Hardened by Steel

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Hardened by Steel Page 23

by J. B. Havens

  He would never forget the way she looked when he broke through the door to that room: naked and afraid, displayed like a trophy for that bastard. His beautiful girl had been tortured and nearly killed. If she had died, a large portion of himself would have died with her.

  It had scared him to see her vulnerable and terrified; to find her in the grips of a waking nightmare. He didn’t think she feared much of anything. She was so fierce and brave. He’d pulled her out of it, never intending for things to go the way they had. She’d kissed him! The other times they had kissed, he’d started things along. No matter how impossible their relationship was, it made his chest swell with happiness to know that she wanted him as badly as he wanted her.

  Jordon didn’t know what to do about her and his growing feelings, but he knew soon he would have to act; and settle their relationship in one way or another. She had him tied up in knots, both physically and mentally.

  He spared her a glance, seeing the thick dark circles under her eyes and the anxiety written plain on her face. He wished he could rewrite that past few days for her, but he knew that even if he could, she wouldn’t want him to. She was just too fucking stubborn for her own good.

  Pierce elbowed him hard in the ribs, forcing him to tear his eyes away from her.

  “Stop it. You two have enough problems without you being so fucking obvious about it,” Pierce hissed into his ear.

  “Fine,” Jordon continued to watch the passing trees, lost in thought.


  We arrived back at the Wonka House without incident. I didn’t speak to the others as we descended in the elevator. The smell of our bodies in such a close space was powerful, but not in a good way.

  “Jesus Christ, everyone, go to your rooms and get in the fucking showers before we eat. I don’t think I can take the smell of you fuckers over dinner,” Jackson grumbled as the doors slid open. Before we could all break away to our rooms, a small blue flash rushed at me and attached herself to me. I grunted in pain at the force of her hug. She was squeezing the life out of me.

  “Aunt Beatrice... please… my ribs.” I gasped out, trying to extract myself from her embrace.

  “Oh, Bea. Your gorgeous face.” Finally releasing me, she cradled my cheeks in her hands as tears softly fell down her cheeks.

  “Aunt Beatrice, I’ll be fine. Rook stitched me up.” I grasped her wrists, pulling her hands away from me. “Please, I’m a mess. Let me get cleaned up and I’ll explain everything. You’re safe now, that’s the important thing.”

  “I don’t care about that. I know you and Jackson will always keep me safe. Are you okay?” She was swiping at her tears, but they just kept falling.

  “Please, don’t cry. I’m okay. I’ve had worse. I’m a soldier, a warrior; I’m not going to let something like a little scar on my face bother me.” I kissed her forehead softly, not wanting to sully her with my nastiness, even if my hands were clean.

  “I made your favorite.” She sniffed and produced a tissue from somewhere, wiping her eyes and nose. “I made everyone’s favorites. Go get cleaned up and come eat. A warm meal will do you all good.” She took Jackson by the arm and unceremoniously pulled him down the hallway in the direction of his room.

  “Well, ain’t that something?” Flynn said, looking at me.

  “What?” I snapped. My mood was rapidly deteriorating to the point where I was at throat-punch level anger.

  “Not going to say anything about your aunt pulling Jackson down the hall like a chew-toy?” Flynn was walking backwards as he spoke.

  “No. I’m not.” I turned and strode away.

  “Fine. Fine... be that way!” he shouted at my back.

  I flipped him the finger; it really was the best way to deal with him.


  I had been standing in the shower long enough that the water was cooling. I was as clean as I could get. I had washed my body and hair multiple times until I finally felt like I was fit to be around others, but not sure that I wanted to be. I shut off the water and stepped out. I stood nude in front of the mirror and surveyed the damage to my body.

  Starting at my feet I catalogued my injuries: first were my legs, striped purple with bruises; the cut on my left thigh was neatly stitched closed; then my ribs and torso which were also colored purple in large blotches across my ribs, waist, and chest. The fact that I’d been beaten was readily apparent. My neck had a small cut from Julio’s knife, and I had a few finger-shaped bruises. My arms were ok also, other than my wrists that were raw from the rope.

