Rogue Demon: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Mates of the Realms: Half-Breeds Book 1)

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Rogue Demon: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Mates of the Realms: Half-Breeds Book 1) Page 2

by Lacey Carter Andersen

  But who do we have to impress here? Lily thought, with a grin, before grabbing another handful of the salty snack.

  Settling into their favorite barstools, they grabbed files at random. Some people got messy drunk after as many shots as she’d had, but not Lily, she got ultra-focused. At least on nights like these. Images and information that meant nothing to her the last time she’d sat down with them suddenly started to make sense.

  Yup, I’m like a genius fueled by liquor. Liquor and chips.

  A comfortable silence stretched between them as they handed interesting pages to each other, making notes on the sheets. Behaving as if this was as normal as two girlfriends sitting down to watch a chick flick. Only their entertainment involved bloody photos of crime scenes and stories that would make a seasoned cop’s stomach turn.

  Just another weekend at a demon’s house!

  After an hour, Lily finally stretched and looked over at her friend. Kate’s dark brows were drawn together in concentration, and her hair was a frizzy, endearing mess. For a second, Lily just stared, feeling her heart grow like the freakin’ Grinch himself. She didn’t know how the hell, after just three short years, this girl had become so important to her.

  But she had.

  One minute Kate was just a seventeen year old kid living a normal life, the next she came into her powers with a bang. And lost her family, friends, and life as a result. If it wasn’t for Lily using her powers of manipulation to get her out of that cop car, she had no doubt the Hunters would have taken the girl and destroyed her.

  And yet she’s not exactly safe here either.

  Lily’s happy feelings melted away. When she’d rescued Kate, she hadn’t planned on pulling her into her crappy life, but the kid had nowhere to go. And now, she tried with every ounce of her being to give Kate a normal, happy home.

  Unfortunately, there’s nothing normal or happy about my situation.

  Her gaze slid over her tiny studio apartment, with its cramped bathroom, and the bed that was barely big enough to be called a double.

  I need to do better for her.

  Kate was applying for colleges, and Lily was hell-bent on making sure her little genius made it. No matter what she had to sacrifice. Because this life might work for her, a half-demon in her mid-twenties, but Kate deserved a real life. With a husband, kids, a picket fence—all that crap.

  Kate glanced up and caught her gaze, frowning. “What?”

  “Why don’t you head to bed?”

  Kate laughed. “I’m not the one who got shot today.”

  Lily rolled her eyes. “We both know you’re tired. Why fight me on it?”

  Kate gave her a toothy grin. “Arguing about nothing... um, who does that sound like? Maybe you’re rubbing off on me after all!”

  Lily tried to shove her, but Kate was gone.

  “Maybe take a shower before bed?” Kate suggested, suddenly across the room of their apartment. Crawling onto the bed, she slid under the blanket. “You smell awful.”

  Lily climbed off the barstool. “At least I don’t sleep in my clothes!”

  Kate mumbled something Lily didn’t understand, her eyes already closed.

  Lily was tempted to crawl into bed with her friend, but she caught a whiff of herself and wrinkled her nose. I do smell. Like freaking blood and sweat. Grabbing her clothes off the floor, she went into their bathroom. Even though exhaustion tugged at her, she was still feeling wired. She always felt this way after a job gone wrong.

  When I couldn’t save someone.

  Peeling off her clothes, she slipped into the shower and turned it on. Hissing under the cold stream, she felt the sensitive spots where she’d been shot at ache. Looking down, she scowled at the five separate marks on her chest. All were pink scars of healing flesh, but soon they’d be nothing at all.

  I wouldn’t mind them, if I’d actually managed to rescue that damn angel.

  Her failures circled through her head. Not just the ones today. But the ones she’d made ever since becoming a Hunter. Even though she remembered her successes to, her failures seemed to leave a hollowness in her belly that lingered no matter how much she tried to ignore it.

