World Tree Online: The Order of Epic Grinders: 4th Dive

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World Tree Online: The Order of Epic Grinders: 4th Dive Page 5

by M. A. Carlson

  Still sounding bored and uninterested, the Gnome sighed, “And do you have the 5,000-Gold to purchase the writ?”

  “I have this,” Micaela said, presenting one of the two vouchers she found in her bag.

  The Gnome took the scroll and unfurled it, reading it over with bored eyes before rolling it up again. “Very well, you have been allotted an Order of Service due to your outstanding actions in various provinces. This comes with an Order Writ and a Coat of Arms. Please declare your Order name.”

  “The Order of Epic Grinders,” Micaela stated proudly.

  “One moment,” the Gnome replied, turning to a filing cabinet and flipping through the papers within. A minute later he turned back to Micaela, “Alright, the Order name is not already in use and is therefore approved. Do you have a design for your Coat of Arms?”

  “Um . . . can you do a Bulls head with these axes crossed behind it?” Micaela asked.

  The Gnome gave her a withering glare. “I am not an artist. You will need to hire an artist to design your Coat of Arms. Just be sure to register it within a month.”

  “You got it,” Micaela said excitedly.

  The bored Gnome droned on, “An order office will cost 5-Gold per week and is limited to three prestige’s. Do you wish to rent an office at this time?”

  “Nope, I’m going to build an Order House,” Micaela cheered excitedly.

  “Very well, go forth and serve the people,” the Gnome said, his voice as bored as ever as he stamped the scroll Micaela gave him and returned it to her.

  “Thank you,” Micaela said excitedly, scanning over the stamped document. She was absolutely giddy upon reading the fancily written ‘Order of Epic Grinders’ and the next line that stated, ‘Writ of Service’. She might have jumped up and down a few times in excitement before skipping out of the Order Branch and back into the bustling streets of Root City. “Next stop, Hurligville!”

  Micaela was happy to make use of her Jump Badge to get back to the eighth ring and the portal back to Hurlig Ridge. Luckily, Micaela knew exactly where the portal was this time, unlike the very first time she logged out of the game and couldn’t find her way back to her starting province.

  Anyway, it was with great joy that Micaela skipped right into the portal and out the other side, dismissing the province description without looking at it only to realize she had arrived in a much different Hurlig Ridge than she remembered. The road leading from the portal toward Hurligville looked much the same as always. The trees surrounding it, less so. They all seemed to be coated in thick spider webs and Micaela was sure she saw red eyes staring out from their depths. The sky was downright gloomy and overcast, it gave the province a real . . . ominous feel to it.

  Then she pulled up the message with the province description she initially dismissed without reading . . . and it was significantly different from the last time she’d been there.

  Hurlig Ridge – Level 1-30

  Hurlig Ridge is a forested area with a mountain ridgeline bordering the northern edge of the area. Once a relatively peaceful province, Hurlig Ridge has come under the attack of the undead. These creatures have slowly been pouring into the province from the recently lost province of Hurlig Flatlands. If that wasn’t enough, due to the reduction in the wolf population, now mostly zombie wolves, a large nest of giant spiders has made Hurlig Ridge their home.

  “Level 1-30,” Micaela read aloud from the province description. “Oh, I hope Daphne is alright,” she said softly.

  Steeling herself for the run to the village and preparing herself mentally for the state of the village if things were really as bad as the description said, Micaela pulled Butch and Sundance from her back ready for a fight if that’s what it came to. She started the run.

  Micaela was grateful for the road still being in good condition as she ran along it. She spotted a few and as she ran but none of them came near her. Being a significantly higher level than the monsters seemed to discourage them from attacking her.

  Just as the gate came into sight, Micaela encountered her first . Unlike the spiders that knew better than to attack her, the zombie wolf did not. A single fireball from Sundance ended it without much fuss.

