Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

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Pragmatic Thinking and Learning Page 19

by The Pragmatic Programmers

as effective. Great.

  Now prove it.

  It could be your expert intuition at work, or maybe it’s just a cog-

  nitive bias or other bug. You need to get some feedback: create a

  prototype, run some unit tests, and chart some benchmarks. Do

  what you need to do to prove that your idea is a good one, because

  your intuition may have been wrong.20

  Feedback is the key to agile software development

  for precisely this reason: software development

  depends on people. And as we’ve seen here, peo-

  ple have bugs, too. In short, we’re all nuts—one way or another.

  Despite our best intentions, we need to double-check ourselves and

  each other.

  You need unit tests for yourself, too.

  Testing Yourself

  When you are dead solid convinced of something, ask yourself why.

  You’re sure the boss is out to get you. How do you know? Every-

  body is using Java for this kind of application. Says who? You’re a

  great/awful developer. Compared to whom?

  20. As you become more expert in a given area, you’ll develop more of the capacity for accurate self-feedback, so it will become easier over time.

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  To help get a bigger picture perspective

  and test your understanding and mental How do you know?

  model, ask yourself something like the fol-

  lowing questions:21

  • How do you know?

  • Says who?

  • How specifically?

  • How does what I’m doing cause you to...?

  • Compared to what or whom?

  • Does it always happen? Can you think of an exception?

  • What would happen if you did (or didn’t)?

  • What stops you from...?

  Is there anything you can actually measure? Get hard numbers on?

  Any statistics?22 What happens when you talk this over with a col-

  league? How about a colleague who has a very different viewpoint

  from your own? Do they passively agree? Is that a danger sign? Do

  they violently oppose the idea? Does that give it credibility? Or not?

  If you think you’ve defined something, try to also define its oppo-

  site. This can help avoid the nominal fallacy described earlier. If

  all you have is a label, it’s hard to pin down its opposite in any

  detail (and no, another label doesn’t count). Contrast a behavior, an

  observation, a theory with its exact opposite, in detail. This action

  forces you to dig a little deeper and look at your “definition” with a

  more critical and attentive eye.

  Expectations create reality, or at least

  color it. If you expect the worst from peo- Expectations color

  ple, technology, or an organization, then reality.

  that’s what you’re primed to see. Just as

  with sense tuning (discussed on page 233), you’ll suddenly see a

  lot of what you expect.

  For instance, certain faux news channels have focused on such

  sensational, Chicken Little-esque “news” coverage that you’d think

  21. Thanks to Don Gray for pointing out these questions from the research on NLP

  meta models. See Tools of Critical Thinking: Metathoughts for Psychology [Lev97] for more.

  22. Bearing in mind Benjamin Disraeli’s observation that “there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Biases can be made quite convincing through the use of numbers.

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  the global apocalypse was scheduled for tomorrow (live coverage at

  10 a.m. Eastern/7 a.m. Mountain and Pacific). It’s not, but given

  a steady diet of their careful selection of the most heinous crimes

  and outrageous events, you’d easily be primed to think so.

  The same phenomenon applies on a more personal note. Your

  expectations of your teammates, boss, or clients will bias your per-

  ceptions. And others’ expectations of you will in turn color their


  Finally, to avoid the blindingly rosy glow

  It’s all a trade-off.

  of wishful thinking, remember that every

  decision is a trade-off. There ain’t no free

  lunches. There is always a flip side, and looking closely at the

  trade-offs—in detail, both positive and negative—helps make sure

  you’re evaluating the situation more fully.

  Next Actions

  ! When in conflict, consider basic personality types, genera-

  tional values, your own biases, others’ biases, the context,

  and the environment. Is it easier to find a solution to the con-

  flict with this additional awareness?

  ! Examine your own position carefully. How do you know what

  you know? What makes you think that?

  It is by logic we prove; it is by intuition we discover.

  Henri Poincaré

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  The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be


  Mestrius Plutarchos (Plutarch), 45 -125 A.D.

  Chapter 6

  Learn Deliberately

  At our current state of technology and culture, your ability to learn

  may be your most important element of success. It’s what separates

  getting ahead from just getting by.

