Not My Girl

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by Caz May

  Not my Girl

  My Girl duet Book 1

  Caz May

  Copyright © 2020 Caz May

  Published by Caz May

  The moral rights of the author have been asserted

  All rights reserved.

  Except as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (for example, a fair dealing for the purposes of study, research, criticism or review), No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means. This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Except for the original text written by the author, all images, songs, song titles, and lyrics mentioned in this work are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.

  Author’s Preface

  Hey lovely readers!

  Welcome to another book from my crazy mind.

  This story was inspired by the song Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield.

  And is one of my favourite tropes as well as being a rom-com which has been a little different to write.

  And a heads up lovelies there is an minor cheating part to this story, but it’s only used as a plot device. I do not condone cheating in real life, but if this is a trigger for you may want to look out for it towards the end of this book.

  I truly hope you enjoy the story as much I enjoyed writing it.

  Caz May



  Title Page


  Author’s Preface


  1. Chad

  2. Roxanne

  3. Chad

  4. Roxanne

  5. Chad

  6. Roxanne

  7. Chad

  8. Roxanne

  9. Chad

  10. Roxanne

  11. Chad

  12. Roxanne

  13. Chad

  14. Chad

  15. Roxanne

  16. Chad

  17. Chad

  18. Roxanne

  19. Chad

  20. Roxanne

  21. Chad

  22. Roxanne

  23. Chad

  24. Chad

  Australian Slang Glossary


  About the Author

  Also by Caz May




  You know that stupid, fucked up saying that you know when you've met the one, your soulmate who you want to spend the rest of your life with, yeah that one—well I call bull-fucking-shit on that. It's a damn lie because I've met her—my one—but she's not my girl.

  1. Chad

  Standing on the porch, I'm freezing my fucking balls off. It's only late March, but the temperature outside even for Melbourne is goddamn arctic.

  I curse under my breath, 'come on Jessie, you fucker, open the damn door.’

  Shifting on my feet to keep warm, I'm about to walk away from his door when it opens. And I'm gobsmacked by the person in front of me. It's not my best mate, but a fucking goddess.

  I take her in, her blonde hair up in a messy bun on her head, and her curvaceous body in a guy's shirt. She gives me a shy smile, biting her lip.

  "Hi, can I help you?" she purrs at me, all seductive.

  I'm fucking tongue-tied, my damn heart pounding in my chest, and my cock throbbing in my daks threatening to say, 'hello' for me instead of my mouth.

  "Um, I'm looking for Jessie."

  "Oh, of course," she says with a laugh, "he's out at the moment.

  I can let him know you dropped by."

  Yeah, fat chance, honey.

  The fucker knew I was coming over and he's skipped out, leaving this gorgeous sheila behind.

  "Do you mind if I wait for him? He was expecting me today."

  "Oh, he didn't mention anything to me or Roxanne."

  Ahh, yes, Roxanne—Jessie's kid sister—I've not seen her since she was thirteen, and now she'd be twenty-one.

  Scratching my head I try to rack my brain over the convo I had with Jessie about moving in with him. He'd mentioned roommates, but not told me that one was a goddess; I'd kinda guessed that one was Roxanne though.

  "Right, sure. Well, can I come in?"

  The Goddess steps back from the door, ushering me in and following I stupidly glare at her, my eyes darting to her creamy thighs; the shirt lifting up to expose more to my wandering eyes.

  God, she's fucking stunning.

  "Would you like a coffee?" she asks, sashaying towards the kitchen after closing the front door.

  I'm looking around the open-plan space, a little taken aback by the decadence of the place. But at the same time I'm not surprised Jessie Donaghey—and Roxanne—are living in such sweet digs with their parents probably paying their way through Uni.

  Part of me didn't want to sponge off my loaded best mate, but after getting kicked out of Uni housing for breaking and entering, and my subsequent breakup with Cora; short of going home with my tail between my legs, I have nowhere else to go.

  I turn my attention back to the blonde goddess. "Coffee would be great."

  She busies herself for a moment, using the coffee machine effortlessly. It looks like something I'd need to watch a youtube instructional video on—a hundred times—to use.

  But less than a minute later, she hands me a piping hot latte.

  "So, how do you know Jessie?” She asks me, sipping her own coffee.

  "He's my best mate, from way back. And I need a place to crash, so here I am."

  Way to go, Chad. Share ya whole damn life with this goddess when you don't even know her name.

  She laughs softly, clutching her stomach. The gesture presses the thin fabric against her tits, and I gulp, nearly spitting my coffee across the room.

  "So you're the elusive Chad?"

  "The one and only, honey."

  Get a grip man, don't call her that.

