Rogue Demon: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Mates of the Realms: Half-Breeds Book 1)

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Rogue Demon: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Mates of the Realms: Half-Breeds Book 1) Page 4

by Lacey Carter Andersen

  Clumsily, her hands moved to the zipper of his pants. Without hesitation, she undid his button, unzipped his pants, and pulled his erection free. As her hands gripped him, he ground his teeth to keep from losing control too soon.

  But the minx wasn’t done. She pumped him, slowly, as if they had all the time in the world. Her fingers grazing his sensitive skin in a way that wasn’t just sexy, it was intimate as hell.

  “Fuck, woman,” he groaned, his hips moving to meet her strokes.

  “You like that, my big demon,” she whispered, the huskiness of her voice raising goose bumps over his flesh. “Then you’re really going to like this.”

  When she released him and threw her arms around his neck, he almost growled in protest. But then, she pulled herself up, her legs moving around his back.

  He froze. She wants to have sex with me? In the light? Where she can see me? His shock was quickly replaced by amazement as she pressed his tip to her entrance.

  His hands moved from her breasts to her hips, and their eyes locked. Are you sure? He waited, expecting her to change her mind. Expecting her to shove him away.

  When she didn’t, a tremble swept through his body. She really wanted him. Me!

  Slowly, never looking away from her, he eased into her tight body.

  She moaned as his entire body awakened. Intune to every sound and movement this extraordinary woman made.

  I’m going to make this so good for you that you’ll never want another man inside you. As long as you live, he promised her.

  It didn’t matter how long it had been. Instinct took over and he thrust into her, sensing when she needed him to move slower and faster. Sensing when she needed him to suck her glorious nipples or stroke her sensitive clit.

  Slowly, he built her arousal, watching her every movement. Feeling the way her body reacted to him. And loving every damn second of it.

  Until he sensed she was getting close. Then, and only then, did he grasp her hips and let his control begin to slip. His thrusts grew harder and deeper. His cock swelled as her inner-muscles clenched around him.

  “Jaxson, oh God Jaxson, just like that!” she moaned, digging her nails into his back.

  He clenched his jaw, unwilling to go before she did, no matter how hearing his name on her tongue drove him wild. Even though everything within him was winding tighter and tighter.

  When she shouted, her inner-muscles squeezing around him as her orgasm pushed her over the edge, his control finally snapped. He cried out as he came, filling her with his seed with a rush of euphoria that made him feel... alive. Powerful beyond his wildest dreams.

  And connected to this woman in a way he couldn’t understand.

  It was several long moments before his thrusting slowed, and she calmed around him. But even then, he kept himself buried inside of him, inhaling the scent of her arousal. Feeling how different her soft body was against his hard one.

  Mine, his wolf seemed to growl possessively within him.

  He hated that he didn’t disagree.

  “Wow!” she whispered. “I always knew you’d be good in the sack, but this...”

  His brain took a pathetically long time to process her words. “Always?”

  She pressed a light kiss to his neck, and pulled back, that wicked smile of hers back. “Of course, Jaxson, but it’s okay you don’t remember me. You will soon.”

  His hands held her hips more tightly. What the hell does that mean?

  Chapter Five

  Zane had almost reached the portal, and he still hadn’t seen a sign of whatever being was stupid enough to trespass on the king’s lands. Rotating his wrist, he spun his sword in front of him, bored.

  That was the thing about living forever. Everything became boring after a while.

  A couple of Level Three demons hissed at him from the shadows. The three foot tall creatures were bright red, with sharp spines down their backs, and rows of pointed teeth. They had the mental capacity of a dog, mostly acting on instinct rather than intelligence. Which made them more irritating than dangerous.

  But they were better than Level One’s. They at least usually knew not to challenge demons more powerful than themselves.

  The thing is, today I could use a fight. Anything to mix up this mind-numbing boredom.

  “Bring it,” he muttered to them, and felt a wave of annoyance when they slunk away.

