Wooed by You

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Wooed by You Page 18

by Sophia Knightly

  She had been so dead set against letting him into Suzie’s life, she hadn’t realized she was doing what her parents had done to her. Their smothering protectiveness had led her to rebel and marry Frank. She was overprotecting Suzie, and the irony of it was that other than his dangerous job, Linc was heaven-sent as a father for her. He was a heroic man, strong, compassionate and willing to raise Suzie as his own.

  Isabel had been worried her little daughter would grow attached to Linc and not be able to handle losing him to his perilous career. But Suzie was already attached, and Isabel couldn’t control the future—she could only live it as best as she could and provide an example of strength for Suzie if the need ever arose. Pushing Linc away hadn’t made her worry about him less. He was her first thought in the morning and her last one at night… and all daylong.

  The past week had dragged on as Suzie returned to school and Isabel recuperated her strength. Linc hadn't called or stopped by all week, making Isabel long to reach out to him, but she chose to respect his need for solitude, trying not to fret over the possibility he’d never want to see her again.

  She had tried to block out the hurt, but it festered inside her like an oozing wound. She grieved for the loss of Linc’s love and respect, missing everything about him, wanting to be happy in his arms again. Hardest of all were Suzie’s constant questions about him. Isabel had had to lay down the law and forbid her to phone Linc. Suzie’s tears and accusations that Isabel was a mean mommy had crushed Isabel because she truly felt like a mean mommy keeping them apart.

  To overcome her despair, she worked hard at putting her nursery in order. Now that the cold front had moved on and was being replaced by warmer, moist air, there was an overload of work to do. She supervised Javier and the workers as they unbanked and unwrapped the trees. The new micro sprinkler had successfully irrigated her trees, and she was confident that no later damage would be found.

  Samantha had come by and tried to convince her to start dating again, but Isabel couldn’t imagine any other man in her life but Linc. After a long talk with Samantha when Isabel bared her heart and told her how much she loved him, Samantha had one piece of advice: Eat a big slice of humble pie and go to him.

  Samantha was right. It was time to swallow her pride. She would beg for Linc’s forgiveness if she had to, but she wouldn’t leave until he realized she loved him unconditionally. She could only hope he wanted her back.

  She called Jenny and found out Linc was off-duty today, so it was the perfect time to try to make amends…if he was willing. Jenny suggested she surprise him, and Isabel agreed it would be best. She couldn’t bear it if he told her he didn’t want to see her.

  After dropping Suzie at Olga’s after school, Isabel put on her favorite dress and spritzed perfume in her cleavage, behind her knees and at her temples, closing her eyes as intense desire washed over her at the thought of seeing Linc again. She rubbed scented body cream on her legs and arms, slipped her feet into kitten heels and put on the charm bracelet he’d given her.

  She began to lose some of her nerve as she drove to his apartment. When she pulled into the parking lot of his building, she got out of the car and came face-to-face with him.

  He stood before her, long legs spread with his hands braced on lean hips. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his deep voice level as he watched her from beneath hooded eyes. He looked like he hadn’t slept in a long while, his handsome features haggard and the brackets on either side of his firm mouth deeper than she remembered. Gone was the twinkle in his blue eyes, replaced by wariness. “Why did you come?”

  She swallowed hard. "Because I miss you, Linc. You didn’t come by like you said you would, and I," she stopped when she realized how broken she sounded. She didn’t want him to pity her; she wanted him to forgive her…and to desire her again. Lifting her chin, she met Linc’s steady gaze with all the composure she could muster. "I never meant to hurt you so deeply. If you’d only hear me out—”

  “Tell me something,” he cut in, his lips curling cynically. “If you had found out you were pregnant, would you have told me?"

  Isabel bit her lip and stared at him, hurt. “I suppose I deserve your mistrust, but I can’t believe you’d ask me that, Linc.”

  Linc held her chin between his thumb and forefinger as his eyes bored into hers. He drew a breath of extreme patience. "I’m going to ask you again, Isabel.” Every time he called her Isabel in that awful, cold tone, it made her long for him to call her honey again. “Would you have kept it a secret from me?" His unwavering gaze required an honest answer.

