Off Limits: Playboys of New York Series

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Off Limits: Playboys of New York Series Page 4

by Low, JA

  Seriously? Where the hell has this gentleman been hiding?

  I take his hand and entwine my fingers with his. It feels strange holding another man’s hand after all these years. We walk in relative silence along the winding paths until we reach the beach. The silvery moon is high in the night sky bathing the dark water and sand with its glow. Taking a seat in the cool sand, we lay back and look up at the twinkling stars.

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve taken the time to look at the stars,” I tell him.

  “Me, too,” he agrees. “Plus, you can hardly see them in the city.”

  “Yeah, true. Which city do you live in?”

  We haven’t gotten to asking many personal questions around the dinner table.

  “New York,” he states, which makes me sit up quickly.

  “No way.”

  Seriously, world, what are you doing? You send me the perfect man, who’s from my city, just when I’m not ready for him. Typical.

  “Why? Does it sound hard to believe? Do I not look like a New Yorker?”

  “No. No. It’s not that.” I giggle. “I just moved there.”

  “What? No way.” He looks at me with a shocked expression. “Small world, huh?”

  “It is.”

  We look back up at the stars chatting about everything and nothing until our eyes can’t stay open any longer.



  “What do you mean you didn’t bang her?” Anderson looks at me with confusion as I stumble back into our room.

  “We fell asleep on the beach.”

  “You fell asleep on the fucking beach? This isn’t a chick flick.”

  “I don’t have to sleep with every single woman I meet.” Anderson and my brother both give me dirty but confused looks. “Well, not this time, anyway.”

  Why are they giving me such a hard time about this?

  “Her friends were DTF,” Anderson tells me.

  “Well, good for you,” I reply, sounding annoyed.

  “Hey, don’t take it out on me you didn’t get laid,” he jokes.

  “Ignore him,” Logan tells me, moving me to the side. “We’re just surprised nothing happened. You two look like you hit it off last night at dinner.”

  “We did.”

  How do I tell them it was nice to simply have a conversation with an intelligent woman without sounding like a pussy?

  “You like her.” My twin’s picking up on my vibes.

  “Yeah. I kind of do.”

  “This is a first.” He looks at me, this time the look appears more stunned than anything.

  “She has a lot of baggage,” I state and Logan frowns. “Did none of the girls tell you why they’re here?”

  Logan shakes his head.

  Wow! Those girls are like a vault keeping their friend’s secret, you have to give them credit.

  “This was supposed to be her honeymoon.” Logan’s eyes widen. “She caught him with her best friend, who apparently he knocked up.”

  “That’s a shit ton of baggage.” My brother slaps me on the back as he walks past.

  “I know, right? She’s vulnerable. She believes having a rebound fling will help her get over him.”

  “But you don’t want to be that rebound?”

  I nod in agreement.

  “That story sounds familiar,” Anderson interrupts us. “Like I just read about it in the news.”

  “Doubt it,” I say while rolling my eyes at him.

  Anderson pulls out his phone and madly starts typing then stops to read. “Holy shit, man…” turning the phone toward me, “… this is your girl.”

  Staring back at me on his screen is Chloe. What the fuck!

  “It says she was engaged to Walker Randoff and left him at the alter after finding her bridesmaid in bed with him.” Ripping the phone from his hand, I stare at the information, reading and taking in everything that’s been reported.

  “That chick has waaay too much baggage,” my brother warns me.

  “She was engaged to Walker Randoff, dude. How can you compete with a Super Bowl legend?” Anderson questions me.

  “There’s no competition. He’s the dick who cheated on her and knocked up her friend.”

  “Be careful,” my brother warns me again.

  “Would you both calm down? Nothing’s happening between us. I think she’s cute. She has a great rack, but there’s way too much baggage there for anything to happen.”

  A throat clears behind me, so I spin around and notice Chloe, Emma, and Ariana standing in our foyer.

  Oh shit! Did she just hear that?