  A long time later, she stepped out of the shower, toweled off, and slipped on her shorts and tanktop. It was more than time for bed. More than time to stop running through her mistakes in her mind.

  As Lily opened the bathroom door, she noticed the room was darker than she remembered. And something felt... off.

  She froze.

  Her gaze snapped to the bed where a man held Kate with his arm pressed against her throat. Kate’s eyes were wide and her mouth was open in a silent scream as her hands held on to his arm. Oh, shit.

  Chapter Three

  “Let her go,” Lily ordered, not taking her eyes from the man threatening Kate. She can’t teleport free when she’s scared. I need to get to her before he hurts her.

  His mouth curled into a sickening smile, and his calm voice seemed to rise from the darkness like steam. “There are many who believe demons like this one only belong in their realm.”

  Lily stiffened. How does he know what she is? Kate was such a mix of races that not even the angels sensed her as a demon.

  Her heart pounded. “I’m the demon, not her.”

  His skin shimmered, changing from tan to a deep blue. “You’re a half-breed, just as she is. And I need you to pay me a little visit near the City of Flames.”

  “Let her go, and I give you my word. I’ll do as you’ve asked.”

  “I’m sorry, but that just isn’t good enough.” He slid them off the bed and onto their feet, his arm still firmly around her throat.

  “You’re making a mistake,” her voice dropped low and threatening. “I’ll never let you leave with her alive.

  He raised a brow. “I’m afraid, you can’t stop me.”

  Every muscle in her body tensed, ready for a fight.

  But Kate and the demon vanished, teleporting away.

  Which was impossible. Which should have been impossible.

  “No.” Shit. “No, God damn it! No!”

  Turning in a blinding rage, she grabbed her lamp and yanked it out of the wall. Throwing it with all her might, she enjoyed watching it as it smashed into a million little pieces. And then, she was left with nothing but the sound of her own heavy breathing. And the knowledge that she’d failed.


  As her rage calmed, her thoughts fused together to make sense once more. What the hell just happened?

  There were only a few demons that could open a portal when they chose. And all had been given the ability by the demon-king himself. But the king didn’t bestow the power on anyone he thought capable of abusing it, only a trusted few.

  And a Voltorra demon? Something just wasn’t adding up. Voltorra demons didn’t thrive on pain and killing like lower level ones. They were rare... and creatures of prophecy, not mischief.

  Surely he wouldn’t hurt her. Would he?

  The problem was, she wasn’t sure.

  So I need to rescue her as fast as possible. Even if it means returning to fucking hell.

  Sifting through her pile of clothes on the floor, she pulled on her least favorite pair of jeans, a tanktop, and boots. Anything more would be a waste where I’m going. She grabbed her keys and cellphone and headed into the night.

  Lily knew exactly who would be able to help her once she reached hell. Even though he was the last person she wanted to see, and a man she’d managed to successfully go ten years without speaking to.

  No matter how much this little trip feels worse than sticking a fork through my leg, it’s worth it if I get Kate back safely.

  And I’ll also get to see them.

  The thought came out of nowhere, and suddenly her blood raced. She’d been too young the last time she’d seen the three incredibly sexy demons. At least too young for them. But because time moved differently on the human-realm, she would be nearly their age now. And that opened up all kinds of delicio
us possibilities.

  If there’s time, I’m definitely going to live out a few of my hormonal teenage fantasies.

  I just wonder if they’ll figure out who I am first.

  She smirked. Unlikely.

  Climbing into her car, she knew exactly where she was going. When she’d been a student with The Department, she’d been able to slip into demon realms through the portal at school without being detected. But now, she only had one safe place that gave her access to a portal into the dangerous realm. The Rebellion’s headquarters. Even though up until recently they hadn’t had all the pieces necessary to use it.

  So I guess if I had to go back, I timed it right.

  It took her nearly twenty minutes to race through town and slip down the narrow alley hidden between two beat-up abandoned warehouses. Moving to one of the buildings, she pushed back a brick and typed in the code. Sliding back the wall, she entered headquarters, quickly closing the door behind her.