  He could chase them. But what was the point? He’d kill them. They’d die. And then, he’d be right back to walking around without a purpose.

  Sighing, he looked up at the sparks of light raining from the sky. When he’d first come to the demon-realm, after the initial terror and acceptance of his death, he’d found the fire sparks beautiful. Almost like fireworks dancing in the sky. Now, however, he was tired of them.

  He missed Earth.

  Freezing, he scolded himself for wanting what he should never have. He’d gone to the demon-realm because he deserved it. Earth would be forever beyond his grasp. The sunlight. The blue skies. The scents not laced with sulfur.

  The women.

  Basically, everything worth waking up for.

  Walking once more, he continued to spin his blade in lazy circles. Lately he’d been particularly agitated. Restless. He’d finally decided to ask Jaxson about something he hadn’t brought up in nearly five years... climbing through the realms and escaping back to the Earth. Even though I don’t deserve it. Because I can’t keep doing this forever. His eternal-brother would get angry again. He’d tell him that this was their life now and to accept it.

  But he wasn’t sure he could anymore. He just... was tired of being dead.

  Of not having a real life.

  But as much as he wanted to bring it up today, he wouldn’t. Not on the anniversary of Jaxson’s death. His brother was already looking for a fight, and as fun as it was to annoy him, he wouldn’t risk such an important topic that day.

  He reached the portal at the same time as Ian.

  His youngest brother looked concerned, his dark gaze vacant.

  “No trespasser?”

  Ian’s head shot up. “Uh, nope. You either?”


  They turned together and started the quickest path back to the River of Lust, the way that would lead them right to Jaxson.

  Ian wasn’t holding his sword. Instead, his hands were stuffed in his white uniform pants.

  “So, you didn’t call your weapon and you’re barely paying attention. Not exactly being the king’s top Defender are you?”

  Ian gave a humorless laugh, sweeping his long blond hair back from his face. “I’m worried about Jaxson.”

  Of course. “He’ll be okay.”

  “It isn’t just about today... it’s... it’s been awhile since he Shifted last.”

  Zane froze. “What’s awhile?”

  That was the thing about the three of them. Zane often thought they’d become eternal-brothers not just because they died around the same time, but because they were all Shifters. But even in death, they needed to keep Shifting, or their humanity began to fade. It was like it kept them anchored to who they were before death. And in life, Shifters went crazy if they didn’t spend enough time in their animal bodies.

  So Jaxson can’t be dumb enough to be forgetting to Shift. Can he?

  Ian looked guilty. “I don’t want to share something private—“

  “Nothing should be private between us,” Zane answered, realizing that his pace had picked up.

  Finally, Ian shoved his hands back into his pockets. “I think it’s been about a month.”

  “A month!” Zane looked away from his brother, shocked to his core. “Has he lost his mind? Waiting two weeks would be stupid. A month? What the hell is wrong with him?”

  Ian frowned. “Calm down. I don’t think it’s like that.”

  “Like what?”

  His brother kicked at the ashy ground as he walked, stirring the black smoke up higher. “I think he’s just given up. He’s going through the
motions, but I think that he doesn’t care if he loses his humanity. ”

  That startled Zane. Jaxson was the oldest of them. He had an awful life before dying a slow and painful death. He spoke little about it. But over the years, Zane had put together the pieces.

  For so long he’d admired his brother. Even in death, he seemed to always move with purpose and drive. When Zane had realized he was dead and condemned to hell, he’d been so depressed he hadn’t wanted to keep going. But Jaxson hadn’t let him give up.

  And now Jaxson was the one giving up? Not happening. “So what do we do?”

  Ian exhaled, Zane’s extra sensitive hearing making the sound noisy in his ears. “I approached the king with an idea. One that I think will help us all.”

  Zane rolled his eyes. Ian had been some kind of master computer coder when he’d been alive. Now, even though they’d taught him to fight well enough to hold his own, Ian still seemed to rarely speak in plain English.