  Damn it! She did.

  I watch her face fall.

  She turns on her heels and walks right out of the hotel room.

  “Dick,” Emma mumbles under her breath as I chase after her.

  “Chloe… wait.” She’s pressing the button to the lift over and over again probably willing it to hurry and collect her. “Chloe.” She turns around abruptly, her gorgeous blue eyes glassy, and instantly I feel like shit. “I’m sorry for what you overheard.”

  “No. It’s fine. You owe me nothing. We don’t know each other. We’re strangers stuck on an island together.” The lift dings, and she rushes inside, and the doors begin to close.

  Fuck it. I stop them with my hand, which surprises her. So, I jump in quickly, the doors closing right behind me. We’re now stuck inside a confined space.

  “The boys were giving me a hard time this morning, and I… just—”

  “Please, Noah. You don’t have to explain anything to me.”

  “You were engaged to Walker Randoff?” My question throws her off as an audible gasp leaves her lips.

  “How… I—”

  “I told them vaguely why you were here on your girls’ trip, and Anderson said the story sounded familiar. He Googled it and found you. The tabloids are full of the story I’m sorry to say.”

  The doors to the lift open, and Chloe bolts out of them into the sunshine.

  “Wait,” I call after her.

  She spins around and stares me down. “No.” Her voice is firm. Unmoving. “Leave me alone. Like you said nothing’s happening between us. We’re merely acquaintances. Have a good trip but don’t bother me again.” And with that, she storms off into the jungle.

  Maybe it’s for the best, I think as I trudge back up to the penthouse where the group is still gathered.

  “Guess it didn’t go so well?” Anderson smirks at me.

  “You’re a dick!”

  “I’m just going to…” glancing around, I see the four of them looking cozy, “… go to my room.”

  “It’s probably for the best nothing happened. Chlo’s going through a lot,” Emma states.

  I give a simple nod and disappear into my room.



  Three Months Later

  “We’ve chosen the best candidate for the Director of Social and Content Marketing. She comes highly recommended with the right skill set and experience for the job. I think she will be a great asset for the team, plus I like her.” Lenna, our Human Resources Director, tells us. If she can get past Lenna’s icy façade and somehow thaw her, then she must be good. Extremely good. Lenna never raves about any candidate.

  “She sounds great. Bring her in, Lenna,” I tell her.

  She nods and opens our conference room door.

  “Let me introduce you to Chloe Jones.”

  Logan and I both stand to greet our newest employee, but I stop dead when I realize who it is walking through the door. No fucking way. Chloe’s confident walk slows as she registers who’s sitting in front of her. Somehow, she quickly schools the panic that crosses her face upon recognizing us.

  “Chloe, let me introduce you to the owners of The Stone Group… Logan and Noah Stone.” She points to us as she mentions our names.

  Chloe holds out her hand to me and shakes it as if it’s the first time I’ve met her and then repeats with Logan.

  “It’s great
meeting you both. I’ve heard so much about the company, and I’m looking forward to working with you.”

  Okay, so she’s going to play it like that is she?

  “Really?” Raising my brow at her, I smirk.

  “Yes.” She smiles. “It’s one of the leading luxury boutique hotel companies in the world. You have a solid customer base, especially in the VIP and celebrity area. Your ratings on Trip Advisor are strong with few low star reviews. But…”

  There’s a but? I sit up straighter in my chair.

  “But, not many people know about your brand outside of the VIP, celebrity, socialite world, etcetera.”

  “Our brand is meant to be on the higher end of luxury,” I argue.

  “Yes. But that doesn’t mean ordinary people can’t aspire to it, too.”

  “Our resorts are open to everyone who can afford to travel to them,” Logan adds.

  “Yes. But it’s catering more to an older clientele. What about the cashed-up millennials, who pick their next holiday destination via an influencer on Instagram, or by a celebrity showing off their latest resort photos. Your social media is nice but basic. Pretty pictures might get you likes and shares, but how much of that is converted to sales, to brand awareness, or even into cross-promotions. Why are the resorts not seen on housewives’ reality shows?”

