Black Thorn

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Black Thorn Page 5

by Brandon Killpack

  Her father jerked in his seat and looked up in surprise. “What? Oh, Levi? I believe he is eating in his room. I had some papers I needed him to prepare before court tomorrow morning.” He took a weary sigh and stared off into the distance for a while before continuing. “I do hope I’m not pushing him too hard. I need him to be ready that’s all.”

  A chill ran down Katrina’s back as she looked up, “Ready for what father?” Again her father was staring off into the distance and absentmindedly picking at his food.

  “Father?” She prompted.

  “What? Oh yes, well actually I’m going to be turning over the Jarldom to your brother in about four years or so. As it is he’s doing half my work already. I’ve already spoken to your uncle, and he agrees. We’re both getting too old; it’s time for the young blood to step up.”

  Katrina put her fork down and leaned forward inquisitively. “Is he really? Is that why he’s been so distant and grumpy?”

  Her father chuckled at that. “I suspect it is. It’s not an easy task that I’ve placed on his shoulders, and he may not be handling the strain all too well. If he learns that he can delegate the smaller tasks to others so much the better. However, its far better I ease him into the position then for me to die and it all just drops into his lap at once.”

  “Father I really wish you wouldn’t say such things. I’m sure you will have many grand years ahead.”

  Again he chuckled, “Oh my sweet young Katrina, your father is an old man, and I won’t be around forever. Besides with Gideon gone and you soon to follow it makes this the right time to begin the change of hands. I’ll be around to advise Levi, but the time is coming that he will be stepping into his inheritance. I do hope that you and your brother can support him in this.”

  “Of course father.”

  They continued their meal in relative silence, her father pausing only to ask about her training, but both just picking at their plates.

  After her meal Katrina dared a visit to her brother’s room. She knocked on the door and waited. There was no answer. She knocked again, this time an annoyed voice echoed from beyond the oak door beckoning her to enter. Stepping inside she gazed around. It had been several years since she had dared a visit.

  The room was more library than bedroom. Books lined the walls; his bed was shoved unceremoniously in a far corner. The room had a much-disheveled look, the curtains were closed, and a musty scent lay upon the room like a fog. Sitting hunched over a modest slab of oak sat her brother. Apparently working on the papers her father had mentioned. His dinner sat to the side of him untouched. With a sigh, he lay down his quill and turned around to face her. Brief shock registered on his face before being masked by his standard cool exterior.

  Katrina looked him over; she was shocked to find her brother’s ordinarily elegant appearance so dingy. His normally tidy hair was lank with grease, and his always pressed clothes were wrinkled. Worst of all was his expression. Although mostly masked, his eye twitched in a manic kind of way, and there was a wildness in his eyes. Finally, he spoke, “Thought you were the cook wanting the plate back.” He motioned to the untouched food. She smiled back tentatively at him, “We missed you at dinner again. I thought you might like some company?” She asked hopefully. He shook his head dismissively,

  “I’m much too busy, besides I’m not your sort anyways.”

  Puzzled Katrina asked, “What do you mean?”

  He looked at her, his piercing eyes drilling right through her. “I’m sure you want to spend your free time with people who are more warrior. The knights or guards perhaps.”

  She backed away, “I just wanted to see if you were alright. Father told me that he had been pouring more work on you and I wanted to see…”

  “See what?” he snapped. “See if I’m drowning? Think I can’t do it? Guess I’m not good enough, do you?

  “No, I just-“

  “Get out!” he yelled.


  “Get out now you stupid little brat!” he bellowed.

  She leapt out of the room and slammed the door behind her. She pressed her back to the door, tilting her head back and breathing heavy. Something was seriously wrong with him. She was just about to head back to her room when she heard his voice from behind the door.

  “I’ll show her, I’ll show everyone! I can do this, I can. I don’t need anyone’s help.”

