Want (Vampire Beloved Book One)

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Want (Vampire Beloved Book One) Page 8

by R. E. Butler

  She rose onto her knees and stared at her mates. “I don’t want to wait to mate with you. We have the day. Make me yours.”

  Chapter 10

  Rage had been holding onto his control around his mate for quite some time. She was the sexiest female he’d ever laid eyes on, all curves and heat. Icy blue eyes with amber striations that spoke of her wolf, glittering with arousal and curiosity. He could have lost her before their relationship even got off the ground. The church fanatics had struck in a way that was at the same time expected and unexpected. No one had ever gone after a female on the highway like that, boxing in the car and breaking the windows out. It was a miracle that she was alive and safe, and he would never take her safety for granted again.

  His body had been hard since the moment he’d touched her in the club. He couldn’t think of anything but being with her and making her his, sharing her for eternity with his brother.

  He slid from the bed and straightened, bending over and unlacing his boots. On the other side of the big bed, Vex did the same. Angie watched them both, her arousal a sweet scent in the air. When he’d dropped his shirt to the floor, she let out a soft sound like a growling purr and he smiled inwardly. It pleased him that she was excited by the sight of his body. She stripped from the dress and shirt, tossing her bra aside. He was momentarily unable to move, the sight of her breasts, large and tipped with tight, rosy pink nipples, made his brain short out. He’d already seen her body when they’d played earlier, but now, knowing that she would be theirs forever, his appreciation for her beauty took on a whole new meaning.

  He finished stripping swiftly, and then stopped her from removing her stockings. “Let us.”

  She bit her bottom lip and smiled at him. Vex kissed her, slowly bringing her to her back on the bed as Rage leaned over and drew them down her legs, catching her tiny panties in the process. He climbed onto the bed as he tossed her clothes to the floor and grasped her ankles. With a gentle push, her knees bent and he spread them widely to make room for his broad shoulders. The sight of her core on display for him, pink and wet, made everything within him roar in approval.

  Settling between her thighs, Rage brushed his fingers lightly over her, gathering her arousal on his fingertips and running them around her clit. She moaned softly and he leaned forward and licked the tight bud, suckling it as he slipped a finger inside her heat. She arched up, her moan of pleasure lost in the kiss with Vex. He played with her, sliding his finger in and out several times before adding a second, flicking the tip of her clit with his tongue. He slid his free hand under her bottom and cupped it, lifting her to his mouth as he pulled his fingers free. He lapped at her entrance, rubbing her bud with his wet fingers and fucking her with his tongue until she buried her hand in his hair and wrenched free of Vex’s mouth.

  “Ah, fuck,” she moaned, thrashing under him. He spared a look up the length of her body and groaned at the sight of her. Her nipples were hard with Vex’s attention and her chest was flushed pink.

  With renewed vigor, he rubbed her clit and speared her with his tongue, driving her to a swift climax. She cried out and writhed under him, her knees closing on his shoulders and her fingers tightening in his hair. Nothing had ever tasted as sweet as his beloved’s arousal on his tongue. She was a sweet nectar he wanted to drink from for all eternity.

  Something touched his shoulder, and he looked up and found Vex had tapped him with a tube of lubricant. Rage fisted the tube and kissed his way up Angie’s body, nuzzling her stomach and then her breasts, sucking the hard tips until she gasped. He rose over her and cupped her face. She gazed at him, her eyes alight with passion, the blue depths shining with their connection. She raised her head and he met her lips. He licked the seam and she parted on a sigh, their tongues touching and sliding together. She twisted under him and the kiss broke as she rose to her knees once more. Vex stretched out on the bed and beckoned her to him.

  She looked at Vex for a moment and then at Rage. “I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  “We’ll take good care of you,” Vex said.

  “I know. I just... I wanted you to know that you’re my first like this. I never wanted to share this part of myself with anyone but you two.”

  Rage was humbled by her honesty and the loyalty she’d shown to them before they even met.

  “You are amazing, beloved,” he said.

