Swipe Right: Paranormal Mating Bundle

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Swipe Right: Paranormal Mating Bundle Page 10

by DJ Bryce

  I felt them both come inside of me, their sounds of pleasure echoing my own.


  “Hey, is Mal around?”

  I looked up to see Bane standing just inside the door to our office.

  “Uh, no, he had to go to our Cleveland office. He’ll be back in the morning,” I replied.

  “Oh, okay,” Bane said, but rather than turn and leave, he stood there looking uncertain.

  “Is it about the guided trip to the National Forest tonight?” I asked. I knew he had a full group going out.

  “No, everything’s all set for that…”

  “Anything I can help you with?” I offered.

  Bane and I weren’t as tight as he and Mal were, but I wasn’t tight with anyone except Mal… and now, Victoria. Still, I considered Bane a friend.

  He stepped inside and shut the door.

  “Uh, yeah, actually,” he began, and I had to bite back a chuckle. I’d never seen Bane nervous about anything, but he was definitely acting nervous now.

  I kept quiet, figuring he’d tell me when, and if, he was ready.

  “It’s about that mating app,” Bane said finally.

  “Oh, well, I wasn’t really involved in that. Mal set it all up, did the messages and all that. I just agreed to go along with it.”

  And it was the best decision I’d ever made, I thought Tori’s face popped into my mind.

  “No, I already set it up… that’s the problem. I’ve had some hits and I’m not sure what to do next. I mean, I’m not trying to find what you and Mal have with Tori, and I don’t want to give these women the wrong idea. Yes, I’m looking for a mate, but not in the traditional sense. I’ve already had my mate and been claimed, I’m not looking to replace Sarah. I’m looking for a mate in name only, to be a mother for Sloane. But, I’m afraid if I say that outright, I won’t get anyone to even come out for the trial period.”

  I nodded. I could see his dilemma.

  I’d known Sarah, and had seen them together, and knew how devastated he’d been when she’d passed. Now that I had Tori, I couldn’t fathom how’d he’d gotten through it, although, he’d had Sloane to consider.

  “What if you don’t say anything straight away. The point of the trial is to see if you’re a good fit. To get to know each other in your everyday surroundings, to see if the woman you choose will be able to move here, leave behind everything she’s known, and agree to be your mate for life.”

  Bane nodded, so I went on.

  “Give them a chance to get to know you and Sloane, see if they’d be a good mother to her, then lay out the terms of your agreement. There’s no limit to how many women you can bring out for a trial, although you may not want Sloane getting attached if it’s someone you can’t stand having around,” I amended as I thought it through. “After all, whether you’re going to be mates in name only or not, you still have to live with whoever you choose for the rest of your life, so you want to make sure she’s not an asshole or a slob or something.”

  “So, maybe I should have a two-part trial. One with just me, then, if I like the woman, introduce her to Sloane and see how they get along? Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks, Kai.”

  “No problem, man, I really hope it works out for you.”

  Bane nodded again, then turned and left.

  I finished up what I was working on, then shut it down for the night, eager to get home to Victoria.

  Mal was out of town for work, so it’d just be the two of us tonight.

  Most of her nights were spent with Mal, hanging out and watching TV, which was something I’d never really gotten in to, but I didn’t want her to feel alone or be sad that he was gone, so I was going home earlier than usual to spend time with her.

  When I got home, Tori was still making dinner, and when she heard me enter she looked up with a beautiful smile.

  “Hey, you’re home early,” she said, crossing to give me a kiss, which I deepened instinctively.

  By the time I let her go, we were both breathing hard.

  “I wanted to make sure I was home in time for dinner… thought we could watch a movie or something.”

  “Really?” she asked, her eyes lighting up.


  “I’d love that.”

  I went and got changed while Tori finished dinner, then we set it up in the living room in front of the TV and ate while watching a super hero movie. It actually wasn’t that bad, the best part being the way Tori had snuggled in next to me after we were both done eating.

  I moved my hand and found the side of her breast. I caressed it softly as the credits began to roll.

  Tori shifted so that I could cup her breast fully, then her had found my stiff cock and stroked it over my shorts.

  My lips sought hers, and pretty soon we were laid out on the couch in a full out make out session. Victoria was tilting her hips and grinding her hot pussy against me as she explored my mouth with her tongue.

  When I could take it no more, I released my cock from my boxer briefs and pulled my shorts down just enough to allow freedom, then I moved her panties to the side and slid inside.

  I sunk deep until I was fully seated, then kissed her deeply and allowed myself a second to enjoy the feeling of pure bliss that came from being inside of her.

  “Kai… move… please,” Tori pleaded from beneath me.

  And I complied.

  I fucked her hard and fast, reveling in every moan, pant and cry that emitted from her lips.

  Before long we were both calling out as we came, and my movement slowed as I milked our pleasure to the last drop.

  I collapsed, then shifted so as not to crush her.

  “Maybe I should hang out for movie night more often,” I said with a chuckle.

  “Mmmhmm,” Tori replied with a satisfied smile. “You’ve been missing out.”


