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Pragmatic Thinking and Learning Page 13

by The Pragmatic Programmers

  there (as we saw earlier), the same thing can happen while you’re

  sitting in a lecture hall, sitting in a training seminar, or reading a

  book. Even this one.

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  But, all is not lost. It turns out that when you are trying to solve

  a hard problem, all of your memories are scanned—even the ones

  you cannot consciously recall. It’s not the most efficient thing (I’m

  envisioning something like a SQL full-table scan on a large table

  with very long rows), but it does work.

  Have you ever heard an old song on the radio and then several

  days later you suddenly remembered the title or artist? Your R-

  mode was still working on the problem, asynchronously in the

  background, until it finally found the memory.

  But many times the answer isn’t so easily divulged: the R-mode,

  after all, cannot process language. It can retrieve chunks of it from

  memory, but it can’t do anything with it. This leads to some rather

  odd scenarios.

  The Strange Case of Elias Howe

  In 1845, one Elias Howe was struggling to invent a practical lock-

  stitch sewing machine. It wasn’t going very well for him. One

  night, after a long, hard, unproductive day, he had a terrify-

  ing nightmare—the wake-up-screaming, projectile-sweating kind of


  In the nightmare, he was in Africa, abducted by hungry cannibals.

  About to be made into stew, he was quite literally in a lot of hot

  water. As he tried to escape, the headhunters kept poking at him

  with their funny-looking spears.

  As he’s describing the nightmare the next morning, his attention

  focuses on the “funny-looking spears.” What made them odd was

  that they had holes in the end, in the barbed tip of the spear; it

  was almost like holes in a handheld sewing needle but up at the

  tip. Hey...

  Elias went on to receive the first American-issued patent for an

  automatic sewing machine, based on his hard-won inspiration that

  the hole for the needle needed to be opposite the normal, handheld


  It would seem that Elias already knew the answer to this difficult

  technical problem—at least, his R-mode had retrieved an answer.

  But since the R-mode is nonverbal, how can it be presented to the

  L-mode for processing?

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  Figure 4.3: Elias Howe’s patent

  The R-mode has to throw it over the fence visually, in this case

  wrapped up in the disturbing—and very memorable—imagery of

  an outlandish dream.

  And as it turns out, you have many excel-

  Many ideas are not

  lent skills and ideas that are simply not


  verbalizable. As noted earlier (in Chap-

  ter 3, This Is Your Brain, on page 57), you

  can recognize thousands of faces, but try to describe even one

  face—that of a spouse, parent, or child—to any degree of accuracy.

  You don’t have the words to describe it. That’s because facial recog-

  nition (and indeed, most pattern-based recognition) is an R-mode


  You might also notice that you can’t read text that appears in

  dreams, such as road signs or headlines. Most people can’t.

  Let us now take a quick look at two different ways of harvesting

  some of this R-mode recognition: image streaming and free-form


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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  Inarticulate Ability

  One group of researchers∗ experimented with showing stu-

  dents random numbers flashing on different quadrants of

  a computer screen. Some students were shown a jumping

  number before the main number; the control group was

  not. The jumping number appeared to jump around in dif-

  ferent quadrants at random, but it wasn’t random at all—

  there was a subtle pattern to it.

  The students exposed to the jumping number could locate

  the main number much more quickly than the others. How-

  ever, they couldn’t explain why they could find the number

  on the screen so quickly. They thought they were guess-

  ing and just lucky, but in fact they had learned the pattern

  unconsciously and couldn’t verbalize it.

  Thanks to June Kim for this; also documented in Hare Brain,

  Tortoise Mind: How Intelligence Increases When You Think

  Less [Cla00].


  Acquisition of Procedural Knowledge About a Pattern of Stimuli That

  Cannot Be Articulated [Lew88].

  Harvesting with Image Streaming

  In the case of Elias Howe, the answer he was seeking was being

  presented in the form of a dream. You might experience the same

  thing once you start paying more attention to the contents of your

  dreams. Not all dreams “mean something.” Sometimes in a dream

  “a cigar is just a cigar,” as Sigmund Freud reportedly said. But

  there are many times when your R-mode is trying to tell you some-

  thing, something that you want to know.

