Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

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Pragmatic Thinking and Learning Page 10

by The Pragmatic Programmers

  significant lateral specialization going on here.

  This experiment seems to amplify the fact that if you’re looking

  for global, holistic patterns, you need R-mode. If you need to ana-

  lyze parts and look into the detail, then you need a more L-mode

  approach. For most of us, this level of specialization is how it is.

  R-mode sees the forest; L-mode sees the trees.

  But for some fortunate few, the hemispheric differences are not as

  profound. Math prodigies, in particular, do not show these differ-

  ences; their brain parts are much more cooperative.19 When they

  see the I characters or the Hs, both hemispheres are more equally


  18. Thanks to June Kim for this one.

  19. Interhemispheric Interaction During Global/Local Processing in Mathematically Gifted Adolescents, Average Ability Youth and College Students [SO04].

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  If by chance you aren’t a math prodigy, then we need to take a look

  at some other way to get the R-mode and L-mode to cooperate: to

  better integrate L-mode and R-mode processing. We’ll take a look

  at how to do that in the next chapter.

  3.6 DIY Brain Surgery and Neuroplasticity

  You can physically rewire your brain. Want more capability in some

  area? You can wire yourself that way. You can repurpose areas of

  the brain to perform different functions. You can dedicate more

  neurons and interconnections to specific skills. You can build the

  brain you want.

  Before you get carried away, put away the Dremel tool and dental

  pick; there’s an easier way to do brain surgery. No tools required.

  Until recently, it was believed that brain capacity and internal

  “wiring” were fixed from birth. That is, certain localized areas of the

  brain were specialized to perform certain functions according to a

  fixed map. One patch of cortical real estate was devoted to process-

  ing visual input, another to taste, and so on. This also meant that

  the capacity for whatever abilities and intelligence you were born

  with were largely fixed and that no additional training or develop-

  ment would get you past some fixed maximum.

  Fortunately for us and the rest of the race, it turns out that isn’t


  Instead, the human brain is wonderfully plastic—so much so that

  researchers have been able to teach a blind man to see with his

  tongue.20 They took a video camera chip and wired its output to

  the patient’s tongue in a small 16x16-pixel arrangement. His brain

  circuits rearranged themselves to perform visual processing based

  on the neural input from his tongue, and the patient was able to

  see well enough to drive around cones in a parking lot! Also notice

  that the input device isn’t particularly high resolution: a mere 256

  pixels. But the brain fills in enough details that even this sort of

  low-res input is enough.

  20. Described in The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science [Doi07].

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  TIP 11

  Rewire your brain with belief and constant practice.

  Neuroplasticity (the plastic nature of the brain) also means that

  the maximum amount you can learn, or the number of skills you

  attain, is not fixed. There is no upper limit—as long as you believe

  that. According to Stanford University research psychologist Carol

  Dweck, author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success [Dwe08],

  students who believed they could not increase their intelligence in

  fact couldn’t. Those who believed in the plasticity of their brains

  increased their abilities easily.

  In either case, what you think about the

  brain’s capacities physically affects the Thinking makes it so.

  “wiring” of the brain itself. That’s a pretty

  profound observation. Just thinking that your brain has more

  capacity for learning makes it so.

  It’s do-it-yourself brain surgery.

  Cortical competition

  And it’s not just your beliefs that can rewire your brain; there is

  always an ongoing competition for cortical real estate in your brain.

  Skills and abilities that you constantly use and constantly practice

  will begin to dominate, and more of your brain will become wired

  for those purposes.

  At the same time, lesser-used skills will lose ground. “Use it or

  lose it” is perfectly accurate in this case, because your brain will

  dedicate more resources to whatever you are doing the most.

  Perhaps this is why musicians practice scales incessantly; it’s sort

  of like refreshing dynamic RAM. Want to be a better coder? Practice

  coding more. Engage in deliberate, focused practice as described in

  the sidebar on page 44. Want to learn a foreign language? Immerse

  yourself in it. Speak it all the time. Think in it. Your brain will soon

  catch on and adapt itself to better facilitate this new usage.

  3.7 How Do You Get There?

  In this chapter, we’ve looked at features of your brain, including

  the L-mode and R-mode cognitive processes, and at rewiring your

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  brain through practice. You should also begin to appreciate the

  underutilized power of R-mode.