  In this chapter, we’re going to start off with a look at what learn-

  ing is really all about, learn why it’s suddenly so important, and

  explore techniques to help you learn more deliberately. We’ll begin

  by covering how to manage goals and plan your learning over time

  and also focus on keeping L-mode and R-mode in balance and

  working effectively with each other.

  With these ideas as a foundation, we’ll talk about some specific

  techniques to help accelerate your learning, including reading

  techniques and mind maps, to help you work better with the mate-

  rial you’re studying. We’ll also look at some issues of learning styles

  and personality that might have an effect as well.

  We can accelerate your learning, but first we have to talk about

  what learning is.

  6.1 What Learning Is...and Isn’t

  Many HR departments haven’t figured this out yet, but in reality,

  it’s less important to know Java, Ruby, .NET, or the iPhone SDK.

  There’s always going to be a new technology or a new version of

  an existing technology to be learned. The technology itself isn’t as

  important; it’s the constant learning that counts.

  Historically, it hasn’t always been this way; medieval farmers tilled

  the soil pretty much exactly as their fathers did, as did their fathers

  before them. Information was passed along in an oral tradition,

  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya




  and until recently, one could provide for one’s family with min

  formal education or training.

  But with the advent of the information age, that

  stopped being the case. It feels as though the pace

  of change is the fastest it has ever been, with

  new technology, new cultural norms, new legal

  challenges, and new societal problems coming at

  us fast. The majority of all scientific information

  is less than fifteen years old. In some areas of

  science, the amount of available information doubles every three

  years. It’s quite possible that the last person to know “everything”

  was British philosopher John Stuart Mill—who died in 1873.1

  We have a lot to learn, and we have to keep learning as we go.

  There’s just no way around that. But the very word learning may

  have some unpleasant baggage, conjuring up images of youth-

  ful chalk dust torture, the mind-numbing tedium of corporate-

  mandated “copy machine training,” or similarly ersatz educational


  That’s not what it’s all about. In fact, it seems we tend to misun-

  derstand the very meaning of the word education.

  Education comes from the Latin word educare, which literally

  means “led out,” in the sense of being drawn forth. I find that little

  tidbit really interesting, because we don’t generally think of educa-

  tion in that sense—of drawing forth something from the learner.

  Instead, it’s far more common to see education treated as some-

  thing that’s done to the learner—as something that’s poured in,

  not drawn out. This model is especially popular in corporate train-

  ing, with a technique that’s known as sheep dip training.

  A sheep dip (for real) is a large tank in which you dunk the unsus-

  pecting sheep to clean them up and rid them of parasites (see Fig-

  ure 6.1, on the following page). The sheep line up (as sheep do); you

  grab one and dunk in the tank for an intensive, alien, and largely

  toxic experience. It wears off, of course, so you have to dip them


  Sheep dip training follows the same model. You line up unsuspect-

  ing employees, dunk them in an intensive, three-to-five-day event


  Cited in Influence: Science and Practice [Cia01].

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  Figure 6.1: Sheep dip: alien, toxic, and temporary

  in an alien environment, devoid of any connection to their day-to-

  day world, and then proclaim them to be Java developers, .NET

  developers, or what have you. It wears off, of course, so next year

  you need to have a “refresher” course—another dip.

  Companies love standardized “sheep dip”

  training. It’s easy to purchase, it’s easy to Sheep dip training

  schedule, and everyone fits in a nice little doesn’t work.

  box afterward: you now have a nine-piece

  box of .NET developers. It’s just like fast-food chicken nuggets.

  There’s only one drawback. This naive approach doesn’t work, for

  several reasons:

  • Learning isn’t done to you; it’s something you do.

  • Mastering knowledge alone, without experience, isn’t effective.

  • A random approach, without goals and feedback, tends to give

  random results.

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  Ignite Your Own Fire

  “We must encourage [each other]—once we have

  grasped the basic points—to interconnecting everything

  else on our own, to use memory to guide our original think-

  ing, and to accept what someone else says as a starting

  point, a seed to be nourished and grow. For the correct

  analogy for the mind is not a vessel that needs filling but

  wood that needs igniting—no more—and then it motivates

  one towards originality and instills the desire for truth.

