Truth In The Lie (The Leonidas Corporation Book 2)

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Truth In The Lie (The Leonidas Corporation Book 2) Page 8

by Tarina Deaton

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “There are listening devices in the room,” he whispered. “Probably video as well. This way we can talk.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “Is that the only reason?”

  “No. You growled.” He tried to take her mouth, but she turned her head away.

  “Did I?”

  Was she regretting what happened on the plane? Had he misinterpreted her response to Tsarevna’s suggestion?

  “Yes. Push me away. Tell me to go sit in the chair, then come straddle my lap.”

  She shoved him away hard enough he took a step back. “Go sit in the chair.”

  Christ, that made him hard. He’d been suffering since the plane, and Addison standing there with her hands on her hips and an imperious look on her face about sent him over the edge.

  He took off his suit jacket and tossed it on the bed, backing up until his legs hit the wide, wingback chair.

  Addison didn’t take her eyes off him while she sauntered to the bed and opened her overnight bag. She pulled out her toothbrush and toothpaste.

  “Stay there.” She shut the bathroom door, and he heard the water turn on.

  He ran a hand over his mouth and grinned. She hadn’t wanted to kiss him because she’d thrown up earlier. It hadn’t even crossed his mind.

  The water shut off, and she came out of the bathroom, kicking her heels off near the bed. She braced her hands on the arms of the chair and eased her knees on either side of his legs.

  Not close enough. He grabbed her ass and pulled her tight against him, thrusting his rigid length against her.

  Addison moaned and ground down on him.

  He hissed out a breath. Fuck, that hurt good. “Have you ever been the aggressor?”

  She shook her head.

  “Now’s your chance. I’m your toy—at your complete mercy. You can do anything you want to me, and I’ll say thank you.”

  Her blue eyes darkened, and she licked her lips. “What if I want you to touch me?”

  “Tell me where. Tell me how.”

  “On my neck—like you were before.” She tilted her head, exposing the long column of her throat.

  Devon nipped below her ear, then licked along her jawline. “Here?”

  She moaned and rolled her hips. “Yes.”

  He ran a hand up the center of her back and fisted her hair at the nape, positioning her head so he could kiss her.

  Her mouth opened, her tongue rubbing against his, and it was his turn to groan. Her fingers brushed against the ‘V’ created by the open collar of his shirt before she unbuttoned it. She spread the two sides, running her palms from his shoulders, over his pecs, down to his navel.

  Fuck. He wanted her hands lower. All over his body. Clenching around his shaft as she jerked him off. He thrust up hard, and she gasped. Tugging the end of her blouse from the back of her pants, he shoved his hand in, sliding his middle finger into the cleft of her ass.

  She moaned and thrust against him. Leaning back, she pulled the blouse over her head and off, tossing it aside. Her dusky-rose nipples peeked out of the lace edge of her bra.

  He lifted one to his mouth, tonguing it through the thin fabric. Addison’s head fell back. He pulled the fabric down and sucked her nipple into his mouth, flicking the tight bud.

  “Oh!” She rocked her hips harder.

  Bracing his legs, he stood and carried her to the bed, where he dropped her unceremoniously.

  Her legs wrapped tight around his waist, and her fingers threaded through his hair, holding him to her breast. Like he was going to go anywhere.

  He stilled when someone knocked at the door. A second knock was followed by, “Addison? It’s Connie and Paige.”

  Her body sagged under him, and he rested his forehead between her breasts. “Fuck. Think we can ignore them?”

  They knocked again. Louder. “Addison.”

  She sighed and wiggled under him, pulling the cup of her bra back over her boob. “I don’t think so.”

  Devon pushed up from the bed and adjusted himself. He picked up her blouse and handed it to her. “You might want to fix your hair.”

  She smirked. “Why? Do I have sex hair?”

  “Almost sex hair.” He kissed her hard. “I’ll let them in.”