  With the gate in sight and seeing that the town appeared to be intact, Micaela took a moment to inspect the burned remains. She was curious to see if there was anything left to scavenge. Unfortunately, there was no pelt to speak of. Most of the organs were missing or burned, as were several bones, and the few that remained weren’t worth scavenging. Additionally given it was a zombie wolf, she doubted zombie meat would be edible. In fact, the only things worth taking were three mostly intact fangs.

  Zombie Wolf Fang – Use caution when handling, this fang carries Weak Undead Plague– Crafting Material

  Micaela added the fangs to her inventory and resumed her run down the road toward Hurligville, excited to see everyone and catch up with all the friends she had made in the province after she and Olaf first met Bye-bye.

  “Halt,” a shouted from just across the moat when Micaela was about 20-yards from the raised drawbridge. Standing next to the raised drawbridge was a newly constructed wooden tower, on top of which were three guards, all of them aiming arrows at her and all of them around the same level as the Guard at ground level.

  Micaela slowed to a walk as she observed the changes, saying softly, “Wow, Hurligville’s guards have gotten a lot stronger.”

  “State your name and your business,” the same level 28 Guard shouted at her.

  “Oh, Micaela Crushhammer, I’m here to start my Order,” she shouted, almost giddy at the prospect.

  “Lower the bridge, you blithering idiot,” shouted a voice Micaela knew only too well.

  “Sergeant Butters!” Micaela cheered in greeting before she even saw him on the other side of the slowly lowering drawbridge.

  As soon as the two could fully see each other, Sergeant Butters did a double take and asked, “Micaela, is that really you? You have changed so much.”

  Micaela was glad to see the grizzled old knight’s appearance hadn’t changed much in the months since she’d last seen him. Smiling, she said, “It’s me.” Micaela then stuck a pose for fun and asked, “You like? I can’t wait to tell you and Trini all about it.”

  The Sergeant laughed. “Yeah, you are definitely Micaela Crushhammer, I cannot wait to hear, and I am sure Trini will enjoy the story as well. For now, hurry in, we need to raise the bridge back up soon or the ruddy undead will start wandering toward us.”

  Micaela grinned and practically skipped across, wrapping the Sergeant in a hug as soon as she was in range. It was only then that Micaela took note of the Sergeants nameplate. . “You’ve gotten a lot stronger.”

  “There was no other choice,” Sergeant Butters replied. “Between all the adventurers streaming through the province and now with the bloody undead invasion, it was either get stronger or die.”

  “Then I’m glad you chose to get stronger,” Micaela said with a firm nod. “Now, before I forget, have any new adventurers come into the village in the last few hours?”

  Sergeant Butters looked to the guard that was guarding the drawbridge.

  “Three new adventurers have entered today. One Lady Bell, a level 2, one Devin Devilicious level 6, and one Penelope Crushhammer level 1,” the guard reported.

  Micaela slapped her forehead as the name of the last entrant, with a sigh she said, “I should have known she would use that name. Can you tell me where my wayward daughter has gotten off to?”

  Sergeant Butters barked a laugh, then said, “Hah, so you brought your daughter with you to the World Tree this time?”

  “It’s what she wanted,” Micaela replied, enjoying the Sergeant’s enthusiasm.

  “In that case, make sure you send her my way and I’ll be sure to give her some proper weapon instruction,” Sergeant Butters said, his grin widening. “
As to your daughter’s location, Corporal Heine?”

  The same guard, , that questioned Micaela, responded, “Sorry sir, after she entered the gates, she was quickly lost in the crowds of adventurers coming and going.”

  Micaela sighed, “Do you at least remember what race she was?”

  “A Minotaur, ma’am,” Heine replied.

  That made Micaela grin a little more widely, beaming with pride for her daughter. “That’s my girl,” she said. “Alright, I’ll find her soon enough. Now, what is all this undead nonsense?”

