Dawn of Inception (Felidian Warriors Book 2)

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Dawn of Inception (Felidian Warriors Book 2) Page 7

by M. L. Cook

  Stopping beside Phil, he placed a hand on his shoulder, “I’m sorry about your friend—”

  “Twern’t no friend of mine. Racist, bigot, what you might call an all-around asshole. His mouth woulda gotten him killed sooner or later. We still need to give him a proper burial, though.” Phil patted Seth’s hand, “You go on in and take care of business, we’ll take care of Jerry.”

  Seth nodded, then looked at the still form on the ground, “Did he have any family?”

  Phil nodded, “A brother. But he’s in prison. Murder. He won’t be missed by nobody, if that’s what you’re worried about. Had a wife once upon a time. She got tired of him beating on her and left state. No,” He shook his head, “world’s a better place without him.”

  Shocked to hear that anyone would harm a female, especially their mate, Seth squared his shoulders and strode past James. Leading him down a dark hallway, he scanned the doors, looking for a secluded place. Stopping in front of a brightly lit room filled with lockers, he waited for James to tell him what he needed so much privacy for.

  “So, what’s up with you and the girl with the purple hair?”

  Seth tensed when the man he’d nearly killed asked the one question he didn’t have an answer for. Not only that, but he also wasn’t sure he wanted to think about an answer. With the grim possibility of his brother’s death, Seth feared it would fall on his shoulders to rule their people one day. Although there was something about the small female that called to him, he knew he could never have her. One day he would be king and he would need a strong female at his side. A female like the one called Ashley.

  Before they even left the Terrapian ship, she’d taken charge of the captives. Then when they landed she ensured everybody had a job and that they would fulfil their duty. Since arriving at the warehouse, he’d continued to watch her.

  After organizing the workers, she set them to blocking off any space that could be breached by the Terrapians. Then she set guards at the few entrances left. After that, she got together others to prepare meals for the hundred or so humans left inside. Nobody had asked her to lead, she simply stepped into the job.

  “Nothing.” The lie fell from his lips, “The female is nothing to me. I simply wanted to ensure she was unhurt.”

  “So, no romantic designs on her?”

  Shaking his head, he grunted his reply, “I told you there is nothing between us. I’ve found a female I plan to take for myself. She’s a strong leader of her people. One day she will make a fine leader of my people, as well.”

  “Well, then you won’t mind—“

  Whipping around, before he considered what he was doing, Seth’s fist connected with the male’s face, knocking him into the wall.

  James rubbed his purpling cheek, then glanced back to see a purple head of hair disappear around a corner. “That’s what I thought.”

  Seth cursed, “Tiger’s balls.” He should have realized Aubree wouldn’t be far from them. If there was trouble, she would be in the middle of it.

  James chuckled, “No worries, friend.”

  Seth glared back at the male, “You were going to claim her, were you not?”

  Shaking his head, he pushed past Seth, “Nope. Not my type.”

  Watching the male push through a door, he wandered what he meant by type. Aubree was a find specimen, even if she was small. She was fierce, protective, and would make any male a fine mate. Well, any male but him. Stumbling through the door, he realized his mistake, “Not your type…you prefer males, do you not?”

  Shutting the door behind him, James walked toward a long bench between the lockers, he nodded before straddling it. Nodding, he smiled, then reiterated, “Not my type.”

  Seth watched him tense. “There are many, not only where I come from, but from other worlds who find their mates this way. It matters not who you love. Finding your true mate is always a miracle. Many go to the next realm having never found the one who completes their soul. Who can deny them that fundamental right?”

  He sighed, “Welcome to Earth.”

  Shaking his head at the absurd notion of anyone trying to deny another their right to love, he opened his mouth to continue the discussion.

  James held up a hand, “It doesn’t really matter now, does it? There’s more important things to discuss.”

  Nodding his agreement, Seth leaned against a locker, ensuring he could see both the window and the door. “This is something you wish to keep from the other humans?”