  So if this R-mode thing is so great—or at least so necessary at this

  particular point in time—what can you do to experience more R-

  mode processing yourself? What can you do to cultivate R-mode

  and better integrate L-mode and R-mode?

  We’ll look at some specifics of how to achieve better cultivation and

  integration in the next chapter.

  Next Actions

  ! Make a short list of your favorite software applications and a

  list of the ones you just despise. How much does aesthetics

  play a role in your choices?

  ! Consider what aspects of your work and home life target L-

  mode. What aspects of your work and home life target R-

  mode? Do you feel they are in balance? If not, what will you

  do differently?

  ! Keep a doodle pad on your desk (and in your car, with your

  laptop, by your bed), and use it.

  ! In addition, keep something on your person for 24×7 note

  taking (which may or may not be paper/pen based).

  Try This

  ! Make a conscious effort to learn something new primarily by

  synthesis, instead of analysis.

  ! Try creating your next software design away from your key-

  board and monitor (and we’ll talk more about this in detail a

  bit later in the book).

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  A man should learn to detect and foster that gleam of

  light which flashes across his mind from within far

  more than the lustre of the whole firmament without.

  Yet he dismisses without notice his peculiar thought

  because it is peculiar.

  Ralph Waldo Emerson

  Chapter 4

  Get in Your Right Mind

  In this chapter, we’ll look at a whole bunch of techniques to help

  bring more mental processing power online for you. Some may be

  familiar to you, and others will definitely be more exotic; don’t shy

  away from the “odd” ones. If you are repelled and don’t want to try

  something, that’s probably exactly what you should try first.

  Emerson points out in the opening epigraph that we tend to dis-

  miss unusual or uncomfortable thoughts—and that’s a bad thing.

  You might miss out on that million-dollar idea of a lifetime. Instead,

  you need to pay attention to all that your mind has to offer. Sure,

  some of what you find will be the intellectual equivalent of a Gilli-

  gan’s Island rerun, but you may also find that one idea that makes

  all the difference in the world. So, we’re going to look at it all, be it

  good, bad, or ugly.

  You probably know what L-mode processing feels like; it’s that lit-

  tle voice in your head that makes L-mode very noticeable. But what

  does R-mode feel like? You’ll do an exercise that will let you expe-

  rience a cognitive shift to R-mode, and we’ll see different ways to

  help engage more R-mode processing.

  We’ll also look at ways of integrating L-mode and R-mode more

  effectively, and I’ll show you a variety of techniques to help harvest

  the fruits of your R-mode’s hidden labor.

  4.1 Turn Up the Sensory Input

  The simplest thing you can do to begin to involve more of your

  brain in problem solving and creativity is to activate more neural

  pathways than usual.

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  That means expanding sensory involvement—using different

  senses than usual. It’s not a small effect; one study showed a 500

  percent improvement for students using multisensory techniques.1

  Even surprisingly simple things can help.

  For instance, try fiddling with a paper clip or some sort of tactile

  puzzle while stuck on a tedious conference call or while pondering

  a tricky problem.

  TIP 12

  Add sensory experience to engage more of your brain.

  I’ve seen development teams have good success using tactile

  enhancement. Instead of trying to create and document a design

  or architecture directly in a commercial tool (using UML or some-

  thing similar), use building blocks. Toy blocks. In assorted colors.

  Or Lego bricks.

  Object-oriented design with Lego bricks is quite effective with a

  group of people: everyone can participate without fighting for the

  keyboard or the whiteboard marker; you can animate the actions

  and behaviors easily, and it encourages multisensory involvement.

  It helps you visualize—and generate imagery of—the proposed

  workings of the system. CRC cards2 also have good cross-sensory,

  tactile properties.

  The next step is to emphasize cross-

  Use cross-sensory

  sensory feedback. Involving one extra


  sense is a good first step; now involve sev-

  eral other senses and allow them to inter-

  act. Suppose you take the design and do a couple of things to it:

  • Write it down in your usual form.

  • Draw a picture (not UML or an official diagram; just a picture).

  What visual metaphor is appropriate?

  • Describe it verbally.

  • Engage in open discussion with your teammates; respond to

  questions and criticisms, and so on.


