Pregnant by My Alien Master

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Pregnant by My Alien Master Page 3

by Kaylee Kane

  I gasped loudly in erratic breathing. My heart thundered in my chest, threatening to jump out of my throat at any time. My body was crackling and sparking with ecstasy. Damaris’ cock kept coming, stuffing and stretching my pussy. “Oh Ayana, I am going to come inside you! It’s not going to take long. I have saved this full tank of seeds for you!”

  “Yes…yes, Commander Damaris…I want you to come inside me…I want you to fill me up with your seeds...” His pussy turned raw and numb from his insistent ramming. Thick and musty smell of sex hung in the air. Heat roared through my whole body, I was getting so close to the edge. I greedily rocked my hips against Damaris, desperately reaching for my orgasm. It was like we were both racing to come.

  Damaris thrust into me tirelessly. His red cock started to vibrate. It was so immense that my whole body shook. My breasts bounced and bobbed aggressively in my chest. Hot wetness streaked down my thighs. I fought to keep my legs apart as Damaris continued to sink his rigid manhood inside me. Hot shame poured over my face and spread through my chest. An urgent need rose within me. “I’m going to come, Ayana…I’m going to come inside you like the good old times…”

  He was holding onto me so tightly as if he wanted to rip me apart. My muscles tightened as the insane wave of pleasure crashed me. “Ooohhh…mmm…it’s so good…I’m coming, Damaris…I’m coming…” My whole body vibrated as orgasm ripped through me. I saw stars in my eyes. I thought I blacked out for a second.

  A low grunt tore from Damaris’ mouth as his hot breath brushed against the back of my neck. Our sticky, sweaty bodies melded together as I collapsed into his embrace.

  I pulled myself up and looked straight into his new purple eyes. A smile crept up my face as quickly as my concerns filled my head. Right now, I wished I could turn back time and return to the lab where I found the antidote and reread the research paper. To see what else I’d been missing. Did they mention about the side effects? I racked my brain to remember but nothing hit me.

  Regret pricked my conscience. I shouldn’t have done it in a haste. I should have stayed a little longer to make sure it was the right antidote. I should have stayed a little longer to find out where Zand at. Now I had to suffer the punishment of the unanswered questions burning in my head.

  “Damaris.” I gasped loudly to catch my breath. “Damaris, I think something is not right about the antidote. I might have gotten you the wrong one.”

  If there was a sign of worry on his face, I couldn’t see it. Instead, he cupped his hands on my cheeks. “Ayana, you are overthinking. This antidote worked perfectly.” He looked up to the purple sky and grinned. “Look. I am not dead yet.”

  I pursed my lips and shook my head. “No, trust my gut feelings. It’s never wrong–” The thumping of advancing footsteps coming from behind us made me turn my heads. A troop of masked men materialized in front of us, forming a barricade. If only they had come earlier…My naughty side grinned. I took a deep breath and purged away the wicked thoughts.

  The sudden realization that I was naked made me feel self-conscious. I stepped back behind Damaris and covered my breasts with my arms. It wasn’t like they hadn’t seen my pussy being stretched and filled by Commander Damaris before…

  “Commander Damaris, we have a situation!” The tension in the muffled voice of the masked man made me cringe. Please don’t tell me it’s the antidote…please don’t–

  “What is it?” hollered Damaris, his voice still raspy from the sex.

  “The antidote.” The masked man glanced at me and gulped. “It’s driving us Lunatics crazy. Few people in the breeding center who have been administered with the antidote have shown increased sexual appetite. Now they are fucking all the human bitches in the breeding center! They can’t be stopped!”

  My stomach shrank. “Oh my fucking god!” I muttered to myself as I pulled away from Damaris and pinched the bridge of my nose. What the fuck had I done again? Ayana, oh Ayana, why did you keep fucking things up? I hated myself more by the second. I grabbed Damaris by the arms and looked straight into his eyes. “Oh my goodness, Damaris. I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to do this! I thought this was the antidote. It was written there on the label.”

  “You might want to reconsider about believing everything you read. We understand that it’s human culture to believe crap they read online,” said the masked man. I pursed my lips. I had bigger things to worry about than being offended by someone who mocked our ruined civilization.