  Here the Sergeant sighed. “The Hurlig Flatlands to the west recently had its portal collapsed after the province was overrun with undead. Apparently, some damned fool adventurers woke an ancient being of some kind and could not kill it. After they lost, it began raising everything in the area into the undead until it totally overran the Flatlands. Then about two weeks ago, they began spilling over into our province and with all the wolf corpses the adventurers have been leaving to rot, wasted and un-scavenged . . . well, you get the idea. I am afraid it will not be long before we are forced to abandon the province.”

  “Isn’t there another way?” Micaela asked.

  Sergeant Butters looked slightly hesitant before answering. “As I see it, there are two options,” Sergeant Butters began. “First, a team of experienced and capable adventurers invade the Hurlig Flatlands and put an end to whatever is spawning all the undead,” here he paused to look poignantly at Micaela then around her as if he was looking for something before sighing, “The second option, we build up the town fortifications and hold out long enough for the new environment to stabilize.”

  “How long would you need to hold out?” Micaela asked.

  “At least a month longer, maybe two,” Sergeant Butters replied. “Unfortunately, Homer has been struggling with making any decisions since he lost Margie to one of the undead.”

  “Oh no,” Micaela gasped, her hands shooting to her mouth in horror, then forlornly asked, “Margie is gone?”

  Sergeant Butters nodded grimly,” It gets worse, she was turned into one of the undead.”

  “Poor Homer,” Micaela said.

  “Anyway, I cannot help but notice you are all alone. I do not suppose your friends will be along soon?” Sergeant Butters asked hopefully.

  “Yeah, Olaf is meeting up with Bye-bye and the others. They have a few things to do in Root City but should be here later tonight or tomorrow. I came straight here to meet my daughter and help her and her friend get settled in. I was hoping to introduce them around,” Micaela answered.

  “In that case, I need to ask you what you plan to do? Will you stay and help us? Attack the undead? Or abandon us to the whims of the undead?” Sergeant Butters asked, prompting a quest notification.

  Quest Alert: Horrors of the Undead (Recommended Level 25-30)

  You have been given the option to help Hurligville or to abandon it to the undead hordes.

  Reward: Experience

  What will you do?

  Protect Hurligville directly

  Attack the Hurlig Flatlands

  Abandon Hurligville to their fate

  Micaela didn’t hesitate to answer and accept the quest, “Of course I’ll help. I’m going to make Hurligville into the best zombie killing city in the history of the World Tree.”

  Quest Alert: Horrors of the Undead (Recommended Level 25-30) – Completed!

  You have been given the option to help Hurligville or to abandon it to the undead hordes.

  Reward: +1,000-Experience

  “Ha-ha,” Sergeant Butters laughed and grinned. “I do not know if this little village of ours can be built up to match the likes of Zombie Hill or the Holy Bastion, but I like the way you think.”

  Order of Service Quest Alert: Building an Order House

  Before you can take control of Hurligville’s defenses and building resources, you must first formally establish your Order. To do that, you must build an Order House.

  Reward: Experience, Founding of the Order of Epic Grinders

  Do you accept this Quest?



  “I said I was going to make this the best zombie killing city in the World Tree and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. If that means building an Order House is what it takes, then so be it,” Micaela answered, accepting the option to build her Order House. She would do whatever it took to build up the town to hold out against the undead invasion. “It’s like I told the Corporal. I’m here to found an Order of Service,” she said, showing the Sergeant the scroll for the promised land and supplies. “It should allow me to help improve the city, right?”

  “It does indeed,” Sergeant Butters said, looking slightly relieved.

  “However, when Olaf gets here with the others, I would suggest you offer them the quest again, I guarantee they will try to take care of the Flatlands. A two-pronged attack if you will,” Micaela said with a more military tone, her usual light and pixyish behavior absent.

  “An excellent plan,” the Sergeant agreed. “Corporal, if you see Olaf Crushhammer and a group of adventurers, send a runner to find me immediately. And you are to let them into the village without delay, am I clear?”

  “Yes, Sergeant,” Corporal Heines said, snapping off a salute.

  “And if they do not arrive before your shift ends, make sure you inform your replacement of the standing orders,” the Sergeant added.

