The Heartstone Saga

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The Heartstone Saga Page 17

by Archibald Bradford

But a faint sigh to her left from Milly told her otherwise and she had to keep herself from letting out a girlish squeal of glee.

  “Morning shnookums.” Volka reached out and gently flicked her nose.

  “Good morning Dominar- no.” She immediately corrected herself; “Good morning, my sister-wife.”

  The golden woman smiled widely and scooted carefully around Erica, purring in her sleep with her arms wrapped around Nina and Ophelia.

  The three of them had gone to town on each other after the show Escrya and Volka had put on, the hilt of Erica’s dagger having gotten a lot of work done.

  Once at her side the Valkyrie hugged Escrya, her ethereal golden wings wrapping around her as she squeezed her tight.

  “I must be both, I’m afraid. But here, ‘Volka’ would be best. Or sugar-tits.”

  Escrya snorted in amusement, the sound causing the others to stir.

  Then she let out a wistful sigh as she and Volka looked upon Nameless’s sleeping face.

  “A lifetime of imagining what it would be like, and it somehow was not enough. How do you deal with such constant joy? I feel ready to... to dance and sing and rave about my good fortune!”

  “That’s easy. Sex. Lots of it.” Milly giggled from nearby, having woken up at their conversation.

  Escrya turned, Volka’s wings withdrawing to give her room, and looked upon the Minotaur’s face.

  Her simple wholesome beauty stole her heart, and without asking permission the Amazon pushed her backwards onto the bed and climbed on top of her, the cow letting out a little moo of surprise at her sudden aggression.

  Stretched out on top of her, their breasts pressing together, Escrya kissed her as passionately as she had Nameless and Volka the night before, until the two were panting into each other’s mouths as they made out.

  “So much for sugar-tits.” Volka mumbled, but bit her lip as she watched the two of them.

  Nameless rolled over on the bed until his body was next to Milly’s, the Amazon now kissing at the Minotaur’s neck.

  He smiled at the sight.

  “Good morning girls, I’m glad to see you two having fun.”

  Escrya pulled her mouth out of Milly’s cleavage to face him, and when her eyes met with his she let out an odd moaning grunt from the sudden wave of absolute arousal that his features engendered in her.

  “Good morning, my Husband.” She said in a low voice.

  The heat of the bond was still upon her, and the look she was giving him now was downright predatory.

  With her eyes still locked with his she extended her tongue and licked Milly’s pert nipple one last time, causing the Minotaur’s low to reverberate in the air around them.

  It was as if the previous night had just resumed as he rolled over to join his new Amazon on top of his beloved cow.

  But with the morning light came the harsh reality that they couldn’t stay in bed any longer, especially when they heard Kaylee and Helena stirring downstairs, so they dressed and went down to join them, the other two Amazons constantly having to hide their grins of amusement while they ate breakfast.

  Inevitably, the time came to part.

  They all left the apartment together, standing in an intimate circle in the street around Escrya and Nameless as they said goodbye.

  “To bond in the evening, and be gone by morning.” She lamented as she held both of his hands in hers, but she was smiling.

  “Stay safe, Escrya.” Nameless urged, blinking rapidly as he turned to Helena and Kaylee; “And you too, girls.”

  Kaylee winked.

  “You hear that Helena? They remembered we were here this time!”

  “Ah, the woes of being an afterthought!” Helena bemoaned, joining in her war-sister’s teasing; “But come, Kaylee! The sooner we set out the sooner you and I can force Escrya to tell us everything!”

  Nameless’s newest bond-mate flushed at their teasing, but her smile was unabated.

  “If I tell you anything Helena, it will only make you jealous. My husband and my bond-sisters are ravenous in our bed.”

  “That’s a good word for it.” Nina agreed, her hand casually reaching up Escrya skirt to massage one of her ass cheeks; “And like the little guy said, stay safe. If this Matriarch chick gives you any trouble, let me know so I can smack her around.”

