Courteously Seduced By An Enigmatic Duke (Steamy Historical Regency Romance)

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Courteously Seduced By An Enigmatic Duke (Steamy Historical Regency Romance) Page 12

by Scarlett Osborne

  “You don’t seem to be in a good mood, My Lady,” he said, facing the window himself. He was far enough from her to maintain propriety, but close enough for her to hear him speak.

  For some reason, his words made her upset. They hadn’t had the chance to speak alone—or as alone as they could be in a room full of people—since the kiss and that was the first thing he thought of saying to her? “The Prince of Denmark is paying us a visit,” she said, her words strained. “I am in a wonderful mood.”

  “It doesn’t seem that way to me,” he said. “Is there something weighing on your mind?”

  Shocked, Hannah looked at him, onlookers be damned. “You cannot be serious?”

  He looked at her, brows dipping in surprise. “My Lady?”

  “Don’t—” She broke off, taking a deep breath. Her nasty temper was rearing its ugly head and she didn’t want to make a scene right here. “Never mind.”

  “There is clearly something bothering you, My Lady. What is it?”

  Hannah could only stare at him. He looked confused. He actually looked as if he didn’t know why she had a reason to be upset. She laughed in disbelief.

  “It is clearly nothing of importance, Mr. Albertson,” she said through gritted teeth, trying to rein in her anger. He could see it in her eyes, though. She knew that much. “You needn’t worry about it.”

  Before he had the chance to respond, Hannah walked away. The butler walked in at that moment, announcing the arrival of the Prince. The Duke and Duchess pulled away from each other, falling back into their roles. Lady Rosamund and Lady Violet hopped up excitedly and rushed through the door. Hannah followed behind them, feeling the heavy gaze of Mr. Albertson but refusing to meet it.

  She couldn’t believe what just happened. How could he pretend nothing happened? He could have said anything just then. He could have apologized for not being able to really talk to her since that morning. He could have given her an excuse as to why he’d been so distant, despite the fact that he was being more familiar with her. He could have said anything to ease her mind.

  She knew he saw the way she looked at him. He must have seen how she tried to get him alone at times, only for her efforts to be dashed with his plans with the Duke. Though Hannah had tried to hide it from everyone else, she didn’t hide it quite so much from him. He wasn’t clueless. He knew.

  But he was acting as if he didn’t.

  Hannah took her place at her mother’s side, refusing to look at him. She could see him staring at her with her peripheral vision, but she kept her eyes on the door, fuming to herself.

  Not so long ago, she had stood in this very spot to welcome Mr. Albertson to the manor. Now, it would be a Prince, and Mr. Albertson stood on the other side of the welcoming party, shooting glances at her. How things changed in only a matter of weeks.

  The Prince was announced and he walked in through the large doors. He moved with a flourish, wrapped from head to toe in expensive fabric. In his hand he held a cane, topped with a bright red gem, which he handed over to the butler while giving everyone a bright smile. He wasn’t very tall, but he made up for that with his broad shoulders and narrow waist, accentuating his masculinity.

  “Your Highness,” the Duke swooped in. “Welcome to Gresham Manor.”

  “This is a beautiful home, Your Grace,” said the Prince, sweeping his gaze around the wide, ornately decorated foyer. Hannah noted his accent.

  “I am happy you like it,” said the Duke. “Let me introduce you to my family.” He gestured for the Prince to come forward, and said, “Prince Viktor the Second, my wife, the Duchess of Gresham.”

  The Duchess curtsied politely, offering the Prince a charming smile. The Prince smiled back. The Duke went down the line and Hannah steeled herself. She knew it would be her turn to curtsy to the Prince, but her mind was still so heavy on Mr. Albertson that she could hardly focus.

  When she heard her name, she snapped back to attention. Without realizing it, the Prince was now standing before her, smiling softly. She noted the way he drank her in, his green eyes alert. He was mutely handsome, with sandy brown hair and a smiling face.

  But he’s nothing compared to Mr. Albertson.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness,” she greeted, then she curtsied deeply, her eyes lowered to the floor. When she rose, she lifted her gaze to meet his and smiled when she saw that he had extended his hand. She reached out to take it but, after a while, he didn’t let go. He held her gaze, then slowly kissed the back of it.

  “I wasn’t aware you had such a beautiful daughter, Your Grace,” Prince Viktor said. “Such mesmerizing eyes.”

  “You flatter me, Your Highness,” she pushed out, hoping he would let go of her hand soon.

  He didn’t linger any further, releasing her hand and stepping back. His eyes remained steady on her face, though, that small smile never leaving.

  The Duke broke the tension. “Would you like a tour of the manor, Your Highness?” he asked.

  Prince Viktor tore his gaze away from Hannah and nodded at the Duke. “That would be lovely,” he said. “Thank you.”

  Hannah watched him go. He was well-built and handsome, any other lady would have loved to see his interest in them. But Hannah couldn’t help feeling a tremor of unease go through her. Without stopping to think, she looked at Mr. Albertson, knowing his eyes were on her.