  “What does that mean?”

  Ian smiled, one of his rare soft smiles. “We might be able to return to earth.”

  “What—?” They stepped around a boulder and out onto the shore of the River of Lust.

  Few things could’ve distracted Zane from a conversation about returning to earth. Finding a naked woman swimming across the river with their brother was one of them.

  “Jaxson?” he shouted.

  His brother turned, and even from a distance, Zane could sense his embarrassment.

  Closing his eyes, Zane teleported. For one second, he felt cool and light, and then he opened his eyes. He was standing on the opposite side of the shore, Ian appearing beside him.

  The beautiful she-demon, if that’s what she truly was, reached the shore before their brother. Instead of hesitating when her gaze moved up and focused on them, she gripped the edge of the ground and pulled herself up, to stand before them.


  Zane’s gaze roamed from her pretty bare feet, up her long legs, pausing for a minute, and then up to her large breasts. He wet his mouth. There were so few female demons. He’d had some fun with a couple of them who stayed in town, but none of them compared to this beautiful female.

  “Eyes up here,” she said, her voice husky.

  He felt himself harden. And as painful as it was, he brought his eyes up to her face. Full lips, high cheekbones, and massive hazel eyes created a face that took his breath away. Clearing his throat, he struggled for the right words.

  “If you don’t want men staring, might I suggest wearing clothes?”

  She smirked. “My human threads melted in the lava.”

  “Too bad.”

  “Yeah, you seem heartbroken,” she teased.

  The attraction between them hung so powerful in the air that he took a step toward her. He didn’t care if his brothers weren’t ready to mate this female, he sure as hell was. Because as much as he preferred to share their women, he couldn’t be nearly as patient as his brothers.

  And then he inhaled sharply, his dragon-senses stretching out.

  She smells like my brother!

  Jaxson climbed out of the lava, glaring. His shirt was clutched in his hand, and without a word, he started to pull it on her. With angry movements, he buttoned it down the middle, hiding her delicious form from view.

  What a time to be a gentleman...

  “So, where are you headed? Perhaps we could keep you company?” Zane suggested, grinning.

  A growl rolled through the back of Jaxson’s throat. “This is our intruder. Let’s just get her to the king.”

  She’s the intruder? Who the hell is she?

  As Jaxson started back toward the castle, his white uniform made grey by the ashy plains, the woman slowly followed after him. “Is your friend always so focused on his job?”

  Usually, but apparently he took a little break to have sex with a mysterious she-demon.

  Zane responded, amused. “Is that what he was doing with you, his job?”

  Her gaze caught his. “Why are dragons always such know-it-alls?”

  Stiffening, he increased his pace. How does she know I’m a dragon?

  “I’m Zane, by the way.”

  She nodded and looked to Ian. “And is your panther friend going to introduce himself?”

  Ian’s eyes widened. “How did you know I’m a Shifter?”

  She grinned. “This trip is going to be more fun than I imagined.”

  “You don’t actually answer a lot of questions, do you?” Zane watched her, unsure.

  There was just something about her. Something familiar. And there was nothing he liked better than a good puzzle.

  She shrugged. “Just the good ones.”

  As they entered the city, he expected her to show some interest in the City of Flames, but she didn’t. She simply followed Jaxson, her gaze straight ahead, her steps never faltering. As if she’s done this many times before.

  And yet we’d have remembered her if she had.

  Every demon they passed had their eyes locked on her. She was lucky to be within the city. Lower level demons had a hard time resisting women. Zane liked to think it was because the lowest scum of the Earth were men who hurt women and children, and that many of the lowest demons likely still had a weakness for females, but no one really knew.

  Ian cleared his throat, drawing the woman’s gaze. “You said you only liked good questions, so here’s one: there are only a handful of people who know the location of the portal you used. And most were given the information from the demon-king himself. Even fewer people would have any desire to go from Earth, where you were clearly from, given your clothes, to here. And fewer still would do it alone. Which begs the question, who are you? And what are you doing here?”