  “Do they have any special symptoms?” I asked the masked man.

  “Increased heartbeat resulting in prominent veins. Increased size of sex organs and higher sexual drive,” said the masked man monotonously as if he read it out of the research paper.

  “Oh fuck!” I turned to Damaris as my fears deepened. “Shit! What the fuck is going on here?” The look in Damaris’ face reflected my concerns.

  “Confine and monitor those who have been administered with the antidote. We don’t know if this shit is going to be infectious!” said Damaris. His voice was raspy and getting heavy.

  “Yes, Commander Damaris.” The leader of the troop turned around, followed by his subordinates. Damaris grabbed me by the arms and made me look into his eyes.

  His purple eyes. It made me wonder how long I would take to get used to his different eye color. It felt so strange. Everything about Damaris remained the same. It was the real Commander Damaris. My Commander Damaris. I never expected his eye color would make so much difference. Maybe, after all, something had changed and it was deeper than just color.

  “Let’s go home,” he said. His voice was gentle, it melted my heart. Let’s go home. Words I wanted to hear at the end of the day, after everything I had gone through. Home. That was where I wanted to be. Next to my son. In Damaris’ embrace. My own comfort zone where no one could hurt me. Where my mind could be at peace.

  “Let’s go home,” I repeated after him without breaking eye-contact.


  An uncanny feeling descended upon me once I set foot back in the Hall of Damaris. I felt like a stranger arriving at a new place for the first time. Yet everything felt so painfully familiar. I could tell where every piece of furniture lived and what was in the next hallway. It felt like something was not right. There was a missing puzzle in my heart but I couldn’t tell what was it.

  It was the same feeling that haunted me when I returned to Earth. I didn’t feel belonged yet it was exactly where I came from. And now with Luna Nova, where my family was.

  Okay, maybe I was overthinking and overanalyzing things. Oh Ayana, could you stop dissecting your own emotions so much? I took a deep breath and looked to my side at Damaris. Suddenly, the last puzzle fell into place.

  Since we boarded Damaris’ spacejet, he didn’t say a single word to me. I might have been overthinking it, but he looked like he tried to avoid my eyes. Commander Damaris had never done that to me. Not ever since I got back from Earth. Not ever since the antidote poisoned his mind. Fear cinched me. What the fuck was wrong? Why was my Commander Damaris, who swore he couldn’t take his eyes off me, suddenly act so cold towards me? Had he found out what happened on Earth?

  Thoughts plagued my head. They were spinning round and round, taunting and mocking me. Uneasiness pricked my skin. Finally, I couldn’t stand it.

  “What’s wrong?” I demanded. My voice echoed off the spartan wall of the hallway. I still remembered where this hallway would lead us to. The Conference Hall. Where we had our first virtual conference with Dr. Rykes Jnr. from Earth. Damaris wanted confrontation. What was it that he was hiding from me?

  Damaris looked stunned. As if I broke into his stupor. His lips parted. He wanted to say something, then he stopped. My mouth went dry as a sick feeling grew in my stomach. What the fuck was wrong with him? Thick bulging veins grew and pulsed all over his neck. Panic overcame me.

  Once we got into the Conference Hall, I jumped in front of Damaris and clasped onto his arms. His eyes widened in shock and he finally looked straight
into my eyes. It was ironic how much I’d missed those pink eyes. Those eyes would never stray away from mine. “Damaris…” I said pleadingly. “I am so sorry I got the wrong antidote. I had one job. Please tell me why are you being so cold towards me. Are you mad at me?”

  “No.” His voice was gentle. His expression softened as he cradled my face in his palm. “Don’t be silly, Ayana. I can’t be mad at you. I can’t even thank you enough for undertaking this dangerous mission back to Earth to get the antidote. It’s just–it’s just I worry that I might hurt you. I might turn into this insatiable beast and…” His voice trailed off.

  I lowered my face as I grinned sheepishly to myself. My cheeks were burning. Why the fuck did I find this so fucking arousing? What was wrong with that right? I of all the people knew how insatiable and big the Lunatics’ appetite was! Why would this be an issue right now? My only concerns for them was any underlying side effects that had not surfaced.