  “I know you’re not human, so I won’t ask you to understand our technology,” he held up a hand before Seth could speak again. “Not insulting you. I realize yours is probably lightyears more advanced than ours.” At Seth’s nod, he went on, “I have what is called a CB radio. There’s a lot of chatter about what’s happening out there.” He nodded toward the window. “What people don’t know is that there are humans siding with the aliens.”

  Seth sucked in a breath, “What? But why? Do they not realize the Terrapians have no honor? In the end they won’t leave one person on this planet alive.”

  James crossed his arms, smirking, “Like I said, welcome to Earth.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Stumbling past the body of the man who nearly ended her life, Aubree skipped up the steps behind Seth and James. Catching the closing door, she nodded at some of the people inside. A smirk spread across her face when she got only answering glares.

  Across the room, she heard Ashley shouting out orders to any person within earshot. Feigning ignorance, Aubree turned her head just as they made eye contact. It was bad enough they’d had to share airspace, there was no way she would allow that woman to order her around. Bouncing forward, she smiled at James when he turned around.

  She didn’t know where they were going, or why for that matter. After what she’d been through over the past few days, she was going wherever she damned well pleased. If that meant including herself in whatever private talk those two thought they needed, then that was just too bad.

  A blush crept up her face when James asked Seth about her. Could he possibly feel the same as she did about him? There was no denying the attraction she felt for him any longer. She was determined to stake her claim before Ashley beat her to it. After what he’d done, protecting her, making sure she was safe, she knew what the next step would be. Even if all they had was a quick toss in the sack, she was determined to have this man by day’s end.

  Their conversation drifted back, James was asking Seth the very same question she’d sought the answer to. Stopping in the hall, she held her breath, waiting to see what his answer would be.

  “Nothing. The female is nothing to me.”

  Her head jerked as if she’d just been slapped. Face burning in humiliation, she wished the hard concrete floor would split apart and swallow her. Not only had he denied any feelings, but he denied it with vehemence. Biting down on a finger to keep from crying out, Aubree spun on her heels and ran back the way she’d come.

  Fighting tears, she stumbled toward the door. Her hands slammed down on the bar that would release her into the cool autumn air, staggering down the stairs she didn’t stop until she reached the out buildings. Unable to continue, she ducked around the corner and doubled over. Gulping mouthfuls of the cool, crisp autumn air, she released the sobs that refused to be denied.

  Sliding to the ground, she wrapped her hands around her legs, resting her head on a knee. Eyes closed, she took deep breaths until she felt she was in control. Sniffling back tears, she opened her eyes. There on the ground, she watched a huge downy white flake melt on top of a beautiful red-gold leaf.

  A grin creeped across her face, “It’s snowing.” Looking into the fluffy white clouds overhead, she blinked away large white flakes. Opening her mouth, she caught a few on the tip of her tongue. Suddenly life seemed lighter. It was snowing. Sadness forgotten, she rushed toward the road and the small woods on the other side.

  With a single glance over her shoulder, she ducked behind a tree. Stalking fur
ther into the woods, she chastised herself for even caring. There was no way she would get between Seth and the woman he believed would complete him. Besides, the last thing she needed was a man to tie her down and try to control her. Seth seemed exactly like the type of man who would do that. If she wouldn’t let Brooke…

  Stumbling, she fell against the nearest tree. Brooke. Did she still live? The Terrapians would attempt to take her alive, but she knew they wouldn’t try too hard. If Brooke fought them…well there was no if about it. Knowing her sister, she probably carried a gun in her purse. The instant she took it out, they would shoot her. Memories of the men, women, and children that had died at their hands came rushing back.

  Taking a deep breath, she stepped away from the tree. “No. I refuse to believe my sister is dead. She can’t be. God wouldn’t be that cruel. I just need to have faith that she’s still alive…somewhere.”