  Improving Vocabulary Acquisition with Multisensory Instruction [DSZ07].


  Invented by Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham, each index card describes a

  class, its responsibility, and any collaborators. CRC cards are a good start at looking at the dynamic properties of a system, not the static (as in a UML class diagram).

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  • Act out the roles involved. (Any physical metaphors come to

  mind? We’ll talk a lot about metaphors shortly.)

  That last idea is quite powerful (and we’ll see it again a bit later);

  see the sidebar on page 89 for a real-life example.

  Notice that these activities begin to involve additional senses and

  styles of interaction. When you involve an additional input mode,

  you are activating more areas of the brain—you’re bringing more

  processing power online, as it were.

  Primary school educators have known for a long time that cross-

  sensory feedback is a very effective way of increasing understand-

  ing and retention. It’s a pretty well-established pedagogical tech-

  nique. That’s probably why you were forced to create that dreaded

  diorama of ancient Rome or the papier-mâché model of Pompeii in

  grade school.

  Your brain is always hungry for this kind

  of additional, novel stimulus. It’s built to Feed your brain.

  constantly adapt to a changing environ-

  ment. So, change your environment regularly, and feed your brain.

  Any sort of extrasensory involvement is probably helpful, whether

  it’s a long walk though crunchy leaves with your dog, opening your

  window and listening to the day’s weather (and actually smelling

  some fresh air!), or just walking to the break room or down to the

  gym (the air there is less fresh, but exercise is also very helpful for

  better brain function).

  4.2 Draw on the Right Side

  I’ve claimed a number of times that we’re not using our R-mode

  facilities as well as we might. Well, we’re going to do a little experi-

  ment now to prove that and see how to deliberately get into a pure

  R-mode cognitive state.

  I’ve given many talks across the United States and Europe based

  on the material that became this book. One of my favorite bits from

  the talks is a simple survey question I ask the audience: tell me

  how well you can draw. The results are always the same.

  In a crowd of 100 technical types (programmers, testers, and man-

  agers), maybe one or two folks claim to be able to draw very well.

  Maybe another five to eight or so claim somewhat competent draw-

  ing skills but nothing suitable for framing. The vast majority in

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  every case agrees with my own self-assessment: we suck at draw-

  ing. Just plain stink. There’s a reason for that.

  Drawing is an R-mode activity. Actually,

  “Drawing” is really

  let me back up a moment and describe

  about seeing.

  what I mean by drawing. Drawing really

  isn’t about making marks on paper. Any-

  one with normal physical abilities can put the appropriate marks

  on paper as required for drawing and sketching. The hard part isn’t

  the drawing end; it’s the seeing. And this sort of visual perception

  is very much an R-mode task.

  The essence of the problem is that shared bus I showed you a while

  back (in Chapter 3, This Is Your Brain, on page 57). The L-mode

  is sitting there chatting away, actively blocking the R-mode from

  doing its job. And interestingly enough, many popular leisure-time

  activities can engage an R-mode flow that shuts down the chat-

  ter of the L-mode: listening to music, drawing, meditation, jogging,

  needlework, rock climbing, and so on.

  To access the perceptual R-mode of the brain, it’s necessary to

  present the brain with a job that the verbal, analytic L-mode

  will turn down. Or as Jerre Levy (prominent Cal Tech student of

  Sperry) says, you want to look at “setting up conditions that cause

  you to make a mental shift to a different mode of information

  processing—the slightly altered state of consciousness—that

  enables you to see well.”

  In the late 1970s, art teacher Dr. Betty

  Limit cognitive

  Edwards wrote the seminal work Drawing


  on the Right Side of the Brain. It quickly

  became a very popular technique to teach

  drawing and sketching to those of us who weren’t quite getting it.

  Expanding on the work of Sperry, Edwards realized that the rea-

  son many people have difficulty drawing is because of the cognitive

  interference from the dominant L-mode.

  The L-mode is a symbolic machine; it rushes in quickly to provide

  a symbolic representation for some sensory input. That’s great for

  symbolic activities such as reading and writing but is not appro-

  priate for other activities.

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  Johanna Rothman describes her experience using roles to

  work through some design issues:

  “The team was working on the project to save the com-


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