  Image streaming is a technique designed to help harvest R-mode

  imagery.13 The basic idea is to deliberately observe mental imagery:

  pay close attention to it, and work it around in your mind a bit.

  First, pose a problem to yourself, or ask yourself a question. Then

  close your eyes, and maybe put your feet up on the desk (this is

  perfect for doing at work) for about ten minutes or so.

  13. Described in The Einstein Factor: A Proven New Method for Increasing Your Intelligence [WP96]; evidence that this technique works is largely anecdotal, but that’s somewhat to be expected in this case.

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  For each image that crosses your mind, do the following:

  1. Look at the image, and try to see all the details you can.

  2. Describe it out loud (really use your voice; it makes a differ-

  ence). Now you’re sitting with feet up on the desk and talking

  to yourself.

  3. Imagine the image using all five senses (or as many as practi-


  4. Use present tense, even if the image was fleeting.

  By explicitly paying attention to the fleeting image, you’re engaging

  more pathways and strengthening connections to it. As you try to

  interpret the image, you’re broadening the search parameters to

  the R-mode, which may help coalesce related information. At any

  rate, by paying close attention to those “random” images that flit

  across your consciousness, you may begin to discover some fresh

bsp; insights.

  It’s not magic, and it may or may not work for you, but it does seem

  to be a reasonable way of checking in with the rest of your brain.

  A fair percentage of the population will not see any images in this

  fashion. If that’s the case, you might try to artificially induce a

  random image by gently rubbing your eyes or briefly staring at a

  light source (this creates what is called a phosphene, the sensation

  of seeing light from some nonvisual source).

  The source of the image is not that important; how you try to inter-

  pret it is. We’ll talk more about this phenomenon in just a bit.

  Harvesting with Free-Form Journaling

  Another simple way of harvesting your R-mode’s preconscious

  treasures is to write.

  Blogging has enjoyed tremendous popularity in recent years, and

  probably rightfully so. In previous eras, people wrote letters—

  sometimes a great many letters. We saved the best ones from

  famous people such as Voltaire, Ben Franklin, Thoreau, and other


  Letter writing is a great habit. Sometimes the material is relatively

  dull—what the weather was doing, how the prices at the market

  were up, how the scullery maid ran off with the stable boy, and so

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  Tools and Interference

  When you try to start any creative endeavor, such as writ-

  ing on a blog, an article, or (heaven help you) a full-length

  book, you will encounter massive resistance. Resistance

  can take many forms, from niggling self-doubt to wildly cre-

  ative procrastination to a myriad assortment of other dis-

  tractions and excuses (see The War of Art: Break Through

  the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles [Pre02] for a

  disturbingly complete catalog of the many manifestations

  of resistance).

  With blogging in particular, the tool itself can get in the

  way and stop you from writing. For instance, if you use a

  third-party web service for blogging (such as TypePad or

  Blogspot), are you set up to write blog entries while offline?

  Or if inspiration strikes when you’re away from the Net, does

  that become an excuse not to write? If you’ve written your

  own blogging software, do you spend more time tweaking

  the software or your blog design instead of creating new

  articles? Not to be too much of a Luddite, but writing on

  paper has worked well for many thousands of years. It can

  be a lot faster to capture ideas on paper first and then

  transcribe them into your blog editors.

  Once you start writing, it’s important to maintain the flow.

  Don’t let technical issues distract you once you get going.

  Don’t worry about what needs to be edited yet; get it all

  down first.

  Famous letters were carefully saved and preserved; what

  about yours? Do you have backups? Once you’ve writ-

  ten a blog post, is it being archived anywhere other than

  Google’s cache?

  on. But in the detailed minutiae of everyday life were occasional

  philosophical gems. This sort of free-form journaling has a long

  pedigree, and those skillful thinkers from days gone by were even-

  tually well regarded as “men of letters” for penning these missives.

  Today, blogs are taking on this role. There’s a lot of “what I had for

  breakfast” and the occasional virulent rant indicative of declining

  mental health, but there are also penetrating insights and germs

  of ideas that will change the world. Some already have.

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  But there are many ways to write your thoughts down, and some

  are more effective for our purposes than others. One of the best is

  a technique known as morning pages.

