Off Limits: Playboys of New York Series

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Off Limits: Playboys of New York Series Page 12

by Low, JA

  * * *

  “So, did Chloe like your dick?” Anderson asks, walking into my office.

  I shake my head and give him a furious glare—now is not the time. “Excuse me?”

  Anderson turns and sees Logan standing there with his arms folded, looking angry. He appears to be feeling a little guilty about dropping that bomb in front of my brother. Which would be a first.

  “Before you get all in my face over what you just heard… it was an accident,” I state, quickly trying to calm my brother down. He doesn’t look convinced as he walks over and shuts the door to my office with a quiet click.

  “There’s nothing on earth you can say that will make what I just heard okay.”

  “In Noah’s defense, it was my idea,” Anderson adds.

  Logan just glares at him.

  “Does Lenna need to be involved in this discussion? Should we be expecting a sexual harassment charge at any moment?”

  Okay, okay, I get why he’s upset. Now that I think about it, it was a foolish thing to do. “No. Everything’s fine,” I tell him through gritted teeth.

  He’s not convinced, I can tell by the look on his face.

  “You better start from the beginning and don’t miss a thing.”

  Anderson mouths, ‘Sorry.’

  “You know how my meeting was canceled this morning?” Logan nods in understanding. “Well, I came back to my office a little earlier than Chloe had planned.” Logan’s brow raises. “She was stuck in her sports shirt.” Logan frowns as if he doesn’t understand. “She was naked from the waist up.”

  His eyes widen. “Shit,” he curses.

  “Chloe was mortified,” I add.

  “Noah called me for some advice,” Anderson tells him.

  “And you told him to flash his dick,” Logan answers for him.

  “Yes.” Anderson smiles. “The poor girl sounded humiliated. So, I thought if she felt that humiliated, she might want to quit, which would be the easy way with not wanting to face Noah again. And I know how much of an asset she is to the company. So, I thought, why doesn’t Noah humiliate himself instead? That way, she wouldn’t have to quit. Really you should be thanking me,” he cockily answers.

  “I should be thanking you for causing a sexual harassment lawsuit?” Logan’s definitely angry, the tone of his voice is harsh. “Of all the things you could have done to make the situation better, you thought showing your dick was the right course of action?”

  Talking about it now like this, it doesn’t sound like such a good idea.

  “Okay, explaining it to you out loud now…” I scratch my head. “Yes, it sounds stupid, but at that moment, it seemed like a good idea. I mean it made her laugh.”

  I realize what I’ve said when I hear Anderson and Logan burst out laughing.

  “Fuck you both, you know what I mean.”

  “I didn’t realize you were working with a micro-penis,” Anderson jokes.

  “Fuck you. I’m hung like a donkey.” I flip him off. “Tell him, Logan.”

  “Dude, I have no idea how big your dick is.” Logan gives me a grimace.

  “We’re identical everywhere else. Of course, we would be down there.” Why the hell am I defending my dick?

  “If you both are going to whip out your dicks, I’m out of here. I’m strictly a pussy kind of guy,” Anderson tells us.

  Damn! These guys are frustrating.

  “Look, she was upset. Actually, more like devastated this morning. Plus, it’s her birthday. I just…” I rake my hands through my hair, “… I just wanted to make her feel better and less humiliated.”

  Logan’s stance softens. “You know how stupid it was to do what you did?” he lectures me.

  “Of course, I do.”

  “Something like this can never happen again,” he warns.

  “Of course, not.” I’m not an idiot.

  “Fine.” His face still looks like thunder, but the redness is easing somewhat. “And you…” pointing to Anderson, “… do not tell EJ.”

  “Promise.” Anderson crosses his heart.

  “He will kill you,” Logan warns me.

  “I know.”

  “Okay, well, I have work to do. See ya, ladies.” Logan turns and leaves my office. I can tell his anger has receded a little because he didn’t slam the door on his way out.

  “Thanks, dickhead.”

  “Hey, sorry, I had no idea,” Anderson apologizes.

  “Today is one fucked-up mess.” I let out a frustrated sigh.