  They burned with an intensity she couldn’t place. Her body instantly grew hot in light of it but she wanted to step away, to run from the look in his eyes.

  So she did. She turned and walked away, not wanting to deal with her sisters excited squealing, her mother’s watchful gaze, and most certainly not the cryptic man who only confused her to no end.

  Chapter 18

  Rowland waited by the end of the hallway, glancing down the empty space time and time again in the hopes he would see Lady Hannah. He didn’t stop to wonder to himself why he was doing this. That would only open up more questions that he wasn’t sure he could answer. For now, the excuse that he didn’t want any tension between them would have to suffice.

  Soon enough, he saw her coming down the hallway. The sight of her hit him hard, its intensity damn near buckling his knees. She wore a deep burgundy gown that nipped her waist delicately and accentuated her bosom. Did she wear that because they were about to have dinner with the Prince? Was she trying to impress him?

  The thought filled him with white hot jealousy. It was enough for him to witness the Prince’s clear infatuation with her when they first met, but now she was getting all done up for him?

  “Mr. Albertson?” Her tone denoted her surprise at seeing him there. Behind her, Lily was shooting him daggers. “Is something the matter?”

  Despite the death stares he was receiving from her maid, Mr. Albertson ran his gaze down the length of her. He knew it wasn’t the most appropriate thing to do but he couldn’t help himself. He filled himself with the image of her, the tantalizing picture she created before him. He pulled his eyes back up to meet those mismatched eyes, seeing the shimmer of anger still shining behind them.

  “Is something the matter?” she repeated, her voice tight.

  He straightened. “I simply wanted to escort you to the dining room,” he said. He glanced at Lily, hoping she would give them some privacy though he knew it was wishful thinking. Her eyes shot to the ground when he looked at her, but he saw her hands tightened into a fist.

  “How kind of you,” Lady Hannah murmured. She continued walking and Rowland fell into step with her.

  “I cannot help but think you are upset with me.”

  “That’s because I am upset with you,” she said truthfully. She kept her eyes trained ahead. “But I see there is no use speaking to you about it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because if I have to, that means it doesn’t really matter.”

  Now what does that mean?

  Rowland frowned at her, hoping for another clue. He couldn’t think of a single reason she’d be upset
with him. He’d been the perfect gentleman to her, going riding with her, engaging in stimulating conversation. He wasn’t as rude as he had been when he had first arrived and he had put every ounce of his effort into not giving in to his need for her.

  The latter was harder than he thought it would be. She was around him during the entire morning and it surprised Rowland just how willing he was to grab her and kiss her senseless when there were eyes watching, as he had been when they were alone. The thought scared him and he maintained as much distance as he could without being rude. He thought he was succeeding at that, but maybe he was wrong?

  For the life of him, Rowland couldn’t figure it out.

  “Perhaps we could talk about it tomorrow during riding,” he suggested.

  Lady Hannah stopped. After a moment, she turned to Lily and said, “Lily, could you give us a little privacy?”

  Lily looked alarmed. “M’Lady …”

  “Please, Lily,” Lady Hannah said, looking at Rowland.

  Lily stepped back reluctantly. She wouldn’t go far, he knew. Just far enough that they could speak without her overhearing.

  Once she was out of earshot, Lady Hannah said, “I will be going riding with Prince Viktor tomorrow morning.”

  That hit him harder than he expected it to. He frowned at her, wanting to protest but knowing he couldn’t. If she had to entertain the Prince, there was nothing he could do about it. “Then how about…”

  “Mr. Albertson.” Lady Hannah’s tone cut sharply. She took a deep breath and he could have sworn he saw her pull her shoulders back. When her eyes met his, he saw a quiet strength within them that hadn’t been there before. “I’ve been enjoying our time together. Truly, I have. Perhaps more than you, in all actuality. But I think it’s time you focus on why you are really here instead of spending time with me.” She paused, then added, “I will have the Prince as company, anyhow.”

  Lady Hannah didn’t give Rowland the chance to respond. She took one step back, shooting a glance at Lily. Lily came running over and together, they walked away, leaving him staring after them. Lily bent over Lady Hannah’s shoulder, whispering in her ear. Rowland knew she was asking what they just spoke about.

  And what would she say? That she had successfully gotten rid of him? He couldn’t move, the sting of her words cutting deep.

  Finally, after Lady Hannah was long gone, Rowland brought himself to a slow walk. He didn’t know exactly what he was feeling. His chest constricted as her words played over and over in his head, but he couldn’t find the strength to decipher why that was, why his body felt as if it had been dragged through the mud.

  He arrived at the dining room late. The food was all laid out, but no one was eating, all awaiting his arrival. Everyone but Lady Hannah looked up at him when he entered.

  Rowland paused. She was no longer sitting next to the Duke, but next to the Prince instead, forcing her one chair down. He made his way over and sat next to her, shooting her a quick glance.

  She still didn’t pay him any mind, merely beginning to eat.

  Rowland forced his eyes on his own food. There was a roaring in his ears. Why was that? Why was he suddenly in such a daze?