  The Morning Pages Technique

  This is a technique that I first heard about in the

  context of a writer’s workshop (also described in The

  Artist’s Way [Cam02]); it’s a common technique for

  authors. But I was surprised to also come across

  it in a popular MBA program and in other senior

  executive–level courses and workshops.

  Here are the rules:

  • Write your morning pages first thing in the morning—before

  your coffee, before the traffic report, before talking to Mr.

  Showerhead, before packing the kids off to school or letting

  the dog out.

  • Write at least three pages, long hand. No typing, no computer.

  • Do not censor what you write. Whether it’s brilliant or banal,

  just let it out.

  • Do not skip a day.

  It’s OK if you don’t know what to write. One executive taking this

  program loudly proclaimed that this exercise was a complete waste

  of time. He defiantly wrote three pages of “I don’t know what to

  write. Blah blah blah.” And that’s fine.

  Because after a while, he noticed other stuff started appearing in

  his morning pages. Marketing plans. Product directions. Solutions.

  Germs of innovative ideas. He overcame his initial resistance to the

  idea and found it to be a very effective technique for harvesting


  Why does this work? I think it’s because you’re getting an

  unguarded brain dump. The first thing in the morning, you’re

  not really as awake as you think. Your unconscious still has a

  prominent role to play. You haven’t yet raised all the defenses and

  adapted to the limited world of reality. You have a pretty good line

  direct to your R-mode, at least for a little while.

  Thomas Edison had an interesting twist on this idea. He’d take a

  nap with a cup full of ball bearings in his hand. He knew that just

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  as he started to drift off into sleep, his subconscious mind would

  take up the challenge of his problem and provide a solution. As he

  fell into a deep sleep, he’d drop the ball bearings, and the clatter

  would wake him up. He’d then write down whatever was on his


  The “Just Write” Technique

  And then there’s blogging itself. Any chance to write is a good exer-

  cise. What do you really think about this topic? What do you actu-

  ally know about it—not just what you think, but what can you

  defend? Writing for a public audience is a great way to clarify your

  own thoughts and beliefs.

  But where to start? Unless you’re burning with passion for some

  particular topic, it can be hard to sit down and just write about

  something. You might want to try using Jerry Weinberg’s Fieldstone

  method, described in Weinberg on Writing: The Fieldstone Method


s method takes its name from building fieldstone walls: you

  don’t plan ahead to gather these particular stones for that wall.

  You just walk around and pick up a few good-looking stones for

  the future and make a pile. Then when you get around to building

  the wall, you look into the stone pile and find a nice match for the

  section you’re working on at the moment.

  Make a habit of gathering mental fieldstones. Once you have some

  piled up, the process of building walls becomes easy.

  It’s a good habit to get into.

  Harvesting by Walking

  You can harvest R-mode cues just by walking, if you do it right. Do

  you know the difference between a labyrinth and a maze?

  According to the Labyrinth Society,16 a maze may have multiple

  entrances and exits, and it offers you choices along the way. Walls

  prevent you from seeing the way out; it’s a puzzle.

  14. Cited in Why We Lie: The Evolutionary Roots of Deception and the Unconscious Mind [Smi04]; thanks to Linda Rising for suggesting it.

  15. Thanks to several readers for suggesting this and to June Kim for this summary.

  16. On the Web at

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  Figure 4.4: Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

  A labyrinth is not a puzzle; it’s a tool for medita-

  tion. Labyrinths offer a single path—there are no

  decisions to be made. You walk the path to sort of

  give the L-mode something to do and free up the


  It’s the same idea as taking a long walk in the woods or a long

  drive on a straight, lonely stretch of highway, just in a smaller

  more convenient space.

  Labyrinths go back thousands of years; you’ll find them today

  installed in churches, hospitals, cancer treatment centers and hos-

  pices, and other places of healing and reflection.

  Have you ever noticed that great ideas or insights may come to you

  at the oddest times? Perhaps while taking a shower, mowing the

  yard, doing the dishes, or doing some other menial task.

  That happens because the L-mode sort of gets bored with the rou-

  tine, mundane task and tunes out—leaving the R-mode free to

  present its findings. But you don’t have to start washing a lot of

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya



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