Redemption (Shattered Souls MC Book 2)

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Redemption (Shattered Souls MC Book 2) Page 17

by Heather Dahlgren

  The fear of what he has planned for her now is wrapping around me. He didn’t get what he wanted from her, she’s of no use anymore. He’s not sitting back waiting to destroy us, he’s waiting to kill her.

  Brooks sighs, resting his hands on the table. “It still means someone is giving him club secrets. Someone started this one thing by telling him we stole his drugs. Someone wants this club gone.” His fists slam down on the table. “Who the fuck is it?”

  “Maybe it isn’t someone in the club. Maybe it’s someone trying to get revenge,” Finn suggests. We all look at him and he shrugs. “Sorry, I just thought I’d add something.”

  “No, don’t be. You’re right,” I say, standing up. I begin to pace trying to put the pieces together. “It does make sense. We’ve got a lot of enemies. Someone could’ve told the right person, who told Kingsley we stole his drugs.”

  “But who?” Kace asks, resting his head on the table.

  “We ran off Raging Devils for selling drugs. This could be their way of getting us back,” I suggest.

  “They sell the drugs and blame us,” Riley says.

  I nod, still not certain I believe that’s actually the case. It could be a possibility, but I still think Brooks has something to do with it all. I want to be wrong, but someone needs to prove I am.

  “We need to get Harper out of here,” I say, grabbing the back of my chair. “Tonight.”

  I’m not risking her safety.

  Brooks sighs, “Fine, we’ll go tonight.”

  “What about Ivy?” Kace asks.

  “Fucking Christ,” he mumbles. “I guess she can come too. Let’s get a few hours sleep and we’ll leave at five in the morning. The roads will be clear, so it won’t be bad. I want everyone here, so if you need something from your place go get it now and bring it back. We’ll stay a few days, get it all figured out without being in the goddamn crosshairs.”

  We all agree, and I leave the room first. Harper is gonna be pissed. She won’t want to hide, but there’s no other way. Protecting her is my priority.

  I’m surprised when I open the door and she’s sitting up in bed. “Fuck, you’re still awake?”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” she says, giving me a tight smile.

  I kick off my boots, step out of my jeans, and yank my shirt off. She moves over and I climb in bed, pulling her into my arms. I kiss the top of her head, leaving my lips pressed against it.

  “What happened?” she whispers.

  I press another kiss to her head, holding her tighter. “We need to get out of town for a while.”

  She sits up, searching my eyes. “Why?”

  I gently tuck the hair behind her ear and cup her cheek. “Brooks and Enzo found another note on your car. I need to know you’re safe, babe.”

  “So, we’re going out of town?”

  I sigh, looking at her beautiful face. “We’re all going to Gloria’s parents vacation house. We’ll stay a few days, get our plans in place, but when we leave, you’ll be staying.”

  She pulls out of my hold, fury in her eyes. “You’re hiding me?”

  “Babe, it’s to keep you safe. I don’t want to leave you, but I can’t concentrate on what needs to be done if I’m constantly worrying about you.”

  A humorless laugh escapes her as she climbs out of bed. “Hiding me away makes you feel better? The idea of coming home to an empty house instead of coming home to me is what you want?” she yells.

  I jump out of bed and stand in front of her. “Tell me you’re fucking joking? Tell me that after everything we’ve been through, that you don’t honestly believe that?”

  I understand she’s pissed but questioning the way I feel is fucked up. There should never be even the slightest doubt and if there is, maybe she needs to look a little harder.

  “Fuck,” she sighs. She puts her palms on my chest, peeking up at me. “I know that’s not true. I’m just pissed. I don’t want to be hidden away. I want to be here to help you through all this, to see it all end.”

  I sink my fingers into her hair, keeping her head tilted up to me. “I know you do, but fuck, if I’m right about everything, you’re in more danger than I can handle. I need to make sure you’re safe, Harper. I won’t survive if something happens to you and I could’ve prevented it. I love you so much and the idea of being away from you kills me, but it’s the only way to keep you safe.”