  “Okay.” She went into the bathroom, leaving the door open.

  He combed his fingers through his hair, then buttoned up his shirt. Swinging the door open, he said, “Ladies.”

  Paige sent him an amused look. “Where’s Addison?”

  “Here.” She came out of the bathroom, hair smoothed down and blouse in place once more.

  “There’s a gathering for the ladies,” Connie said.

  “Graham needs you across the hall,” Paige said.

  Devon nodded and held the door for the women, grabbing Addison’s hand before she left. He kissed the back of her hand. “Be safe.”

  Chapter 12

  Addison glanced around the room while she sipped her wine. Every woman in the room screamed money and class. A few of them looked vaguely familiar, but without knowing who they were, she couldn’t have said why. Most of them seemed to know each other and had greeted like long-lost friends. Yet they were all here to buy another human being.

  She set her wine glass down on the table before she snapped the stem.

  Tsarevna joined their group, sitting on the very edge of a chair and crossing her legs at the ankle. Like fucking royalty.

  Maybe she should snap her wine glass. Then she could stab the bitch in the eye and be done with it.

  “How are you settling in to your rooms?” she asked.

  “The rooms are lovely,” Connie said. “I was wondering though—are they equipped with video cameras?”

  Tsarevna regarded her closely. “No. Why do you ask?”

  “Oh, that’s too bad. I was at a private house party a few months ago, and some of the rooms had video cameras in them, and guests could tune in to watch live. It was very…titillating.” She waved a hand. “Anyway, there are a few guests I wouldn’t mind peeking in on. You know I’ve always been more of a watcher than a performer.”

  “I might have to look into that for my next gathering,” Tsarevna said.

  “Do you have Wi-Fi anywhere in the castle?” Paige asked. “Unfortunately, I have some paperwork to complete and send back to my office, but I wasn’t able to find any access points. Just once, I’d like to take a real vacation where I don’t have to work while I’m away.”

  “I believe in keeping everyone free of distractions while they’re here. But if it’s pressing, I’m happy to let you use my personal office if you need to.”

  “I suppose I could transfer the files to a thumb drive and email them. Thank you, that would be very helpful.”

  A bell chimed, and Tsarevna looked over her shoulder as two large, hulking men entered the room. She stood and addressed the room. “Ladies! Your attention, please. It’s time to view the merchandise.”

  Addison’s breath sped up while her stomach cramped. The only merchandise they were there for was her brother and Michael.

  One of the men went to the far corner of the room and pressed on the wall. A panel popped open, and he pulled it the rest of the way, revealing a hidden stairwell, reminding Addison of the secret doors and corridors in Versailles. The chatter in the room picked up as the women’s excitement increased.

  Tsarevna led them down the cool, dimly lit stone stairs. The man ducked his head and followed her.

  The uneven steps wound down clockwise, and Addison heard a few of the women complain about wishing they had known they’d be exploring so they could have worn different shoes.

  The stairs ended in a large chamber of stone and brick. Glancing around, she couldn’t help but be impressed by the architecture. The stone ceiling was vaulted and the outline of a bricked-up archway was visible on the far wall. The flagstone floor probably wasn’t original to the room.

  In front of them were four doors. La
rge windows took up most of the wall beside each door. Tsarevna stood at the far end of the gallery, and her voice carried across the room.

  “This used to be the old castle dungeon. I refurbished the space and created fantasy suites—one even still looks like an old dungeon room.” Her laugh echoed off the stone walls, and Addison’s hands fisted on the metal handrail.

  “Is everyone here?” She craned her neck to look back toward the stairs. “Lovely. Andrew, if you would.”

  The man who’d opened the door turned a dial on a wall panel, and the lights lowered until it was almost completely dark. Some of the women expressed their unease until two of the windows lit up slowly, then many of them gasped.

  Including Addison.