  Her old teacher and mentor Sharen Bran, materialized out of the shadows, her expression surprised. “Lily, what are you doing here?”

  “There’s a problem,” Lily explained, her gaze moving to the weapon in her mentor’s hand.

  Immediately, Sharen re-sheathed the dagger she’d been holding and stepped closer, and into the light. Lily tried to hide her surprised expression. The woman looked like she’d been through hell. One side of her face was swollen and a butterfly bandage covered a cut on her cheek. Her clothes were wrinkled, and her dark hair was more than a little messy.

  Sharen appeared to be assessing her too, before her gaze moved to Lily’s face. “What happened?”

  Better just pull this band aid off as quick as I can.

  “A demon sucked Kate into the demon-realm. I’m going to go get her.”

  Her mentor’s eyes widened. “I’ll get my stuff.”

  Lily grabbed her arm as she turned away. “I got this.”

  Sharen smirked back at her, looking a little more like her old self. “I’m not letting you go in alone. End of discussion.”

  “Listen, I’ll be fine. I’ve got help on the other side.” When Sharen didn’t look convinced, she continued. “Actually, if you come, you’ll make it harder for me.”

  Her teacher frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  Sigh. “I’m going to the City of Flames.”

  “City of Flames?” Sharen looked downright confused.

  “It’s where the ruler of hell lives. A city. And only Level Eight demons and above are allowed in it.”

  “You’re telling me you don’t need help because you’re going to a city filled with demons?”

  Lily laughed. “It’s actually a lot safer than any city on Earth, since they don’t let the little shit demons in it.”

  “Then, there should be no problem with me coming with you,” Sharen said, nodding to herself.

  You never were easy to argue with, she thought with a smile.

  Lily actually appreciated her concern more than she could ever say. There weren’t many people in her life that worried about her. And even fewer that reminded her of her mother, in a strange way.

  But, I’m afraid this is a solo mission.

  “The city doesn’t allow humans.”

  “Then you can’t go either,” she challenged.

  “I’ve got enough demon in me to pass for one of them, and besides, like I said, I’ve got some pretty powerful friends on the inside.” She could almost hear her time ticking away. “Please, I need to go. I don’t know what that demon wanted with Kate, but I need to keep her safe. She’s...” My family. My best friend, “my responsibility.”

  Sharen rubbed her face, looking tired. “All right. But if you aren’t back in three days, I’m coming after you.”

  “Agreed.” Her gaze moved back to her mentor’s battered face, and her chest tightened. “Did you get that in the demon realm?”

  Sharen shook her head. “I haven’t gone in yet. This was done by a Hunter.”

  Shit. “They found you?”

  Something unreadable flashed in her mentor’s eyes. “Just one found me. And he won’t be a problem.”

  I hope it wasn’t a Hunter I knew.

  “I’m sorry,” Lily murmured.

  Sharen looked surprised. “Why?”

  Lily shrugged. “I know what it’s like to go against people you once called friends.”

  The woman stood up a little taller. “Don’t worry about me, okay? I’m fine. Let’s just focus on your friend.”

  She doesn’t want to talk about it. That’s okay. I’ve got my own scars I don’t like poked at.

  “Sure thing.”

  Her mentor led her through the neatly organized warehouse, filled with shelves stacked with boxes of weapons and supplies. They passed through dark aisles where the shelves blocked most of the light into a central area surrounded by lamps.

  In the center, their stolen Demon Stone glistened in the light. Eight feet tall and made of a black stone darker than any black found on Earth, it whispered of magic and trouble. The Rebellion had fought, killed, and risked unimaginable things to acquire the stone. Lily had hoped never to use it.

  To never go back to that dark, terrifying place.

  Goose bumps rose on her arms. As a demon-hunter, and a student of Sharen’s with The Department, she’d crossed over many times. But the lower levels were off-limits to the Hunters. Most had never even considered going to the places where the demons were born into their new eternity. The only demons they cared about were the ones crawling up in an attempt to escape.