  “Has showing your dick made it worse for you being around her?” Anderson asks.

  “More happened after the dick show.” Anderson sits forward. “Something else was upsetting her, so we went for a walk in Central Park.”

  “Awfully romantic for colleagues,” Anderson states with a smirk.

  “It’s not like that and you know it,” I defend myself again. “Stupid trolls are still attacking her online.”

  “Need me to contact Jackson again?” Shaking my head, I don’t need to involve our security guy in this, but maybe I should keep an eye on her social media to make sure I report those fuckers.

  “Nah. She was just a little upset over their cruel remarks.”

  “You can’t be the one to save her all the time,” Anderson tells me.

  “You think that’s what I’m doing?”

  “Do I need to list all things you’ve done for this woman over the past couple of months?” Frowning at my best friend, I mull over his honesty. Do I have a savior complex when it comes to Chloe? Maybe I do.

  “She’s really that hot?” Anderson questions me.

  “Beyond.” I hang my head in my hands.

  “Shit! I guess you’re just going to have to fuck her.” I look up at him as if he’s lost his damn mind. “Get her out of your system, or you’re going to drive yourself crazy wondering.”

  “She’s the head of my marketing department. I can’t do that.”

  “Then you’re going to have to forget her.”

  “I can’t do that either.” The images of this morning are like a dirty loop constantly running in my mind. I can’t turn them off. Actually, I don’t want to turn them off.

  “Then you’re fucked.”

  Gee, thanks for the kind words.

  There’s a knock at the door, so I call, “Come in.”

  Chloe’s beautiful face appears before me, and I suck in a breath then pause.

  “Oh, hey, Anderson.” She gives him a smile.

  “Happy birthday, beautiful.” Anderson wishes her a flirtatious birthday, then looks her up and down taking in her beautiful body. I’m going to kill him. “What you got in there?” He points at the white plastic bag she’s holding in her hand.

  “Lenna and I went to Noah’s favorite Italian place for lunch. He said next time we go there to grab him something, so I did.” Chloe looks embarrassed when she quickly hands the bag over to me. “You had a busy day today, so I didn’t think you would have had time to eat.” Her words rush out like she wants to get out of here quickly. “I’ll leave you both to it.” She rushes out of my office, closing the door behind her.

  Anderson looks at me. “Does this happen a lot?”

  “We… um…”

  “You bring each other leftovers?” He raises his brow at me.

  “Only if we go to this Italian place we both like.”

  His green eyes scrutinize me. “You’re so fucked, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “You need to do something. You have to either fuck her out of your system or marry the girl.”

  Can’t I do both? That thought catches me off guard.

  Anderson abruptly stands. “You just contemplated the latter, didn’t you?”

  I begin to argue, but it’s useless, he knows me too well. So, I try the pathetic excuse approach. “We’re not getting any younger.”

  “You are pussy-whipped, Noah.” He points his finger and scowls.

  “Aren’t you lonely? Don’t you g
et sick of the fakeness of the girls you date?” I question.

  Anderson’s eyes widen. “That’s it. I have to leave. I don’t know who you are anymore.” And with that, he leaves dramatically, leaving me with my thoughts and some decent Italian food.

  I look over at Chloe’s office and see she’s typing away.

  Anderson’s right, I need to do something. This limbo we’re finding ourselves in can’t keep going on like this. Something needs to give.



  “What do you mean he showed you his dick?” Ariana glares at me as we settle in my bedroom before getting ready for tonight. I’ve just explained to the girls about my epically humiliating morning.

  “It was spectacular, wasn’t it?” Stella giggles. “That man looks like he’d have a perfect dick.”

  “You know I shouldn’t be hearing this,” Lenna adds with a stern voice which makes the room pause for a moment before she bursts out laughing. “Just kidding. I’m off the clock.” She raises her glass in my direction and gives me a wink. “It’s none of my business.”

  Rolling my eyes at her, I say, “It’s not like that.”

  “Um… it kind of is. You guys should see them around the office. Flirting. Laughing. All the young girls sending daggers her way as she walks past.”