  “No, I would never do something like that. I would have told you. You must believe me!” she cried, cut to the core.

  He released her chin and his hand dropped to his side. “Really?” he bit out, his tone wrapped in doubt.

  “Of course! It would be the right thing to do."

  "Is that the only reason?"

  "No, I would have told you about our baby because you are the only man for me. Because I love you…more than you will ever know.” Isabel's eyes filled with hot tears and her mouth trembled, despite her effort to remain strong.

  Linc sucked in a deep breath and expelled it forcefully. "I've thought about nothing else since I left your house. If you even suspected you could be pregnant you should have told me."

  "I realize that now. I wish it had never happened. Can’t we move past it? Are you going to continue punishing me?”

  Linc shook his head. "No, it's useless to keep rehashing this, and I believe you. But there will be no more lies between us, Isabel." His steely eyes bored into hers. "Understand?"

  “No more lies,” she repeated fervently. A helpless lump lodged in her throat. Everything hinged on this moment. She swallowed hard and asked, "Do you forgive me?" Her stomach fluttered nervously as she watched his stern face soften. “I want to be back in your life and in your heart. I want....” She stopped and gave a self-deprecating shake of her head. “Just listen to me. Here I am telling you what I want, but more importantly, what do you want?”

  "I want you, honey. C'mere." Linc pulled her into his strong arms and growled into her hair. "I love you, damn it, and I’d much rather make love than war."

  “Me too.” His words were like a balm to her ravaged heart. “I am yours, mi amor. You hold my heart in your hands,” Isabel whispered raggedly. She buried her face against his chest, loving its solid warmth. With a yearning sigh, she listened to the thump of his heartbeat, as vigorous and forceful as their love.

  "You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” he murmured against her temple. “I never intended to let you go. I wanted you to come to a decision on your own.” He shook his head ruefully. “It’s been sheer agony.”

  “It’s been agony for me too—the sleepless nights, the constant trauma of worrying about you, of trying to keep Suzie from loving you. It was impossible and unrealistic. I can’t imagine loving anyone as much as I love you." She gazed into his eyes and tenderly stroked his rugged face. “And I can’t imagine anyone who would be a better father for Suzie. The way you love her means the world to me…and to Suzie.”

  Resting his chin on top of her head, he said, "The end is near for the Figueroas. I'll be resigning as soon as they're caught."

  Isabel jerked back and stared up at him, wanting more than anything to let him know her love for him was unconditional. She felt humbled by his monumental sacrifice as she gazed into his earnest eyes. “I would prefer for you to be out of the line of fire, but you don't have to resign from the force for me, Linc."

  "I'm doing it because I want to, honey. While I was gone, I didn’t only miss you, I missed your land and its serenity. I think I could be happy there.”

  Isabel’s spirits soared. “You do?”

  He smiled and nodded. “I'd like to invest in your business and form a partnership with you…if you’re okay with that."

  Her heart melted at his generous offer. She wrapped her arms around his broad back and held him tight. "I love the
idea, Linc. But won't you get bored with country life?"

  He shrugged. "I can't say no for sure, but I'm willing to give it a try. After spending two nights battling the freeze I realized how challenging it is to run a nursery. I would like to buy additional land and expand the nursery. How do you think Olga will feel about it?"

  "She'll be ecstatic.” Isabel said, her heart pounding with excitement. Could this be for real? She could hardly believe it. “My mom’s exhibit at Coconut Grove did wonderfully this year. With you at the helm of day-to-day operations, she'll be able to devote herself fulltime to her photography."

  "There's something else I want to talk to you about," he said. "I want to adopt Suzie as soon as we're married. I can help you raise her to be strong and fearless," he stated with a sublime confidence Isabel found irresistible. "And encourage her to try new things."

  “I couldn’t agree more. Have I ever told you how much I adore you?" she asked, nuzzling his neck and inhaling deeply. His clean, male scent intoxicated her, stirring her senses and making her dizzy with desire.