  “We’ll be waiting for you to get back, dearheart.” Ophelia kissed her on her cheek.

  Erica soon followed suit, though she also licked at the Amazon’s neck and jaw before whispering in her ear.

  “Yeah, because I have some unfinished business with that juicy pussy of yours.”

  Escrya shuddered at the memory of Erica’s tongue inside of her, eagerly chasing after every hint of Nameless’s cum.

  “I... I will be dreaming of your tongue I think.”

  “We’ll be dreaming of you too.” Milly promised as she hugged her from behind.

  With their goodbyes said, Escrya shared one final embrace with Nameless, burying his face in her cleavage and holding him there long enough for him to think she wasn’t going to leave after all.

  Hugs like this were something he had come to cherish from the Amazons; nothing like a face-full of warm tit-flesh to say hello, or in this case goodbye.

  The difference this time was that the tits now belonged to him, so even with all of the other girls watching he had no problem nuzzling as deep as he could and kissing her cleavage all over.

  Ophelia had been spot on about his Amazon fantasies.

  Before they could get carried away though, Escrya stooped down to kiss him one final time and broke away from him with a little sob.

  Unable to speak, she and her sisters rapidly stalked off into the streets, leaving him standing there with tears welling in his eyes.

  “Come then, family.” Volka declared after the Amazons disappeared from sight, distracting him; “We too have our rolls to fill.”

  The reminder of the work that likely waited for him at the Bastion made Nameless’s mood instantly sour, but he agreed with the Valkyrie’s thinking and dried his eyes before setting out to do his duty.

  By lunchtime, he was thinking that his duty sucked.

  The mess hall on the third floor of the Bastion was more crowded than usual as he set his tray down with a heavy sigh, glad for a chance to take a mental break before throwing himself at the seemingly meaningless paperwork.

  For sure the work was dreary and depressing, but he’d managed to keep his spirits up by focusing on his newest bond-mate, and however drudging the work was he felt a bizarre feeling of pride that he’d been able to keep at it without a word of complaint.

  With Nameless stuck essentially doing paperwork, his bond-mates were once more left to their own devices.

  His girls kept at their various training: Ophelia spent most of her time pouring over medical texts as she prepared for her exam to become a second tier medic, while Erica, Nina, and Milly were back to grappling with the Amazons in the training grounds at the base of the bastion.

  Tiana and her sisters visited often to work with Milly and Nina, but mostly they had been practicing with the Saenga girls.

  Like the Brael girls, the wild Amazons didn’t have any orders to follow aside from Volka’s, so they were helping Nameless’s bond-mates the best way they knew how.

  It was always a comfort to all of them having them nearby, especially now that there was such an intimate connection with them through Escrya.

  A connection that Myrina and the others were thrilled to learn about.

  The whole of the Aegis was still in something of an anxious holding pattern, like when one expects a blow and tenses up in preparation for it, but then it never comes.

  Though they felt guilty for thinking it, many wished for news, any news, so that they could take action.

  Nameless hadn’t seen Volka since they all said goodbye to Escrya, Helena and Kaylee. But that was normal these days. Most of the time he didn’t know exactly what the Dominar got up to, though he suspected that th
e council still did not approve of her taking independent action.

  Especially after he learned that Lilly and her Wolfen pack had gathered at the Valkyrie’s side, having so recently been expelled from the Aegis.

  Nobody said anything to him about any of it, it was just a feeling he got; he was good with feelings.

  With the drudge-work he had been assigned it almost seemed to him like the council was playing an awkward balancing act between keeping the rookie Aegis member under their thumb and not pissing of his glorious bond-mate.

  He shook off the sudden somber mood and looked to his lunch.

  With so much on his mind he was just glad to be able to enjoy the simple comfort of a good bowl of soup.

  He winced though when a familiar voice called out to him.

  “Hey Nameless!”

  Ginger Bennett, a perpetually talkative redhead that had graduated the academy with him, had evidently decided that now was the time for them to catch up, plopping her own tray on the table across from his.