  Damaris’ eyes lasered into mine when he said, “I don’t want to hurt you, Ayana. You mean too much to me. I am afraid I can’t control this beast inside me.”

  I wanted to say something when the screen buzzed to life. My stomach lurched as I jumped behind Damaris. I scanned around the hall that mimicked the setting of a cinema. The memories of the happier, simpler days when I would go to the movies with Zand during the weekend crept into my mind.

  Oh, Zand…why did you have to slip into my mind right now? When I already had too many questions whirling in my head. This had to be a curse for polygamy.

  Before I spiraled down the sweet memory lane, the snow in the screen passed and the image of Dr. Rykes Jnr. took place. Flames of anger surged through my veins. I clenched my fists tightly and gritted my teeth. It was just a projection…it wasn’t real. I kept telling myself to stop me from launching my fist at the screen.

  How did that son of a bitch keep hacking into electronic devices? For a second, I was glad Damaris gave me a fresh set of clothes so I didn’t have to be naked in front of him.

  “Rykes Jnr.!” Damaris hollered at the image of the wicked scientist. The venom in his voice reflected my contempt for the scientist. Rykes Jnr. was grinning evilly, revealing his teeth. I couldn’t help but look at the cut mark that looked like a worm near his invisible lips. His snout was huge yet his almond eyes looked tiny behind his round glasses. “Hello again, Commander Damaris.”

  Dr. Rykes Jnr.’s gaze reverted in my direction. A dark gleam flashed in those brown eyes. I deepened my glare at him. Lest he hadn’t noticed my disdain for him.

  “Hello again, Ayana,” he said with a wicked smile. “I am most awed by your intelligence and capability. I must admit. I should have kept you by my side instead of Marcy and Jacey. You obviously have higher intellectual and emotional intelligence than both of them combined.”

  “Oh, maybe that’s why I wasn’t on your side!” I snapped.

  A hint of displeasure flitted on his face. Rykes Jnr. gave me a patronizing smirk. “Alas, that smart mouth and attitude aren’t going to get you anywhere.”

  “Ironic how it landed me on Luna Nova, right?” I put my fists on my waist. I wished I could punch him in the fucking balls right now.

  A maniacal laugh burst from his chest. “That’s exactly where I wanted you to be! That’s why you are there, Ayana!” Questions plagued my head but I feigned calm. What kind of trick this mad scientist wanted to pull this round? I glanced at Damaris, who looked equally lost. “You think you are really so smart. Oh yes, of course, you are quite clever. But not enough. If you were cleverer, you would have realized that the antidote that you got was not quite what you wanted.”

  Painful knots twisted in my stomach. What the fuck? All my doubts were clarified and suddenly I wished I hadn’t learned the truth. “Fuck you, Rykes Jnr.! You fucking set me up, you fucktard! How could you do this?”

  “How could I?” laughed the evil scientist. “You have a science degree, Ayana! You should know better than to administer random chemicals you find in a lab. Oh, wait. You didn’t graduate, did you? You wouldn’t have committed such silly mistake if you had!”

  “You fucking motherfucker!” I wanted to rip one of the armchairs off and toss it at the screen. An anguished roar escaped from my chest as I launched myself at him. “Calm down, Ayana! He wants a reaction from you! Don’t give him the satisfaction of seeing you like this!” Damaris’ arm wrapped around my chest, pushing up against my breasts. Suddenly, all the anger I had abated, replaced by a wave of love.

  I gasped loudly and fought to even my breath. I threw Rykes Jnr. the most intimidating glare I could muster up. “You dense motherfucker, you listen here! I will get my revenge!”

  “Well, well.” His face was so arrogant I wanted to punch him. “Before you do that, make sure you tackle your own problem first.” He burst into a laughter that died away as his image disappeared from the screen that now showed footage from the breeding center.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Damaris mouthed as he scooted closer. My eyes stilled on the mayhem taking place in the Luna Nova Breeding Center. The Lunatics in white coats were running around with their massive erect dicks, chasing the female earthlings.