  But I’ve been there once before. And the memories still haunted her of the day that changed her life forever.

  The sound of Sharen typing in a code brought Lily back to the present. Turning, she watched as the woman carefully removed a piece of Soul Chalk from a glass enclosure.

  “Be careful with this,” she said. “We might never acquire another piece.”

  Lily nodded and took the simple white piece from her mentor. Not willing to second-guess her decision, she went to the stone and carefully drew a doorway into it. But when she reached up to write the code to the demon-king’s realm, Sharen stopped her with a strong grip on her arm.

  Looking back at the other woman, Sharen held out a small Splicer. Unlike the ones they’d used during her time entering demon-realms with The Department, it was only about four times as big as her hand. It had a place to grip it, while a sharp, half-circle blade protected the wearer’s knuckles.

  “Take it with you.”

  She shook her head. What did they have to do to get that? Few weapons could function in the demon-realm. No guns. And only swords made with special metal.

  “That wasn’t a request. That was an order. I’m not going to send my best student alone into trouble without a weapon.”

  “Thanks, Mrs. Bran, but it’ll be destroyed where I’m going.”

  “Sharen,” she corrected her. “So... you have to go in weaponless?”

  Lily smiled. “I’m a half-demon. I might not be able to use my soul-blade in this realm without drawing the angels to me, but I can use it there.”

  Slowly, she put down the weapon. “If you’re sure.”

  “I am.”

  Then, they stood staring at each other. Lily knew she had to go, but she couldn’t seem to leave just yet.

  “How are you doing?” the woman asked after a quiet moment. “How’s Blake?”

  For a second it was hard to breathe. “We broke off the engagement. Haven’t seen him since.”

  “Is he still with The Department?”

  “Yup,” Lily strove to sound casual. “Still committed to wiping out the ‘demon vermin’ and all that nonsense.”

  Which means even though I loved him, I had to let him go.

  “I’m sorry—“

  “It doesn’t matter. A demon-hunter and a half-demon marrying is just about the worst idea I’ve ever heard.”

  Sharen chuckled. “I remember thinking the same thing... you
know, before my husbands pushed me into this whole blessed union.”

  Lily forced a smile. “You’re one of the lucky ones.”

  “Maybe you will be too.”

  She snorted. “You’ve got three handsome husbands. I doubt I’ll find one.”

  “Love has a way of finding us when we’re least expecting it.”

  Yeah, right. But rather than saying the way she truly felt, she nodded. “Maybe.”

  Sharen pulled her into a tight hug. “Be careful, sweetheart.”

  I’m lucky I have you. “Will do.”

  When her mentor released her, she turned back to the demon-stone. Lily wrote the name of the secret realm carefully on the dark stone and watched as the portal opened with swirling waves of white.

  “I’ll open the portal three times a day, at—”

  “No need,” Lily stopped her. “I’ll get back on my own.”

  “But how?”

  She grinned. “I’ll make the demon-king send me back.”

  Handing the chalk back to Sharen, Lily inclined her head in respect and stepped through to a place surrounded by fire and danger, where demons would kill her if they sensed her human half.

  Let’s hope I’m better at lying than I am at saving lives.

  Chapter Four

  Jaxson stiffened, a growl slipping from his lips. His wolf rose within him, his fur standing on end in irritation. Someone has used the portal outside the City of Flames.

  Just what I need right now...

  The last week had been spent dragging low level demons out of the city, and capturing two rogue Level Eight demons who actually thought they could commit crimes within the king’s protected lands. After all the bullshit, Jaxson had wanted nothing more than a calm day in the palace.

  No, calm isn’t the right word. I wanted a day of complete freedom.

  Actually, he’d wanted to go out exploring the plains, looking for a real fight, but his youngest eternal-brother, Ian, had begged him to play cards instead. And since Ian rarely asked for anything, he’d reluctantly agreed.


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