  Leaning closer to the mirror, I studied my face. Seeing it for the first time washed clean of blood and dirt, my left cheek and jaw were bruised nicely and a little swollen. I had a split and puffy lip, and of course; the slice across my right cheek. It was red, but not overly so. I touched it lightly, tracing the slight curve.

  I tried to imagine what it would look like healed. I had enough scars that it wasn’t hard to do so. It would be a little jagged at the top where the knife had cut deeper, then trail into a fine white line that curved near my mouth. I considered what Rook had said, that it wouldn’t take away from my looks.

  We shall see…


  Jackson emerged from the shower wrapped in a towel to find Beatrice sitting on his bed, patiently waiting for him. His body was tired, but apparently not all of him was. The sight of her, fresh and clean, looking just as delicious as she smelled had his towel in a precarious position.

  “Fisher, I was so worried about you.” She stood and walked closer. He opened his arms, wrapping her close to his chest.

  “I’ll always come back, Beatrice.” He pushed her back slightly so he could see her face. “Listen, I know this is really fast and we don’t know each other that well, but we’re both too old to screw around. I’ve grown to care about you, very quickly. It’s fucking scary, but I’m no coward. We’re going to talk to Mic after dinner. You’re staying here... with me. Forever.”

  Tears softly fell down her face and she gave the most appropriate response. “Just try and stop me, soldier.” Standing on her toes, she crushed her lips to his and then jerked his towel the rest of the way off.

  “Oh boy…,” Jackson groaned into her mouth before pushing her backwards onto the bed.


  We were all gathered in the kitchen as we had been ordered, but Jackson and Aunt Beatrice weren’t here. I looked at my watch for the tenth time in the last few minutes; we’d been waiting for over half an hour.

  “Someone needs to go find them,” Pierce said.

  “I wouldn’t advise that,” Rook said, laughing quietly. “Sorry, Mic, but I don’t think it would be polite to interrupt them.”

  “For fuck’s sake. They are adults. There isn’t anyone on this planet I would trust more to take care of my aunt than Jackson. If he makes her happy, then I’m happy. What? Did you guys think I would freak out or something?” I was grumpy that they had so little faith in me.

  “I’m glad you approve, Bea,” Aunt Beatrice said from the doorway where she was holding Jackson’s hand. Her small frame looked even smaller next to his hulking body. Happiness radiated from her; she was glowing with it.

  I stood and walked toward her and Jackson. I studied him. He, too, looked happier than I had ever seen him. He seemed relaxed and comfortable.

  “I just want you to be happy. It’s been so long since Uncle Henry passed; you deserve this.” I turned to Jackson, looking up at his eyes which shined with what I suspected was the beginnings of love for my aunt.

  “Master Sergeant, if you break my aunt’s heart, I’m going to break your legs. Got me?”

  He chuckled as he let go of my aunt and wrapped me up in a huge hug, being careful of my ribs. “Of that, I have no doubt, Mic.”

  “Okay, guys, can we freaking eat now?” Flynn asked.

  “What did I say about your language in front of me, young man?” Aunt Beatrice raised an eyebrow at Flynn.

  “Sorry, ma’am.” He had the wisd
om to hang his head and attempt to look chastised.

  “Flynn is right; we’re all exhausted, let’s eat.” Jackson sat at the head of the long table and Aunt Beatrice took the seat to his right.

  We piled our plates high and dug in. The food was as delicious as I’d ever had. Then again, considering that I hadn’t eaten in something like a day and a half, even an MRE would taste like a five-star chef creation to me right now.

  “God, Aunt Beatrice, you make the best potatoes…” I groaned in pleasure as I took another bite. It hurt to chew, but thankfully the potatoes were soft and creamy.

  “I know, dear. You’ve loved them since you were a little girl.”

  “Mic was a little girl once? Like with pigtails and Barbies and sh…stuff?” Flynn quickly edited himself.

  “Yes, Flynn, I was indeed a child once. I didn’t play with Barbies though, I had those little green army men.”