  She couldn’t listen to his deranged ranting any longer. She made her way back to her room. Shaking a little, she worried about the future of Thornpine. Would it survive under her brother’s rule? For that matter would he survive? She laughed then, realizing her brother’s problems certainly put her worries into perspective.

  “Tomorrow I’ll train harder.” She said aloud. “I’ll be the best warrior there is and face anything the future may hold.”

  True to her word she began training half an hour early each day and often stayed late. After a few weeks the weights weren’t so much of a burden and as she improved so did her self-confidence. She dined with her father most night, but he was often deep in thought as if he was reexamining a lifetime of experiences and she avoided her brother entirely, who she observed lashed out at everyone who dared speak to him. She brought this up to her father who just waved a hand saying,

  “He’ll get better. I’ve dropped all administrative work on him to see how he’ll handle it and he’s actually doing better than I expected.”

  She was shocked to hear this and didn’t agree. Her brother had become reclusive and appeared like a shadow of his former self. She ran into him seldom, and his comments were few and far between.

  I n her off time, Katrina would venture into the forest north of the city, the woods that surrounded the city to the east, west, and south were the property of Thornpine and the Human kingdom Esnela, but just past the northern clearing was no man’s land. The forest that lay between their nation and the Elven Empire and further north was the boundary of the Elves themselves. Still in the bright light of day she had no fear venturing in a hundred yards or so. The border wasn’t patrolled until several miles deeper or so her father had told her, but there were times where she felt as if the forest had eyes. The hairs on the back of her neck would stand on end, and her skin would break out in goosebumps. She never saw anyone, but whenever she felt this way, she took it as her signal to leave. The fact remained that the land she liked to frequent was technically Elven and if she were ever caught it would mean war between her family and the Elves.

  She enjoyed the tall pines and lush ferns that populated this side of the forest. What secrets the rest held she didn’t know, but in the months since Gideon’s departure she had mapped out a good portion of the northern border. Although she never wore her armor on these expeditions, she did carry her sword and shield in case she ran into any goblins or other unsavory creatures. She never expected to need them, the border resting in between two large kingdoms, but it never hurt to be prepared.

  One day, Katrina had wandered around for some time before finding a spot to lay out her picnic basket. She had just laid out all her goodies when she heard the snap of a twig. Its sharp sound echoing throughout the dense forest. Heavy footsteps followed along with more snaps. She stood bolt upright alert. Holding her breath to get a bearing of where the steps were coming from. Another snap came from her right, and she went ridged. She was fairly deep in the woods at least a good thirty minutes away from the village. Soon voices joined the crashing footsteps. Whoever they were there was no way that they were Elves. No Elf could make that much rucks.

  Sure enough, she saw the first one lumber out from behind a tree followed by two others. The first was a tall man, young but defiantly in his manhood displaying a shaggy misshapen beard. The other two followed close behind like sheep; one was tanned and sandy-haired the others wore a red mop of hair. These were indeed closer to her own age. The disconcerting thing was that she didn’t recognize either of them and she knew all the people in the village and a vast majority of the sur
rounding towns and hamlets. Why on earth didn’t she leave when she heard the first footfalls? She wondered to herself. The three men stopped in surprise.

  “Well well, what do we have here?” The bearded man said, his companions grinned in delight.

  “Looks like a little sparrow lost her way.” The sandy-haired one said.

  “Maybe we should take her for a bite to eat? She’d sure enjoy our company eh?” the redhead put in.

  They all laughed. “Looks to me that there’s plenty to eat here.” The bearded one said motioning to the little picnic Katrina had laid out. They advanced closer to her, despite her senses screaming at her she stood her ground. Finally choking down her fear she said,

  “That’s close enough! I don’t know you and want to be left alone.”

  They slowed their advance glancing at each other and grinning from ear to ear. Then the sandy-haired youth said to the bearded man, “I think she’s frightened, it must be your beard it scars all the girls.”