  “Hey, what now?” Looking over at Lenna who’s smugly sipping her champagne. “No. They don’t, do they?” She nods her head. “What have I ever done to them?”

  “Might be the fact that you have Noah’s attention, or maybe the fact you went away with him, or perhaps the fact that he checks you out as you walk past. Every. Single. Day.”

  “No, he doesn’t,” I argue. Lenna raises a ‘really’ brow in my direction. “Shit.”

  “Hey.” Lenna sits up straight. “I’m only saying. It’s nothing bad. You might not have realized it, but some of the girls have started to emulate you by wearing those pencil skirts you love so much. Because those skirts seem to grab Noah’s attention the most.”

  Say what now?

  “That seems awfully single, white female of them,” Ariana adds.

  “Yeah, but have you seen Chloe in one of those skirts? Her ass looks phenomenal, just like a gorgeous peach,” Stella muses.

  “What?” she questions when we all look at her. “I’m jealous, okay? I wish I had booty instead of a pancake.” She sticks her tongue out then sips her champagne. “Anyway, getting back to Noah’s dick… tell us more.”

  “You saw Noah’s dick?” Emma questions while walking into my bedroom, then pulls me into a hug. “Happy birthday, beautiful,” she whispers.

  “Just another awkward situation Chloe likes to find herself in,” Ariana adds.

  I flip her off.

  “Was it good?” Emma cheekily asks.

  Unfortunately, I can’t hide it, my cheeks flush upon remembering it. “It was amazing.”

  “She’s been dickmatized, hasn’t she?” Ariana laughs.

  “Totally. You can tell when they get one of those far away looks, their cheeks turn pink, and they start biting their lips remembering how amazing the D is,” Lenna adds. “You know I’m going to be staring at his crotch from now on.” She wiggles her brows at me.

  “I wonder if they’re twinning downstairs, too?” Emma asks. “I volunteer,” she yells out before bursting into laughter.

  “No. I volunteer.” Stella stands up.

  “Me, too,” Ariana adds.

  “I’m off the clock, so me, too,” Lenna agrees.

  Fuck, my friends are funny sometimes. We all burst out laughing.

  “Screw you, guys. It’s going to be hard—”

  “Hard,” Stella squeals interrupting as the girls continue their laughter, which makes me roll my eyes.

  “What I was trying to say is… it’s going to be difficult not to picture what I saw today when I see him next. Which is going to be a problem because that’s exactly what I didn’t want to happen. Hence, why I’ve never done anything before even when I’ve wanted to.” I fall back on the bed and take a seat.

  “The two of you have had the longest foreplay. Six months of flirting and the odd hookup—” Ariana starts but is interrupted.

  “Hang on. You’ve hooked up?” Lenna questions me.

  Shit. I’ve kind of neglected to tell her some things.

  “We actually ran into the twins while on holidays, months before Chloe started working with them,” Stella adds.

  “We met on my honeymoon,” I add that little tidbit of information at the end.

  Lenna sits beside me and squeezes my hand. I’ve told her the story of what happened with Walker.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I can see the hurt in her eyes.

  “I never wanted to put you in a position where it would compromise your job.”

  “You silly thing.” She wraps her arms around my shoulders. “If it isn’t impacting the business, then I’m okay. Plus, we’re friends. I’d talk to you first if it were serious. Unless it’s something illegal.” Lenna gives me a wink.

  “Fine. The honeymoon was a disaster. I kissed him. I even propositioned him. He was a gentleman—”

  “Then there was a stupid misunderstanding,” Emma adds.

  “I wasn’t in the right headspace for anything, anyway,” I tell Lenna.

  “Then he saved you in Vegas,” Stella adds.

  “You heard the story about Walker attacking me?”

  Lenna nods.

  “Like a knight in shining armor he attacked Walker and saved the day,” Stella excitedly fills her in.

  “Shame you missed it.” Emma smiles, looking over at Lenna. “But I guess Logan was doing his own knightly duties, too.” Lenna blushes.

  “Nothing happened.” She waves her hands around in the air dramatically. “Continue, Chlo…”

  “Nothing else has happened. Boring really. I’m wondering about you, though?”

