy.” I slapped her ass. “Because right now it’s a little tart and needs to be washed.”

  She giggled. “You so fucking nasty,” she said hitting my arm. “I’m serious though. You look like you got a lot on your mind. You and Nikki didn’t get into it again did you? I saw how upset she was when she came to my house the other night and saw you here. The last thing I want is for ya’ll to be fighting over me. That’s why I stayed inside.”

  “What I tell you about saying Nikki’s name?” I frowned. “Didn’t I tell you I don’t want you talking about her? Period. What we do is what we do and it’s as simple as that.”

  “Damn, Tasha, you acting like I’m gonna call her up or something.” She waved the air. “Ain’t nobody thinking nothing about your little girlfriend. Trust me, it’s not that deep on my side. And keep all that extra emotional shit out my house please.”

  She talking real slick now. Which is something she normally didn’t do. “You know what…just get off me.” She placed her hand flat on my chest and pushed off of me. “You a stupid bitch.”

  “You the stupid bitch,” she said pointing at me. “I’m done with you. And don’t ever come back here again.” Her eyes were all wide and crazy. “I’m serious this time, Tasha. I’m done with the back and forth shit. We really over now.”

  I stomped out and walked to the bathroom to grab my clothes because we started having sex in there and worked our way to her room. When I’m done I go back into her bedroom and she’s staring at me. “I’m leaving.” I told her getting dressed. “Let me just put my stuff on.”

  “I know you leaving because I want you gone anyway.” She paused. “I don’t know why you trying to pretend like you doing something I don’t want.”

  I laughed. Is every woman in my life crazy? Maybe I attract this type of dysfunction and didn’t realize it. Maybe I have to change everything about my energy or something…Nah, it’s definitely these bitches. “Like I said, I’m gone. And your pussy dead anyway.”

  “My pussy dead?” She repeated walking up to me. “Bitch, is that why you be beating down the interstate to get at this shit? Because it’s dead? I doubt that very seriously, ma’am, thanks for the lies anyway though. Because if anybody’s pussy dead it’s yours.”

  As she screamed and ranted I felt a little guilty. This wasn’t her at all and I knew it. She had to be picking up on my bad vibes. Although I’m not feeling her the real reason my mind is gone has nothing to do with her. I guess it’s like transference of energy.

  When I first got over here I took a nap because I was too stressed to stay awake. Apparently I was having a nightmare that my girl was murdered and started screaming in my sleep. When I woke up Carmen was next to me, pushing me, and trying to wake me up. Part of me felt bad because if something happened to Nikki while I was in this bed it would crush me.

  With all that said no matter what I got goin’ on in my life Carmen had been drama free and I owed her more than this. She never gave me trouble and minded her tongue when Nikki called. And although I’m sure it will be my last time coming over here, I didn’t want to bounce on bad terms.

  “…so you don’t ever have to worry about me again, Tasha.” She had been talking the entire time and I tuned her out. Something I learned to do with Nikki and Crystal.

  Running my hand down my face I took a deep breath. I had to stop leaving hurt people in my wake, especially since there was a possibility if I couldn’t get the passports that I would get killed.

  Originally I was going to use Keith to get our documents but he gave me the creeps when we were in his establishment. At first he wanted us gone because we were bad for business when Crystal and I got into a fight. But right when we were about to leave he came outside, and tried to get us to come back in. I’m not sure but I believe he was working with Hollywood. “Look, Carmen, I’m sorry,” I said to her. “I’m taking shit out on you.”

  “What?” She folded her arms over her breasts. “You…you’re sorry?”

  “Yes.” I grabbed both her hands. “Listen…some shit went down tonight and I’ve been mad in the head. It don’t give you the right to come at me like you did either,” I pointed at her. “But I can understand why you would be mad though.”

  She smiled. “Girl, you were trying to give me a heart attack with the way you were talking. I’m not use to having bitches disrespect like that. Getting me all in my feelings for nothing.”

  “You right and I’m never gonna come at you like that again but I do gotta bounce though.” I paused. “There’s some stuff with my sister that I gotta clear up.”

  “I understand, bae, do what you gotta do.” She smiled and wiped her hand down my cheek. “Its not that heavy with me. Whenever you ready I’ll be here.” She winked. “The invitation is open again now by the way.”

  “I got you, ma,” I replied knowing I was never coming back. I had to get out of this country. My days of staying in Atlanta were over. “I’ll let you know when I have some more time.”

  I threw the rest of my clothes on and slipped into my sneakers. When my wallet fell off the table on the side of the bed I picked it up. When I saw a pill bottle I snatched it. I don’t know what made me look at it but something about it stood out to me.

  When I zeroed in on the label closely I saw it was an antibiotic. I gripped it in my hand and walked over to her. “Fuck is this, Carmen? Are you, are you burning?”

  “What, what you talking about now, Tasha?” She backed away
a little. “You know I’m not burning. Don’t be stupid.”

  I extended my hand so that it was up in her face. “Then what the fuck is this?” She paused. “If you not burning what is it?”

  She immediately started crying. “I’m sorry, Tasha. When you called and said you were coming over at first I wasn’t going to have sex with you. Because I knew about my condition. But then you were so sad that I did it out of pity.”

  I glared. “Out of pity?” I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. “Fuck you talking about, bitch? I don’t need nobody to pity me! And give me a disease. Fuck is wrong with you?”

  “I’m serious.” She said extending her hands in my direction. “I was in this house all by myself and I was lonely. So I…so I said it wouldn’t be bad when you wanted to come over because you sounded sad.”