  “Yes, Sergeant,” the Corporal repeated.

  “And if you spot my daughter, make sure you send her and anyone with her to see Sergeant Butters immediately,” Micaela added.

  “Uh,” the Corporal hesitated, looking to Sergeant Butters for help.

  “You heard her,” the Sergeant confirmed.

  “Yes, Sergeant,” Corporal Heine said, snapping off another salute.

  “Thank you,” Micaela said, her voice once again chipper and excited. “Okay, so, what do I need to do to setup my Order here in Hurligville?”

  “First, we go see the Mayor, hopefully Homer is in a good mood and willing to do his job,” said Sergeant Butters, then added, “Second, you need to pick a plot of land to purchase from the village. After that, you just need to build an Order House. You can purchase one or build one yourself with your materials.”

  “Okay, let’s go see Homer,” Micaela said, hopeful that the Mayor was in good spirits.

  Sergeant Butters nodded and led Micaela through the small village to the all too familiar barn-shaped town hall.

  “Homer, you here?” Sergeant Butters yelled, pounding on the closed office door.

  “Go away, come back tomorrow,” Homer’s voice called back through the door.

  “Homer, help has arrived, open the door,” the Sergeant yelled back.

  “They can help tomorrow,” Homer called back.

  “Open the door or I am going to break it down,” Sergeant Butters threatened.

  “Fine, fine,” Homer replied hurriedly, the sound of jangling keys could be heard through the door.

  A moment later, the office door opened and a less than sober Homer Simper, bedraggled, unshaven, and stinking of booze and a lack of bathing, the Mayor of Hurligville stood on uneasy legs.

  “What do you want, Butters? Can’t you see I am busy with village business,” Homer snapped irritably.

  Looking around the Mayor, Micaela could see several empty jars that no doubt once held the Johnson farm’s moonshine.

  “Homer, help is here. You remember Micaela Crushhammer?” Sergeant Butters asked.

  “I remember, what about it?” Homer asked.

  “She has agreed to help fend off the invading undead,” Sergeant Butters said.

  “Too little, too late,” Homer snapped. “Where was she to help when my Margie . . . when my . . . No one came to help then, why now?”

  “Oh, Homer, I’m so sorry for your loss,” Micaela replied. She knew well enough that anything she might say beyond that could do more harm than good, platitudes would
not bring Margie back.

  Homer sniffled. “Thank you,” he said, sniffling hard. “But if I might ask, who are you?”

  Micaela tried not to grin too broadly given the somber atmosphere. “It’s me, Micaela Crushhammer. I’m a Minotaur now, so is Olaf.”

  Homer’s eyes darted above Micaela’s head and widened slightly. “Oh my, so it is you. My goodness. You really have changed.”

  Micaela nodded, still trying not to grin.

  Homer sniffled once more then looked her in the eyes. “I know you might not have been able to help even if you were here. But you are here now,” he paused to look around, “Where are the others? Your husband? Bye-bye?”

  “They are on their way,” Micaela replied. “They should be here tonight or sometime tomorrow at the latest. I came early to meet up with my daughter and help get her started. I’m also here to build an Order House,” she explained, then produced the documents from her bag and presented them to him. Micaela noticed one of the documents looked slightly different from when she first looked at it. The seal was that of a lion’s head in blue wax whereas before it was just a red wax seal without a design.

  “The King has granted you land, supplies, and manpower to build an Order House within our fine village,” Homer almost gasped. “Oh, such an honor. Such an honor,” he repeated, tearing up slightly. “Margie would have loved to see this day,” he said with another sniffle.

  “I am sure she would have,” Sergeant Butters said. “She would have said something like, ‘oh, that is nice’ and then after getting a good look at the condition you are in, she would have kicked your sorry behind so hard you would see stars and you would not have been able to sit for a week.”

  Homer snorted. “Maybe she would have,” he agreed. Seeming to muster a bit of sobriety, he said, “I know just the spot to build an Order House for our village’s greatest heroes. Follow me.”


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