  The bearded man raised his hand, “We don’t mean ya any harm dearie, we just want directions that’s all.” He smiled at Katrina, and she was revolted to see that his teeth were rotted and had the appearance of grey sponges.

  “The village of Thornpine is that way.” Katrina pointed vaguely with her arm.

  “Oh, is that where you live? Where might your home be missy?” Asked the bearded man.

  Katrina gave him a contemptuous sniff, “I live at the Keep.”

  “Hmm, servant girl then?” the red-haired asked.

  The sandy-haired youth shook his head, “No way, bet she’s the Jarls nightly hump. Bet the old cod likes the young ones.” He leered at her.

  “Not a chance!” Red retorted, “Look at her, those tits are too small for a Jarl.”

  The bearded mossy toothed one grinned at her, “Oh I don’t know, I think she’s kinda cute.”

  A mixture of rage, disgust, and fear twisted around Katrina, she shrugged off her shield and let it fall to the ground. It’d only get in the way, and they didn’t have weapons. She made a ready grip on her sword.

  “Don’t you come any closer to me turn back the way you came.”

  They stopped as if only now taking stock of how she was dressed and geared. Knee high leather boots, a studded leather skirt, and her sword belted at her side.

  “What’s them on her wrists an ankles?” the redhead asked pointing at her weights.

  “Dono, maybe shackles? Bet she’s an escaped prisoner.” The bearded man said.

  “I am the daughter to Jarl Adam the Wolf, ruler of these parts and I order you to leave! Katrina ordered.

  The bearded man’s eyes lit up in a smile. “Well now, these be royal tits now ain’t them boys? Bet she’ll fetch a good price.”

  “If not we could ransom her for a pretty penny,” Sandy said.

  “An in the meantime we can have lots of fun, wouldn’t wont to return her unspoiled now would we.” Red declared.

  They circled around her and closed in. Katrina took a defensive stance and poised to attack. The bearded man lunged, and she cracked him over the head with the flat of her blade, but he was a diversion. Sandy and Red came up from behind her and pinned her arms to her side causing her to drop her sword. The bearded one staggered to his feet, a stream of blood ran down his face.

  “Why you little bitch, I’ll cut off your tits for that and send them back to the Jarl with what’s left of you!” He said as he picked up Katrina’s blade.

  He balanced it and slashed the air twice. Then sword raised, he made for Katrina with murder in his eyes. He went to slash when he was blasted off his feet as a bolt of white-hot energy hit him square in the chest. The sword fell where he stood, and Katrina took advantage of the confusion to break free from the lecherous creeps and retrieved her sword. Spinning around she saw a youth sprinting towards her.

  He wore black robes and carried a staff, if Katrina didn’t know better she’d have taken him for a priest.

  “Look out!” He called, and Katrina spun around just in time to see her bearded adversary getting to his feet. She took the initiative slashing at his chest and leaving deep cuts along his brown tunic. The article was quickly going to tatters and was saturated with blood. He let out a cry backing rapidly away before falling over his feet.

  She turned on the other two and sent her sword dancing up their arms. Then she grabbed Red by his locks and slid her sword up his leg and to his groin. He whimpered as the blade began to taste flesh. A tremendous wet spot covered his pants.

  “If you ever come near my village again or if you ever touch another girl. I promise you I’ll find you and cut it off!” She pressed down on her sword making sure he got the point. He started to cry and blubber. Nodding his head up and down, there was a small crash beside her as Sandy hair was thrown to the ground by the youth in black robes. He planted the butt of his staff on Sandy’s chest. Then Katrina understood, the youth was a Mage and a talented one from what she’d seen.

  “I believe you owe her an apology.” The Mage said to the sandy-haired one. Who gazed up at Katrina and said, “I’m sorry, I swear it? I’ll never touch anyone ever again.”

  Katrina walked forward, letting his red-headed companion go in the process. She stepped up to him and planted her sword between his legs.

  “For your sake, I hope not.”