  “Just for you,” she whispered. She straddled Vex’s hips and grasped his shaft, sliding slowly down on him. Rage flipped the cap on the lube and covered his fingers with a generous amount. Since she was untried in this way, he wanted it to be as amazing for her as it would be for them. While Angie and Vex kissed, Rage rose up behind Angie on his knees and gathered her soft hair in his hands, laying it over her shoulder to bare her back. He slid his free hand down her spine, smiling when she curled into his touch. Moving his hand to her breasts, he cupped one and toyed with her nipple while he touched his lubed fingers to her anus. She stiffened, and Rage drew closer to her, rubbing one finger in a slow circle while he kissed her neck. She relaxed, and he slowly worked his finger into her, careful to give her time to adjust to the intrusion. When he could finger her easily, he added a second, and then finally a third.

  “Fuck, Rage,” she said, dropping her head back to his shoulder. “I want you inside me.”

  He dragged his fang along her throat and pushed his fingers into her swiftly. “I am.”

  She snarled softly. “You know what I mean. I’m going to combust.”

  “Just take us with you,” Vex said with a chuckle. “And hurry up, Rage. My control is only going to last so long with our beloved writhing on top of my dick like a live wire.”

  “Yes,” she murmured, biting her bottom lip. “Hurry.”

  Rage pulled his fingers from her and coated his throbbing cock with lube. He fit the thick head of his shaft against her tightest place and pushed in slowly as Vex pulled out of her pussy. She cried out and Rage stopped, letting her adjust to him.

  “Come again, sweetheart,” Vex said.

  Rage couldn’t see what his brother was doing to Angie, but she began to moan, dropping forward onto her outstretched arms and opening herself up to Rage. A sheen of sweat coated her silky skin, and he bent over and kissed her back, pushing all the way into her ass. He pulled out and Vex filled her. Together they set up a rhythm to bring them all to completion at the same time.

  Rage knew he wouldn’t last. She was tight and hot, and the need to claim her in every way drove him to fuck her harder and faster.

  Just as he felt her body tighten down on him, he gouged his wrist with his fangs and pressed the gaping wound to her lips. Then he struck, sinking his fangs into her throat and drinking her blood. He felt the connection snap into place between them, strong and powerful. His cock spasmed as his climax seemed to go on forever. He extracted his wrist from her lips and let Vex share blood with her, then he pulled his fangs from her throat and nicked his tongue, wiping the blood into the wound to ensure it would heal quickly but scar permanently.

  His mind began to fog as the pulsing connection strengthened and her memories flooded into his mind. He managed to pull himself from her body and drop to the bed with a groan before everything went dark and he was lost in her memories. He saw everything she’d ever done, from her earliest memories as a child to when she shifted for the first time as a teenager. He saw the toll the mating dreams had on her, the need that swept through her during the fall when her wolf wanted to mate, and the sweet happiness that filled her when she finally found them.

  The rush of memories faded, and he found himself on his back and staring at the rough-hewn ceiling of Vex’s chamber. He looked at Angie and her eyes were closed, and her cheeks were wet with tears as Vex cuddled her on his chest. Rage leaned over and put a hand on her back.

  “Beloved?” he murmured.

  She opened her eyes slowly and reached for him, pulling him to her face for a kiss. “I just feel so connected to you both right now.
It’s indescribable.”

  He fully understood. He hadn’t really known what the connection between them as beloveds would be, but the word “indescribable” was accurate. He climbed from the bed and ventured into the bathroom, wetting a soft cloth with warm water and returning to the bed to clean the lubricant from Angie’s skin. After cleaning himself, he tossed the cloth into a clothes basket and stood next to the bed.

  “Do you need anything?”

  She lifted from Vex with a groan, rolling to her back on the mattress. She stretched, her fingers and toes curling with the motion.

  “I’m pretty thirsty.”

  Vex sat up, opened the cabinet of the nightstand and said, “I’ve got bottled water and some snacks to eat.”