  “Suppose someone were to go and ask his neighbors for

  fire and find a substantial blaze there, and just stay there

  continually warming himself: that is no different from some-

  one who goes to someone else to get to some of his ratio-

  nality, and fails to realize that he ought to ignite his own

  flame, his own intellect, but is happy to sit entranced by

  the lecture, and the words trigger only associative think-

  ing and bring, as it were, only a flush to his cheeks and a

  glow to his limbs; but he has not dispelled or dispersed, in

  the warm light of philosophy, the internal dank gloom of his


  —Plutarch, Greek historian, biographer, and essayist

  As Plutarch pointed out in the epigraph that opened this chapter,

  the mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled—your

  own fire. It’s not something that someone else can do for you (see

  the full version of the quote in the sidebar). This is very much a

  do-it-yourself endeavor.

  In addition, and perhaps surprisingly, simply mastering a syllabus

  of knowledge doesn’t increase professional effectiveness.2 It’s use-

  ful, certainly, but by itself it doesn’t contribute all that much to

  what you do in the actual, daily practice of your craft.

  This has some interesting implications. Besides a continuing

  indictment of sheep dip training methods, it casts serious doubt

  on most, if not all, technology certification programs. The “body of


  Klemp, G. O. “Three Factors of Success” in Relating Work and Education [VF77], and Eraut, M. “Identifying the Knowledge which Underpins Performance” in Knowledge and Competence: Current Issues in Education and Training [BW90].

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  knowledge” is demonstrably not the important part. The model you

  build in your mind, the questions you ask to build that model, and

  your experiences and practices built up along the way and that

  you use daily are far more relevant to your performance. They’re

  the things that develop competence and expertise. Mastery of the

  knowledge alone isn’t sufficient.

  A single intense, out-of-context classroom event can only get you

  started in the right direction, at best. You need continuing goals,

  you need to get feedback to understand your progress, and you

  need to approach the whole thing far more deliberately than a once-

  a-year course in a stuffy classroom.

  In the rest of this chapter, we’ll look at how to make learning more

  effective in the real world. We’ll see how to accelerate learning by

  approaching it more methodically and by using the best tools avail-

  able for the job at hand.

  To start, let’s take a closer look at how to manage goals and plan-

  ning by using SMART goals and the Pragmatic Investment Plan.

  6.2 Target SMART Objectives

; You got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because

  you might not get there.

  Yogi Berra

  To get where you want to be—to learn and grow in your career and

  personal life—you’ll need to set some goals. But goals by them-

  selves aren’t enough to guarantee your success.

  Goals are great things, and you may have many of them: lose

  weight, find a better job, move to a bigger house (or a smaller one),

  write that novel, learn to play the electric guitar, write a killer Rails

  application, or learn all about Erlang.

  But many goals never get past that stage—the lofty, generalized “I

  want to be better at xyz.” Weight loss is a prime example. Most peo-

  ple would like to be trimmer and fitter (especially those of us who

  spend a great deal of time sitting on our duffs behind a keyboard).

  “I want to be trim and fit” is not a very well-defined goal (although

  it may be a great vision—a long-term, desired state).

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  How much weight do you need to lose? How much weight do you

  want to bench-press? By when? Are you going to focus on limiting

  calories or increasing exercise? Similarly, it’s a fine thing to say you

  want to “learn Erlang,” but what does that mean? How well do you

  want to learn it? What do you want to be able to do with it? How

  will you start?

  To help you focus on your goals—and be in a better position to

  attain them—allow me to suggest an old favorite from the consul-

  tant’s bag of tricks: using SMART objectives to meet your goals.3

  In this case, SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable,

  Relevant, and Time-boxed. For any goal you have in mind (losing

  weight, deposing your boss, conquering the world, and so on), you

  need to have a plan: a series of objectives that will help get to your

  goal. Each objective should have the SMART characteristics.

  We tend to be a bit fuzzy on the terms

  Objectives move you to

  goals and objectives. Just to be clear: a

  your goal.

  goal is a desired state, usually short-term,

  that you’re trying to reach. An objective is

  something you do to get you closer to that goal. But don’t get too

  hung up on the terminology; different folks use these terms slightly


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