  “What do you have, Carmen?” I took several deep breaths. “I’m not fucking around. Tell me right now before I unleash in here.”

  “Nothing really. It’s only—”

  “What the fuck you got?” I yelled again.

  “Syphilis.” She folded her arms again and rubbed them. “Okay? Are you satisfied? And ain’t no need in you losing your mind. It should be all cleared up now.”

  My eyes widened and the pill bottle fell out my hand. This bitch is crazy. Who does some vile shit like fuck somebody while sick? “You made me eat your pussy when you burning?”

  “It’s cleared up now, Tasha!” She yelled. “I only have a few more pills to take and I’m done. I don’t know what else you want me to say.”

  I stared at her hard. I wanted to smack the syphilis out this bitch!

  “You know what, fuck all this shit.” She said putting her hands on her hips. “It ain’t like your sister didn’t give it to me anyway. If anything you should be going off on her. Not me.”

  My jaw hung. “Hold up, you fucked my, my sister?”

  “Every chance I get.” I guess she was done playing the victim because her response was snooty.

  Irritated, I slapped her to the floor and pointed down at her face. “You dead to me, whore.” I paused. “And you better hope I don’t get five extra minutes because I’ma come back over here and fuck you up.”

  She stood up and held her face. “We’ll see about that,” she smiled.

  I was so mad I stomped down the steps of her house. And the moment I pushed the front door open I saw my sister approaching. Once again she got some dumb shit going on by fucking my number two for no reason.

  Still, what she doing over here now?



  Hollywood walked downstairs in the basement of the car dealership he owned, with Doc following his every step in protection mode. Ms. Burton sat tied up on a metal chair and her mouth was duct taped.

  Behind Hollywood were four of his men who were waiting on orders on what Hollywood’s next wish would be. Ms. Burton was visibly shaken and afraid and it made a lot of sense. For starters she didn’t know what was happening and why. Every so often she would look around, waiting for the next vile move but as of yet nothing happened.

  “Has either of them bitches called yet,” Hollywood asked one of his men. “This shit is taking longer than I wanted.”

  “No, we been sitting by the phone though,” one man responded. “We on full charge too.” He raised his cell phone.

  “Well this doesn’t make much sense,” Hollywood said looking down at her. “Why wouldn’t they call for their own mother?” He observed Monique’s shivering body. “Do your children fuck with you?” He asked although he needed no response. In his opinion it was evident by their actions.

  “Don’t hurt me, young man,” she mumbled through tape. “Please. You don’t have to do this.”

  “They’re probably waiting to see if you’ll give them the money they asking for first,” Doc said.

  “Yeah, before they return your wife,” another responded.

  “Nah, they probably don’t think I’ll hurt her,” Hollywood responded. “If they do feel that way they don’t know me very well.” He paused. “Check that phone again, Doc. Is it on?”

  “Yep,” he raised the phone in the air for the fifth time for the evening. It was like Hollywood was stalling on making a move. “I got full signal strength and everything. Still no call though.”

  Hollywood looked down and ran his hand down his face. He hated himself for never considering the angle that his wife could be kidnapped, let alone by two women. In his mind people weren’t idiotic enough to fuck with her but he was wrong. In the pursuit of money some would rob anybody.

  “You know what, find that chick,” Hollywood demanded.

  “Who, sir?” Dock asked.

  “The one I left alive to give the message who obviously did not because there is no word on my wife.” He paused. “Had I known they didn’t care about their mother I would’ve snatched that dyke bitch instead.”

  “I’ll find out where the aggressive female is, sir.” Doc said, referring to Tiffani. Before leaving he walked over to Hollywood and whispered into his ear.

  “Oh yeah, go back to that Nikki girl’s house too. The one the dyke said is dating Tasha. As a matter of fact bring me both of them. With both I’m sure they’ll be willing to hand over my wife then.” Hollywood turned to walk up the stairs.

  “But, sir,” the soldier said. “What do we do about their mother in the meantime?”

  “You know what, kill that bitch.” He shrugged. “I’m not running a babysitting service.”



  I knew Crystal had something to tell me while we sat in the car. She was behind the steering wheel and I was in the passenger’s seat, irritated as fuck. I could tell by the look on her face that something was on her mind and suddenly I forgot all about stepping to her about Carmen. I just wished she got it over with.

  “So, so how did things go upstairs?” She asked pointing at the window. “To be honest I thought you stopped fucking her. Didn’t know you still had feelings.”

  I shook my head and laughed. “Wow, wow, wow.” I paused. “This keeps getting worse and worse.”

  “What’s so funny?” She continued, wiping her hair behind her ear.

  “I know ‘bout Carmen, Crystal.” I paused. “As sick as it is I know ‘bout everything.”

  Her eyes widened and she leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest. “What, what you talking about?”

  “Stop fucking around and be honest for real!” I yelled. “You lie so much that even when you have an in to tell the truth you can’t do it. This is why I know you have the same thing ma has. Bipolar disorder.”

  She looked down at her fingers. Taking a deep breath she said, “It was only one time.”

  I shook my head and laughed. “First off I know that’s a lie too. Second of all I was wrong about that shit on your pussy. Based on what Carmen said you probably have syphilis. And even though it won’t matter because Hollywood gonna kill everybody, you better go get that shit checked out as soon as possible.” I paused and took a deep breath. “Now I know you didn’t come all the way down here to talk to me about my slide.”

  “Syphilis?” She said to herself. Crystal shook her head and took a deep breath. “I want you to know that this shit, all of it, is my fault.” She paused. “And I know you know that already but I wanted you to hear it from me too. And I wish I could take back everything but we don’t live in that kind of world.”


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