  Her hand flew to her mouth. Braedon was in the room directly in front of them, sitting on a narrow bed, his back against the wall. He was shirtless, in loose lounge pants, and had lost weight. Under his short beard, his cheekbones protruded, creating hollows in his cheeks, and his muscles were less defined than the last time she’d seen him. His eyes were glassy and he stared straight ahead without focusing on anything, but he appeared to be physically uninjured—at least from what she could see. His head rolled, and he looked right at her. Tears stung her eyes and saliva filled her mouth.

  She tensed to step forward, but Paige squeezed her hand—hard—bringing her back to the moment. “Keep it together,” she whispered.

  Addison nodded sharply and blew out a breath. He was alive. They’d work through everything else when they got him out.

  Connie excused herself and moved to look in the other room, then approached Tsarevna.

  “How many steps?” Paige asked in a low voice.


  “Thirty-four steps down in a clockwise spiral,” she said. “How big is the room?”

  Addison focused on the space. “Each room is about ten feet wide, so maybe fifty feet by thirty feet.”

  Paige nodded. “Do you see any variance in the walls?”

  Addison realized Paige was making her think about something other than Braedon and his condition. “On the far side of the room. There’s an archway that was bricked up. The bricks look old, so it was probably before this room was renovated.” She should have been taking note of all this information anyway, but she was so distracted by her brother, he was all she could focus on.

  Connie slipped in next to Addison and Paige. “Michael appears to be in the same condition. They’re probably drugged.”

  “Tsarevna?” One of the women in front of them called. “Why do they look so…out of it?”

  Apparently, they weren’t the only ones who had noticed.

  “It’s a little something slipped into their water to keep them compliant. Just a low-dose sedative—nothing lasting. It’s also laced with an aphrodisiac.” She winked at the woman, who grinned back.

  Addison tensed, and Connie slipped her arm through hers. “Easy,” she murmured.

  “Addison dear, you look upset. What’s wrong? You don’t like the idea of the men being kept docile?” Tsarevna’s tone was hard, her tone provoking.

  “She still has such a gentle heart,” Connie said. “She’ll learn.”

  Tsarevna stared at Addison before looking at Connie. “You always were much more patient than I was.”

  Devon used the battery lead from the radio to short out the bugs he found closest to the bed and the one in the bathroom. He knew Graham was doing the same in his and Paige’s room.

  A knock on the door preceded Graham slipping into the room. “Did you set up the strobe?”

  “In the center window. Our room faces east, so I’m not sure how much good it will do,” he said.

  “Ours faces west, so Jane and Tinker should see it. We’ll know for sure in the morning.”

  The door opened, and Addison entered, stopping just inside the room when she saw Graham. Her eyes were glassy and she was paler than when she’d gotten off the boat.

  What the hell happened?

  Graham reached around her and closed the door. “Are you okay, Addison?”

  She jerked her head back and forth.

  Devon rushed to her, taking her by the arm and drawing her into the room. “What happened? Are you hurt?”

  She shook her head again, but wouldn’t look at him.

  “Addy, talk to me.”

  Instead, she eased out of his grasp and went into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her.

  Fuck. He threaded his hands through his hair and looked at Graham.

  “Get her to talk. I’ll find out what happened from Paige,” he said.

  Devon nodded. “We’ll see you in the morning.”

  Graham left, and Devon locked the door behind him. He sat in their chair and waited for Addison to come out. When she did, wearing a pair of sleep shorts and a T-shirt, she avoided looking at him and crawled into bed, turning away from him.

  He sighed. Grabbing a pair of boxers from his suitcase, he took them into the bathroom to change. There could only be one thing to make Addison that upset—she’d either received news of Braedon or had seen him.

  He wished she would trust him enough to talk to him about it. Back in the room, he draped his clothes over his suitcase and clicked off the bedside lamps before slipping into bed. The distance between them felt like miles. She was isolating herself mentally as well as physically. He couldn’t let her do that if they were going to work together as a team.