  She closes her eyes as her fingers dig into my chest. “Fine, I’ll do it.” Just as I’m about to pull her to me, she stops me. “On one condition.” I lift my eyebrow, questioning her. “You don’t do anything stupid. You don’t let your anger get the best of you, and you come back to me.”

  “That’s more than one condition,” I joke. She slaps my chest and I laugh, pulling her into my arms. “I promise.”

  She pushes up on her toes and presses her lips to mine. “Let’s get some sleep.”

  Harper finishes packing her bag and sits down on the bed. I lean against the dresser, crossing my arms. “You alright?”

  She smiles, nodding. “Of course.” I tilt my head and she lifts her shoulders. “Just wish things were different.”

  “I know, babe. It’ll be over soon,” I reassure her.

  “That’s what we keep saying.” She stands up, wrapping her arms around my waist. I rest mine on her ass as she looks up at me. “End it this time, baby.”

  I crash my mouth to hers, kissing her with a force I feel running through my veins. She lets out a soft moan when my fingers dig into her ass. The urge to toss her on the bed is intensifying, so I break the kiss.

  I rest my forehead against hers, searching her eyes. “I’m going to end it. Tell me you believe that,” I say.

  She smiles, pressing a kiss on my chest. “I have absolutely no doubt, baby.”

  I don’t need her reassurance, she needs it. She can fool just about everyone, but I know her. She’s hiding behind her mask. The idea that we’ll never get Kingsley, and this will be our lives forever is haunting her. It may take time, but I will be fucking victorious.

  “Come on, they’ll be waiting for us,” I say, giving her a quick kiss and grabbing the bags.

  We meet everyone by the bar, dropping the bags for Finn to load in the van. Harper is talking to Ivy, so I grab Kace. “You feeling better?”

  “I’m good, brother. I shouldn’t have said all that shit, but I was still pretty drunk.” He slaps my back and grins. “Even though it was all true.”

  We both laugh as my eyes drift to Harper. Her head drops back laughing at something Ivy said and my pulse picks up. She takes my breath away even when she’s not trying. Even with all the shit going on, I look at her and I see my future. I see my wife, the mother of my children, my friend. I’ve wanted her since I was a kid, but we both had to grow up to realize it was something worth dying for. She’s worth dying for.

  “We need to fix it, Z,” Kace says, pulling me out of my Harper haze.

  I nod, running my hand through my hair. “I know, brother. I just can’t do shit until I know the truth.”

  “Alright, Finn and Alex are going to drive the van. Harper and Ivy if you want to ride with them that’s up to you. Everyone else follow me,” Brooks says.

  Harper smiles at me and I wink. I know damn well she wants to be on the back of my bike, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Once the van is packed, we all get on our bikes. I’m surprised to see Ivy get in the van, but the more I think about it, I’ve never seen her on a bike.

  “Ready?” Harper asks.

  I hand her the helmet and she climbs on behind me. The ride there isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I’m not sure how much further we have to go but having Harper behind me makes me want it to go on forever. We’re out of the desert and into a more wooded area now. It’s peaceful and quiet. Definitely not something any of us are used to.

  We pull into a secluded wooded area and follow a narrow road, only big enough for one vehicle. As we continue down it, I notice a lake, an
d my heart fucking stops beating. What the hell would the odds be? I have to believe that if Kingsley did have a place on this lake, that Brooks or Gloria would know. He would never suggest we come here if he knew. Or would he? Fuck. My guard is up as we pull into a garage large enough for all our bikes and the van.

  Harper pulls off the helmet, climbing off the bike. “It’s beautiful here.”

  “Anyone else notice the lake? Coincidence?” Riley questions.

  “I wondered the same,” I mumble.

  Brooks walks over as we are talking. “Gloria would’ve told me if he had a place here.”

  It’s the only thing I believe that he says. Gloria would rather burn this place down than be anywhere near Kingsley. So, I nod, and we go into the house. It’s a nice place. Not surprising since Gloria’s family has money. It’s got a cabin feel, but with luxury. The views out the huge windows are stunning and the openness of the house makes it feel huge.