  I looked around the room with a smile, happy with how it had turned out, and excited to see what the guys were going to say.

  I walked across the hall to our room, which used to be Kai’s, but we’d all moved into shortly after our claiming ceremony. It was the master, and therefore had the most room. Mal still kept some of his stuff down in his old closet, which was now the workout room slash reading area.

  Basically, I liked to go in there and pretend to read while they worked out. What can I say… it was like bees to honey.

  I made my way downstairs, glancing at the pictures that adorned the walls.

  They’d given me free reign to decorate, and although I hadn’t made things too feminine, I had framed lots of pictures of us, bought a few landscape art pieces, and put a few knick knacks, lamps, and other things about. Just to make it more homey.

  I sniffed the air and looked at the timer above the stove. My lasagna still had another fifteen minutes, which was good, since Mal and Kai were due home any minute.

  My stomach fluttered with nerves and excitement, which was usually the case when I knew I was about to see one or both of them, but this time… it was more than that. I had a surprise that I hoped would thrill them as much as it did me, although I did feel a tiny bit of apprehension.

  I put the finishing touches on the salad, checked the garlic bread in the toaster over, then looked toward the door when I heard it open.

  “I can’t believe he’s actually doing it,” Kai was staying as he walked in ahead of Mal.

  “It’s about time,” Mal replied with a shake of his head. “I’ve been trying to get him to try it out since I built our profile.”

  “Hey,” I said, crossing the room to give them each a kiss. “What’s going on?”

  “Bane finally has a woman coming out for a trial,” Kai informed me, his arm snaking around my waist so he could cop a feel of my ass.

  I laughed and leaned in a little closer for his kiss.

  “Really?” I asked when I pulled back. “Is he going to introduce her to Sloane?”

  I’d gotten to know Bane and Sloane very well over the last few
months. That little girl held a special place in my heart, and I hated to think of her getting her hopes up over a woman who may not last the trial.

  In fact, I couldn’t see how it would work. Bane was painfully hung up on his late mate.

  “Not at first, no,” Mal explained. “Initially the trial will between the two of them, so he can determine if they’ll get along, see if she’ll be a good fit for Sloane, and ensure she understands that he’ll never feel for her the way he did Sarah. If she makes it through all that, then he’ll introduce her to Sloane to ensure Sloane likes her and she’ll be the mom Sloane needs.”

  “Wow. That’s a lot. I hope this woman can handle it,” I said, wondering if I would have been able to.

  Although I did handle the surprise of having two mates rather than just the one I’d assumed pretty well, if I did say so myself.

  “Yeah, me too, Bane and Sloane deserve to be happy,” Kai said, then scented the air and asked, “Do I smell garlic bread?”

  “You sure do,” I replied with a laugh. “It’s lasagna night.”

  Mal patted his flat stomach and said, “Oh, my favorite night.”

  “Why don’t you guys go get comfortable and I’ll set the table.”

  I pulled the lasagna out of the oven and set it on the counter to cool, placed the bread in a basket covered with a cloth napkin, and put the serving spoons in the salad. Then, I took the plates and silverware out to the table and set it up.

  But, rather than take the food outside, I decided I couldn’t wait any longer, and went upstairs to find my mates.

  When I got to the landing of the second floor, Kai was coming out of the restroom, and I could see Mal pulling a t-shirt over his head.

  “Everything okay?” Kai asked, causing Mal to look over at us and start toward us.

  “What’s up, Tori?” Mal asked, his eyes searching my face.

  “I was going to wait until after dinner, but I can’t… I need to just get it out there,” I said vaguely, and they looked at each other in concern.

  “Come,” I said, holding out my hands.

  They each took one, and I walked backward until we were at the door to my old bedroom.

  I gave them each a smile, then dropped their hands, turned, and opened the door to step inside.

  As they followed me, I looked around at the freshly painted mint green walls, then went to the bed and picked up the little onesie I’d had made. It said, My dad’s are badass bears.

  I turned to them and held it up against my chest.

  “I realize it may not be totally appropriate, but I thought it was funny,” I said softly, my gaze going from Kai’s face, to Mal’s and back again.

  “You’re…?” Kal started.

  “Pregnant?” Mal finished then he broke into a huge grin and rushed toward me.

  When he pulled me into a hug I asked, “Is that okay?”

  “What? Of course it is,” Mal said.

  I looked around him at Kai, who was still standing in the same place, shocked.

  “I just…” I began, unsure of how to put into words my greatest worry. “We can’t…” I sighed. “We don’t know who the father is, or at least, we won’t until we have the baby, and then we might have an idea, but… does that bother either of you?”

  “No, Tori, of course not. We knew this going in,” Mal said, his hands cupping my cheeks. “We’ll love these babies no matter who they look like. We’ll be their fathers, together.”

  “Babies?” I asked, confused.

  Kai finally broke out of his trance and put his arms around us.

  “Yes, our cubs are usually born in a litter… more than one at a time,” Kai informed me, and for the first time since finding out I was pregnant, I felt nervous.