  “I would be surprised if you had played with dolls. Army men fit you better,” Rook chimed in.

  “Okay, that’s enough about me. When we’re done, let’s all head up to the war room and I’ll debrief you on what happened while Julio had me.”

  The table fell silent; I hadn’t intended to be such a conversation killer. Just call me Debbie Downer…

  “I need to hear this too. I need to know what happened to you, Bea,” Aunt Beatrice said, clutching Jackson’s hand tightly. That was a sight I supported, but it was going to take some getting used to.

  “Just debrief here. We’re all right here, no need to change rooms because of the topic of conversation.” Jordon spoke for the first time since we got back to the Wonka House.

  “Agreed,” Jackson added between bites of the rich and creamy green bean casserole Aunt Beatrice had made especially for him. We were all going to need to log extra time on the track if she kept cooking like this.

  “Well…,” I forced myself to be casual and not let my volatile emotions affect the telling. “I got there and some thugs hauled me into the house. Julio came down and welcomed me, the smarmy bastard.” I held up my hand to my aunt. “I know, I know, language. But right now, just cut me some slack.” I didn’t give her a chance to respond before I continued.

  “Julio got irate about my language and apparent ‘rudeness’ and knocked me out.” I gestured to the left side of my face with its swelling and pretty colors. “I woke up in a small cell, hands tied behind my back and feet tied at the ankles.” I related the story as if it had happened to someone else. I needed to distance myself from my emotions or I would never get through it.

  “Big surprise there, Mic was rude to someone,” Flynn whispered loudly to Pierce.

  “Anyways,” Rolling my eyes, I continued. “I kept at him. Trying to stall until you guys got there. He, uh... he put a knife in my mouth, and said that if I swore at him again he’d cut out my tongue and force me to eat it.” Aunt Beatrice gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. “That’s also when he broke my rib, by kneeling on my chest. He left after that and a small girl brought me water. She was one of the girls we rescued. The water was bitter and I should have known better than to drink it. He’d spiked it. I woke up on that table.” I decided to spare Aunt Beatrice the details of how I was tied.

  “He taunted me a little; admired my hair, the weirdo. That’s when he sliced my face and leg. Soon after, the cavalry arrived.” I shrugged, realizing I wasn’t fooling them with my nonchalance, but appreciating that they weren’t calling me on it.

  “Then I killed him as he was getting ready to knife Jones,” Rook added. “Bastard died too quick in my opinion.”

  “Agreed,” I added, going back to eating.

  “Bea Annabelle Michaels,” Aunt Beatrice said in that tone, the one where you knew you were in trouble.

  “Holy shit, your middle name in Annabelle!” Flynn was bouncing in his seat, he was so excited. Jordon caught my eye and smirked.

  “Thanks, Aunt Beatrice, that’s just what I needed.”

  “I told you your potty mouth would get you in trouble one day,” she said, not looking up from her plate of food.

  “Really? That’s what you’re going to say?” Irritation sharpened my tone.

  “Don’t take that tone with me, young lady. My heart breaks for what you went through, but you are the one who left here alone. You are the one who delivered yourself into the hands of that madman. I’m glad he’s dead and I’m happier than I can express that you made it home safe, but I’m also very upset with you for being so foolish. You were raised to be smarter than that.”

  Flynn had both hands over his mouth. His face got darker and darker red, as he tried to hold in his laughter. Jordon just crossed his arms over his chest, looking very satisfied with my dressing-down.

  “What she said, Mic,” Pierce added, raising his hand.

  “For fucks sake…,” I snapped, getting up to take my plate to the sink. “Did you see those photographs, Aunt Beatrice? Did Jackson let you see what that fucker did to those innocent people? To those children? Did he?” She had the gall to look embarrassed. “I had no other choice. I refused to have the lives of more innocent people on my hands when I could stop it. Any one of you would have done the same.” I threw my plate into the sink where it broke cleanly in two. “Thanks for saving my life, guys. I appreciate it. I’m sure the girls we saved are pretty grateful too. Compared to them, I got off easy. Did you make that call Jackson, or were you too busy fucking my aunt?”