  I peered into the footage to check the Lunatics’ skins. Pulsing veins ran all over their bodies. The same thing that happened to Damaris. It was hard to think straight when the Lunatics were waving their delicious big dicks on the screen.

  Splinters of envy stung me when the Lunatics captured some of my colleagues and started fucking them. They were pinned to the desks and their wet pussies were being stretched and filled up with these massive Lunatic cocks. Their tight little pussies wrapped around the Lunatics’ rigid manhood tightly, not letting go.

  The moans of the female earthlings made my pussy squirm with need. I wished I could shut my ears to the arousing noises only to realize that the heavy breathing came from Damaris himself. “Damaris?” My own voice trembled with need as I turned at him and saw the pulsing veins grow all over his face. His face was dark with passion.

  My errant gaze dropped to his crotch. The sight of his engorged package sent bolts of pleasure straight to my throbbing pussy. My heart turned into quivering jelly as my chest leaped and fell erratically.

  A pained expression flitted across Damaris’ face. “Ayana…” The hardness in his voice pained my heart. “Ayana, I don’t want to hurt you…” My heart galloped in my chest. I yearned for his cock so much. My body firmed up in need. Was he saying he wouldn’t fuck me now? What the fuck was wrong with him? Anger and desperation swirled around my body.

  “No, Damaris…no, please. You can fuck me all you want, Commander Damaris. I am yours, remember? I am all yours.” His eyes lit up, then he stepped back. “No, Ayana. I can’t let you harm yourself for me. I can’t.”

  I clasped onto his arm. “No. Damaris. Trust me. This is exactly what I want.” The lusty moans from the screen made my blood pump harder in my veins. The wet heat forming between my legs was getting harder to ignore. “Damaris…please…take me.” My body shivered. My pussy ached with sweet thrill. The moans from the footage made my body crackle and spark with pleasure.

  The walls were closing in around me. It was so hard to breathe. Damaris was still there, refusing to do anything. This was a torment. How could he do this to me? Unable to wait any longer, I slipped my shaky hand under the elastic band of my white pants when Damaris caught me by the wrist. My breath hitched when I gazed into his purple eyes.

  I knew I wasn’t the only one getting all horny right now. Damaris still hadn’t taken his move. So I parted my lips to say something when he pressed his mouth against mine. Our lips entangled. I closed my eyes to luxuriate against the feel of his breath on my face.

  The moans from the footage were getting louder and louder, making my head spin. Heat roared through my veins. My naughty side wished that it was me who was being shared and filled up by these hungry Lunatics instead. Damaris wasn’t there to let my mind wander. His hands groped along my curv
es, feeling every inch of my skin anew.

  Damaris was taking this too slow. I wanted him to rip my clothes off and do me on the armchairs. My moans tumbled out of my chest in an endless stream. Suddenly, it became like a moaning competition when I tried to out-moan them all.

  “Ayana…I want to fuck you so much…” Damaris’ voice whirled around my head. His hands were everywhere on me it was so hard to focus. My breath rushed out from my lips as I mouthed, “Yes, my Damaris…yes, please take me already.” My voice trembled with my body.

  My cheeks were on fire watching the female earthlings being pounded by the Lunatics. Their twisted facial expressions reflected the feverish passion burning within me. My pussy throbbed with hot wetness, begging to be stuffed. It made me wonder if I was the one being infected by the bogus antidote.

  “You are getting really impatient, Ayana. Have you been missing my cock so much?” His voice was ragged and raspy. My pussy wept onto my panties as he slipped his hand from behind my back down into my pants. Blazing heat shot straight to my core. The insides of my thighs were still wet and sticky from his previous cum shot and my own horny juice.

  My body was wrecked. I let out long and lusty moans as Damaris glided his hand up and down the cleft of my ass. His hot breath tickled my ear as he nibbled it. “The trip to Earth has left you hungry for my cock and thirsty for my cum, haven’t you, my dear Ayana?”

  I couldn’t help but grin sheepishly to myself. If only I could brag to Damaris about my exciting encounter with his clones…No…what would he think of me if he knew I cheated on him…with his own clones? Could that still be considered cheating then? I mean, I was fucked by Commander Damaris’ clones. It was still him, right? My head spun too quickly for me to work out the logic.


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