  Mal chuckled and said, “You’ll be fine. More than fine. And, we’ll be with you through it all.”

  “Promise?” I asked.

  “Absolutely,” Mal assured me.

  Kai looked around the room and his happy expression fell. “Should you have painted this room? You’re pregnant now, so you’ll have to be more careful…”

  I rolled my eyes and thought, Lord save me, they’re going to coddle me during the whole pregnancy.

  Swipe Right for Love

  Paranormal Mating, book 2


  I slowed down to a jog and took the time to enjoy my surroundings.

  It was a beautiful spring day on the Florida coast. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and I was absolutely miserable.

  I kicked up the pace, focused on what was in front of me and tried to drown out the negativity in my head.

  It was seeing my ex that put me in this mood.

  The pretty boy asshole I’d dated all through high school and college. The man who loved to put me down, tell me how fat I was, and taunt me with food. Eventually I’d grown up, gained a little self-confidence, and kicked his ass to the curb, but unfortunately years of verbal abuse tended to stick with you.

  I guess I could thank him for my new, lean and toned body. After all, it was because of him that my workout obsession began.

  Now, it seemed like working out was the only thing I had going for me.

  I’d recently lost my nanny job when my charge’s father got a work transfer and they’d moved away. My roommate got engaged to her longtime boyfriend and was moving in with him at the end of the week. And, now… my ex was back in town.

  The hits just kept coming.

  It had been these series of unfortunate events that instigated my doing something completely out of character...

  After I’d seen my ex last week when I was going to pick up takeout, I’d come across an ad for a dating app that I’d never heard about before. Being in a vulnerable state, I’d decided to check it out.

  I’d made a profile and started talking to a couple guys online. It wasn’t that I was looking for love, or even a date, it was more like I was looking for a change… a drastic change, and I was willing to try anything in order to get my life on an upward swing.

  The Paranormal Mating App was actually an app for paranormal beings who were looking for mates.

  Now, I know, when you hear mate, you think of fate, predestined love, and things of that nature, but this app was actually for people looking for a myriad of things. I’d met one guy who wanted to find his mate to get his mom off his back. Another was looking for someone to help him with his farm because he was falling behind. While another was looking for someone to grow old with because he was tired of being alone.

  Sure, there were still some looking for love and happily ever after, but if I saw that in a profile, I kept going.

  The other cool thing was that you weren’t expected to say yes and boom, you had your mate. They actually had the option to hold a trial period, which gave you and your prospective mate the chance to get to know each other before you made a lifelong commitment.

  Make no mistake, that part of mating was still the same… the lifetime commitment. Once you agreed to mate with the other person, and had the claiming ceremony, there was no turning back.

  The only way you were getting out of it was death, so you’d better be damn sure you picked the right person.

  That’s why I had mandatory trial period listed on my profile. No way I wanted to get saddled with an asshole for the rest of my life. I’d already seen what living with one looked like, and let me tell you, it wasn’t pretty.

  I used my last burst of speed when my apartments came into view, then walked down the block and back to cool off.

  I tilted my head back and closed my eyes.

  Unbidden, the memory of my ex sitting next to a woman at the restaurant assaulted the back of my eyelids.

  She was a mirror image of who I used to be. Blonde hair, medium height, and about fifty pounds overweight.

  I’d wanted to tell her to run for the hills, to warn her of what he was like, how he’d treat her, the things he’d say… instead, I’d stood there frozen for a go
od ten seconds, before I turned tail and run like a coward.

  By the time I’d gotten home I’d been sweaty, wide-eyed and shaking. Luckily, my roommate hadn’t been home to see me walk in and go straight for the liquor cabinet. I’d taken the bottle of tequila to my room and hadn’t come out until the next day.

  I let out a deep breath and stretched my arm across my chest.

  I looked around my neighborhood and wondered if I’d miss it. I was only going to be gone a couple weeks, unless the trial went well, of course, then I’d move to Indiana permanently.

  I’d never been to the Midwest and was interested to see what it was like. Plus, the man I’d met on the app, Bane, was a single dad. That was a big part of the reason I’d said yes to his trial. I missed the kid I’d been a nanny for, and often thought I was better with kids than with adults. Plus, he’d insisted on a trial period as well, and was not the type who was looking for the love of his life.

  All of these were pluses in my book.

  The first week it would just be me and Bane. We’d have a trial period with the two of us, making sure we got along and laying out what we both expected for our futures. If we decided we liked each other and wanted to move forward, then, and only then, would I get to meet his daughter, Sloane. The second week would be a trial with the three of us to see if we were all a good fit.

  I really liked this about Bane. The fact that he wasn’t introducing every person who answered his ad to his daughter and had added that extra measure to ensure she wasn’t subjected to someone who wasn’t going to stick.

  Other than that, I didn’t really know much about him.

  He was attractive, unless he used someone else’s photo on his profile, worked for Yonaweti Camping and Fishing, which was a major sporting goods chain, as some sort of travel guide, and he was a shifter.

  Wolf to be exact.

  I’d never actually spoken with a shifter in person, although I had made out with a witch one night when I was really drunk.


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