  “There are two bedrooms down here and four bedrooms upstairs. Gonna need to share,” Brooks says.

  We take about an hour to decide on bedrooms and figure out food. It only took about two hours to get here, so it’s still early, but we’re all starving. Finn, Alex, and Porter decide to take a ride to find food. Harper and Ivy are in the kitchen, while the rest of us are in the living room and dining room. The couches are placed so that you can see the tv above the fireplace and still have a view out the windows. I’d like to come here with just Harper some time.

  “The fridge is pretty well stocked,” Harper calls from the kitchen. “I’m gonna make coffee.”

  The backdoor opens and we all wait to see if the guys found us food.

  “Hey gorgeous, I didn’t expect you for a few more hours.”

  We all jump up and grab our guns. I peek over at Harper and she’s pale. Fuck.

  “Gloria? Oh fuck.” His eyes are wide when he steps in and sees us, guns drawn.

  “Kingsley? What the fuck are you doing calling for my wife?”



  I’m frozen. The coffee pot still in my hand. I’m not even breathing. My father is here and he’s looking for Gloria. He had no fucking idea we were here. The shock and lack of weapon prove that.

  My eyes move between him and Brooks. Brooks is shaking with anger, his face is red, and you can see his chest rising and falling with his heavy breathing. Zane has his gun pointed right at my father’s head and I know he’s ready to pull the trigger, but he won’t. Not until they get answers.

  “I asked you a mother fucking question!” Brooks yells.

  My father turns his head and spots me. I drop the coffee pot, causing it to shatter into a million pieces. Pretty much how my heart feels right now.

  “You look good, dear daughter,” he says.

  Zane hits him across the face with his gun and my father falls to the ground. He stomps his heavy boot on my father’s chest and points the gun at him. “Don’t you ever even look at her again. She’s mine, you son of a bitch.” He kicks him with his other foot and my father groans. “Now answer my uncle,” he hisses.

  “Fuck you,” my father says, laughing. He looks up at Zane and wipes the blood from his mouth. “Just pull the trigger now.”

  This time it’s Zane who laughs, but it holds no humor. “Not until I get answers.”

  In the next minute, I watch them all fight with my father to get him tied up and sitting in a chair. Once I see there’s no way he can move, I take a deep breath. He’s grinning, loving the fact that this is what it’s come down to. He knows he’s going to die and he’s going to try to make all of us suffer until then.

  Ivy touches my shoulder and I scream. “Shit, sorry,” she whispers.

  Zane runs to the kitchen and wraps his arms around me. “Fuck, babe, I’m sorry. You and Ivy go into the bedroom. You shouldn’t see this.”

  Ivy rushes past us, but I pull away and step back. “No, I’m staying. I started this and I’ll be here when it ends.”

  “Fuck,” he whispers.

  “Harper, what the fuck is wrong with you? I’m your father. You’re just gonna stand there and allow them to kill me?” I stare into his devil eyes, all the anger, fear, and regrets come crashing over me. He never once helped me, and he expects me to help him now? His laugh pulls me back to the present. “I should’ve killed you when I had the chance!”

  I push Zane out of the way and walk over to him, pulling my gun out of my purse as I pass by. I cock it back and press it against his head.

  “Harper, no!” Zane yells.

  “Fuck, don’t Harper,” Brooks shouts.

  The others are yelling, but my focus is solely on my father. I lean close to his face, my gun still pressed against his head. “Don’t worry, Dad. I don’t need to save you from them, because they aren’t going to be the ones to kill you,” I whisper.

  He is dressed in dress pants and a button down, like always. His blue eyes show no fear, no regret, no remorse. It pisses me off that even though he is tied up, his dark hair is still perfectly slicked back. He doesn’t look like a man who is scared to die. He looks like a man who is fine with the fate that awaits him. Always so calm, so put together, so cold. Fuck him.

  “Babe, you can kill him, I’ll give you that. But, please let me get the answers I need first,” Zane whispers in my ear, gently grabbing my arm.

  I drop my arm, but keep my eyes locked on my father. “You’re lucky they’re here, why don’t you fucking tell me what you’re doing looking for Gloria?”