  This sent him in a fit of tears. Finally after a minute of him crying she released him and he scampered up after his companions who had long since deserted him to nurse their own wounds.

  Katrina took a deep breath composing herself then she turned on her rescuer, sword pointed at his chest. He raised his hands up in surrender.

  “I could have handled that on my own, I didn’t need you butting in,” Katrina said.

  “I promise you I know that, but how often does one get to play hero for the Jarls daughter?”

  Katrina eyed him suspiciously as she sheathed her sword and stooped to gather her discarded shield.

  “Who are you?” She asked.

  “Felix at your service.” He said with a bow, “and you are the Lady Katrina.”

  She studied him. He had mousey brown hair and a bookish complexion. His green eyes were rimmed by spectacles and the hand that gripped his staff was decorated in mystic blue markings.

  “I’ve never seen you before. How do you know my name?”

  “Well I was born in Evenstar and spent a good many years there, and more recently I’ve been staying with father Michael and assisting the healers,” Felix said.

  Katrina cocked her head to the side with a puzzled look, “Really? Why are you out so far from the village?”

  At this he began looking slightly awkward, “Just an afternoon walk.” He whispered without meeting her gaze.

  “Anyways,” he pressed on, “If you are alright, which of course you are because you can take care of yourself I must be on my way.” And with that, he was off without a backward glance. Katrina watched him go in bewilderment at the abruptness in which he departed, and she couldn’t help but wondering again why he was out so far.

  Finally, she turned and picked up her things and started for home. Humming at herself she decided that this had been a rather exciting adventure, be it one she wouldn’t be telling her father or sir Kallen about and she was eager to have another one.

  K atrina was pining to see Gideon after being separated for this extended length of time.

  Six months really was too long to be away from family, she thought absently as she gazed at the sun setting behind the Thornpine.

  Being only a year younger than Gideon, it was only natural that they were closer than she and Levi, who were five years apart.

  While Levi was never outright mean to her, he always kept her at arm’s length. However, his mood had been so up and down lately that she continued to avoid him, compounding her loneliness.

  She wondered briefly if Levi was also lonely, with Gideon’s absence. The two had always been close, and Gideon was always able to draw the
best out of their brother. A trait she was slightly jealous of. Shaking her head, she cleared her thoughts. This wasn’t something needed to be thinking about. It was time she focused on the future. What did she want?

  For the longest time, she had wanted a life like her mother and father. A life filled with adventure and romance. She wanted this so much that she planned on following in her mother’s footsteps, becoming a Shield Maiden, but today she questioned he longing and plans. Was this really what she wanted?

  Today Kallen had given her an extra two hours of his time, telling her what she already knew, that once Gideon arrived, he would have to devote most of his time to him. This was okay with her as her father had gotten the local healer and priest father Michael to apprentice her a couple of hours a week to fill the time. Although Katrina was headed for the maidens, she was gifted with healing. Not enough to become a master healer, but gifted none the less.

  This request wasn’t a typical one healers trained healers after all, but her father had called in a long overdue favor, and so the aged father Michael had agreed. Katrina suspected that this was because he didn’t currently have anyone to apprentice, but she kept her mouth shut and was grateful for the experience. This would give her an edge when she began training in the spring.

  She was very lost in thought over the day’s events that she didn’t notice the man striding up the cobbled street towards her. The man walked right up behind her and spoke in a familiar voice.

  “Well, Katrina I see you have changed in the last six months unless my eyes deceive me you’ve become a woman.”

  Katrina spun around ready for a fight; no one was ever this unformal with her nowadays unless they were asking for a beating. Which the village boys were always asking for said beating. The man in front of her was tall, very muscular, and had short untidy black hair and blue eyes. It took a moment for her to realize just who this man was.

  “Gideon? Oh, my gods, it’s so wonderful to see you.” She screamed flinging her arms around him. “Dear lord I hardly recognize you. What happened to the thin, long-haired little boy that left here? How on earth did you manage to change so much in six months?”


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