  "And you are?" I ask, taking a sip of my coffee again so I don't have to meet her eyes. I'm hoping she says she's just a roommate, but a thought crashes in my mind from a couple months back; Jessie mentioning a sheila he'd met at Uni who'd knocked him for six.

  And I'm clearly not going to find out right now; her reply is caught in her throat, the front door opening and my best mate walks in, smiling at us both with his cocky signature grin.

  She looks at him, and her knickers clearly melt. He crosses the room, nods at me, and greets me quickly with a handshake. But his attention is not on me for much longer than a second; it's all on her. And when he gives her a soft kiss, softly saying, "Hey, baby," to her, I swear my coffee is going to come up.

  She purrs back to him, "Hey to you, sexy."

  They're in their own little 'make Chad chunder' bubble, and to remind them I'm in the fucking room I clear my throat.

  Thankfully they pull apart, and Jessie turns to me.

  "Sorry, man. Shoulda introduced you first, or did you already exchange pleasantries?"

  Inwardly I scoff, wondering who this person is; as it's not my crass best mate. He'd never say the word pleasantries.

  "Well, mate, I've introduced myself to this goddess, but she didn't get the chance to introduce herself before you smashed one on her."

  He gives me dagger eyes, making damn sure I know I've overstepped some invisible line.

  "Don't you fucking start, Chadster."

  "Wasn't trying to, but you could've mentioned your girlfriend was going to be living here. Or is she not your girlfriend? Because I'll gladly take her."

  "Teagan is my girlfriend, Chad. But she doesn't live here at the moment." He smiles at her, and air quotes 'at the moment' like he's trying to
prove a point.

  I don't say anything to him but turn to Teagan who seems a little uncomfortable.

  "Well, Teagan, nice to meet you. Sorry for being a dick."

  "All good, Chadster," she replies teasingly.

  Jessie clearly doesn't hear the flirtation in her tone, heading over to the coffee machine.

  Teagan wraps her arms around his waist.

  "I'm going to go have a shower. And leave you two to catch up."

  I watch her as she leaves the room, telling my dick to stop having a party in my damn daks.

  Jessie already has the shits with me, so making a move on his girl is not going to get me anywhere.

  "So, Jessman, you gonna show me my new digs or what?"

  He laughs; a deep chuckle.

  "Only if you promise to keep ya dirty mitts of Teagan, and Roxanne."

  "Roxy? She's seriously living here, with you?"

  "Yes, man. And she's off limits."

  "Noted, but never going to happen in this lifetime."

  Jessie nods. "Then follow me, I'll show you the"

  I follow him down the hallway; to a room at the end. Passing the bathroom, I can hear the water running from Teagan in the shower, and my dirty mind wanders to thinking of her naked and soaping up her curvaceous body.

  Yep, I'm fucked, because I want Jessie's girl to be mine.

  2. Roxanne

  Grunting, and rolling over my hand brushes against the soft fur of Bruno. He lets out a little growl, self-soothing when he realises it's me patting him.

  "Morning, buddy," I greet him, giving him a kiss on the snout.

  He barks his response, jumping off my bed and padding across the floorboards to my bedroom door. He paws at it, whimpering. Stretching, I get up, heading to the door myself.

  The moment I step up behind Bruno, the cause of his whimpering is clear; voices in the hallway and one of them I've not heard in years—eight to be exact—but I know it's him.

  His voice always had the power to make me giddy and giggly from my silly little girl crush on him, my brother's gorgeous as sin best friend, Chad.

  Bruno lets out a bark, eager to get out of my bedroom, and most likely to also give Chad a big sloppy doggy kiss. He seemed to instantly take to Chad all those years ago and I have to admit I was kinda jealous of the attention Chad gave to my dog.

  Opening the door, a touch, I peek out at Chad, whilst trying to stop Bruno from bounding out to him. My heart falls to the floor, and butterflies go crazy in my stomach. Chad looks even more gorgeous than I remember, his smile wide and his blonde hair tousled.

  He elbows my brother before he heads down the hallway and I try to shut my door—hoping that he didn't see me open it—but it's no use; Bruno brushes past my legs, rushing out the bedroom in a flurry of fur, so eager to give Chad kisses he jumps up on him and pushes him against the wall.

  "Hey, Bruno, you missed me huh buddy?" Chad addresses my dog, ruffling his head.

  Bruno barks, putting his paws back on the floor and turning his head back to my door.

  I'm still standing behind it, with it open just a crack. I'm trying to not hyperventilate looking at Chad, hearing his voice again. It makes me want to melt into a puddle on the floor at his feet.

  "Rox, is that you?" Chad asks, using the nickname only he calls me.