  With a renewed sense of purpose, Aubree started toward the house James told her about. She knew it had to be somewhere close…well…she hoped it was somewhere close, anyway.

  After thirty minutes of a steady pace, she realized that perhaps she’d misjudged how far the farmhouse could be. Regardless, she wouldn’t stop until she found the silver ships he’d mentioned landing in his field. So far, she couldn’t even see an end to the thick forest, let alone a field.

  Stopping to rest for a moment on a fallen log, she realized she’d only just made it to the point where she’d met James. How much further could it be? Remembering how winded he was, along with the fact that the man looked like he could run for miles without breaking a sweat, she realized that she might be in for a long walk.

  Staring into the dense foliage, she strained to see a break in the trees. There was nothing as far as she could see but more of the same. Glancing over her shoulder, she could see the worn path she’d followed. Beyond that, lay the pond, road, and factory. Wiping an arm across her brow, she regretted her hasty exodus. Licking her dry lips, she decided it sure would be nice to have a bottle of water right now to clench her dry throat.

  Seeing the stark white buildings through the trees brought with it thoughts of Seth’s denial, along with the feeling of being on the outside looking in. When she’d left, nobody stopped her, nobody asked where she was going, or if she was okay. Only a few people gave her a cursory glance before going back to whatever task assigned to them by Ashley. In reality, the only thing that inspired her to return to the factory was the old adage that there was safety in numbers. Most definitely, she would take that and run with it, just not right this minute.

  First she wanted to see what they were up against. For all she knew there could be a hundred of the murky green dudes, or there could be half a dozen. She was determined to get answers before going back.

  “Ashley’s not the only one who can take initiative,” mumbling to herself, she resumed her trek.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Aquino stepped out of their temporary base, grateful for an actual structure instead of the hastily erected tents of most camps. Each camp was located sixteen to twenty kilometers from the larger cities they’d either attacked or planned to attack.

  After sitting through the briefing that detailed plans for the next few days, he decided he needed to get some air. It sickened him how much pleasure most of his people derived from using and abusing life forms different than their own.

  When Aquino had been young, his parents often spoke of the atrocities carried out by their race. Raised by the gentle pair, his father was one of the few males who treated his mate with love and respect. Many nights, hiding in shadows, he’d overheard his parents talk about the horrors visited upon other species that were collected by his people. The males were forced to work until they could do no more, then they were disposed of like so much garbage. Once he’d heard his father mention the female slaves, but at the sound of his mother’s weeping, he stopped speaking of it.

  It wasn’t until Aquino was grown that he learned what became of any female captured by his brethren. Dread filled him at the prospect of becoming a part of the very things he despised. However, he was left with no choice in the matter. Luck of birth fated him to join the ranks of soldiers who carried out the very things that went against his peaceful nature. All males, once reaching maturity, were forced to serve as soldiers to their king, and he was no different. However, finding like-minded people gave him hope for a better future for all his people.


  He hadn’t been on the ship a week when the door to his quarters parted to reveal his commander grinning back at him. “I’ve brought you something to ease your discomfort. Sadly, it’s not in the best condition.”

  Stepping aside, he pushed a hunched figure toward Aquino. What he saw both horrified and awed him. A spirited young female, one that refused to go willingly to a destiny forced upon her. The young female was tall and shapely. Aquino admired her form, he wasn’t immune to what could be his, should he choose to take it. Her balled up fist was met with his commander’s hand. Closing fingers around the delicate bones, he squeezed, then laughed when she cried out.

  “Feel privileged, Aquino. Although this one has been passed to many soldiers, she still has some fight in her.” He pulled her into his arms, then turned her, showing a bruised and battered face. Not a single spot wasn’t damaged in some form or another. Swollen, bruised, broken and bleeding, still she wore the air of defiance. Laughing, the commander shoved the female toward Aquino, forcing him to catch her, lest she fall and injure herself more.