  A disgusting grin spreads across his face, but his gaze never strays from mine. “We’re together. Her husband couldn’t satisfy her, so for the last five years, I have.”

  “You son of a bitch,” Brooks howls.

  Things are being thrown, glass is breaking, but I refuse to break my connection with my father. He’ll say anything to get back at me right now and I intend to take full advantage of that. They won’t be able to get answers, but I sure as fuck will.

  “Every time I think you couldn’t be a worse human being; you prove me wrong. Why the fuck do you think Shattered Souls stole drugs from you? It’s not their thing, so fucking explain it,” I say, shaking with rage.

  “You always think you know the truth, dear daughter, but you’re always wrong. I don’t act without knowing for sure and this I know for sure. Shattered Souls stole a shipment from me and profited a large amount of money. I took my time getting my revenge and I’m happy to tell you that I’ve gotten it,” he says, smiling.

  “How?” I yell.

  He laughs and searches my eyes. “You always were hot headed.”

  “Answer me,” I hiss.

  “I opened that strip club and made back the money ten times over. I got more information than I ever could’ve by falling for Gloria. She’s been an amazing help in all this. When she told me they stole the drugs, she also told me every weak link in the chain. I’ve used that to my advantage. Zane should’ve died, but you got in my way. Brooks is failing as president, Souls is failing as a business, and my daughter finally learns that she became a traitor to lying, thieving scumbags.”

  My heart is pounding in my chest. They stole the drugs? Gloria is a fucking rat? Plus, I know now that he didn’t open Club Kingsley because it was my idea, he did it to hurt them. The hate I have grows and I’m shaking with anger. Not only for him, but for everyone around me. How could they lie to me? How could Zane lie to me?

  “Who stole the drugs?” I ask.

  “That my darling daughter isn’t important. You see, once you have a trusted insider, that’s all you need. She told me the club took it and that’s all that matters. If you hadn’t gotten in the way, I could’ve ended this sooner. I could’ve blown up Souls, taken them all out, but you had to get involved,” he confesses.

  I laugh, narrowing my eyes. “You want me to believe you grew a conscience? After everything you’ve done?”

  “Believe what you want. You always have. I told you to stay away from Zane Madden, yet here you
are. I told you not to put your nose in my business, but you didn’t stop you from opening my safe. I’ve always told you to do as you're told and you’ll be taken care of, but the older you got, the more you fought my every demand. But now you know the truth and I can die knowing you’ll handle the rest for me,” he says with a sickening smile.

  “Fuck you. I will never do anything for you. You might not have blown me up in Souls, but you had no problem leaving me threatening notes, destroying my house, and taking away the only memories I have of my mother!” I yell.

  “No, sweetheart, that was me.”

  This time I do break my stare down with my father when my head snaps to Gloria. Before I can even say a word, Zane knocks the gun out of her hand and Brooks grabs her by the hair, tossing her down on the couch. He points the gun at her with tears running down his face. It’s fucking heartbreaking.

  “What the fuck did you do?” he asks, but it’s more of a yell.

  She tries fighting him off, but it’s no use. His adrenaline is coursing through him so hard; she’ll never get him off. His one hand wraps around her throat, while the other still points the gun at her head.

  She claws at his hand, cursing. “I did what was best for me,” she screams.

  “You lied about us stealing drugs from Kingsley, why the fuck would you do that? What did you gain?” he yells in her face.

  “Money. I took the drugs, I sold them, and I kept the money. I did it over and over. All while I had you believing it was from my parents and Kingsley believing I was falling for him,” she cries.

  For the first time since I pushed Zane away, I glance at him. His eyes are hard, but they are also filled with tears. His own aunt caused him to question his uncle’s loyalty to the club, to him, to everything. She played everyone against each other. While she gained her power, everyone else was losing theirs. The shock of it all is sickening. Brooks is going to lose his wife. Zane is going to lose his aunt. Adalyn is going to lose her sister-in-law and Nora is going to lose her friend. But was she ever any of those things or did she just play the role so well we all believed her?


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