  “Hi... Jenny.”

  He did his best not to seem displeased with the company, but it didn’t matter as she was already launching into a longwinded recounting of her experience with her training officer during her internship.

  “-really respected her, but she never shut up! I mean, let a girl get a word in ya know?”

  While she spoke she dolloped a healthy amount of butter on a thick slab of bread before dunking it into her soup.

  Nameless was the very definition of tolerant, but the chatty redhead strained even his limits. Though today she seemed especially agitated, almost manic, so when she stopped talking long enough to take a bite of her food, he spoke up.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Arm frine!” She protested around a mouthful of soggy bread, making him wince before she swallowed; “I’m fine, probably.”


  She wiped at her mouth with a napkin and he noticed her face flush a bit.

  “I... It’s the job, Nameless. I was expecting to be hanging out with sexy monster girls like my Celeste all day, getting fingered after swooping in and rescuing them, you know?”

  “Can’t say as I do, but go on.”

  She stirred her soup absently with her bread, gathering her thoughts.

  “I completed my medic certification at the academy. Third-tier, like your butterfly, so I knew I’d be dealing with... bodies. Sometimes. Part of the job right? But not like that.”

  He drew in a heavy breath when he realized what she was getting at.

  “It was a shitty day for all of us.” He offered sympathetically; “I think about it a lot too.”

  Ginger sniffed, then turned her attention back to her soup.

  They ate in silence for a minute, until he began to grow uncomfortable, even concerned.

  So he extended one hand without thinking to rest on hers.

  “Hey, look, if you need someone to talk to or-”

  Before he could finish she jerked her hand out of his as if he had burned her.

  “Whoa, hey, man. Look, you’re cute and all, but I’m kind of dealing with my own stuff right now so I couldn’t possibly think about starting another relationship.”

  His eyes boggled and his jaw fell open.

  “That isn’t what I- No!”

  But as usual, she kept right on speaking over top of him.

  “I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I’m into taller guys, or shorter ones with tits. Not that you’d look better with tits or anything, but maybe a dress-”


  As his indignation made war with his compassion though, she suddenly grinned at him.

  A few seconds later he adopted a scowl when he realized that she was having fun at his expense.

  “Gotcha!” She stooped over her bowl and crowed; “That was for your golden girlfriend shrinking my bra!”

  Nameless pursed his lips as he watched her, it was plain to see that she had chosen to put on a brave face about her experience at Lipton Falls, but it wasn’t his place to unmask her if she didn’t want him to.

  So instead he went along with her game.

  “Har har. Here I was thinking we were having a human moment.”

  “Nope! No moments. Though if you want to go put on a dress I’d be happy to peg you!”

  “No thanks.” He declined drily; “I should finish eating though. My break will be over soon.”

  He hunched over his bowl to practice what he was preaching, but her eyes widened as she looked over his shoulder at something behind him.

  “Looks like it already is.”

  He turned to see Theo Holbrook, the criminal law instructor from the academy, weaving his way through the tables towards them with purpose.

  “Armstrong, Bennett.” They got to their feet and snapped salutes to their chests at his greeting, waiting at attention; “At ease. I have an assignment for you.”

  “Both of us, sir?” Jenny asked with some interest.

  Since Lipton Falls they had been operating mainly in Garland and with less oversight than they would normally.

  Evadne’s actions had essentially cut their internships short, so Nameless and his former classmates were now acting, and being treated, as if they were well into their probationary periods.

  Whether they were ready or not, the world wasn’t waiting.

  “Not you Bennett, sorry. We need a cadet with a rather unique skill-set.”

  Technically they were third class operatives, but since Theo had taught them both at the academy they didn’t bother correcting him.

  Ginger’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open as she grasped what he was saying.

  “Ooooh, right.” She winked meaningfully at the now-scowling instructor as she spoke in a needless whisper; “This is an ‘Empath’ thing.”

  Rather than voicing the word, she mouthed it, as if that would help keep it secret.