  To everyone else, I'm Roxy, but Chad always had to be different and always had to tease me. I knew his teasing meant nothing, he was practically a second brother but it never failed to make me weak at the knees and my heart hammer in my chest.

  "Rox? I won't bite," he says again, his voice louder and closer.

  I try to open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

  He pushes a hand against the door, making me step back. And he takes one look at me, his eyes scanning over my body in my skimpy pyjamas before he smirks wickedly. I feel like I'm naked with his eyes on me.

  "Hey Rox, you grew up," he says with a laugh.

  Say something Roxy, you're not a damn mute.

  I fight with my brain to tell my tongue to help me utter the words. I can't have Chad thinking I'm a tongue-tied idiot; who's got a crush on him still.

  "Um, hey, Chad. So, did you," I say softly, feeling like a complete fool.

  So, did you, what a stupid idiotic thing to say. I want to smack my own head for coming out with that.

  "So did Jess tell you I'm moving in?"

  "He might have mentioned it, but"

  "Um, what? Thought he was pulling ya leg?"

  "Yeah, I didn't think he'd be serious about torturing me."

  I'm thankful my voice has decided to cooperate with me, but it hasn't stopped the butterflies in my stomach or the crazy beating of my heart. I'm sure it's loud enough for Chad to hear.

  "You'll love it Rox," he teases, "Just like old times." He winks at me, and my stomach flip flops.

  Just like old times. Yeah, when he'd tease me, deliberately torturing me with his good looks and playful gestures.

  I'm not sure if I'm going to survive living with Chad Matthews because seeing him again, as a grown woman who knows what lust is; is already getting to me and I'm stupid to think my crush on him is long over.

  "Yeah, just like old times," I reply, gulping.

  He glares at me, tongue tied—for the first time ever—and it gives me a little kick. Maybe Chad is feeling something for me; now I'm all grown up.

  "I'm gonna go settle into my new digs. I'll catch ya later, Rox. You might wanna put some clothes on."

  Again he gives me a wink when he walks out of my bedroom, and that reaction doesn't make my stomach flip. It makes my whole body tingle.

  Yep, it's confirmed, I'm still hopelessly in love with my brother's best friend.

  3. Chad

  The rest of the day is uneventful.

  I unpack my clothes, shoving them haphazardly into the drawers and hanging a few things in the wardrobe.

  I don't really give a shit about stuff like that. The floor is usually my wardrobe, most of the time and the sniff test has never failed me; if it doesn't smell like b-o, shit or jizz it's good to wear again. The only thing that’s going to be shit is not being able to walk around starkers or even in boxers for that matter.

  I'd seen the way Rox looked at me—fully clothed—her soft brown eyes drinking me in. She was practically drooling, melting into a puddle at my feet. I loved to give her a rise, knowing she had a crush on me when we were kids and by her reaction earlier it's pretty damn clear her crush still has a hold on her.

  I feel sorry for her, she's not my type, although I do have to admit she's certainly grown up, now clearly showing wide fuckable hips and tits that even my hand would fail to completely grip. I'd always thought she was cute, but still, she was like a little sister and despite her having a what appears to be a bangable body I'm not going there.

  All day, my dick has been aching for the other beauty in the house.

  The gorgeous Teagan—the fuckable blonde goddess—who I'm positive flirted with me, right in front of her boyfriend.

  Jessie always was a bit daft when it came to chicks, and this isn't the first time I've lusted after a chick he's dated. But it's the first time I'm feeling so insanely jealous, that I want to hurt my best mate to get the girl.

  I'm a tool, a wanker, but I can't get her off my damn mind.

  I lie back on my new bed, pulling my dick out of my daks, and fisting it hard. I'm so close to coming, thinking about Teagan, but my wank is interrupted by a knock on the door.

  I hear a soft intake of breath before a voice speaks softly, "Chad, pizza’s here if you want some."

  It's Rox, and getting up from the bed I go to the door, opening it slightly.

  She's still standing there, this time dressed in trackies and a t-shirt. "Thanks Rox. I'll be out in a jiffy. Is Teagan still here?"

  "Nah, she had to head home."

  “Oh, right cool. Give me a minute."

  "Ok," she says with a sweet smile walking away.
br />   I admit I take a look at her arse, and she definitely does have a pretty fine arse, but looking at it isn't making my dick spring to the party.

  But the moment I think of Teagan, it's 'hello, party in Chad's daks'.

  Quickly I adjust my dick, mentally telling it to calm the fuck down and I head out of the bedroom.

  Once in the kitchen I inhale the garlic and sauce smell of the pizza. And I step up behind Rox who is grabbing a piece from the boxes on the bench. She shifts uncomfortably having me so close.


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