  The conversation was continuing without him, he knew. Rowland forced himself to focus but it was easier said than done. He took note of Lady Rosamund and Lady Violet’s wide-eyed admiration of the Prince, who was the one currently talking. He observed the way the Duchess nodded her understanding, smiling whenever appropriate. He heard the Duke’s remarks toward the Prince.

  Even more so, Rowland was aware of the lady sitting between him and Prince Viktor.

  Prince Viktor showered Lady Hannah with compliments. Rowland didn’t know how much the Prince knew of British etiquette, but it didn’t look like he planned to ease up any time soon. The compliments were never inappropriate, and a few were even subtle. But everyone was aware of how smitten he was by her, especially Rowland.

  He could relate to the Prince, even though he was beginning to despise him. Jealousy curled around him at every laugh Lady Hannah emitted, and every time she smiled at the Prince. Jealousy, he could understand. Jealousy was a normal reaction after weeks of pining for this lady. It was better than trying to decipher the foreign feeling that had attacked him at her words in the hallway.

  Rowland said very little. Prince Viktor did the most of the talking at dinner, Lady Hannah pitching in here and there. She paid Rowland no mind, not even a single glance. Rowland, on the other hand, couldn’t stop looking at her. He hoped no one noticed, hoped they were all too busy with the Prince to see the need in his eyes.

  And he hoped no one caught the way he glanced down into her bosom, unable to help it. His trousers tightened at the sight and he shifted, trying to bring himself out of those thoughts. But they came over him like a wave, images of Lady Hannah undressing herself before him, her gem-like eyes gleaming. When her pouty lips puckered slightly for him in his dream, he took them without hesitation, knowing they were his to take. He shifted awkwardly again.

  Goodness, at this rate, I won’t be able to leave the table.

  Rowland tried his hardest to focus on the meat before him, though he tasted nothing. He didn’t like this. No, not at all. He didn’t want to give up riding with Lady Hannah due to something unsaid lying between them. He knew Prince Viktor wasn’t the reason she wanted to end their morning routine. Whatever had made her so upset was the true cause.

  Determination crammed itself inside him, mixing with the jealousy and the raw, sexual need. These past few weeks, he had all but forgotten about Miss Flynn, a feat he didn’t think was possible, and it was all because of Lady Hannah. He wasn’t about to let her get away.

  * * *

  Hannah stared into the crackling fire, letting the comforting sound soothe her mind. At this rate, her thoughts were bound to cause a headache and she didn’t feel like leaving her bedchambers for any ailment. Somewhere in the manor, she feared the Prince might be wandering about and Hannah didn’t want to have to deal with him any more than she already had to. Tomorrow, she was set to go riding with him at dawn and the mere thought of continuing her usual practice with someone who wasn’t Mr. Albertson made her sick.

  It didn’t help that Prince Viktor was painfully overbearing. He showered her in attention, which should have made her happy, but instead, made her stomach recoil. She was already dreading going riding with him tomorrow and hoped she would be able to get through it quickly enough.

  Hannah sighed. She didn’t like this feeling at all. Pining for a man who clearly didn’t want her was something she never thought she’d see herself doing, yet here she was, unable to get him out of her mind.

  The anger she’d been feeling all day dimmed in her solitude. She didn’t want to be angry with him. She wanted to kiss him and hold him and have his hands on her body the way she’d dreamed off every day since he arrived at the manor. Why was that so difficult?

  Hannah shook her head, shaking the thought away. She didn’t want to think about it anymore. Tomorrow, she could focus on the Prince and staying as far away from Mr. Albertson as she could.

  Hannah rose and made her way to her bed, nightdress dragging on the floor. As she passed the window, she caught something moving in the corner of her eye.

  Her first thought was Mr. Albertson. The last time someone had been moving outside her window, it was him, heading into the forest in the thick of the night. She was right.

  He didn’t look around this time. He continued on a straight path toward the woods, clearly used to it by now. Hannah didn’t give herself any time to think.

  She knew that just mere moments before, she had convinced herself to stop thinking about him. To stop chasing after him and instead, focus on herself. She also knew that rushing out of her bedchamber like this was the complete opposite of that, but she didn’t care.

  Hannah raced down the hallways, picking up her nightdress. On her way out of the manor, she knew what she was doing was insane. She was barely dressed
, for goodness’ sake, and the stingy cold of the night air was a painful reminder of that. What if someone were to find her out here? They would think her mad!

  That didn’t stop her, though. She kept going, hurrying toward the last spot she’d seen Mr. Albertson. She knew that by that time he was well within the woods but she still stopped to see if she could spot him. Nothing but gray darkness met her eyes.

  Hannah ventured forward. She was barefooted, she realized suddenly, but that didn’t make her turn back. She crept toward the entrance of the woods, eyes darting to and fro, hoping to spot him. The wind picked up her loose hair, sending a shiver down her spine. She kept going.

  Soon enough, she made it to the mouth of the woods. Hannah peeped into the coverage as if Mr. Albertson would be standing right there waiting for her. There was nothing to greet her but the thick cluster of trees.


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