  “Eat?” Angie asked, her brows arched in interest.

  “It’s not much, just trail mix and cheese crackers.”

  “Gimme,” she said. Then she patted the bed and looked at Rage. “The bed’s empty without you.”

  “I can go get you more things if you’re very hungry,” Rage said.

  Vex opened a package of trail mix, a concoction of chocolate chips, nuts, and dried fruit, and gave it to Angie. “This’ll do for now,” she said. “I don’t want anyone to go anywhere at least until we’re done with round two.”

  Rage sat next to her and ran his fingers over her healed scar from his fangs. “Round two?”

  She hummed and kissed him. “I want you two to trade places. I want to be entirely yours in every way.”

  Her mouth was curved up at the corner and her eyes were alight with humor. Their beloved was feisty, and he loved it.

  “As you wish,” he said, resting his hand on her thigh.

  “And, you both need to give me a mating bite. And I need to mark you, too.”

  “What?” Rage asked. “We bit you. You have marks from our fangs.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not a traditional mating bite. What we did was for our beloved mating. My wolf wants a bite all her own.”

  Rage looked at Vex who shrugged.

  “If you’re sure?” Vex asked.

  “I’m positive. Just make sure I’m feeling really happy first.” She wiggled her brows and Rage chuckled.

  “Now that we can absolutely do,” Rage said.

  Vex propped pillows up behind her so she was comfortable as she snacked. “Seeing your memories was amazing. Crazy but amazing.”

  “I wish you hadn’t had to see everything,” Vex said.

  “What, the sex?” she asked as she made a face. “Yeah, I could have done without knowing what all those females’ o-faces looked like. But you had to see me screw wolves on the full moon and during the fall heat, so I guess it’s only fair.”

  He hadn’t cared to see all the males touching her, but because he was sharing her memories, he’d known that her feelings for the males were not emotional at all. She fucked them on the full moon because it was part of her duty as an unmated pack female.

  “Males get crazy on the full moon if they don’t have sex,” she said, as if she could tell what he was thinking about. “Females get horny, too, but it’s worse for the males. They can get away with shifting and hunting, but most of them would prefer a good, hard screw and then go hunting. Self-denial isn’t something they enjoy.”

  She talked about the full moon and the pack gatherings. They met in the woods behind the alpha’s home. Cinder would cast a blessing spell for the pack and then they’d have sex and share their pleasure with the group before they’d go off to hunt.

  “Did you just say that your brother and his mate have sex in front of the pack?” Vex asked.

  “I know, gross, right? I mean it’s my brother.” She shuddered. “But to be fair, wolves are pretty casual about sex and nudity. But Adam’s very jealous and careful about who sees Cinder naked, so they don’t fully undress. She wears special clothing that conceals a lot of what’s going on. But even so, I absolutely don’t watch them. I’m normally off in the woods, nearby but not close enough to see or hear anything. The alpha pair has a special power. They can share their pleasure with the pack. It helps promote harmony and togetherness.”

  With their shared memories, Rage was able to see in his mind what the full moon ceremonies were like. Before the dreams came so frequently for their beloved, she would go off into the woods for sex with unmated males. But once the dreams came more often, she would disappear on her own and stay out of reach of the needy males. He hated knowing how much she’d suffered during those times, full of need she couldn’t articulate, waiting and wanting.

  Vex hummed in thought. “Are you aware of any wolves in your pack’s history that have mated with vampires?”

  She dropped the last handful of trail mix into her mouth, chewed and swallowed, then said, “No. Adam and Mishka have an alliance, but I don’t think any vampires have ever even been in our territory before.”

  “Long memories,” Rage said, glancing at Vex.

  “What do you mean?” Angie asked.

  “Shifters and wiccans have passed down a hatred and fear of vampires to their people through the generations. Vampire covens had blood dungeons in ages past.”

  She rolled her eyes to the ceiling and pursed her lips in thought, something he realized she did when she was accessing their memories. “That’s awful, but there aren’t blood dungeons anymore, right?”