  Logan and I look at each wondering the same thing.

  “Most people watching can’t afford to go to those places, but it’s something they can aspire to. Maybe save for to be a part of the world your advertising.”

  Lenna has a massive grin on her face.

  “And you believe you can turn this all around?” I ask her.

  “Yes, of course. I have connections in the fashion, restaurant, and corporate industry that will help us reach a wider range of guests for your hotels.”

  “Do you think you could have a presentation with all your ideas ready for us, say… within the week?” Logan asks.

  “Yes. I have one already done.”

  Logan smiles. “Perfect. Send it through to Lenna, and she’ll forward it to us. Then we will be able to make our final decision.” Chloe smiles. “It’s been a pleasure, Chloe.” Logan stands and shakes her hand, and I follow suit. We watch as Chloe and Lenna leave our office.

  “What the fuck!” Slumping in my chair, I let out a small sigh.

  “Small world,” my brother jokes. “Least she was professional.” I nod in agreement. “Look, I like her… she seems great at her job. But if you can’t handle being around her, we don’t have to hire her.”

  “What?” Frowning at him, I continue, “No. She’s perfect.” He nods in agreement. “But maybe we should catch up before she joins the team to chat and get everything that happened between us out in the open.”

  “You can’t sleep with her,” Logan warns.

  “What! No. Of course, not. I didn’t on our trip, and I won’t now.”

  Logan nods once, but I can tell he’s not a hundred percent agreeing with me.

  “Just sort it out. I like her, and her ideas are spot on.”

  Fine, I think.

  Getting up, I head out of the conference room. Chloe’s standing by the lift, and I join her, stepping inside at the last minute.

  “Are you having a strange sense of déjà vu?” Leaning against the lift wall, I gaze at her and raise an eyebrow.

  “I had no idea this was your company.” She quickly adds, “I totally understand you not wanting to hire me.” Her shoulders slump ever so slightly as she says it.

  “Why would you think we wouldn’t hire you?”

  “After everything that happened months ago,” she replies while color rushes to her cheeks. The lift doors open and thankfully we have it to ourselves.

  “That has nothing to do with you doing your job, does it?”

  “No. Of course not. I just—”

  “You think because my ego took a bruising that I’d hold it against you?”

  “Nooo,” she says slowly, but then blurts out, “Fine. Yes. I thought maybe you would be butt-hurt about it all.”

  “This is business. I take business seriously.”

  “As do I,” she replies quickly.

  “Good.” We both stare at each other, neither one of us daring to be the first to look away. The lift stops on the way, the doors open and people pile in, pushing me up close and personal with her. “Want to grab a coffee?” I whisper in her ear.

  “Sure,” she replies, but she’s also giving me a suspicious side-eye.

  “I’m a gentleman, you know that.” The lift finally makes it to the ground floor, and everyone files out. “There’s a coffee shop next door.”

  She follows me, and we grab a booth in the back corner away from everyone. Some privacy is in order. We order our coffee from the waitress and settle in.

  “How have you been?” I ask, and this makes her chuckle.

  “Good and you?” she asks awkwardly.

  “Good.” We sit there in silence for a couple of moments. “This is awkward as all hell, isn’t it?”

  Chloe bursts out laughing. “It really is.”

  The waitress brings over our drinks and places them in front of us.

  “Look. My brother and I are beyond impressed with you, and not because we semi know you, but based on your merit. Lenna, our HR Director, never talks highly about anyone. But she does you, and that speaks volumes. We want you on our team. But only if you feel comfortable.”

  “You want to hire me?” She seems shocked by my revelation.

  “Yes. You’re the best person for the job.”

  “I… wow… I didn’t think I’d ever be able to get a job with you guys and even more so because of the whole ‘Walker’ thing.” She uses air quotes around his name. “He’s been making my life hell, sabotaging any job prospects.”