  "Tell me again," he prompted, tilting her face up to gaze deeply in her eyes.

  "I'm crazy about you, and I want you. Again and again," she said unashamedly.

  Holding her nape, he lowered his mouth to hers and kissed the corners of her lips before claiming them. She opened her mouth and let him taste her thoroughly. Her whole body throbbed as his initial gentleness gave way to lust and his kiss grew hot and urgent.

  "You're going to marry me soon," he said, tightening his arms around her. His hard strength pressed against her making his point. "And we’ll have a baby too."

  "Let's start now," she suggested with a shy smile.

  Linc gave a shout of laughter as he tilted her chin up. "Don't tempt me. If we don't stop, I'll have you spread out on the back seat of this Jeep." He brushed his knuckles from her cheekbone to her chin. "Let's go to my apartment."

  The minute they entered his apartment, Linc pulled Isabel into his arms and kissed her hungrily. "I need you now, honey," he murmured roughly, burying his face in her hair. He kissed the sensitive spot under her ear. "You smell as good as I remember. Flowers and citrus. Delicious." His hands slid under her dress and massaged the backs of her bare thighs until she thought she'd lose her mind. Hot desire exploded inside her, spreading over her skin, raging through her veins and shooting down to her pulsing feminine core.

  Linc's hands slid inside the high-cut legs of her lace panties and palmed her buttocks. His callused fingertips on her tender skin nearly buckled her knees. She grasped his rocklike arms and moaned into his mouth when his kisses turned savage with hunger.

  "Too bad we have to discard this scrap of lace," he grated, his voice hoarse with lust as he glided her panties down.

  Legs quivering, Isabel stepped out of the panties and his hand returned to caress the throbbing ache between her thighs. He lowered his head to her breasts, his wet kisses dampening her nipples through the thin fabric of her dress. They tightened painfully as her breasts strained against her bra. The nerve endings in her body leaped with excitement as her moist desire dampened his masterful fingers.

  He turned her, unzipped her dress and unsnapped her bra, then slid his hands into the bodice, his heated hands caressing her cool breasts as he kept her back pressed against him. His fingers plucked at the pebbled tips and Isabel arched against him helplessly. He pushed the dress down and turned her to face him.

  Gazing at her bare breasts he lifted them in his hands and bent forward to kiss them reverently. His hot mouth closed over one nipple and sucked firmly. Isabel moaned and dug her nails into his arms as she collapsed against him. His large hands curled around her bottom and hoisted her up to his waist level. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, her ankles locking together as he braced her back against the wall.

  "Hold on, sweet baby," he said, his voice hoarse with lust as he unzipped his pants and freed his thick sex. Pressing her against the wall, he entered her yielding passage in one slick stroke, filling her to the hilt. Her body surged against the cold wall behind her, feeling the heat steaming from his powerful body.

  The veins in his neck corded as he kissed her and mindlessly drove into her, branding her body with his. Isabel’s whole being shuddered with intense spasms as her thighs tensed and held him anchored to her in a viselike grip. She felt her climax coming—lightning quick and almost unbearable in its sweet, fierce release. Dazed, she was vaguely aware of the keening sound that erupted from deep within her throat.

  Linc's hands gripped her buttocks as he convulsed against her, a raw, raucous sound escaping his lips, his head thrown back, eyes blazing with lust.

  "God, I love you," he panted moments later. He gently disconnected from her so she slid the length of his body to stand on wobbly legs.

  She felt boneless and weak-limbed, her satiated body bathed in a warm glow. Her heart thrummed happily as she whispered, "I love you more, mi amor."

  “Impossible,” he said, kissing her fiercely.

  Somehow, they made it to the couch and fell asleep instantly, half-dressed and gloriously intertwined.

  Isabel awakened an hour later when Linc's pager went off. He abruptly stood up and checked it. "I have to make a phone call," he said, his voice grim.

  From the stiff set of his features, Isabel sensed it was the Figueroa case and her stomach squeezed with angst, but she nodded staunchly, forcing any trace of fear from her features.

  She would be brave for Linc. He deserved no less from her.