  Her soft body against his stiffened in reaction to the fear of whatever fate awaited her. As the door whispered shut, she began fighting against his hold. Speaking softly, he walked her toward the bathing chamber. Each of the soldiers quarters was equipped with a small, but deep tub. The deep pond-sized baths helped to calm a warrior after a stressful day.

  Still holding her, he set the water to what he hoped would be a comfortable temperature for her species. Never had he encountered another being with so much hair. Beautiful golden waves flowed down her back. Afraid to release her, he began stripping away her torn and filthy clothes, never taking his gaze from her beautiful green eyes.

  Once the deep tub was filled, he lifted her into the water. Having just gotten off shift, he was still fully clothed, including his heavy work boots. Settling into the deep pool, he kept her in his arms, unsure of her reaction. He knew that most species don’t share the affinity for water as the Terrapians, so he was prepared for her to fight him.

  “No! Don’t! Please!” At her renewed efforts to get away, he realized she would be unable to stand without becoming fully immersed.

  “Quiet female, I have no intention of drowning you. I only wish to calm you. Is the water too hot?”

  Blood spilled into the warm water when her fisted hand met his nose. “Do I look relaxed to you?”

  One arm encircled her waist, while cupping his nose with his free hand. Laughing, he loosened his hold, “No, I don’t suppose you do. Very well. Would you feel more relaxed if I left you to clean up by yourself?”

  Her shocked gaze stared up at him, “Alone?”

  “Yes, female. Alone. Don’t try to escape. I’m afraid your clothes were destroyed, and the fate that would await a naked female roaming the halls would be grim indeed. I’m going to get out,” he pointed to a lever on the wall, “turn that to the right to lower the water level, if you wish.” Stepping out, he pulled a thin, nearly transparent curtain across the tub.

  “I’m going to leave my soaked clothes and boots in here. It shouldn’t take long for me to dress, so you can come out whenever you’re ready.”

  She watched as he stripped out of his clothes, then toss them into a corner. His back to the tub, she watched his bowed head shake for just a moment, before reaching for the door.

  “What food do you like to eat? And what name do you go by?”

  They talked long into the night. He’d asked her to stay hidden until they stopped for refueling. In the months that
followed, they’d become good friends. She’d told him of her people, their beliefs and how, above all they valued honor.

  That was the beginning of his new life. Not long after leaving her on the space station, he’d found others that shared his beliefs. Their species had a long way to go, but it was a beginning. Eventually he would find a way to overthrow the ruling family, bringing honor back to his people.


  Looking around, Aquino figured he was far enough away to not be overheard. Pulling out a small radio, he was about to key in the code when he felt, rather than saw movement. A shadow sprang from the brush, catching him unaware. A moment later pain exploded across the back of his head before the world faded away.

  His senses returned slowly. The first sounds he heard were the low whispers coming from a female, “Stupid, heavy-assed aliens. Why the fuck do you guys have to be so freaking big?” Next he grunted as his tailbone connected with a sharp object. When he felt another scrape against his backside, he jerked free of the tight grip on the collar of his uniform.

  Jumping away, he stared down at the smallest grown female he’d ever seen. Cocking his head, he leaned closer, “Never have I seen a race with hair coloring like yours.” Pulling a long strand of her purple locks into his hands, he sniffed it. “Fake,” sneezing, he rubbed his nose. “Why would you do that?“

  Aubree stared at her empty hand, then looked up at the nearly eight-foot-tall dark green alien. He seemed to care more about her hair than his own life. Jerking the purple strands from his grip, she sneered at him. “Red.”

  He stared back at her, blinked, tilted his head, then smiled, “Red. My name is Aquino. I’m very pleased to meet you.”

  She was shocked when he bowed. Bowed. Mumbling under her breath, she shook her head, “Idiot.” Pulling the space gun from the back of her pants, she glared up at him. “My natural hair color is red. That isn’t my name.”

  “Oh, well then what should I call you?”

  The Terrapian made no move to escape or attack. It seemed his only priority right then was knowing what she preferred being called.


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