  What a fucking dick.

  “Yeah. He and Tracey love the drama, but I don’t want anything to do with any of it. I wish they’d move on with their lives and focus on the baby that’s about to be born.”

  I reach out and touch her hand not fucking thinking to console her, but as soon as I touch it, she pulls her hand away.

  “Shit! Sorry… I…”

  She shakes her head. “No. It’s fine. But if we’re going to be working together, then that kind of thing shouldn’t happen.”

  She’s absolutely correct.

  “You’re right. But know I’m here for you on a professional basis and friendship level.”

  Chloe takes a sip of her coffee. “Friends?” She raises a brow over the lip of her mug.

  “Yeah. Friends and colleagues. I enjoyed your company on the island, though.”

  “Yeah. I did, too.” She gives me a smile. “I wasn’t in a great place at that time.”

  “Besides your ex trying to ruin your life, everything else going well?”

  Chloe gives me a genuine smile. “Yeah. I think everything’s going to be just fine now. You guys are my fresh start.”

  “Good.” Finishing my drink, I state the obvious. “Now, hurry up and send over that presentation so we can formally employ you.”

  She gives me a salute. “I’ll get right on it, boss.”

  We both burst out laughing.



  Three Months Later

  “Vegas, baby.” Emma salutes to the sun stepping off the private plane. The launch of my brother’s restaurant is happening in Vegas tonight, and he’s flown my friends and me in for the weekend. Ariana isn’t able to make it as she has a mountain of work to get through, which is a shame.

  “I’ve never been to Vegas before,” reveals Lenna, the newest member of our squad, and the woman who hired me at The Stone Group. We’ve become firm friends and quickly. We’re both perfectionists, workaholics, and don’t do any form of bullshit at work. We watch in horror as the young girls in the office perk up and pucker their lips every time Logan and Noah enter the office. If they put more effort into their w
ork instead of their looks, they would be climbing the corporate ladder a hell of a lot sooner.

  Do they think one day they’re going to get swept off their feet by a billionaire and live in a magical castle and live happily ever after?

  I get that our bosses are good looking. I can’t deny that fact, especially when they come in from their morning run around Central Park with their t-shirts plastered to their fit bodies. And… um… where was I? I remember seeing Noah without his shirt on months before he became my boss, and his body’s pretty spectacular. Not like a hot body is a good selling point, Walker had one of the best with his million-dollar underwear endorsements, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t a dick.

  Maybe next time, I should go after a man with a dad bod, they seem safer.

  We all jump into the waiting limousine and make our way to our accommodations.

  “You made it,” Stella greets us as we arrive at the entrance of the hotel.

  “How is he?” The strained look on her face tells me everything I need to know. My brother is a perfectionist just like me. He demands exceptionally high standards from his staff, and that simple fact is what makes him the best.

  “He’s a lot at the moment. This is his baby. He wants perfection.” Stella smiles through gritted teeth.

  “Want me to see if I can calm him down?” Stella looks instantly relieved. “I’ll meet you guys a little later,” I tell Emma and Lenna.

  “We’ll be fine.” Emma smiles. “I’m planning on popping Lenna’s Vegas cherry this afternoon.”

  Lenna looks a little concerned, and she should be, Emma’s a professional party girl, and Vegas is her town.

  “Well, good luck with that.” I give Lenna a thumbs up.

  “I should be worried, shouldn’t I?” Lenna looks to Stella and then at me.

  “You’ll be fine.”

  Emma hauls Lenna away, laughing.

  “Bring me to the ogre.”

  Stella walks me through the vast hotel foyer and turns when we reach the eateries. There’s already a lineup of people outside eager to see the celebrity clientele who will be arriving later. The security guard lets us in, and there’s a hive of activity going on. I hear the distinct voice of my brother as it carries through the restaurant. We head on over to where EJ’s in the kitchen barking out his orders.


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