  Chapter 22

  Adrenaline pumped through Linc like a roaring locomotive as he headed to the bedroom and closed the door to return Clay's call. He had received a tip earlier that week that the Figueroas had moved to another rented warehouse. But they had previously come up empty-handed on too many past leads. The Figueroas had been falsely spotted as far north as Orlando, and Linc was raw with frustration and damn tired of false leads. They had to recoup the hundred thousand dollars and crush the cartel once and for all.

  "What's up, Gator?" he grunted into the receiver when Clay answered.

  "Operation Rattlesnake. The Figueroas are at the warehouse that we got the tip on by the Miami International Airport," Clay said. "They're expecting a large shipment of coke tonight at midnight.”

  “How’s it coming in?”

  “One of their cargo planes will be cleared by a bribed customs official. They've switched from ceramics to leather handbags this time."

  "Have the SWAT team and back-up units near the warehouse, ready to move in at midnight. You and I will be there an hour before the shipment arrives. I'm heading to the precinct. Meet me there," Linc said.

  Not wanting to alarm Isabel, he calmly walked into the living room. She stood with her back to him, looking out at the bay. Placing his hands gently on her shoulders, he turned her to face him. "I have to leave, honey. I'll make this evening up to you. I promise."

  "It's the Figueroa case, isn't it?" Isabel asked, searching his eyes.

  Linc nodded. "Clay is waiting for me." He walked into his closet and opened the lock box filled with his weapons. He shrugged into his shoulder sling, put on his handgun holster and bulletproof vest and pulled a baggy football jersey over his head, satisfied his armor was well hidden beneath it.

  Walking back to Isabel, he cradled her face, purposely keeping her body away from his armored body. Her face was ashen as she stared at him. "I can't give you any details,” he said, stroking her soft cheek. “You'll have to trust that I'm going to be very cautious. Come on, I’ll walk you to your car."

  Isabel silently followed him into the parking lot. He saw how hard she was trying to hide her anxiety and it tore at his heart.

  Standing beside her Jeep, he said, "Drive carefully. Make sure to turn on your high beams when you get to the dirt road leading to your house. If you see a car behind you, keep on going."

  "Now who's being a worrier?" she mumbled. He watched her try to smile, but she barely managed
to lift one corner of her mouth. "Remember, I'm counting on you to marry me," she said in a strangled voice.

  Linc forced the muscles in his rigid jaws to relax for her sake. Tightly wound and ready for combat, he planned to bring down the Figueroas come hell or high water.

  "Nothing is going to stand in our way, honey. Now get going,” he said, giving her bottom a husbandly pat. Soon, very soon, he would be her husband, and he would make damn sure no harm ever came to her or Suzie. He was desperate for her to get home safely so he could detach and go to battle. “Text me when you get home.”

  Isabel nodded and got in the car. Tormented by fear for Linc’s safety and feeling powerless to help him, she pulled out of the parking lot and left. Everything was in God’s hands now.

  When she arrived home, she showered, then lay in bed clutching her rosary in her hands. Jenny’s words, once spoken heatedly, came rushing back to Isabel. Steel is not reckless. No, he wasn’t reckless; he was strong, smart and noble. She had to remember that or she wouldn’t be able to get through the night.

  At eleven o'clock p.m., Linc and Clay were parked at the airport warehouse area, hidden between two buildings several yards down from the marked warehouse. Their plan of arrest had been previously confirmed with the SWAT team. They would take Hector and Carlos Figueroa down—alive if possible.

  A stab of guilt twisted inside his gut when he remembered Isabel's wan face as she'd driven away tonight. He had to put her out of his mind or he wouldn't be able to concentrate. When this was over, he'd make it up to her. Nobody should have to experience the anguish Isabel felt worrying about him. But there was no other alternative. Tonight's confrontation was imperative to his war with the cartel and the culmination of his mission to protect the two people dearest to him.

  The minutes dragged endlessly as they awaited the arrival of their preys. Linc’s night vision goggles pierced the black night, his tightly coiled body primed for the takedown and ready to spring into action.


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