  Fuck, who was he kidding? Pushing him away felt personal. It was…uncomfortable having another woman withdraw from him. Except this time, he was unwilling to accept it.

  “You should probably snuggle close if we’re going to keep up appearances,” he whispered.

  “There are no cameras in the room.” Her voice was rough and scratchy.

  Devon rolled to the center of the bed and hooked an arm around her waist, pulling her across the bed. “Do it anyway so you can tell me what’s wrong. I disabled all the listening devices, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  She surprised him when she turned over and tucked her head under his chin. Her breath shuddered at the base of his neck, and one palm pressed against his chest while the other snaked around his back. Relief rushed through him. She wasn’t pushing him away.

  Wrapping his arms tightly around her, he threw a leg over her hips and enveloped her in his embrace. Her leg came up, and her thigh nestled against his cock.

  He bit back the groan and kept as still as possible. She needed his comfort, not his dick.

  “I saw Braedon,” she finally said.

  He pressed a kiss against her forehead and waited for the rest.

  “That bitch is keeping him and Michael Drake drugged. He’s out of it. I don’t even know if he knows where he is.”

  “Is he injured?” he asked.

  “Not that we could see. He’s lost weight, though.”

  “What do you remember about where he’s held?”

  She described the room, right down to the number of steps to the dungeon, the number of lights in each room, and the bricked-up wall.

  “We’ll get him out. I know you’re upset, but we need you to stay strong. If you need to cry or lash out, then do what you need to do. I’ll be here.”

  “I’ll be okay. I needed a few minutes to process everything by myself. I couldn’t react the way I wanted to when I saw him. I needed to let it out.” She inhaled deeply. “I’m scared, but mostly I’m relieved. He’s alive, and now I have proof I’m not crazy.”

  He tightened his arms. “You growled at a woman—I don’t think you should claim sanity just yet.”

  That got a small chuckle from her, but it was enough for now.

  “Try to sleep. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.”

  The kiss she placed on his chest was feather-light and hit him with the force of a Mack truck.

  Chapter 13

  Addison set down her empty coffee cup and leaned back in her chair. The breakfast buffet had looked delicious, but
all she could stomach was coffee and toast, no matter how much Devon enticed her to eat. She just wanted to be done and gone.

  Every single nerve was raw and exposed, and every laugh or smile from the other guests grated on them. She was holding on by a thread, and the unease roiling in her gut kept her tense and on edge. Not even waking up to a warm and rumpled Devon had been able to ease her tension.

  A bell tinkled from the far door, drawing everyone’s attention. One of the many model-gorgeous butlers, or security—whichever they were—held a crystal bell in his gloved hand.

  “Tsarevna would like everyone to join her in the salon,” he announced.

  Devon leaned close. “Which room is the salon?”

  Addison shrugged. Pushing back her chair, she joined the remaining few guests in the breakfast room as they followed the butler. They ended up in the same room they’d been in the night before. This morning, chairs formed a circle in the middle of the room.

  They found Connie and Paige and joined them. “Any idea what’s going on?” Addison asked.

  “I have an idea,” Connie said in a low voice. “Tsarevna likes public displays. I have a feeling you’re about to be put on the spot.”

  That was the only warning they got. Tsarevna entered the room, clapping her hands.

  “Take your seats, ladies. Your escorts, if they’re with you, may stand behind your chairs.” She strode to the center of the circle and turned slowly as if examining everyone. Stopping at Paige, she asked, “Your delightful stylist isn’t with you?”

  Paige laughed. “Oh, no. He doesn’t wake before noon.”

  “Pity. I was very much looking forward to his company. Oh, well, there’s always luncheon.” She turned her assessing gaze to Addison before addressing the room at large. “I’d like to welcome all of you to my humble home. I always like to start the festivities off with a little guest exhibition. Normally I ask for volunteers, but I think today I’ll make a special request.”

  She spun and zeroed in on Addison. “You and your toy can go first.”


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