  To his surprise, her confident demeanor faltered. “As to who I am—I’m a person on a mission. And as for what I’m doing here—I’m trying to help someone.”


  “And you’re a demon?” Zane asked, his gaze going from her skin, which wasn’t nearly a dark enough red, to her two horns.

  “A half-breed,” she said, her tone cold. “Actually.”

  Zane raised a brow. “Are you offended to be called a demon?”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “No, sorry. I just... the River of Lust got in my head a little. I got distracted, but now I need to get back to what I’m here for.”

  “This person who needs your help, you must care for them deeply.”

  “I do,” she said, the words strangely sad.

  They reached the palace steps, moving around the servants who would forever clean the white steps. Jaxson strode ahead of them, and two guards opened the doors to the throne room at his approach.

  He and Ian waited outside with their “prisoner.” Zane kept expecting her to show fear or nervousness that at any second she’d be facing the devil himself. Instead, she looked annoyed. Maybe even impatient.

  After a couple minute ticked by, Jaxson opened the door and waved them inside.

  Well, here goes nothing.

  Chapter Six

  Lily strode into the throne room, flanked by the three handsome-as-hell demons. Even though she’d fantasized about Ian, Zane, and Jaxson since she was a teenage girl, she’d been surprised that they looked better than she’d imagined. She wasn’t sure if it was the River of Lust, or Jaxson’s shocking revelation that he didn’t think she’d find him attractive, but she hadn’t been able to keep her hands off of him.

  There’s something endearing about such a sexy man not knowing how incredible he is.

  And Ian and Zane. Yum. Ian’s intelligent air intrigued her, and Zane’s flirtatious spirit drew her to him. After she found Kate, she’d have to have a little fun with them too...

  But for now, business.

  As they neared the massive white throne in the center of the huge room, their party slowed.

  The demon-king was speaking to a servant beside him, his expression intense. She studied him. He didn’t look like an immortal being
who had lived as long as the realms had existed. He hadn’t aged a day since she’d seen him last: dark hair, dark eyes, and the physique of a man in his late-twenties.

  Adjusting the cufflinks on his white suit, he looked away from the demon at his side, his gaze briefly flickering to her, and then quickly back as his eyes widened. Gesturing the man beside him away, he stood and moved down the six steps leading up to his throne. When he was just feet in front of her, he stopped.

  “It’s been a long time,” she said, straightening her shoulders.

  His gaze moved from her face down to the white uniform shirt she wore, and her bare legs, then back to her face. “I can’t believe how much you’ve changed.” There was wonder in his face and... pride?

  “And you haven’t changed at all.”

  He smiled and held out his arms.

  She hesitated and then moved closer to allow him to fold her into a tight hug.

  “You look so much like your mother.”

  My mother who died because of you.

  She pulled back, stepping free of him as his arms slowly dropped to his sides. “Dad—”

  “Dad!” Jaxson exclaimed behind her. “He’s your dad?”

  Turning back to him, she grinned, even though her heart wasn’t in it. “Yup.”

  The uncomfortable misery on Jaxson’s face almost made facing her father worth it. Almost.

  Shrugging, she looked back at her father. “I’m actually here for a reason. Not for a family reunion.”

  Was there a flicker of sadness on her father’s face, or had she imagined it? “Of course you’re not here just to visit. What do you need?”

  “A blue demon capable of teleportation abducted a friend of mine from my apartment. I figured you might know who I’m looking for.”

  His dark brows rose. “I’ve only given one blue demon that ability, one named Zarr. But I can’t imagine what he’d want with your friend. He spends his days prophesizing and staring into his scrying bowl.”

  Interesting. “Well, he did. So can you point me in his direction?”

  “I could,” her father crossed his arms over his broad chest, “but you’d be walking for the next three days to get to the top of his mountain.”


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