  “No,” Vex said.

  “I never heard anyone say that the reason shifters should be wary of vampires is because of that, it’s usually because of how good we smell to your kind.”

  Rage leaned over and kissed her throat. “You do smell delicious.”

  She giggled and nuzzled him. “You do, too. Oh, wait. Will I be able to go out into the club without an armed guard? Those assholes earlier were trying to make a midnight snack out of me.”

  Rage snarled, wishing he’d done more than just rescue their mate. He should have taken those males’ heads.

  “Now that we’re beloved mates,” Vex said, “you don’t smell quite like yourself anymore. You’re immortal, and immortal blood isn’t as enticing as shifter or wiccan. Plus, you’re mated. You smell like you belong to us and no one without a death wish would touch you.”

  “Good.” She wiggled down into the pillows and smiled. “You’ll smell mated, too?”

  Rage flashed his wrist to her which had scarred over. “Yes. Just like you, any vampire who smells Vex and me will know that we’re mated.”

  “I wonder if it works for shifters, too.”

  Vex shrugged. “As if we’d allow anyone to touch us but you, sweetheart.”

  “The same goes for me,” she said.

  Then she leaned over and kissed Rage, sliding her hand into his hair and fisting the strands. When she’d kissed him senseless, setting his body on fire with her lips and tongue, she leaned the other way and kissed Vex. The scent of her arousal filled the air around them, saturating his senses and obliterating any train of thought he had except her. He touched her soft skin, worshipping her in every way possible, until they fell apart together, her sweet cries of pleasure mixing with their shouts of completion. He and his brother gave her the mating bites she and her wolf needed and she sank her fangs into their necks, too, and another layer of connection snapped together for them all. She was well and truly theirs, and nothing had ever been as good as having Angie in his arms felt, and no matter what the setting of the sun brought, he felt entirely invincible with her by his side.

  He’d keep her safe forever, ensuring she was protected and loved above all else. She was his beloved mate, and nothing would ever be the same.

  Chapter 11

  Angie dried her hair as best she could by rubbing it with a towel. Neither Vex nor Rage had a hair dryer, which hadn’t surprised her. They’d offered to borrow one from one of the females, but she hadn’t wanted to bother anyone. When her hair was as dry as she could get it, she brushed it and fixed it into a braid, using a strip of leather that Rage gave her. There was a knock on the chamber door and sh
e leaned out of the bathroom and watched as Vex opened it.

  Angie heard Arissa’s voice. “I realized that Angie probably didn’t have any other clothes since her bag was burned up with the dragon fire, so I brought her a few things for the meet up with her family.”

  “Thank you,” Angie said, leaning out far enough to wave at the redhead. “That’s so sweet of you.”

  “No problem. I hope all goes well with your family.”

  “Me, too.”

  Vex thanked Arissa and shut the door, then joined Angie in the bathroom, setting the stack of clothes on the counter. She looked through it and found two pairs of leggings, two tops, and a long dress, along with socks and a pair of slip on tennis shoes. After checking the sizes, she opted for a pair of black leggings which she paired with a turquoise tunic. The shoes were a little big, but they were better than the heels that had pinched her toes the night before. Vex leaned against the doorway and watched her dress, his bronze gaze following her every move. She tossed her braid over her shoulder and looked at his reflection in the mirror.


  He hummed and pulled open a drawer, retrieving a new toothbrush and toothpaste for her. She brushed her teeth and then turned to face him, leaning against the counter.

  “I don’t really feel any different.”

  His brows rose. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m immortal now, but I just feel like me.”

  “What did you think you’d feel like?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “I think because you’ve changed on a cellular level and not necessarily in any other way. In a week when the beloved bond drives you to feed from us, maybe you’ll feel different then.”

  She hummed, looking at the side of his neck and imagining sinking her fangs into his throat. Her gums throbbed, and her wolf made little howling, happy sounds as if taking a bite out of Vex was the best idea ever.

  “Okay, just right now I’m not feeling different.”


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