  He stood so fast his chair fell over, anger tightening his face. I remained firm, daring him to come closer.

  “If you ever again imply that I am putting personal matters before the lives of innocent people, you will be gone. I will not speak to you about your insubordination again, Staff Sergeant,” Jackson snarled in my face.

  “Fine.” I didn’t bother to add his rank. I turned my back on all of them and left the room.

  I let the kitchen door slam behind me and smashed the button for the elevator, pressing it over and over as if that would get it here faster. I felt entitled to my anger. I felt justified to be pissed the fuck off at the world right now.

  “Well, Mic, you’re in rare form today,” Jordon spoke from beside me. I glanced at him, but he was staring straight ahead at the elevator doors.

  “I’m pissed off. Leave me alone.” My hands curled into fists, I was nearly shaking with rage.

  “I see that; and no, I’m not leaving you alone. I think that’s the last thing you need right now. What Jackson and your aunt don’t understand is this…” He paused as the doors opened and we stepped in. He hit the button for Level Three without needing to be told. “You died... in your mind anyways. You let yourself die. Being brought back to life is rough on anyone.”

  I glanced at him sideways from the corner of my eye. Intuitive, wasn’t he?

  “Just what do you plan on doing down here?” He asked as the doors slid open again. I didn’t answer, but instead hobbled down the short hallway to the pool.

  “I can’t run or lift weights. Water is okay, so I’m getting in the pool.”

  “Okay then.” He stripped off his shirt and toed off his shoes. Neither of us had suits, but that didn’t seem to matter.

  I slipped off my shirt and shoes also, hesitating at the button of my pants. Jordon didn’t have such reservations; he shucked his pants and more or less ignored me as he stepped into the pool. I was frozen by the sight of him in tight, navy blue boxer briefs; they clung to every sweep and curve of his ass and thighs.

  This should be illegal…

  I stripped my own pants off and joined him in the shallow end. The water shrunk my bra and panties tight against my skin. I looked down, grateful I hadn’t worn white. The black material looked the same as a bathing suit would.

  “I have to keep my face dry,” I said, wading to the side of the pool where I propped my elbows and let my legs float out in front of me. The water felt amazing on my skin; it was warm and was doing wonders for relaxing my stiff muscles.

don laughed. “I’ll make a note not to splash you.”

  “Why are you here?” I asked, as I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

  “For you. Why else would I be here?” He sounded genuinely confused.

  “Many reasons.”

  “It’s like I said; I don’t think you need to be alone right now. You don’t have to talk to me or even look at me, but just know that I’m here with you... for you. Maybe it will be enough to help you feel a little better.”

  “Maybe, or maybe you being mostly naked in a pool with me, while I’m mostly naked, is too much of a distraction.” I opened my eyes, enjoying the look of shock on his face.

  “Is that what you want to talk about? Us... being naked... together?”

  “Right now? No. But soon.” I closed my eyes again and went back to ignoring him.

  “The way I see it, if Jackson can be with your aunt, why can’t we be together?” He’d moved closer to me, now sharing my bit of pool-side.

  “My aunt is not under Jackson’s command.”

  “No, but she’s a civilian.”

  “True.” His hand touched my face, turning me to look at him. “This is going beyond simple want, Bea, this is need.” He kissed me softly, a quick brush of lips that took me back to our first kiss in the jungle of Colombia.

  “Chris... I just don’t know what to do with you.” I sighed heavily.

  “Oh, Bea, I could think of a few things…,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

  “Not that, ya jerk. That, I have no trouble with. It’s very complicated. My feelings for you and my duty to this team are at war with each other and I don’t know who is going to win.” My heart was heavy with its burden.

  “Well, I’m not going anywhere, baby. When you figure it out, you let me know.” He brushed a piece of my hair off my face, tucking it behind my ear. I secretly loved it when he did that. “Rook said I should just pin you against a wall and have at you.”


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