  “Fine. We hooked up Vegas. I was drunk, extremely drunk, thanks to you.” Lenna points directly at Emma.

  “You’re welcome.” She raises her champagne glass to Lenna.

  “He’d disappeared by the time I had awakened.” She lets out a heavy sigh. “I thought…”

  “He had changed his mind?” I answer for her.

  “Yeah.” She twists her glass of champagne between her fingers. “He acted as if it never happened the next morning. I felt a little humiliated because I stupidly let hope in.” Lenna looks sadly around at all us.

  We’ve all been there before there’s no doubt about that.

  “What about The Hamptons? Did anything happen then?” I question her about that weekend away.

  Her chocolate eyes look at me, and in an instant, I know what she’s telling me. Something happened, but it hadn’t ended well. Again. What the fuck is wrong with Logan? Lenna’s a fucking catch.

  “Screw them,” Emma shouts. “I’ve organized a wonderful birthday present for you, Chloe. Who am I kidding, I’ve organized it for all of us. Follow me.” Emma escorts us from my bedroom and all the way downstairs to my kitchen. “Voila.” Emma waves her hand through the air displaying six gorgeous men. “You’re welcome.” She taps my nose with her finger and smiles.

  “Ladies…” one of the gorgeous men speaks, “… we’re here for your service.”

  “What kind of service?” Stella asks.

  “Anything you want?” One of the guys winks at her, which makes her blush.

  “These guys are trained professionals in massage, cocktail creation, lifting heavy things… sex.” She runs her finger over the pec of one of the men. “It’s my birthday present to you.”

  Mmm, I’m not sure how to take this gift.

  “Who would like to be massaged first?” one of the buffed men asks.

  All the girl’s hands shoot up.

  * * *

  I’ve been primped and prodded to within an inch of my life, from make-up artists to hairdressers to stylists, courtesy of Emma and her contacts. She’s hooked me up with one of t
he most gorgeous dresses I’ve ever seen or worn in my life. Honestly, I feel like a sexy fairytale princess in this dress. I was skeptical at first about the sheerness of the fabric, but now that it’s on, it fits like a dream.

  The bluish-gray color is something I’ve never worn before. The deep ‘V’ with the tiniest of crystals hides yet accentuates my assets without making me feel uncomfortable. Then the layers of sheer fabric hide the fact that it’s a built-in jumpsuit underneath not an actual skirt. So, I don’t feel like I’m flashing my butt to the world which is a good thing. I’ve gone for black tonight for my birthday theme. I’m going to walk into my thirties with style, grace, and dignity like a fully functional adult. Plus, men look hot in tuxedos.

  I’m hosting the party at the townhouse. It’s easier that way. It’s also, I suppose, a house warming party too. EJ, of course, is supplying the food. I hired the amazing girls from Skye & Starr Events Management who we’re using for The Hamptons’ party to put together this event.

  I get along well with Camryn and Kimberly. After our first meeting I asked if they could throw together a last-minute thirtieth for me, and they were thrilled to deliver, and I can’t wait to see what they have planned downstairs.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I push the bathroom doors open and step into my bedroom, where my girlfriends are patiently waiting.

  “Oh, Chloe,” Emma gasps.

  “You look like an angel,” Stella says.

  “Seriously, Chloe…” Ariana adds, “… you look breathtaking.”

  “Noah’s going to be impressed.” Leena gives me a wink.

  “Thanks, guys.” Doing a twirl in my evening dress, I feel so pretty, and everyone claps.

  “I think we’re all looking mighty fine tonight.” Emma glances around the room.

  There’s a knock at the door and in walks one of the hunky men from earlier. He’s dressed this time in a tuxedo, holding a tray of champagne glasses.

  We each take a glass.

  “I just want to say something before we head on down.” Raising my glass, I say, “Without you ladies, I wouldn’t be where I am today. It’s been a long, bumpy road these past six months, but you’ve all helped me find myself again.” The tears begin to well in my eyes, and I blink a few times to stop them from falling over onto my cheeks.


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