  Theo let out a huff.

  “Ginger, remind me to invite you to my next card game. Finish your soup.”

  The redhead gave Nameless a knowing nod, then winked again at Theo before taking her seat.

  Nameless made to leave with the instructor, but the bemused man shook his head.

  “Actually, no. You come along as well Bennett, it’ll be good experience for all of you. And since you know about Armstrong’s ability, you can back him up.”

  Ginger all but leapt out of her seat.

  “Yes sir!”

  Nameless and the guileless redhead followed the instructor out of the mess hall, their food forgotten.

  “When I found out what they had you doing I nearly pitched a fit.” Theo explained as they walked down the stairs; “I imagine you will agree with me when I say that your talents are being underused in your present assignment?”

  “I do as I’m told, sir.” Nameless replied immediately, having no desire to step on any toes.

  “Heh, very diplomatic of you. Regardless, I’m reassigning you along with another cadet- pardon, another third class operative. You know him, Baron Watts.”

  Given how the two of them had butted heads while rubbing elbows at the academy, Nameless wasn’t soon to forget him.

  “I do sir.”

  “Like yourself, he’s a talented young man with good judgment, but he’s still new.”

  “I get it sir!” Ginger tossed from right behind them; “Stick three newbies together so they can catch each other’s mistakes! Though Baron probably isn’t going to like that.”

  Nameless saw Theo’s cheek twitch at her words, but he didn’t disagree with her.

  “Let’s just say that Aegis Watts could benefit from some, shall we say, emotional support?”

  Nameless stifled a groan at Theo’s phrasing, thinking that he ought to attend that card game himself.

  “I understand.”

  Shortly afterwards he led them into a briefing room where they found Baron and his trio of Raiju waiting, the three blue-furred cat girls absently rubbing up against their bo
nd-mate and each other to maintain a charge in their velvety fur.

  Theo wasted no time in spelling it out for them.

  “We are ridiculously short-staffed, hence why I’m wearing two hats right now. We’ve had to pull half the Aegis away from other assignments. So you three are heading out to one of the auction houses in the city to relieve the moderator there.”

  Even Baron couldn’t hide his surprise.

  It was an enormous responsibility.

  But Theo kept right on going with the briefing.

  “Ginger, you might not know when to shut up but you did hit the nail on the head this time.”

  Before he could continue, the redhead jumped on him.

  “Hey! I know when to shut-up! Oh, wait, no I see what just happened.”

  Accustomed to her chattiness after being her instructor at the academy, Theo stayed on track.

  “As you surmised you’ll be working closely together to make sure the job is done right, we can’t afford for monster girls to lose faith in the auction houses, or in the Aegis itself for that matter.” He turned to Baron and gave him a look loaded with meaning before he continued; “As you might know, Aegis Armstrong is a rather gifted individual?”

  “An Empath.” The young man said with a nod; “Yes sir, I’m aware.”

  “Good. It will make it easier for all of you to ensure the best results for the monster girls that will be in your care going forwards.”

  Though he felt put out that they were talking about him as if he weren’t even there, Nameless was distracted by the purring Raiju: two of them had peeled themselves off of Baron and were nuzzling against him.

  One of the breeds incapable of speech, the feline Raiju were nonetheless attractive, and having the essentially naked girls all over him in front of their bond-mate felt a bit… inappropriate.

  But Baron seemed used to it as Theo gave him the specifics of their new assignment, only reaching out to stroke at the girls’ ears to get their attention once the instructor was finished.

  By that point a good deal of Nameless’s hair was standing on end from the static charge and Ginger was very obviously trying not to laugh at him.

  With the briefing over, they joined up with the Harpy Celeste and headed downstairs to join Nina, Milly, and Erica.

  Given that Myrina and the other Saenga Amazons were much less tolerant of kitty’s nap time than Tiana had been, the Katje for one was eager for the chance to do something other than hang out with her bond-sisters and get her ass kicked.


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